Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_docker_volume(config):
    vprint("Checking docker volume driver")
    if not exe_check("docker ps >/dev/null 2>&1"):
        return ff("Docker is not installed", "42BAAC76")
    if exe_check("docker plugin ls | grep {}".format(PLUGIN)):
        return ff("Datera Docker plugin is not installed", "6C531C5D")
    plugin = exe("docker plugin ls | grev -v DESCRIPTION | "
                 "grep {}".format(PLUGIN))
    if len(plugin.strip().split('\n')) > 1:
        wf("More than one version of Datera docker driver installed",
    if 'enabled' not in plugin or 'disabled' in plugin:
        ff("Datera docker plugin is not enabled")
    test_name = "ddct-test1"
    if not exe_check(
            "docker volume create -d {} --name {} --opt replica=1 --opt "
            "size=1".format(PLUGIN, test_name)):
        return ff("Could not create a volume with the Datera Docker plugin",
    api = config['api']
    except ApiNotFoundError:
        return ff("Docker volume {} did not create on the Datera backend"
                  "".format(test_name), "B106D1CD")
    if not exe_check("docker volume rm {}".format(test_name)):
        ff("Could not delete Docker volume {}".format(test_name), "AF3DB8B3")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_kubernetes_driver_flex(config):
    # Is kubectl present?
    if not exe_check("which kubectl"):
        return ff("Could not detect kubectl installation", "572B0511")
    # Does kubectl have a supported version?
    kversion = exe("kubectl version").strip().split("\n")
    for line in kversion:
        m1 = KCTL_MA_RE.search(line)
        m2 = KCTL_MI_RE.search(line)
        if not m1 and m2:
            return ff("Could not detect kubectl version", "C1802A6E")
        supported = calc_version(SUPPORTED_MAJOR, SUPPORTED_MINOR)
        major = m1.group(1)
        minor = m2.group(1)
        found = calc_version(major, minor)
        if found < supported:
            return ff(
                "Kubectl has version {}, which is lower than supported "
                "version {}".format(found, supported), "D2DA6596")
    # Are dependencies installed?
    if not exe_check("which mkfs"):
        ff("mkfs is not installed", "FE13A328")
    if not exe_check("which iscsiadm"):
        ff("sg3_utils does not appear to be installed", "94BF0B77")
    # Is attach-detach disabled in kubelet?
    exstart = exe("systemctl show kubelet.service | grep ExecStart")
    if "--enable-controller-attach-detach=false" not in exstart:
            "Attach-detach is enabled in kublet's systemctl entry.  Run "
            "--enable-controller-attach-detach=false when starting kubelet "
            "to disable", "5B3729F2")
    if "Active: active" in exe("systemctl status kubelet"):
        kpath = KPATH_RE.search(exstart).group(1)
        exstart = exe("ps -ef | grep {} | grep -v grep".format(kpath))
        if "--enable-controller-attach-detach=false" not in exstart:
                "Attach-detach is enabled in kublet.  Run "
                "--enable-controller-attach-detach=false when starting kubelet "
                "to disable", "86FFD7F2")
        ff("The kubelet service is not running", "0762A89B")
    # Agents are running?
    pods = exe("kubectl --namespace=datera get pods").strip()
    if not pods:
        return ff("Installer agents and provisioner agents are not running",
    installer_agent = False
    provisioner_agent = False
    for line in pods.split("\n"):
        if "datera-installer-agent" in line:
            installer_agent = True
        if "datera-provisioner-agent" in line:
            provisioner_agent = True
    if not installer_agent:
        ff("Installer agents not found", "08193032")
    if not provisioner_agent:
        ff("Provisioner agents not found", "3AAF82CA")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_install_script():
    vprint("Retrieving installation script")
    if not exe_check("wget {}".format(INSTALL_SCRIPT)):
        print("Failed to get iscsi-recv installation script {}".format(
    if not exe_check("chmod +x {}".format(SCRIPT_NAME)):
        print("Failed to set iscsi-recv install script to executable: {}"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def vip1_check(config):
    vip1 = config["vip1_ip"]
    if not exe_check("ping -c 2 -W 1 {}".format(vip1), err=False):
        ff("Could not ping vip1 ip {}".format(vip1), "1827147B", fix=NET_FIX)
    timeout = 5
    while not exe_check(
            "ip neigh show | grep {} | grep REACHABLE".format(vip1)):
        timeout -= 1
        if timeout < 0:
            wf("Arp state for vip1 [{}] is not 'REACHABLE'".format(vip1),
Ejemplo n.º 5
def check_multipath(config):
    vprint("Checking multipath settings")
    if not exe_check("which multipath", err=False):
        ff("Multipath binary could not be found, is it installed?", "2D18685C")
    if not exe_check("which systemctl"):
        if not exe_check("service multipathd status | grep 'Active: active'",
            fix = "service multipathd start"
            ff("multipathd not enabled", "541C10BF", fix=fix)
        if not exe_check("systemctl status multipathd | grep 'Active: active'",
            fix = "systemctl start multipathd"
            ff("multipathd not enabled", "541C10BF", fix=fix)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def check_irq(config):
    vprint("Checking irqbalance settings, (should be turned off)")
    if not exe_check("which systemctl"):
        if not exe_check(
                "service irqbalance status | "
                "grep 'Active: active'", err=True):
            fix = "service irqbalance stop"
            return ff("irqbalance is active", "B19D9FF1", fix=fix)
        if not exe_check(
                "systemctl status irqbalance | "
                "grep 'Active: active'", err=True):
            fix = "systemctl stop irqbalance && systemctl disable irqbalance"
            return ff("irqbalance is active", "B19D9FF1", fix=fix)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def check_iscsi(config):
    vprint("Checking ISCSI settings")
    if not exe_check("which iscsiadm"):
        if get_pkg_manager() == APT:
            fix = "apt-get install open-iscsi"
        elif get_pkg_manager() == YUM:
            fix = "yum install iscsi-initiator-utils"
        ff("iscsiadm is not available, has open-iscsi been installed?",
    if not exe_check("ps -ef | grep iscsid | grep -v grep"):
        fix = "service iscsi start || systemctl start iscsid.service"
        ff("iscsid is not running.  Is the iscsid service running?",
    ifile = "/etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf"
    if not os.path.exists(ifile):
        ff("iscsid configuration file does not exist", "C6F2B356")
    with io.open(ifile, 'r') as f:
        iconf = f.readlines()
    noopt = "node.session.timeo.noop_out_timeout"
    noopt_found = False
    noopi = "node.session.timeo.noop_out_interval"
    noopi_found = False
    for index, line in enumerate(iconf):
        if not noopt_found and noopt in line:
            noopt_found = True
            if "2" not in line:
                ff("{} is not set to '2' in iscsid.conf".format(noopt),
        elif noopt_found and noopt in line:
                "{} duplicate found in iscsid.conf, line {}".format(
                    noopt, index), "D3E55910")
        if noopi in line:
            noopi_found = True
            if "2" not in line:
                ff("{} is not set to '2' in iscsid.conf".format(noopi),
        elif noopi_found and noopi in line:
                "{} duplicate found in iscsid.conf, line {}".format(
                    noopi, index), "CA9AA865")
    if not noopt_found:
        ff("'{} = 2' is not present in iscsid.conf".format(noopt), "E29BF18A")
    if not noopi_found:
        ff("'{} = 2' is not present in iscsid.conf".format(noopi), "A2EED511")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def vip2_check(config):
    vip2 = config.get("vip2_ip")
    if not vip2:
        wf("No vip2_ip found", "16EB208B")
    if vip2 and not exe_check("ping -c 2 -W 1 {}".format(vip2), err=False):
        ff("Could not ping vip2 ip {}".format(vip2), "3D76CE5A", fix=NET_FIX)
    timeout = 5
    while not exe_check(
            "ip neigh show | grep {} | grep REACHABLE".format(vip2)):
        timeout -= 1
        if timeout < 0:
            wf("Arp state for vip2 [{}] is not 'REACHABLE'".format(vip2),
Ejemplo n.º 9
def mgmt_check(config):
    mgmt = config["mgmt_ip"]
    if not exe_check("ping -c 2 -W 1 {}".format(mgmt), err=False):
        ff("Could not ping management ip {}".format(mgmt),
    timeout = 5
    while not exe_check(
            "ip neigh show | grep {} | grep REACHABLE".format(mgmt)):
        timeout -= 1
        if timeout < 0:
            fix = "Check the connection to {}".format(mgmt)
            wf("Arp state for mgmt [{}] is not 'REACHABLE'".format(mgmt),
Ejemplo n.º 10
def check_cpufreq(config):
    vprint("Checking cpufreq settings")
    if not exe_check("which cpupower"):
        if get_os() == UBUNTU:
            version = exe("uname -r").strip()
            fix = "apt-get install linux-tools-{}".format(version)
            # RHEL puts this stuff in kernel-tools
            fix = "yum install kernel-tools"
        return ff("cpupower is not installed", "20CEE732", fix=fix)
    if not exe_check(
            "cpupower frequency-info --governors | "
            "grep performance", err=False):
        fix = ("No-fix -- if this system is a VM governors might not be "
               "available and this check can be ignored")
        return ff("No 'performance' governor found for system",
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: mtu.py Proyecto: sscargal/ddct
def check_mtu_l3(ip, config):
    We just care that the packet gets there.  Fragmentation is gonna happen
    with L3 routing.
    vprint("Performing L3 MTU check")
    sif = get_interface_for_ip(ip)
    if not sif:
        return ff(
            "Couldn't find interface with network matching ip {}"
            "".format(ip), "710BFC7E")
    # Ping check
    if not exe_check("ping -s 32000 -c 2 -W 1 {}".format(ip)):
        if not exe_check("ping -c 2 -W 1 {}".format(ip)):
            return ff("Could not ping interface [{}]".format(ip), "EC2D3621")
            "Could not ping interface [{}] with large (32k) packet size, packet"
            "fragmentation may not be working correctly.".format(ip),
Ejemplo n.º 12
def check_arp(config):
    vprint("Checking ARP settings")
    if not exe_check(
            "sysctl --all 2>/dev/null | "
            "grep 'net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce = 2'",
        fix = "sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce=2"
        ff("net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce != 2 in sysctl",
    if not exe_check(
            "sysctl --all 2>/dev/null | "
            "grep 'net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore = 1'",
        fix = "sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore=1"
        ff("net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore != 1 in sysctl", "BDB4D5D8", fix=fix)
    gcf = "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/route/gc_interval"
    gc = int(exe("cat {}".format(gcf)))
    if gc != 5:
        fix = "echo 5 > {}".format(gcf)
        ff("{} is currently set to {}".format(gcf, gc), "A06CD19F", fix=fix)
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: mtu.py Proyecto: sscargal/ddct
def check_mtu_normal(name, ip, config):
    vprint("Performing MTU check")
    cname = iface_dict[name]
    sif = get_interface_for_ip(ip)
    if not sif:
        return ff(
            "Couldn't find interface with network matching ip {}"
            "".format(ip), "710BFC7E")
        match = MTU_RE.match(exe("ip ad show {} | grep mtu".format(sif)))
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        return ff("Couldn't find client {} interface MTU".format(name),
    if not match:
        return ff("Couldn't find client {} interface MTU".format(name),
    local_mtu = match.groups(1)[0]

    cluster_mtu = None
    api = config['api']
    if name == "MGMT":
        cluster_mtu = api.system.network.mgmt_vip.get(
    elif name == "VIP1":
        cluster_mtu = api.system.network.get(
    elif name == "VIP2":
        cluster_mtu = api.system.network.get(
    if not cluster_mtu:
        return ff("Couldn't find cluster {} interface MTU".format(cname),
    if str(local_mtu) != str(cluster_mtu):
            "Local interface {} MTU does not match cluster {} interface MTU "
            "[{} != {}]".format(sif, cname, local_mtu, cluster_mtu),
    # Ping check
    if not exe_check("ping -s 32000 -c 2 -W 1 {}".format(ip)):
            "Could not ping interface with large (32k) packet size, packet "
            "fragmentation may not be working correctly", "A4CA0D72")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def check_single_volume_performance_fio_4k(config):
    vprint("Checking FIO performance, single volume")
    if not exe_check("which fio"):
        ff("FIO is not installed", "0BB2848F")
    api = config['api']
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def is_journalctl():
     return exe_check("journalctl --unit {} | grep 'No entries'", err=False)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def check_requirements():
    vprint("Checking Requirements")
    for binary in REQUIREMENTS:
        if not exe_check("which {}".format(binary), err=False):
            return "missing" + binary
Ejemplo n.º 17
def check_kubernetes_driver_csi(config):
    # Is kubectl present?
    if not exe_check("which kubectl"):
        return ff("Could not detect kubectl installation", "572B0511")
    # Does kubectl have a supported version?
    kversion = exe("kubectl version").strip().split("\n")
    for line in kversion:
        m1 = KCTL_MA_RE.search(line)
        m2 = KCTL_MI_RE.search(line)
        if not m1 and m2:
            return ff("Could not detect kubectl version", "C1802A6E")
        supported = calc_version(SUPPORTED_MAJOR, SUPPORTED_MINOR)
        major = m1.group(1)
        minor = m2.group(1)
        found = calc_version(major, minor)
        if found < supported:
            return ff(
                "Kubectl has version {}, which is lower than supported "
                "version {}".format(found, supported), "D2DA6596")
    # Are dependencies installed?
    if not exe_check("which iscsiadm"):
        ff("open-iscsi does not appear to be installed", "94BF0B77")
    # Is attach-detach disabled in kubelet?
    exstart = exe("systemctl show kubelet.service | grep ExecStart")
    if not exstart:
        if exe_check("microk8s.kubectl"):
                "kubelet service not detected.  microk8s is not currently "
                "supported", "995EA49E")
                "kubelet service not detected. 'systemctl show kubelet.service'"
                " returned nothing", "F3C47DDF")
    if "--allow-privileged" not in exstart:
            "--allow-privileged is not enabled in kublet's systemctl entry.  "
            "Run --allow-privileged=true when starting kubelet "
            "to enable", "7475B000")
    if "Active: active" in exe("systemctl status kubelet"):
        kpath = KPATH_RE.search(exstart).group(1)
        exstart = exe("ps -ef | grep {} | grep -v grep".format(kpath))
        if "--enable-controller-attach-detach=false" in exstart:
                "Attach-detach is disabled in kublet.  Run "
                "--enable-controller-attach-detach=true when starting kubelet "
                "to enable", "86FFD7F2")
        ff("The kubelet service is not running", "0762A89B")
    # iscsi-recv is running?
    if not exe_check("ps -ef | grep iscsi-recv | grep -v grep"):
        fix = "Run ./setup_iscsi.sh from the datera-csi repository"
        ff("iscsi-recv binary is not running.", "A8B6BA35", fix=fix)

    # Agents are running?
    pods = exe("kubectl --namespace=kube-system get pods").strip()
    if not pods:
        return ff("CSI plugin pods are not running.",
                  fix="Install the CSI plugin deployment yaml.  "
                  "'kubectl create -f csi.yaml'")
    controller_pod = False
    node_pods = False
    for line in pods.split("\n"):
        if "csi-provisioner-0" in line:
            controller_pod = True
        if "csi-node-" in line:
            node_pods = True
    if not controller_pod:
        ff("Controller pod not found", "17FF7B78")
    if not node_pods:
        ff("At least one Node pod not found", "2FD6A7B4")
Ejemplo n.º 18
def run_install_script():
    with verbose():
        if not exe_check("./{}".format(SCRIPT_NAME)):
            print("Failed to run iscsi-recv install script successfully: {}"
Ejemplo n.º 19
def check_something(config):
    if not exe_check("ping -C 2 -W 1"):
        ff("This test failed")
    if not exe_check("traceroute"):
        wf("This is a warning")