Ejemplo n.º 1
 def pytest_sessionstart(self, session):
     # master knows all the appliance URLs now, so name the first one as our
     # report recipient for merging at the end. Need to to write this out to a conf file
     # since all the slaves are going to use to to know where to ship their reports
     if store.parallelizer_role == 'master':
         collection_appliance_address = manager().collection_appliance.hostname
         conf.runtime['.ui-coverage']['collection_appliance'] = collection_appliance_address
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def pytest_sessionstart(self, session):
     # master knows all the appliance URLs now, so name the first one as our
     # report recipient for merging at the end. Need to to write this out to a conf file
     # since all the slaves are going to use to to know where to ship their reports
     if store.parallelizer_role == 'master':
         collection_appliance_address = manager().collection_appliance.hostname
         conf.runtime['.ui-coverage']['collection_appliance'] = collection_appliance_address
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, config, appliances):
        self.config = config
        self.session = None
        self.session_finished = False
        self.countfailures = 0
        self.collection = []
        self.sent_tests = 0
        self.log = create_sublogger('master')
        self.maxfail = config.getvalue("maxfail")
        self._failed_collection_errors = {}
        self.terminal = store.terminalreporter
        self.trdist = None
        self.slaves = {}
        self.test_groups = self._test_item_generator()

        self._pool = []
        from cfme.utils.conf import cfme_data
        self.provs = sorted(set(cfme_data['management_systems'].keys()),
                            key=len, reverse=True)
        self.used_prov = set()

        self.failed_slave_test_groups = deque()
        self.slave_spawn_count = 0
        self.appliances = appliances

        # set up the ipc socket

        zmq_endpoint = 'ipc://{}'.format(
        ctx = zmq.Context.instance()
        self.sock = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER)

        # clean out old slave config if it exists
        slave_config = conf_path.join('slave_config.yaml')
        slave_config.check() and slave_config.remove()

        # write out the slave config
        conf.runtime['slave_config'] = {
            'args': self.config.args,
            'options': dict(  # copy to avoid aliasing
                use_sprout=False,   # Slaves don't use sprout
            'zmq_endpoint': zmq_endpoint,
        if hasattr(self, "slave_appliances_data"):
            conf.runtime['slave_config']["appliance_data"] = self.slave_appliances_data

        for appliance in self.appliances:
            slave_data = SlaveDetail(appliance=appliance)
            self.slaves[slave_data.id] = slave_data

        for slave in sorted(self.slaves):
            self.print_message("using appliance {}".format(self.slaves[slave].appliance.url),
                slave, green=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, config, appliances):
        self.config = config
        self.session = None
        self.session_finished = False
        self.countfailures = 0
        self.collection = []
        self.sent_tests = 0
        self.log = create_sublogger('master')
        self.maxfail = config.getvalue("maxfail")
        self._failed_collection_errors = {}
        self.terminal = store.terminalreporter
        self.trdist = None
        self.slaves = {}
        self.test_groups = self._test_item_generator()

        self._pool = []
        from cfme.utils.conf import cfme_data
        self.provs = sorted(set(cfme_data['management_systems'].keys()),
                            key=len, reverse=True)
        self.used_prov = set()

        self.failed_slave_test_groups = deque()
        self.slave_spawn_count = 0
        self.appliances = appliances

        # set up the ipc socket

        zmq_endpoint = 'ipc://{}'.format(
        ctx = zmq.Context.instance()
        self.sock = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER)

        # clean out old slave config if it exists
        slave_config = conf_path.join('slave_config.yaml')
        slave_config.check() and slave_config.remove()

        # write out the slave config
        conf.runtime['slave_config'] = {
            'args': self.config.args,
            'options': dict(  # copy to avoid aliasing
                use_sprout=False,   # Slaves don't use sprout
            'zmq_endpoint': zmq_endpoint,
        if hasattr(self, "slave_appliances_data"):
            conf.runtime['slave_config']["appliance_data"] = self.slave_appliances_data

        for appliance in self.appliances:
            slave_data = SlaveDetail(appliance=appliance)
            self.slaves[slave_data.id] = slave_data

        for slave in sorted(self.slaves):
            self.print_message("using appliance {}".format(self.slaves[slave].appliance.url),
                slave, green=True)