def main(seed=None, play=0, NGEN=40, MU=4 * 10):
    # random.seed(seed)

    # MU has to be a multiple of 4. period.
    CXPB = 0.9

    stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind:[1])
    # stats.register("avg", numpy.mean, axis=0)
    # stats.register("std", numpy.std, axis=0)
    stats.register("min", numpy.min, axis=0)
    stats.register("max", numpy.max, axis=0)

    logbook = tools.Logbook()
    logbook.header = "gen", "evals", "std", "min", "avg", "max"
    toolbox.register("evaluate", minimize_src)
    time1 = time.time()
    pop_src = toolbox.population(n=MU)
    time2 = time.time()
    print("After population initialisation", time2 - time1)
    # print("population initialized")
    # network_obj = Neterr(indim, outdim, n_hidden, np.random)
    # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
    invalid_ind = [ind for ind in pop_src if not]

    fitnesses =, invalid_ind)
    for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): = fit
    time3 = time.time()
    print("After feedforward", time3 - time2)
    # This is just to assign the crowding distance to the individuals
    # no actual selection is done
    pop_src =, len(pop_src))
    # print( "first population selected, still outside main loop")
    # print(pop)
    record = stats.compile(pop_src)
    logbook.record(gen=0, evals=len(invalid_ind), **record)
    maxi = 0
    stri = ''
    flag = 0
    # Begin the generational process
    # print(pop.__dir__())
    time4 = time.time()
    for gen in range(1, NGEN):

        # Vary the population
        if gen == 1:
            time6 = time.time()
        if gen == NGEN - 1:
            time7 = time.time()
        print("here in gen no.", gen)
        offspring = tools.selTournamentDCD(pop_src, len(pop_src))
        offspring = [toolbox.clone(ind) for ind in offspring]
        if play:
            if play == 1:
                pgen = NGEN * 0.1
            elif play == 2:
                pgen = NGEN * 0.9

            if gen == int(pgen):
                print("gen:", gen, "doing clustering")
                to_bp_lis = cluster.give_cluster_head(offspring,
                                                      int(MU * bp_rate))
                assert (to_bp_lis[0] in offspring)
                print("doing bp")
                                              n_par=10) for item in to_bp_lis

                # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
                invalid_ind = [
                    ind for ind in offspring if not
                fitnesses =, invalid_ind)
                for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
           = fit
        if gen == 1:
            time8 = time.time()
        if gen == NGEN - 1:
            time9 = time.time()
        dum_ctr = 0
        for ind1, ind2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]):
            flag = 0
            if random.random() <= CXPB:
                ind1, ind2 = toolbox.mate(ind1, ind2, gen)
                ind1 = creator.Individual(indim, outdim, ind1)
                ind2 = creator.Individual(indim, outdim, ind2)
                flag = 1
            maxi = max(maxi, ind1.node_ctr, ind2.node_ctr)

            offspring[dum_ctr] = ind1
            offspring[dum_ctr + 1] = ind2
            del offspring[dum_ctr].fitness.values, offspring[dum_ctr +
            dum_ctr += 2
        if gen == 1:
            print("1st gen after newpool", time.time() - time8)
        if gen == NGEN - 1:
            print("last gen after newpool", time.time() - time9)

        # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
        invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not]
        fitnesses =, invalid_ind)
        for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
   = fit

        # Select the next generation population
        pop_src = + offspring, MU)

        record = stats.compile(pop_src)
        logbook.record(gen=gen, evals=len(invalid_ind), **record)
        anost =
        liso = [item.rstrip() for item in anost.split("\t")]
        mse = float(liso[3])

        stri += anost + '\n'
        print("generation done")
        # file_ob.write(str(
        # print(len(pop))
        # file_ob.close()
    time5 = time.time()
    print("Overall time", time5 - time4)
    # print(stri)
        ' ------------------------------------src done------------------------------------------- '
    fronts = tools.sortNondominated(pop_src, len(pop_src))
    pareto_front = fronts[0]
    st = '\n\n'
    pareto_log_fileo = open(
        "./log_folder/log_pareto_just_src_nll_mse_misc_com" + str(NGEN) +
        ".txt", "a")
    for i in range(len(pareto_front)):
        st += str(pareto_front[i].fitness.values)
        pareto_log_fileo.write(st + '\n')

    return pop_src, logbook
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main(seed=None, play=0, NGEN=40, MU=4 * 10):
    # random.seed(seed)

    # MU has to be a multiple of 4. period.
    CXPB = 0.9

    stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind:[1])
    # stats.register("avg", numpy.mean, axis=0)
    # stats.register("std", numpy.std, axis=0)
    stats.register("min", numpy.min, axis=0)
    stats.register("max", numpy.max, axis=0)

    logbook = tools.Logbook()
    logbook.header = "gen", "evals", "std", "min", "avg", "max"
    toolbox.register("evaluate", minimize_tar)
    time1 = time.time()
    pop_tar = toolbox.population(n=MU)
    time2 = time.time()
    print("After population initialisation", time2 - time1)

    invalid_ind = [ind for ind in pop_tar if not]

    fitnesses =, invalid_ind)
    for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): = fit

    # This is just to assign the crowding distance to the individuals
    # no actual selection is done
    pop_tar =, len(pop_tar))
    # print( "first population selected, still outside main loop")
    # print(pop)
    record = stats.compile(pop_tar)
    logbook.record(gen=0, evals=len(invalid_ind), **record)
    maxi = 0
    stri = ''
    flag = 0
    # Begin the generational process
    # print(pop.__dir__())
    for gen in range(1, NGEN):

        # Vary the population
        print("here in gen no.", gen)
        offspring = tools.selTournamentDCD(pop_tar, len(pop_tar))
        offspring = [toolbox.clone(ind) for ind in offspring]
        if play:
            if play == 1:
                pgen = NGEN * 0.1
            elif play == 2:
                pgen = NGEN * 0.9

            if gen == int(pgen):
                print("gen:", gen, "doing clustering")
                to_bp_lis = cluster.give_cluster_head(offspring,
                                                      int(MU * bp_rate))
                assert (to_bp_lis[0] in offspring)
                print("doing bp")
                                              n_par=10) for item in to_bp_lis
                # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
                invalid_ind = [
                    ind for ind in offspring if not
                fitnesses =, invalid_ind)
                for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
           = fit
        dum_ctr = 0
        for ind1, ind2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]):
            # print(
            """if not flag :
				ind1.modify_thru_backprop(indim, outdim, network_obj.rest_setx, network_obj.rest_sety, epochs=10, learning_rate=0.1, n_par=10)
				flag = 1
				print("just testing")
            flag = 0
            if random.random() <= CXPB:
                ind1, ind2 = toolbox.mate(ind1, ind2, gen)
                ind1 = creator.Individual(indim, outdim, ind1)
                ind2 = creator.Individual(indim, outdim, ind2)
                flag = 1
            maxi = max(maxi, ind1.node_ctr, ind2.node_ctr)

            offspring[dum_ctr] = ind1
            offspring[dum_ctr + 1] = ind2
            del offspring[dum_ctr].fitness.values, offspring[dum_ctr +
            dum_ctr += 2

        # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
        invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not]
        fitnesses =, invalid_ind)
        for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
   = fit

        # Select the next generation population
        pop_tar = + offspring, MU)

        record = stats.compile(pop_tar)
        logbook.record(gen=gen, evals=len(invalid_ind), **record)
        anost =
        liso = [item.rstrip() for item in anost.split("\t")]
        mse = float(liso[3])

        stri += anost + '\n'
        print("generation done")
        # file_ob.write(str(
        # print(len(pop))
        # file_ob.close()
    # print(stri)

    ##from here starting target
    return pop_tar, logbook
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(seed=None, play=0, NGEN=40, MU=4 * 10):

    # this has to be a multiple of 4. period.
    CXPB = 0.9

    stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind:[1])
    # stats.register("avg", numpy.mean, axis=0)
    # stats.register("std", numpy.std, axis=0)
    stats.register("min", numpy.min, axis=0)
    stats.register("max", numpy.max, axis=0)

    logbook = tools.Logbook()
    logbook.header = "gen", "evals", "std", "min", "avg", "max"
    time1 = time.time()
    pop = toolbox.population(n=MU)
    time2 = time.time()
    print("After population initialisation", time2 - time1)
    #network_obj = Neterr(indim, outdim, n_hidden, np.random)
    # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
    invalid_ind = [ind for ind in pop if not]
    fitnesses =, invalid_ind)
    for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): = fit
    time3 = time.time()
    print("After feedforward", time3 - time2)
    # This is just to assign the crowding distance to the individuals
    # no actual selection is done
    pop =, len(pop))
    # print(pop)
    record = stats.compile(pop)
    logbook.record(gen=0, evals=len(invalid_ind), **record)
    maxi = 0
    stri = ''
    flag = 0
    # Begin the generational process
    # print(pop.__dir__())
    time4 = time.time()
    for gen in range(1, NGEN):

        # Vary the population
        if gen == 1:
            time6 = time.time()
        if gen == NGEN - 1:
            time7 = time.time()
        offspring = tools.selTournamentDCD(pop, len(pop))
        offspring = [toolbox.clone(ind) for ind in offspring]
        if gen == 1:
            print("1st gen after clone", time.time() - time6)
        if gen == NGEN - 1:
            print("last gen after clone", time.time() - time7)
        if play:
            if play == 1:
                pgen = NGEN * 0.1
            elif play == 2:
                pgen = NGEN * 0.9

            if gen == int(pgen):
                print("gen:", gen, "doing clustering")
                to_bp_lis = cluster.give_cluster_head(offspring,
                                                      int(MU * bp_rate))
                assert (to_bp_lis[0] in offspring)
                print("doing bp")
                                              n_par=10) for item in to_bp_lis

                # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
                invalid_ind = [
                    ind for ind in offspring if not
                fitnesses =, invalid_ind)
                for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
           = fit

        if gen == 1:
            time8 = time.time()
        if gen == NGEN - 1:
            time9 = time.time()

        for ind1, ind2 in zip(offspring[::2], offspring[1::2]):
            # print(
            """if not flag :
				ind1.modify_thru_backprop(indim, outdim, network_obj.rest_setx, network_obj.rest_sety, epochs=10, learning_rate=0.1, n_par=10)
				flag = 1
				print("just testing")

            if random.random() <= CXPB:
                ind1, ind2 = toolbox.mate(ind1, ind2, gen)
                ind1 = creator.Individual(indim, outdim, ind1)
                ind2 = creator.Individual(indim, outdim, ind2)

            maxi = max(maxi, ind1.node_ctr, ind2.node_ctr)

        if gen == 1:
            print("1st gen after newpool", time.time() - time8)
        if gen == NGEN - 1:
            print("last gen after newpool", time.time() - time9)
        # Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
        invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offspring if not]
        fitnesses =, invalid_ind)
        for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses):
   = fit

        # Select the next generation population
        pop = + offspring, MU)

        record = stats.compile(pop)
        logbook.record(gen=gen, evals=len(invalid_ind), **record)
        anost =
        liso = [item.rstrip() for item in anost.split("\t")]
        mse = float(liso[3])
        if (mse <= 115):
                "already achieved a decent performance(validation), breaking at gen_no.",
        stri += anost + '\n'
        # file_ob.write(str(
        # print(len(pop))
        # file_ob.close()
    time5 = time.time()
    print("Overall time", time5 - time4)
    return pop, logbook
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_for_cluster():
    for_node = [(i, 'I') for i in range(1, 4)]
    for_node += [(i, 'O') for i in range(4, 6)]
    for_node += [(i, 'H2') for i in range(6, 8)]
    node_ctr = 8
    indim = 3
    outdim = 2
    innov_num = 11
    dob = 0
    node_lis = [gene.Node(x, y) for x, y in for_node]
    for_conn = [(1, (1, 4), 0.4, False), (2, (1, 5), 0.25, True),
                (3, (2, 4), 0.25, True), (4, (2, 5), 0.5, True),
                (5, (3, 4), 0.7, True), (6, (3, 5), 0.6, False),
                (7, (1, 6), 0.5, True), (8, (6, 4), 0.4, True),
                (9, (3, 7), 0.3, True), (10, (7, 5), 0.6, True)]
    conn_lis = [
        gene.Conn(x, (node_lis[tup[0] - 1], node_lis[tup[1] - 1]), w, status)
        for x, tup, w, status in for_conn
    for_bias = [(4, 0.2), (5, 0.1)]
    bias_conn_lis = [gene.BiasConn(node_lis[x - 1], y) for x, y in for_bias]

    newchromo1 = Chromosome(indim, outdim)
    newchromo1.__setattr__('conn_arr', conn_lis)
    newchromo1.__setattr__('bias_conn_arr', bias_conn_lis)
    newchromo1.__setattr__('node_arr', node_lis)
    newchromo1.__setattr__('dob', dob)

    for_node = [(i, 'I') for i in range(1, 4)]
    for_node += [(i, 'O') for i in range(4, 6)]
    st = '2212211'
    for_node += [(i + 6, 'H' + st[i]) for i in range(len(st))]
    node_ctr = 13
    innov_num = 25
    dob = 0
    indim = 8
    outdim = 2
    node_lis = [gene.Node(x, y) for x, y in for_node]
    for_conn = [
        (1, (1, 4), 0.3, True),
        (2, (1, 5), 0.25, False),
        (3, (2, 4), 0.25, False),
        (4, (2, 5), 0.5, False),
        (5, (3, 4), 0.7, False),
        (6, (3, 5), 0.5, True),
        (7, (1, 6), 0.2, True),
        (8, (6, 4), 0.1, True),
        (9, (2, 7), 0.1, True),
        (10, (7, 4), 0.15, True),
        (11, (1, 8), 0.5, True),
        (12, (8, 6), 0.7, True),
        (13, (1, 9), 0.3, False),
        (14, (9, 5), 1.0, True),
        (15, (3, 10), 0.33, True),
        (16, (10, 5), 0.77, True),
        (17, (1, 11), 0.25, True),
        (18, (11, 9), 0.15, True),
        (19, (2, 12), 0.6, True),
        (20, (12, 7), 0.4, True),
        (21, (3, 12), 0.8, True),
        (22, (2, 9), 0.9, True),
        (23, (12, 4), 0.75, True),
        (24, (11, 5), 0.25, True),
    conn_lis = [
        gene.Conn(x, (node_lis[tup[0] - 1], node_lis[tup[1] - 1]), w, status)
        for x, tup, w, status in for_conn
    for_bias = [(4, 0.2), (5, 0.1)]
    bias_conn_lis = [gene.BiasConn(node_lis[x - 1], y) for x, y in for_bias]
    newchromo2 = Chromosome(indim, outdim)
    newchromo2.__setattr__('conn_arr', conn_lis)
    newchromo2.__setattr__('bias_conn_arr', bias_conn_lis)
    newchromo2.__setattr__('node_arr', node_lis)
    newchromo2.__setattr__('dob', dob)

    # newchromo.pp()
    for_node = [(i, 'I') for i in range(1, 4)]
    for_node += [(i, 'O') for i in range(4, 6)]
    st = '221221'
    for_node += [(i + 6, 'H' + st[i]) for i in range(len(st))]
    node_ctr = 12
    dob = 0
    indim = 3
    outdim = 2
    node_lis = [gene.Node(x, y) for x, y in for_node]
    for_conn = [(1, (1, 4), 0.3, True), (2, (1, 5), 0.25, False),
                (3, (2, 4), 0.25, False), (4, (2, 5), 0.5, False),
                (5, (3, 4), 0.7, False), (6, (3, 5), 0.5, True),
                (7, (1, 6), 0.2, True), (8, (6, 4), 0.1, True),
                (9, (2, 7), 0.1, True), (10, (7, 4), 0.15, True),
                (11, (1, 8), 0.5, True), (12, (8, 6), 0.7, True),
                (13, (1, 9), 0.3, False), (14, (9, 5), 1.0, True),
                (15, (3, 10), 0.33, True), (16, (10, 5), 0.77, True),
                (19, (2, 11), 0.6, True), (20, (11, 7), 0.4, True),
                (22, (3, 11), 0.75, True)]
    conn_lis = [
        gene.Conn(x, (node_lis[tup[0] - 1], node_lis[tup[1] - 1]), w, status)
        for x, tup, w, status in for_conn
    for_bias = [(4, 0.2), (5, 0.1)]
    bias_conn_lis = [gene.BiasConn(node_lis[x - 1], y) for x, y in for_bias]
    newchromo3 = Chromosome(indim, outdim)
    newchromo3.__setattr__('conn_arr', conn_lis)
    newchromo3.__setattr__('bias_conn_arr', bias_conn_lis)
    newchromo3.__setattr__('node_arr', node_lis)
    newchromo3.__setattr__('dob', dob)

    for_node = [(i, 'I') for i in range(1, 4)]
    for_node += [(i, 'O') for i in range(4, 6)]
    st = '221221'
    for_node += [(i + 6, 'H' + st[i]) for i in range(len(st))]
    node_ctr = 12
    innov_num = 21
    dob = 0
    indim = 3
    outdim = 2
    node_lis = [gene.Node(x, y) for x, y in for_node]
    for_conn = [(1, (1, 4), 0.3, True), (2, (1, 5), 0.25, False),
                (3, (2, 4), 0.25, False), (4, (2, 5), 0.5, False),
                (5, (3, 4), 0.7, False), (6, (3, 5), 0.5, True),
                (7, (1, 6), 0.2, True), (8, (6, 4), 0.1, True),
                (9, (2, 7), 0.1, True), (10, (7, 4), 0.15, True),
                (11, (1, 8), 0.5, True), (12, (8, 6), 0.7, True),
                (13, (1, 9), 0.3, False), (14, (9, 5), 1.0, True),
                (15, (3, 10), 0.33, True), (16, (10, 5), 0.77, True),
                (17, (1, 11), 0.25, True), (18, (11, 9), 0.15, True),
                (21, (2, 9), 0.65, True)]
    conn_lis = [
        gene.Conn(x, (node_lis[tup[0] - 1], node_lis[tup[1] - 1]), w, status)
        for x, tup, w, status in for_conn
    for_bias = [(4, 0.2), (5, 0.1)]
    bias_conn_lis = [gene.BiasConn(node_lis[x - 1], y) for x, y in for_bias]
    newchromo4 = Chromosome(indim, outdim)
    newchromo4.__setattr__('conn_arr', conn_lis)
    newchromo4.__setattr__('bias_conn_arr', bias_conn_lis)
    newchromo4.__setattr__('node_arr', node_lis)
    newchromo4.__setattr__('dob', dob)

    for_node = [(i, 'I') for i in range(1, 4)]
    for_node += [(i, 'O') for i in range(4, 6)]
    st = '2212211'
    for_node += [(i + 6, 'H' + st[i]) for i in range(len(st))]
    node_ctr = 13
    innov_num = 25
    dob = 0
    indim = 3
    outdim = 2
    node_lis = [gene.Node(x, y) for x, y in for_node]
    for_conn = [
        (1, (1, 4), 0.3, False),
        (2, (1, 5), 0.25, False),
        (3, (2, 4), 0.25, False),
        (4, (2, 5), 0.5, False),
        (5, (3, 4), 0.7, False),
        (6, (3, 5), 0.5, True),
        (7, (1, 6), 0.2, True),
        (8, (6, 4), 0.1, True),
        (9, (2, 7), 0.1, True),
        (10, (7, 4), 0.15, True),
        (11, (1, 8), 0.5, True),
        (12, (8, 6), 0.7, True),
        (13, (1, 9), 0.3, False),
        (14, (9, 5), 1.0, True),
        (15, (3, 10), 0.33, True),
        (16, (10, 5), 0.77, True),
        (17, (1, 11), 0.25, True),
        (21, (3, 12), 0.8, True),
        (22, (2, 9), 0.9, True),
        (23, (12, 4), 0.75, True),
        (24, (11, 5), 0.25, True),
    conn_lis = [
        gene.Conn(x, (node_lis[tup[0] - 1], node_lis[tup[1] - 1]), w, status)
        for x, tup, w, status in for_conn
    for_bias = [(4, 0.2), (5, 0.1)]
    bias_conn_lis = [gene.BiasConn(node_lis[x - 1], y) for x, y in for_bias]
    newchromo5 = Chromosome(indim, outdim)
    newchromo5.__setattr__('conn_arr', conn_lis)
    newchromo5.__setattr__('bias_conn_arr', bias_conn_lis)
    newchromo5.__setattr__('node_arr', node_lis)
    newchromo5.__setattr__('dob', dob)

    for_node = [(i, 'I') for i in range(1, 4)]
    for_node += [(i, 'O') for i in range(4, 6)]
    st = '22122'
    for_node += [(i + 6, 'H' + st[i]) for i in range(len(st))]
    node_ctr = 11
    innov_num = 17
    dob = 0
    indim = 3
    outdim = 2
    node_lis = [gene.Node(x, y) for x, y in for_node]
    for_conn = [(1, (1, 4), 0.8, True), (2, (1, 5), 0.25, False),
                (3, (2, 4), 0.25, False), (4, (2, 5), 0.5, False),
                (5, (3, 4), 0.7, False), (6, (3, 5), 0.5, True),
                (7, (1, 6), 0.2, True), (8, (6, 4), 0.1, True),
                (9, (2, 7), 0.1, True), (10, (7, 4), 0.15, True),
                (11, (1, 8), 0.5, True), (12, (8, 6), 0.7, True),
                (13, (1, 9), 0.3, False), (14, (9, 5), 1.0, True),
                (15, (3, 10), 0.33, True), (16, (10, 5), 0.77, True)]
    conn_lis = [
        gene.Conn(x, (node_lis[tup[0] - 1], node_lis[tup[1] - 1]), w, status)
        for x, tup, w, status in for_conn
    for_bias = [(4, 0.2), (5, 0.1)]
    bias_conn_lis = [gene.BiasConn(node_lis[x - 1], y) for x, y in for_bias]
    newchromo6 = Chromosome(indim, outdim)
    newchromo6.__setattr__('conn_arr', conn_lis)
    newchromo6.__setattr__('bias_conn_arr', bias_conn_lis)
    newchromo6.__setattr__('node_arr', node_lis)
    newchromo6.__setattr__('dob', dob)

    for_node = [(i, 'I') for i in range(1, 4)]
    for_node += [(i, 'O') for i in range(4, 6)]
    for_node += [(i, 'H2') for i in range(6, 8)]
    node_ctr = 8
    indim = 3
    outdim = 2
    innov_num = 11
    dob = 0
    node_lis = [gene.Node(x, y) for x, y in for_node]
    for_conn = [(1, (1, 4), 0.4, False), (2, (1, 5), 0.25, True),
                (3, (2, 4), 0.25, True), (4, (2, 5), 0.5, True),
                (5, (3, 4), 0.7, True), (6, (3, 5), 0.6, False),
                (7, (1, 6), 0.5, True), (8, (6, 4), 0.4, True),
                (9, (3, 7), 0.3, True)]
    conn_lis = [
        gene.Conn(x, (node_lis[tup[0] - 1], node_lis[tup[1] - 1]), w, status)
        for x, tup, w, status in for_conn
    for_bias = [(4, 0.2), (5, 0.1)]
    bias_conn_lis = [gene.BiasConn(node_lis[x - 1], y) for x, y in for_bias]
    newchromo7 = Chromosome(indim, outdim)
    newchromo7.__setattr__('conn_arr', conn_lis)
    newchromo7.__setattr__('bias_conn_arr', bias_conn_lis)
    newchromo7.__setattr__('node_arr', node_lis)
    newchromo7.__setattr__('dob', dob)

    chromo_list = [
        newchromo1, newchromo2, newchromo3, newchromo4, newchromo5, newchromo6,
    #print([item.pp() for item in chromo_list])

    print(cluster.distance(newchromo3, newchromo2))

    cluster.give_cluster_head(chromo_list, 2)
    inputarr = np.array([[0, 2, 1], [0.8, 1, 2]])