Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _get_measures(self, info):

        # Create the local instances of the measures and quanta tools

        meLoc = casac.measures()
        qaLoc = casac.quanta()

        # Initialize the measures dictionary and the position and
        # position_keywords variables

        measures = dict()

        position = info['position']
        position_keywords = info['position_keywords']

        rf = position_keywords['MEASINFO']['Ref']

        for row, ant in enumerate(info['name']):

            if not info['flag_row'][row]:

                p = position[0, row]
                pk = position_keywords['QuantumUnits'][0]
                v0 = qaLoc.quantity(p, pk)

                p = position[1, row]
                pk = position_keywords['QuantumUnits'][1]
                v1 = qaLoc.quantity(p, pk)

                p = position[2, row]
                pk = position_keywords['QuantumUnits'][2]
                v2 = qaLoc.quantity(p, pk)

                measures[ant] = meLoc.position(rf=rf, v0=v0, v1=v1, v2=v2)

        # Delete the local instances of the measures and quanta tools

        del qaLoc
        del meLoc

        # Return the measures

        return measures
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _get_latlongrad(self, info, measures):

        # Create the local instance of the quanta tool

        qaLoc = casac.quanta()

        # Get the radii, longitudes, and latitudes

        radii = dict()
        longs = dict()
        lats = dict()

        for ant in info['name']:

            value = measures[ant]['m2']['value']
            unit = measures[ant]['m2']['unit']
            quantity = qaLoc.quantity(value, unit)
            convert = qaLoc.convert(quantity, 'm')
            radii[ant] = qaLoc.getvalue(convert)

            value = measures[ant]['m0']['value']
            unit = measures[ant]['m0']['unit']
            quantity = qaLoc.quantity(value, unit)
            convert = qaLoc.convert(quantity, 'rad')
            longs[ant] = qaLoc.getvalue(convert)

            value = measures[ant]['m1']['value']
            unit = measures[ant]['m1']['unit']
            quantity = qaLoc.quantity(value, unit)
            convert = qaLoc.convert(quantity, 'rad')
            lats[ant] = qaLoc.getvalue(convert)

        # Delete the local instance of the quanta tool

        del qaLoc

        # Return the tuple containing the radius, longitude, and
        # latitude python dictionaries

        return radii, longs, lats