Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __encrypt_file(self):
            Core method to encrypt a file.
        fs_input = common.get_file_size(self.__file_input)
        fs_output = fs_input + self.__obfuscate_enc

        if self.__reverse_bytes > fs_input:
            common.exception("The reverse byte value must not be greater " \
                             "than the input file size.")

        if self.__existing_key:
            fs_key = common.get_file_size(self.__file_key)
            if (fs_key - self.__obfuscate_key) < \
               (fs_input - self.__obfuscate_enc):
                common.exception("The given key file is too small.")
            fs_key = fs_input + self.__obfuscate_key

        common.build_task_file(self.__task_id, self.__file_input, fs_input,
                               self.__file_key, fs_key, self.__file_output,
                               fs_output, "encryption")

        keyfile.build_file_key(self.__file_key, fs_input, self.__buffer_size,
                               self.__obfuscate_key, self.__existing_key,
                               self.__dev_random, self.__fortuna,
                               self.__overwrite, 1)
        self.__file_size = fs_input

        if int(self.__obfuscate_enc) > 0:
            obfuscator.add_random_bytes(self.__file_output, self.__buffer_size,
                                        self.__dev_random, self.__fortuna)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def compare_files(file_input,
        Compare files to find out which key fits to an encrypted file
        and vice versa.
    pv.path(file_input, "input", True, True)
    pv.path(directory, "compare", False, True)
    pv.intvalue(obfuscate_enc, "encrypted file obfuscation", True, True, \
    pv.intvalue(obfuscate_key, "key file obfuscation", True, True, False)

    obfuscate_enc = int(obfuscate_enc)
    obfuscate_key = int(obfuscate_key)

    file_input = os.path.abspath(file_input)
    file_input_size = int(common.get_file_size(file_input))

    directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
    list_files = []

    for item in os.listdir(directory):
        path = os.path.join(directory, item)
        if os.path.isfile(path):
            if path == file_input:

            file_enc_size1 = int(common.get_file_size(path) + obfuscate_enc)
            file_enc_size2 = int(common.get_file_size(path) - obfuscate_enc)
            file_key_size1 = int(common.get_file_size(path) + obfuscate_key)
            file_key_size2 = int(common.get_file_size(path) - obfuscate_key)

                if file_input_size == file_enc_size1 or \
                   file_input_size == file_enc_size2 or \
                   file_input_size == file_key_size1 or \
                   file_input_size == file_key_size2:
            except Exception as e:
                if not ignore_read_errors:
                    raise Exception(e)


    return list_files
Ejemplo n.º 3
def merge_key(file_output, buffer_size=4096, overwrite=False):
        Merge multiple key file parts to a single key file.
    if not overwrite:
        pv.path(file_output, "output key", True, False)
        pv.path(file_output, "key", True, True)

    part_id = 0
    fh_output = open(file_output, "wb")
    while True:
        part_id += 1
        file_key = file_output + "." + str(part_id).rjust(3, "0")
        if not os.path.exists(file_key):

        fh_key = open(file_key, "rb")
        file_size = common.get_file_size(file_key)
        byte_blocks = int(file_size / buffer_size)
        byte_remainder = file_size % buffer_size

        for block in range(byte_blocks):

        if byte_remainder > 0:


Ejemplo n.º 4
    def open(self, file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
            file_size = common.get_file_size(f)

            # Read magic header
            magic_number = f.read(4)
            if magic_number != 'BIND':
                raise Exception('Not a BIND file! Missing BIND header id.')

            # Read "size" byte size
            # This determines what's the "size" of the size variable itself
            self.size_byte_size = common.read_uint16(f)
            if self.size_byte_size not in (1, 2, 4):
                raise Exception('Illegal BIND size byte size: %s' % self.index_size)
            # Read number of entries
            number_of_entries = common.read_uint16(f)

            # Read block size
            self.block_size = common.read_uint32(f)

            # Read header size
            header_size = common.read_uint32(f)

            # The header size is:
            # (16 + number of entries * self.size_byte_size) aligned to self.block_size
            # Load the entry sizes 
            processed_entries = []
            previous_entry_end = header_size
            for i in xrange(0, number_of_entries):
                # Calculate the offset of this entry based on the end of the previous entry
                entry_offset = previous_entry_end

                # Read the entry size
                entry_size = 0
                if self.size_byte_size == 1:
                    entry_size = common.read_uint8(f)

                elif self.size_byte_size == 2:
                    entry_size = common.read_uint16(f)

                elif self.size_byte_size == 4:
                    entry_size = common.read_uint32(f)

                # Calculate how much memory this entry takes
                entry_padded_size = common.align_size(entry_size, self.block_size)

                # Update previous_entry_end for the next iteration
                previous_entry_end += entry_padded_size 
                # Add the entry to processed entries
                processed_entries.append((entry_offset, entry_size))

            # Read entries
            for (entry_offset, entry_size) in processed_entries:

                content = f.read(entry_size)
                new_entry = self.add_entry(content)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main(argv):
    args = read_parameter(argv)
    if args.info:
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
    if args.debug:
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format="%(message)s")
    logging.info('Input folder: %s' % args.folder)
    tar_file = create_tar(args.folder, args.compress)
    logging.info('Created TAR file: %s' % tar_file)
    size = get_file_size(tar_file)
    logging.info('File size: %s (%i bytes)' % (sizeof_fmt(size), size))
    tree_hash_hex = get_tree_hash_of_file(tar_file)
    logging.info('Hash (SHA-256 treehash): %s' % tree_hash_hex)
    description = "files from %s" % re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]+','', args.folder)    # remove non ASCII chars
    archive_id = upload_to_glacier(tar_file, size, description, args.vault, tree_hash_hex)
    logging.info('Removed temporary file')
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (now, args.folder, args.vault, archive_id, tree_hash_hex)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __decrypt_file(self):
            Core method to decrypt a file.
        fs_input = common.get_file_size(self.__file_input)
        fs_key = common.get_file_size(self.__file_key)
        fs_output = fs_input - self.__obfuscate_enc

        if self.__reverse_bytes > fs_input:
            common.exception("The reverse byte value must not be greater " \
                             "than the input file size.")

        common.build_task_file(self.__task_id, self.__file_input, fs_input,
                               self.__file_key, fs_key, self.__file_output,
                               fs_output, "decryption")

        self.__file_size = fs_output
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def save(self, file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
            file_size = common.get_file_size(f)

            # Write magic header

            # Write the number of entries
            common.write_uint32(f, len(self.entries))

            # Write entry offsets
            # Size of header + size of entry table
            previous_entry_end = 8 + 4 * len(self.entries)
            converted_entries = []
            for (entry_type, entry_parameters, entry_content) in self.entries:
                # Write offset
                common.write_uint32(f, previous_entry_end)

                # Calculate the size of this entry,
                # so that we know when the next entry starts
                # Convert UTF8 to Shift-JIS
                entry_content = common.to_eva_sjis(entry_content)

                # Calculate the entry_size
                # parameters + content
                entry_size = 4 * len(entry_parameters) + len(entry_content)

                # Update previous_entry_end for the next iteration
                # Add 4 for the entry_type and entry_size fields, along with padding
                previous_entry_end += common.align_size(4 + entry_size, 4)

                # Add the entry to the converted entries
                    (entry_type, entry_size, entry_parameters, entry_content))

            # Loop through entries
            for (entry_type, entry_size, entry_parameters,
                 entry_content) in converted_entries:

                # Write entry type
                common.write_uint16(f, entry_type)

                # Write entry size
                common.write_uint16(f, entry_size)

                # Write the parameters
                for entry_parameter in entry_parameters:
                    common.write_uint32(f, entry_parameter)

                # Write the content

                # Add padding
                entry_padding = (common.align_size(entry_size, 4) - entry_size)
                f.write('\0' * entry_padding)
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: indexer.py Proyecto: fellu/box
    def index(self):
        current_blobs = []

        for infile in os.listdir(self.box_path):
            if os.path.isdir(infile) or infile == '.meta':

            # Get file full path
            full_path = os.path.join(self.box_path, infile)
            checksum = hash_file(full_path)
            timestamp = get_file_timetamp(full_path)
            size = get_file_size(full_path)

            # Just to ease debugging.
            data = '%s:%s:%s:%s\n' % (checksum, infile, timestamp, size)

            blobpath = os.path.join(self.registry, checksum)

            # Append to current blobs
                'checksum': checksum,
                'filename': blobpath

            # Write the blob if we don't already have it.
            if not os.path.isfile(blobpath):
                    # Todo, write much more information to the meta-blob file.
                    # Last modified, which server modified, ..
                    print("Writing blob %s (%s)" % (checksum, infile,))
                    blobfile = open(blobpath, 'w')
                except IOError:
                    raise Exception("Writing a blob failed")
                print("Blob %s exists" % checksum)

        # Clear orphaned files.
        for checksum in os.listdir(self.registry):
            blob_path = os.path.join(self.registry, checksum)
            content = open(blob_path, 'r').read()
            found = False

            for current in current_blobs:
                if current['checksum'] == checksum:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                print "Found obsolete %s blob" % checksum
Ejemplo n.º 9
def split_key(file_input, parts, buffer_size=4096, overwrite=False):
        Split a key file in a user-defined number of parts.
    if not overwrite:
        pv.path(file_input, "key", True, True)
        pv.path(file_input + ".001", "key part", True, False)
        pv.path(file_input, "key", True, True)

    buffer_size = int(buffer_size)
    parts = int(parts)

    if parts < 2:
        common.exception("The number of key parts must be greater than 1.")
    elif parts > 999:
        common.exception("The number of key parts must be less than 1000.")

    file_size = common.get_file_size(file_input)
    part_id = 0
    part_size = int(file_size / parts)
    part_last = file_size - (part_size * (parts - 1))

    fh_input = open(file_input, "rb")
    for part in range(parts):
        part_id += 1
        file_key = file_input + "." + str(part_id).rjust(3, "0")
        if part_id < parts:
            file_size = int(part_size)
            file_size = int(part_last)

        fh_output = open(file_key, "wb")

        byte_blocks = int(file_size / buffer_size)
        byte_remainder = file_size % buffer_size

        for block in range(byte_blocks):

        if byte_remainder > 0:


Ejemplo n.º 10
    def open(self, file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
            archive_size = common.get_file_size(f)
            while f.tell() < archive_size:
                magic_number = f.read(4).decode('ascii', 'ignore')
                if magic_number != 'RIFF':
                    raise Exception('Not a WAVE entry!')

                wave_size = common.read_uint32(f) + 8
                f.seek(-8, os.SEEK_CUR)

                content = f.read(wave_size)
                new_entry = self.add_entry(content)

                # Find how many blocks are needed to contain wave_size
                # and skip that amount of remaining bytes
                block_aligned_wave_size = common.align_size(
                    wave_size, WaveArchive.BLOCK_SIZE)
                f.seek(block_aligned_wave_size - wave_size, os.SEEK_CUR)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def obfuscate_file(task_id, file_path, buffer_size=4096, bytes_random=0,
                   dev_random=False, fortuna=False):
        Create a task file first, then add given amount of random bytes
        to the given file.
    pv.path(file_path, "target", True, True)
    pv.intvalue(buffer_size, "buffer size", True, False, False)
    pv.intvalue(bytes_random, "random bytes", True, False, False)

    buffer_size = int(buffer_size)
    bytes_random = int(bytes_random)
    file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path)
    file_size = common.get_file_size(file_path) + int(bytes_random)

    common.build_task_file(task_id, file_path, file_size, None, 0, None, 0,
                          "file obfuscation")

    add_random_bytes(file_path, buffer_size, bytes_random, dev_random,
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def upload(self, local_file, remote_path):  # 上传文件
        :param local_file: 本地文件路径
        :param remote_path: 远程路径(带文件名)
        :return: None
        at = self.__get_access_token()
        headers = {'Authorization': 'bearer ' + at}

        file_size = common.get_file_size(local_file)
        url = self.app_url + '_api/v2.0/me/drive/root:/' + remote_path + ':/content'
        file = open(local_file, 'rb')

        r = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=file)
        r.encoding = "utf-8"

        if r.status_code == 200 or r.status_code == 201:
            # 返回json格式的数据
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def open(self, file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
            file_size = common.get_file_size(f)

            # Read magic header
            magic_number = f.read(4).decode('ascii', 'ignore')
            if magic_number != 'TEXT':
                raise Exception('Not a TEXT file!')

            # Read number of entries
            number_of_entries = common.read_uint32(f)

            # Read size of header
            header_size = common.read_uint32(f)
            if (header_size != 16):
                msg = '# Warning: Non-standard TEXT header size: %s' % header_size

            # Read content start offset
            content_start_offset = common.read_uint32(f)

            # There should be no post-header padding,
            # but check for it anyways
            pre_header_skip_position = f.tell()

            # Skip the header

            # Complete the header padding calculation
            self.header_padding = f.tell() - pre_header_skip_position

            # Read entries
            # Don't create them yet,
            # since we want to store the string index instead of the offset
            # and we can't figure out the string index until we've seen all the strings
            entry_unknowns = [0] * number_of_entries
            entry_string_offsets = [0] * number_of_entries
            for i in range(0, number_of_entries):
                entry_unknowns[i] = common.read_uint32(f)
                entry_string_offsets[i] = common.read_uint32(f)

            # There should be no post-header padding,
            # but check for it anyways
            pre_entry_skip_position = f.tell()

            # Skip to the content start

            # Complete the header padding calculation
            self.entry_padding = f.tell() - pre_entry_skip_position

            # Read the actual strings (which are used multiple times per entry)
            # Figure out the string index by sorting string offsets from low to high
            string_offset_index_map = {}
            for index, offset in enumerate(sorted(set(entry_string_offsets))):

                # Update the string offset map
                string_offset_index_map[offset] = index

                # Go to the string offset

                # If offset is at the end, skip
                if (offset >= file_size):
                        'Out of bounds string in TEXT file, using nulls instead'
                    self.strings.append((None, None, None))

                # Read the unknowns
                unknown_first = common.read_uint32(f)
                unknown_second = common.read_uint32(f)

                # Read content until null-terminator (but aligned to 32-bit boundaries)
                raw_string_content = b''
                while True:
                    raw_string_content += f.read(4)
                    if raw_string_content[-1] == 0:

                # Convert Shift-JIS to unicode
                string_content = common.from_eva_sjis(raw_string_content)

                # Strip trailing \0's
                string_content = string_content.rstrip('\0')

                # Add this string to the array
                    (unknown_first, unknown_second, string_content))

            # Finally create the entries now that we know the string offset to index mapping
            for i in range(0, number_of_entries):
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def save(self, file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:
            file_size = common.get_file_size(f)

            # Write magic header

            # Write the number of entries
            common.write_uint32(f, len(self.entries))

            # Write entry offsets
            # Size of header + size of entry table
            previous_entry_end = 8 + 4 * len(self.entries)
            converted_entries = []
            for (entry_type, entry_parameters, entry_content) in self.entries:

                has_content_section = entry_type in HAS_CONTENT_SECTION

                # Write offset
                common.write_uint32(f, previous_entry_end)

                # Calculate the size of this entry,
                # so that we know when the next entry starts

                # Calculate how much memory this string takes
                if has_content_section:
                    # Convert UTF8 to Shift-JIS
                    raw_entry_content = common.to_eva_sjis(entry_content)

                    # We add a single null terminator and only count the single null terminator,
                    # but later we include the extra alignment padding in the size calculation
                    string_terminated_size = len(raw_entry_content) + 1
                    raw_entry_content = common.zero_pad_and_align_string(
                    string_terminated_size = 0
                    raw_entry_content = b''

                # Calculate the entry_size
                # parameters + content
                entry_size = 4 * len(entry_parameters) + string_terminated_size

                # Update previous_entry_end for the next iteration
                # Add 4 for the entry_type (omitted in the entry_size calculation)
                previous_entry_end += common.align_size(4 + entry_size, 4)

                # Add the entry to the converted entries
                converted_entries.append((entry_type, entry_size,
                                          entry_parameters, raw_entry_content))

            # Loop through entries
            for (entry_type, entry_size, entry_parameters,
                 raw_entry_content) in converted_entries:

                # Write entry type
                common.write_uint16(f, entry_type)

                # Write entry size
                common.write_uint16(f, entry_size)

                # Write the parameters
                for entry_parameter in entry_parameters:
                    common.write_uint32(f, entry_parameter)

                # Write the content
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def open(self, file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
            file_size = common.get_file_size(f)

            # Read magic header
            magic_number = f.read(4)
            if magic_number != 'HGPT':
                raise Exception('Not an HGPT file! Missing HGPT header id.')

            # Read pp offset
            pp_offset = common.read_uint16(f)
            if pp_offset < 0x10:
                raise Exception(
                    'PP offset less than 0x10, PS2 variant not supported!')

            # Read if it has an extended header
            has_extended_header = common.read_uint16(f)
            if has_extended_header not in (0, 1):
                raise Exception('Unknown has_extended_header value: %s' %
            self.has_extended_header = has_extended_header = (
                has_extended_header == 1)

            # Read number of divisions
            number_of_divisions = common.read_uint16(f)

            # Read unknowns
            unknown_one = common.read_uint16(f)
            if unknown_one != 0x0001:
                raise Exception('First unknown is not 0x0001: %08X' %

            # ff ff ff ff in pictures with extended header
            # 00 00 00 00 in pictures w/o extended header
            unknown_two = common.read_uint32(f)

            # Load divisions
            if has_extended_header:
                # Read number of divisions (again)
                number_of_divisions_repeat = common.read_uint16(f)
                if number_of_divisions != number_of_divisions_repeat:
                    raise Exception(
                        'Number of divisions and its repeat don\'t match: %s != %s'
                        % (number_of_divisions, number_of_divisions_repeat))

                # Read unknown
                # 0x0013 is the most common
                # 0x0014 is the other occurence
                unknown_three = common.read_uint16(f)
                if unknown_three != 0x0013:
                    print '# Warning: UnknownThree (0x%X) != 0x0013' % unknown_three

                # Read division name
                self.division_name = (f.read(8) + '\0' * 8)[0:8]

                # Read divisions
                for i in xrange(0, number_of_divisions):
                    division_start_x = common.read_uint16(f)
                    division_start_y = common.read_uint16(f)
                    division_width = common.read_uint16(f)
                    division_height = common.read_uint16(f)

                    self.divisions.append((division_start_x, division_start_y,
                                           division_width, division_height))

                # Calculate and skip zero padding
                divisions_size = 12 + 8 * number_of_divisions
                divisions_padded_size = common.align_size(divisions_size, 16)
                divisions_padding = divisions_padded_size - divisions_size

                f.seek(divisions_padding, os.SEEK_CUR)

            # Check that it's the correct pp_offset
            if f.tell() != pp_offset:
                raise Exception('Incorrect pp offset')

            # Read pp header
            pp_header = common.read_uint32(f)
            if pp_header & 0x0000FFFF != 0x00007070:
                raise Exception('Missing pp header! %08X' % pp_header)

            # Decipher pp format
            pp_format = (pp_header >> 16) & 0xFFFF
            if pp_format not in (0x13, 0x14, 0x8800):
                raise Exception('PP format (0x%X) is unknown' % pp_format)

            # Calculate values that depend on the pp format
            bytes_per_pixel = 1
            bytes_per_pixel_ppd_size = bytes_per_pixel
            tile_width = 16

            if pp_format == 0x8800:
                bytes_per_pixel = 4
                bytes_per_pixel_ppd_size = 1
                tile_width = 4

            elif pp_format == 0x13:
                bytes_per_pixel = 1
                bytes_per_pixel_ppd_size = bytes_per_pixel
                tile_width = 16

            elif pp_format == 0x14:
                bytes_per_pixel = 0.5
                bytes_per_pixel_ppd_size = bytes_per_pixel
                tile_width = 32

            # Read picture display dimensions
            self.width = pp_display_width = common.read_uint16(f)
            self.height = pp_display_height = common.read_uint16(f)

            # Skip zero padding
            f.seek(2 * 4, os.SEEK_CUR)

            # Read ppd header
            ppd_header = common.read_uint32(f)
            if ppd_header & 0x00FFFFFF != 0x00647070:
                raise Exception('Missing ppd header!')

            # Decipher ppd format
            ppd_format = (ppd_header >> 24) & 0xFF
            if ppd_format != (pp_format & 0xFF):
                raise Exception(
                    'PPD format (0x%X) does not match PP format (0x%X)' %
                    (ppd_format, pp_format & 0xFF))

            # Read ppd display resolution
            ppd_display_width = common.read_uint16(f)
            ppd_display_height = common.read_uint16(f)

            if pp_display_width != ppd_display_width:
                raise Exception(
                    'PP display width (%s) != PPD display width (%s)' %
                    (pp_display_width, ppd_display_width))

            if pp_display_height != ppd_display_height:
                raise Exception(
                    'PP display height (%s) != PPD display height (%s)' %
                    (pp_display_height, ppd_display_height))

            # Skip zero padding
            f.seek(4, os.SEEK_CUR)

            # Read ppd sixteenths resolution
            ppd_sixteenths_width = common.read_uint16(f)
            ppd_sixteenths_height = common.read_uint16(f)

            # Calculate ppd sixteenths resolution (using the pp_display resolution)
            calculated_sixteenths_width = common.align_size(
                pp_display_width, 16)
            calculated_sixteenths_height = common.align_size(
                pp_display_height, 8)

            if (calculated_sixteenths_width != ppd_sixteenths_width) or (
                    calculated_sixteenths_height != ppd_sixteenths_height):
                raise Exception(
                    'PPD sixteenths resolution (%s x %s) doesn\'t match the calculated eights resolution (%s x %s)'
                    % (ppd_sixteenths_width, ppd_sixteenths_height,

            # Calculate storage resolution (using the pp_display resolution)
            # This is the resolution that ties in with the ppd_size
            calculated_storage_width = common.align_size(
                pp_display_width, tile_width)
            calculated_storage_height = common.align_size(pp_display_height, 8)

            number_of_pixels = calculated_storage_width * calculated_storage_height

            # Read ppd_size which is the size of the ppd header + number of pixels
            # The ppd header which is 0x20 bytes in size
            ppd_size = common.read_uint32(f)

            calculated_ppd_size = int(
                number_of_pixels * bytes_per_pixel_ppd_size) + 0x20
            if (calculated_ppd_size != ppd_size):
                raise Exception(
                    'PPD size %s does not match the calculated ppd size %s' %
                    (ppd_size, calculated_ppd_size))

            # Calculate the number of bytes
            number_of_bytes = int(number_of_pixels * bytes_per_pixel)

            # Skip padding
            f.seek(3 * 4, os.SEEK_CUR)

            # Read the tiled image data
            # The image data is stored in a scrambled tiled format, so we'll have to reprocess it
            tiled_image_data = [0] * number_of_pixels
            cache_last_pixel = None

            for i in xrange(0, number_of_pixels):
                if number_of_bytes <= 0:

                if pp_format == 0x13:
                    tiled_image_data[i] = common.read_uint8(f)
                    number_of_bytes -= 1

                elif pp_format == 0x14:
                    if (i & 1) == 0:
                        # Even read
                        cache_last_pixel = common.read_uint8(f)
                        # Odd read
                        number_of_bytes -= 1

                    tiled_image_data[i] = cache_last_pixel & 0xF
                    cache_last_pixel = cache_last_pixel >> 4

                elif pp_format == 0x8800:
                    # Read full RGBA
                    tiled_image_data[i] = (common.read_uint8(f),
                    number_of_bytes -= 4

            # Skip unread bytes
            f.seek(number_of_bytes, os.SEEK_CUR)

            # Un-tile and store the information as the content
            self.content = [0] * (pp_display_width * pp_display_height)
            tile_height = 8
            tile_size = tile_width * tile_height
            tile_row = tile_size * int(calculated_storage_width / tile_width)
            for y in xrange(0, pp_display_height):
                for x in xrange(0, pp_display_width):
                    tile_y = int(y / tile_height)
                    tile_x = int(x / tile_width)
                    tile_sub_y = y % tile_height
                    tile_sub_x = x % tile_width
                    self.content[y * pp_display_width +
                                 x] = tiled_image_data[tile_y * tile_row +
                                                       tile_x * tile_size +
                                                       tile_sub_y * tile_width
                                                       + tile_sub_x]

            # Check if optional ppc header exists
            if pp_format == 0x8800:
                self.palette = []

                # Read ppc header
                ppc_header = common.read_uint32(f)
                if ppc_header & 0xFFFFFFFF != 0x00637070:
                    raise Exception('Missing ppc header!')

                # Skip zero padding
                f.seek(2, os.SEEK_CUR)

                # Read the number of palette entries
                # It needs to be multiplied by 8 to get the correct total
                palette_total = common.read_uint16(f) * 8

                # Skip zero padding
                f.seek(2 * 4, os.SEEK_CUR)

                # Read palette
                self.palette = [(common.read_uint8(f), common.read_uint8(f),
                                for i in xrange(0, palette_total)]
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def open(self, file_path):
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
            file_size = common.get_file_size(f)

            # Read magic header
            magic_number = f.read(4).decode('ascii', 'ignore')
            if magic_number != '.EVS':
                raise Exception('Not an EVS file!')

            # Read the number of entries
            number_of_entries = common.read_uint32(f)

            # Read entry offsets
            entry_offsets = [0] * number_of_entries
            for i in range(0, number_of_entries):
                entry_offsets[i] = common.read_uint32(f)

            # Loop through entries
            for i in range(0, number_of_entries):

                # Read entry type
                entry_type = common.read_uint16(f)

                # Read entry size
                entry_size = common.read_uint16(f)

                # Read entry
                number_of_parameters = get_number_of_parameters(entry_type)
                has_content_section = entry_type in HAS_CONTENT_SECTION

                if number_of_parameters is None:
                    # Commands that I've yet to document the parameter count for
                    raise Exception(
                        'Unknown number of parameters for entry type: 0x%X, size: %s'
                        % (entry_type, entry_size))

                # Read the parameters
                entry_parameters = []
                for j in range(0, number_of_parameters):

                # Whatever remains after the parameters is the content
                parameter_size = 4 * number_of_parameters
                remaining_bytes = entry_size - parameter_size

                if remaining_bytes < 0:
                    raise Exception(
                        'Number of parameters overshoots total entry size; entry type: 0x%X, size: %s'
                        % (entry_type, entry_size))

                if has_content_section:
                    raw_entry_content = f.read(remaining_bytes)

                    # Convert encoding
                    entry_content = common.from_eva_sjis(raw_entry_content)

                    # Strip trailing \0's
                    entry_content = entry_content.rstrip('\0')

                    entry_content = None

                if not has_content_section and (entry_size != parameter_size):
                    raise Exception(
                        'Extra unannounced content in entry type: 0x%X, size: %s'
                        % (entry_type, entry_size))

                # Add entry
                    (entry_type, entry_parameters, entry_content))
Ejemplo n.º 17
def __monitor_file(task_file, file_path, file_size, description, delay,
        Monitor the file size of the given file.
    file_name = os.path.basename(file_path)
    file_dir = __remove_duplicate_chars( \
        file_path.rstrip(file_name).rstrip(os.path.sep), os.path.sep)
    file_size = int(file_size)

    file_size_init = 0
    file_size_current = 0
    file_size_perc = 0

    chars_running = ["-", "\\", "|", "/"]
    chars_stalled = ["?", " "]
    chars_missing = ["X", " "]
    delay_running = 0.1
    delay_stalled = 0.6

    progress_chars = chars_running
    progress_count = 0
    stalled = False
    wait = delay_running

    display_file_info = \
        bool(int(common.global_config(["KeyGenerator", "Monitor"],
                                      ["display_file_info"], "1")))

    if display_file_info:
        print("%s:" % description).ljust(16, " ") + file_name
        print("File path:").ljust(16, " ") + file_dir
        print "%s" % description

    if file_size < 1000:
        print("File size:").ljust(16, " ") + ("%s bytes total" % file_size)
        size_round = __format_size(file_size)
        print ("File size:").ljust(16, " ") + \
              ("%s (%s bytes total)" % (size_round, file_size))

    if not progress:

        file_size_init = file_size
        file_size_current = common.get_file_size(file_path)
        file_size_perc = int((file_size_current * 100) / file_size)

    count = 0
    while file_size_current < file_size:
            file_size_current = common.get_file_size(file_path)

        if file_size_current == file_size:

        file_exists_task = common.file_exists(task_file)
        file_exists_input = common.file_exists(file_path)

        if not file_exists_task or not file_exists_input:
            if not file_exists_input:
                progress_chars = chars_missing
                progress_chars = chars_stalled
            stalled = True
            wait = delay_stalled
            progress_chars = chars_running
            wait = delay_running
            if stalled:
                dict_contents = __read_content(task_file)
                if not int(dict_contents["file_input_size"]) == \
                    print "-" * 78
                    common.exception("Task mismatch. Process cancelled.")
                stalled = False

        progress_count += 1
        if progress_count >= len(progress_chars):
            progress_count = 0

        if delay == 0:
            __progress(file_size_perc, None, True)

        if delay > 0:
            if file_size_perc < 100:
                __progress( \
                    file_size_perc, progress_chars[progress_count], False)

                if count < delay:
                    count += 0.1
                    count = 0

            file_size_current = common.get_file_size(file_path)
            if not stalled:
                file_size_perc = int((file_size_current * 100) / file_size)

    __progress(100, " ", True)