Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setup_server():
        myauthtools = cherrypy._cptools.Toolbox('myauth')

        def check_access(default=False):
            if not getattr(cherrypy.request, 'userid', default):
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401)

        myauthtools.check_access = cherrypy.Tool('before_request_body',

        def numerify():
            def number_it(body):
                for chunk in body:
                    for k, v in cherrypy.request.numerify_map:
                        chunk = chunk.replace(k, v)

                    yield chunk

            cherrypy.response.body = number_it(cherrypy.response.body)

        class NumTool(cherrypy.Tool):
            def _setup(self):
                def makemap():
                    m = self._merged_args().get('map', {})
                    cherrypy.request.numerify_map = copyitems(m)

                cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('on_start_resource', makemap)

                def critical():
                    cherrypy.request.error_response = cherrypy.HTTPError(

                critical.failsafe = True
                cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('on_start_resource', critical)
                cherrypy.request.hooks.attach(self._point, self.callable)

        tools.numerify = NumTool('before_finalize', numerify)

        class NadsatTool:
            def __init__(self):
                self.ended = {}
                self._name = 'nadsat'

            def nadsat(self):
                def nadsat_it_up(body):
                    for chunk in body:
                        chunk = chunk.replace(ntob('good'), ntob('horrorshow'))
                        chunk = chunk.replace(ntob('piece'), ntob('lomtick'))
                        yield chunk

                cherrypy.response.body = nadsat_it_up(cherrypy.response.body)

            nadsat.priority = 0

            def cleanup(self):
                cherrypy.response.body = [ntob('razdrez')]
                id = cherrypy.request.params.get('id')
                if id:
                    self.ended[id] = True

            cleanup.failsafe = True

            def _setup(self):
                cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('before_finalize', self.nadsat)
                cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('on_end_request', self.cleanup)

        tools.nadsat = NadsatTool()

        def pipe_body():
            cherrypy.request.process_request_body = False
            clen = int(cherrypy.request.headers['Content-Length'])
            cherrypy.request.body = cherrypy.request.rfile.read(clen)

        class Rotator(object):
            def __call__(self, scale):
                r = cherrypy.response
                r.body = [chr((ord(x) + scale) % 256) for x in r.body[0]]

        cherrypy.tools.rotator = cherrypy.Tool('before_finalize', Rotator())

        def stream_handler(next_handler, *args, **kwargs):
            cherrypy.response.output = o = BytesIO()
                response = next_handler(*args, **kwargs)
                return o.getvalue()

        cherrypy.tools.streamer = cherrypy._cptools.HandlerWrapperTool(

        class Root:
            def index(self):
                return 'Howdy earth!'

            index.exposed = True

            def tarfile(self):
                cherrypy.response.output.write(ntob('I am '))
                cherrypy.response.output.write(ntob('a tarfile'))

            tarfile.exposed = True
            tarfile._cp_config = {'tools.streamer.on': True}

            def euro(self):
                hooks = list(cherrypy.request.hooks['before_finalize'])
                cbnames = [x.callback.__name__ for x in hooks]
                priorities = [x.priority for x in hooks]
                yield ntou('Hello,')
                yield ntou('world')
                yield europoundUnicode

            euro.exposed = True

            def pipe(self):
                return cherrypy.request.body

            pipe.exposed = True
            pipe._cp_config = {'hooks.before_request_body': pipe_body}

            def decorated_euro(self, *vpath):
                yield ntou('Hello,')
                yield ntou('world')
                yield europoundUnicode

            decorated_euro.exposed = True
            decorated_euro = tools.gzip(compress_level=6)(decorated_euro)
            decorated_euro = tools.rotator(scale=3)(decorated_euro)

        root = Root()

        class TestType(type):
            def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
                type.__init__(cls, name, bases, dct)
                for value in itervalues(dct):
                    if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):
                        value.exposed = True

                setattr(root, name.lower(), cls())

        class Test(object):
            __metaclass__ = TestType

        class Demo(Test):
            _cp_config = {'tools.nadsat.on': True}

            def index(self, id=None):
                return 'A good piece of cherry pie'

            def ended(self, id):
                return repr(tools.nadsat.ended[id])

            def err(self, id=None):
                raise ValueError()

            def errinstream(self, id=None):
                yield 'nonconfidential'
                raise ValueError()
                yield 'confidential'

            def restricted(self):
                return 'Welcome!'

            restricted = myauthtools.check_access()(restricted)
            userid = restricted

            def err_in_onstart(self):
                return 'success!'

            def stream(self, id=None):
                for x in xrange(100000000):
                    yield str(x)

            stream._cp_config = {'response.stream': True}

        conf = {
            '/demo': {
                'tools.numerify.on': True,
                'tools.numerify.map': {
                    ntob('pie'): ntob('3.14159')
            '/demo/restricted': {
                'request.show_tracebacks': False
            '/demo/userid': {
                'request.show_tracebacks': False,
                'myauth.check_access.default': True
            '/demo/errinstream': {
                'response.stream': True
            '/demo/err_in_onstart': {
                'tools.numerify.map': 'pie->3.14159'
            '/euro': {
                'tools.gzip.on': True,
                'tools.encode.on': True
            '/decorated_euro/subpath': {
                'tools.gzip.priority': 10
            '/tarfile': {
                'tools.streamer.on': True
        app = cherrypy.tree.mount(root, config=conf)
        app.request_class.namespaces['myauth'] = myauthtools
        if sys.version_info >= (2, 5):
            from cherrypy.test import _test_decorators
            root.tooldecs = _test_decorators.ToolExamples()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setup_server():

        # Put check_access in a custom toolbox with its own namespace
        myauthtools = cherrypy._cptools.Toolbox('myauth')

        def check_access(default=False):
            if not getattr(cherrypy.request, 'userid', default):
                raise cherrypy.HTTPError(401)

        myauthtools.check_access = cherrypy.Tool('before_request_body',

        def numerify():
            def number_it(body):
                for chunk in body:
                    for k, v in cherrypy.request.numerify_map:
                        chunk = chunk.replace(k, v)
                    yield chunk

            cherrypy.response.body = number_it(cherrypy.response.body)

        class NumTool(cherrypy.Tool):
            def _setup(self):
                def makemap():
                    m = self._merged_args().get('map', {})
                    cherrypy.request.numerify_map = copyitems(m)

                cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('on_start_resource', makemap)

                def critical():
                    cherrypy.request.error_response = cherrypy.HTTPError(

                critical.failsafe = True

                cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('on_start_resource', critical)
                cherrypy.request.hooks.attach(self._point, self.callable)

        tools.numerify = NumTool('before_finalize', numerify)

        # It's not mandatory to inherit from cherrypy.Tool.
        class NadsatTool:
            def __init__(self):
                self.ended = {}
                self._name = 'nadsat'

            def nadsat(self):
                def nadsat_it_up(body):
                    for chunk in body:
                        chunk = chunk.replace(ntob('good'), ntob('horrorshow'))
                        chunk = chunk.replace(ntob('piece'), ntob('lomtick'))
                        yield chunk

                cherrypy.response.body = nadsat_it_up(cherrypy.response.body)

            nadsat.priority = 0

            def cleanup(self):
                # This runs after the request has been completely written out.
                cherrypy.response.body = [ntob('razdrez')]
                id = cherrypy.request.params.get('id')
                if id:
                    self.ended[id] = True

            cleanup.failsafe = True

            def _setup(self):
                cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('before_finalize', self.nadsat)
                cherrypy.request.hooks.attach('on_end_request', self.cleanup)

        tools.nadsat = NadsatTool()

        def pipe_body():
            cherrypy.request.process_request_body = False
            clen = int(cherrypy.request.headers['Content-Length'])
            cherrypy.request.body = cherrypy.request.rfile.read(clen)

        # Assert that we can use a callable object instead of a function.
        class Rotator(object):
            def __call__(self, scale):
                r = cherrypy.response
                if six.PY3:
                    r.body = [bytes([(x + scale) % 256 for x in r.body[0]])]
                    r.body = [chr((ord(x) + scale) % 256) for x in r.body[0]]

        cherrypy.tools.rotator = cherrypy.Tool('before_finalize', Rotator())

        def stream_handler(next_handler, *args, **kwargs):
            assert cherrypy.request.config.get(
                'tools.streamer.arg') == 'arg value'
            cherrypy.response.output = o = io.BytesIO()
                response = next_handler(*args, **kwargs)
                # Ignore the response and return our accumulated output
                # instead.
                return o.getvalue()

        cherrypy.tools.streamer = cherrypy._cptools.HandlerWrapperTool(

        class Root:
            def index(self):
                return 'Howdy earth!'

                'tools.streamer.on': True,
                'tools.streamer.arg': 'arg value'
            def tarfile(self):
                assert cherrypy.request.config.get(
                    'tools.streamer.arg') == 'arg value'
                cherrypy.response.output.write(ntob('I am '))
                cherrypy.response.output.write(ntob('a tarfile'))

            def euro(self):
                hooks = list(cherrypy.request.hooks['before_finalize'])
                cbnames = [x.callback.__name__ for x in hooks]
                assert cbnames == ['gzip'], cbnames
                priorities = [x.priority for x in hooks]
                assert priorities == [80], priorities
                yield ntou('Hello,')
                yield ntou('world')
                yield europoundUnicode

            # Bare hooks
            @cherrypy.config(**{'hooks.before_request_body': pipe_body})
            def pipe(self):
                return cherrypy.request.body

            # Multiple decorators; include kwargs just for fun.
            # Note that rotator must run before gzip.
            def decorated_euro(self, *vpath):
                yield ntou('Hello,')
                yield ntou('world')
                yield europoundUnicode

            decorated_euro = tools.gzip(compress_level=6)(decorated_euro)
            decorated_euro = tools.rotator(scale=3)(decorated_euro)

        root = Root()

        class TestType(type):
            """Metaclass which automatically exposes all functions in each
            subclass, and adds an instance of the subclass as an attribute
            of root.
            def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
                type.__init__(cls, name, bases, dct)
                for value in itervalues(dct):
                    if isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):
                setattr(root, name.lower(), cls())

        Test = TestType('Test', (object, ), {})

        # METHOD ONE:
        # Declare Tools in _cp_config
        @cherrypy.config(**{'tools.nadsat.on': True})
        class Demo(Test):
            def index(self, id=None):
                return 'A good piece of cherry pie'

            def ended(self, id):
                return repr(tools.nadsat.ended[id])

            def err(self, id=None):
                raise ValueError()

            def errinstream(self, id=None):
                yield 'nonconfidential'
                raise ValueError()
                yield 'confidential'

            # METHOD TWO: decorator using Tool()
            # We support Python 2.3, but the @-deco syntax would look like
            # this:
            # @tools.check_access()
            def restricted(self):
                return 'Welcome!'

            restricted = myauthtools.check_access()(restricted)
            userid = restricted

            def err_in_onstart(self):
                return 'success!'

            @cherrypy.config(**{'response.stream': True})
            def stream(self, id=None):
                for x in xrange(100000000):
                    yield str(x)

        conf = {
            # METHOD THREE:
            # Declare Tools in detached config
            '/demo': {
                'tools.numerify.on': True,
                'tools.numerify.map': {
                    ntob('pie'): ntob('3.14159')
            '/demo/restricted': {
                'request.show_tracebacks': False,
            '/demo/userid': {
                'request.show_tracebacks': False,
                'myauth.check_access.default': True,
            '/demo/errinstream': {
                'response.stream': True,
            '/demo/err_in_onstart': {
                # Because this isn't a dict, on_start_resource will error.
                'tools.numerify.map': 'pie->3.14159'
            # Combined tools
            '/euro': {
                'tools.gzip.on': True,
                'tools.encode.on': True,
            # Priority specified in config
            '/decorated_euro/subpath': {
                'tools.gzip.priority': 10,
            # Handler wrappers
            '/tarfile': {
                'tools.streamer.on': True
        app = cherrypy.tree.mount(root, config=conf)
        app.request_class.namespaces['myauth'] = myauthtools

        root.tooldecs = _test_decorators.ToolExamples()