Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_hit_different_method(responses):
    """Simple request using something else than GET."""
    # set the Registry with an initial token
    ocireg = OCIRegistry("https://fakereg.com", "test-image")
    ocireg.auth_token = "some auth token"

    # fake a 200 response
    responses.add(responses.POST, "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")

    # try it
    response = ocireg._hit("POST", "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")
    assert response == responses.calls[0].response
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_hit_no_log(emitter, responses):
    """Simple request but avoiding log."""
    # set the Registry with an initial token
    ocireg = OCIRegistry("https://fakereg.com", "test-image")
    ocireg.auth_token = "some auth token"

    # fake a 200 response
    responses.add(responses.PUT, "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")

    # try it
    ocireg._hit("PUT", "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff", log=False)

    # nothing shown!
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_hit_no_log(caplog, responses):
    """Simple request but avoiding log."""
    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="charmcraft")

    # set the Registry with an initial token
    ocireg = OCIRegistry("https://fakereg.com", "test-image")
    ocireg.auth_token = "some auth token"

    # fake a 200 response
    responses.add(responses.PUT, "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")

    # try it
    ocireg._hit("PUT", "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff", log=False)

    # no logs!
    assert not caplog.records
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_hit_including_headers(responses):
    """A request including more headers."""
    # set the Registry with an initial token
    ocireg = OCIRegistry("https://fakereg.com", "test-image")
    ocireg.auth_token = "some auth token"

    # fake a 200 response
    responses.add(responses.POST, "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")

    # try it
    response = ocireg._hit("POST",
                           headers={"FOO": "bar"})
    assert response == responses.calls[0].response

    # check that it sent the requested header AND the automatic auth one
    sent_headers = responses.calls[0].request.headers
    assert sent_headers.get("FOO") == "bar"
    assert sent_headers.get("Authorization") == "Bearer some auth token"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_hit_simple_initial_auth_ok(emitter, responses):
    """Simple GET with auth working at once."""
    # set the Registry with an initial token
    ocireg = OCIRegistry("https://fakereg.com", "test-image")
    ocireg.auth_token = "some auth token"

    # fake a 200 response
    responses.add(responses.GET, "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")

    # try it
    response = ocireg._hit("GET", "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")
    assert response == responses.calls[0].response

    # verify it authed ok
    sent_auth_header = responses.calls[0].request.headers.get("Authorization")
    assert sent_auth_header == "Bearer some auth token"

    # logged what it did
    expected = "Hitting the registry: GET https://fakereg.com/api/stuff"
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_hit_simple_initial_auth_ok(caplog, responses):
    """Simple GET with auth working at once."""
    caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="charmcraft")

    # set the Registry with an initial token
    ocireg = OCIRegistry("https://fakereg.com", "test-image")
    ocireg.auth_token = "some auth token"

    # fake a 200 response
    responses.add(responses.GET, "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")

    # try it
    response = ocireg._hit("GET", "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")
    assert response == responses.calls[0].response

    # verify it authed ok
    sent_auth_header = responses.calls[0].request.headers.get("Authorization")
    assert sent_auth_header == "Bearer some auth token"

    # logged what it did
    expected = "Hitting the registry: GET https://fakereg.com/api/stuff"
    assert [expected] == [rec.message for rec in caplog.records]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_hit_simple_re_auth_ok(responses):
    """Simple GET but needing to re-authenticate."""
    # set the Registry
    ocireg = OCIRegistry("https://fakereg.com", "test-image")
    ocireg.auth_token = "some auth token"

    # need to set up two responses!
    # - the 401 response with the proper info to re-auth
    # - the request that actually works
    headers = {
        ('Bearer realm="https://auth.fakereg.com/token",'
    responses.add(responses.GET, "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")

    # try it, isolating the re-authentication (tested separatedly above)
    with patch.object(ocireg, "_authenticate") as mock_auth:
        mock_auth.return_value = "new auth token"
        response = ocireg._hit("GET", "https://fakereg.com/api/stuff")
    assert response == responses.calls[1].response
        "realm": "https://auth.fakereg.com/token",
        "scope": "repository:library/stuff:pull",
        "service": "https://fakereg.com",

    # verify it authed ok both times, with corresponding tokens, and that it stored the new one
    sent_auth_header = responses.calls[0].request.headers.get("Authorization")
    assert sent_auth_header == "Bearer some auth token"
    sent_auth_header = responses.calls[1].request.headers.get("Authorization")
    assert sent_auth_header == "Bearer new auth token"
    assert ocireg.auth_token == "new auth token"