Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_01_01_default(self):
     s = cps.IntegerRange("foo", (1, 15))
     self.assertEquals(s.min, 1)
     self.assertEquals(s.max, 15)
     self.assertEquals(s.min_text, "1")
     self.assertEquals(s.max_text, "15")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_00_00_init(self):
     x = cps.IntegerRange("text", (1, 2), 1, 5)
     self.assertEqual(x.text, "text")
     self.assertEqual(str(x), "1,2")
     self.assertEqual(x.min, 1)
     self.assertEqual(x.max, 2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_01_05_set_max_bad(self):
     s = cps.IntegerRange("foo", (1, 15))
     s.value_text = s.compose_max_text("a2")
     self.assertEquals(s.min, 1)
     self.assertEquals(s.max, 15)
     self.assertEquals(s.min_text, "1")
     self.assertEquals(s.max_text, "a2")
     self.assertRaises(cps.ValidationError, (lambda: s.test_valid(None)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_01_04_set_max(self):
     s = cps.IntegerRange("foo", (1, 15))
     s.value_text = s.compose_max_text("016")
     self.assertEquals(s.min, 1)
     self.assertEquals(s.max, 16)
     self.assertEquals(s.min_text, "1")
     self.assertEquals(s.max_text, "016")
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_01_02_set_min(self):
     s = cps.IntegerRange("foo", (1, 15))
     s.value_text = s.compose_min_text("02")
     self.assertEquals(s.min, 2)
     self.assertEquals(s.max, 15)
     self.assertEquals(s.min_text, "02")
     self.assertEquals(s.max_text, "15")
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_03_01_no_range(self):
     """Regression test a bug where the variable throws an exception if there is no range"""
     x = cps.IntegerRange("text", (1, 2))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_02_03_neg_order(self):
     x = cps.IntegerRange("text", (1, 2), 1, 5)
     x.value = (2, 1)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, x.test_valid, None)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_02_01_neg_min(self):
     x = cps.IntegerRange("text", (1, 2), 1, 5)
     x.value = (0, 2)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, x.test_valid, None)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_01_02_assign_string(self):
     x = cps.IntegerRange("text", (1, 2), 1, 5)
     x.value = "2,5"
     self.assertEqual(x.min, 2)
     self.assertEqual(x.max, 5)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_01_01_assign_tuple(self):
     x = cps.IntegerRange("text", (1, 2), 1, 5)
     x.value = (2, 5)
     self.assertEqual(x.min, 2)
     self.assertEqual(x.max, 5)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def create_settings(self):
        self.image_name = cps.ImageNameSubscriber(
                'Select the input image',
                cps.NONE, doc="""
            Select the image with features to be enhanced or suppressed.""")

        self.filtered_image_name = cps.ImageNameProvider(
                'Name the output image',
                'FilteredBlue', doc="""
            Enter a name for the feature-enhanced or suppressed image.""")

        self.method = cps.Choice(
                'Select the operation',
                [ENHANCE, SUPPRESS], doc="""
            Select whether you want to enhance or suppress the features you designated.
            <li><i>%(ENHANCE)s:</i> Produce an image whose intensity is largely
            composed of the features of interest.</li>
            <li <i>%(SUPPRESS)s:</i> Produce an image with the features largely
            </ul>""" % globals())

        self.enhance_method = cps.Choice(
                'Feature type',
            <i>(Used only if %(ENHANCE)s is selected)</i><br>
            This module can enhance three kinds of image intensity features:
            <li><i>%(E_SPECKLES)s:</i> A speckle is an area of enhanced intensity
            relative to its immediate neighborhood. The module enhances
            speckles using a white tophat filter, which is the image minus the
            morphological grayscale opening of the image. The opening operation
            first suppresses the speckles by applying a grayscale erosion to reduce everything
            within a given radius to the lowest value within that radius, then uses
            a grayscale dilation to restore objects larger than the radius to an
            approximation of their former shape. The white tophat filter enhances
            speckles by subtracting the effects of opening from the original image.
            <li><i>%(E_NEURITES)s:</i> Neurites are taken to be long, thin features
            of enhanced intensity. Choose this option to enhance the intensity
            of the neurites using the %(N_GRADIENT)s or %(N_TUBENESS)s methods
            described below.</li>
            <li><i>%(E_DARK_HOLES)s:</i> The module uses morphological reconstruction
            (the rolling-ball algorithm) to identify dark holes within brighter
            areas, or brighter ring shapes. The image is inverted so that the dark holes turn into
            bright peaks. The image is successively eroded and the eroded image
            is reconstructed at each step, resulting in an image which is
            missing the peaks. Finally, the reconstructed image is subtracted
            from the previous reconstructed image. This leaves circular bright
            spots with a radius equal to the number of iterations performed.
            <li><i>%(E_CIRCLES)s:</i> The module calculates the circular Hough transform of
            the image at the diameter given by the feature size. The Hough transform
            will have the highest intensity at points that are centered within a ring
            of high intensity pixels where the ring diameter is the feature size. You
            may want to use the <b>EnhanceEdges</b> module to find the edges of your
            circular object and then process the output by enhancing circles. You can
            use <b>IdentifyPrimaryObjects</b> to find the circle centers and then use
            these centers as seeds in <b>IdentifySecondaryObjects</b> to find whole,
            circular objects using a watershed.</li>
            <li><i>%(E_TEXTURE)s:</i> <b>EnanceOrSuppressFeatures</b> produces an image
            whose intensity is the variance among nearby pixels. This method weights
            pixel contributions by distance using a Gaussian to calculate the weighting.
            You can use this method to separate foreground from background if the foreground
            is textured and the background is not.
            <li><i>%(E_DIC)s:</i> This method recovers the optical density of a DIC image by
            integrating in a direction perpendicular to the shear direction of the image.
            In addition, this module enables you to suppress certain features (such as speckles)
            by specifying the feature size.""" % globals())

        self.object_size = cps.Integer(
                'Feature size', 10, 2, doc="""
            <i>(Used only if circles, speckles or neurites are selected, or if suppressing features)</i><br>
            Enter the diameter of the largest speckle, the width of the circle
            or the width of the neurites to be enhanced or suppressed, which
            will be used to calculate an adequate filter size. %(HELP_ON_MEASURING_DISTANCES)s""" % globals())

        self.hole_size = cps.IntegerRange(
                'Range of hole sizes', value=(1, 10), minval=1, doc="""
            <i>(Used only if %(E_DARK_HOLES)s is selected)</i><br>
            The range of hole sizes to be enhanced. The algorithm will
            identify only holes whose diameters fall between these two
            values.""" % globals())

        self.smoothing = cps.Float(
                'Smoothing scale', value=2.0, minval=0, doc="""
            <i>(Used only for the %(E_TEXTURE)s, %(E_DIC)s or %(E_NEURITES)s methods)</i><br>
            <li><i>%(E_TEXTURE)s</i>: This is the scale of the texture features, roughly
            in pixels. The algorithm uses the smoothing value entered as
            the sigma of the Gaussian used to weight nearby pixels by distance
            in the variance calculation.</li>
            <li><i>%(E_DIC)s:</i> Specifies the amount of smoothing of the image in the direction parallel to the
            shear axis of the image. The line integration method will leave
            streaks in the image without smoothing as it encounters noisy
            pixels during the course of the integration. The smoothing takes
            contributions from nearby pixels which decreases the noise but
            smooths the resulting image. </li>
            <li><i>%(E_DIC)s:</i> Increase the smoothing to
            eliminate streakiness and decrease the smoothing to sharpen
            the image.</li>
            <li><i>%(E_NEURITES)s:</i> The <i>%(N_TUBENESS)s</i> option uses this scale
            as the sigma of the Gaussian used to smooth the image prior to
            gradient detection.</li>
            <img src="memory:%(PROTIP_AVOID_ICON)s">&nbsp;
            Smoothing can be turned off by entering a value of zero, but this
            is not recommended.""" % globals())

        self.angle = cps.Float(
                'Shear angle', value=0, doc="""
            <i>(Used only for the %(E_DIC)s method)</i><br>
            The shear angle is the direction of constant value for the
            shadows and highlights in a DIC image. The gradients in a DIC
            image run in the direction perpendicular to the shear angle.
            For example, if the shadows run diagonally from lower left
            to upper right and the highlights appear above the shadows,
            the shear angle is 45&deg;. If the shadows appear on top,
            the shear angle is 180&deg; + 45&deg; = 225&deg;.
            """ % globals())

        self.decay = cps.Float(
                'Decay', value=0.95, minval=0.1, maxval=1, doc=
                """<i>(Used only for the %(E_DIC)s method)</i><br>
                The decay setting applies an exponential decay during the process
                of integration by multiplying the accumulated sum by the decay
                at each step. This lets the integration recover from accumulated
                error during the course of the integration, but it also results
                in diminished intensities in the middle of large objects.
                Set the decay to a large value, on the order of 1 - 1/diameter
                of your objects if the intensities decrease toward the middle.
                Set the decay to a small value if there appears to be a bias
                in the integration direction.""" % globals())

        self.neurite_choice = cps.Choice(
                "Enhancement method",
                [N_TUBENESS, N_GRADIENT], doc="""
            <i>(Used only for the %(E_NEURITES)s method)</i><br>
            Two methods can be used to enhance neurites:<br>
            <li><i>%(N_TUBENESS)s</i>: This method is an adaptation of
            the method used by the <a href="http://www.longair.net/edinburgh/imagej/tubeness/">
            ImageJ Tubeness plugin</a>. The image
            is smoothed with a Gaussian. The Hessian is then computed at every
            point to measure the intensity gradient and the eigenvalues of the
            Hessian are computed to determine the magnitude of the intensity.
            The absolute maximum of the two eigenvalues gives a measure of
            the ratio of the intensity of the gradient in the direction of
            its most rapid descent versus in the orthogonal direction. The
            output image is the absolute magnitude of the highest eigenvalue
            if that eigenvalue is negative (white neurite on dark background),
            otherwise, zero.</li>
            <li><i>%(N_GRADIENT)s</i>: The module takes the difference of the
            white and black tophat filters (a white tophat filtering is the image minus
            the morphological grayscale opening of the image; a black tophat filtering is the
            morphological grayscale closing of the image minus the image).
            The effect is to enhance lines whose width is the "feature size".</li>
            </ul>""" % globals())

        self.speckle_accuracy = cps.Choice(
                "Speed and accuracy",
                choices=[S_FAST, S_SLOW],
            <i>(Used only for the %(E_SPECKLES)s method)</i><br>
            <i>%(E_SPECKLES)s</i> can use a fast or slow algorithm to find
            <li><i>%(S_FAST)s:</i> Select this option for speckles that have a large
            radius (greater than 10 pixels) and need not be exactly circular.</li>
            <li><i>%(S_SLOW)s:</i> Use for speckles of small radius or to
            maintain backwards compatibility with previous versions of
            """ % globals())
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_02_04_bad_max(self):
     s = cps.IntegerRange("foo", (1, 15), maxval=20)
     s.value_text = s.compose_max_text("21")
     self.assertEquals(s.max, 20)
     self.assertEquals(s.max_text, "21")
     self.assertRaises(cps.ValidationError, (lambda: s.test_valid(None)))
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_02_03_good_max(self):
     s = cps.IntegerRange("foo", (1, 15), maxval=20)
     for test_case in ("18", "20"):
         s.value_text = s.compose_max_text(test_case)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_02_02_bad_min(self):
     s = cps.IntegerRange("foo", (1, 15), minval=0)
     s.value_text = s.compose_min_text("-1")
     self.assertEquals(s.min, 0)
     self.assertEquals(s.min_text, "-1")
     self.assertRaises(cps.ValidationError, (lambda: s.test_valid(None)))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_02_01_good_min(self):
     s = cps.IntegerRange("foo", (1, 15), minval=0)
     for test_case in ("2", "0"):
         s.value_text = s.compose_min_text(test_case)