Ejemplo n.º 1
def vagrant(params, cwd=None, printout=False):
    """Run a vagrant command.

    :param: list of parameters to pass to vagrant
    :cwd: directory to run in, or None for current directory
    :returns: (ret, out) where ret is the return code, and out
               is the stdout (and stderr) from vagrant
    p = FDroidPopen(['vagrant'] + params, cwd=cwd)
    return (p.returncode, p.output)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def adapt_gradle(build_dir):
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir):
        if 'build.gradle' in files:
            path = os.path.join(root, 'build.gradle')
            logging.debug("Adapting build.gradle at %s" % path)

                'sed', '-i',
                r's@buildToolsVersion\([ =]*\)["\'][0-9\.]*["\']@buildToolsVersion\1"'
                + config['build_tools'] + '"@g', path
Ejemplo n.º 3
def genkey(keystore, repo_keyalias, password, keydname):
    '''generate a new keystore with a new key in it for signing repos'''
    print('Generating a new key in "' + keystore + '"...')
    p = FDroidPopen(['keytool', '-genkey',
                '-keystore', keystore, '-alias', repo_keyalias,
                '-keyalg', 'RSA', '-keysize', '4096',
                '-sigalg', 'SHA256withRSA',
                '-validity', '10000',
                '-storepass', password, '-keypass', password,
                '-dname', keydname])
    if p.returncode != 0:
        raise BuildException("Failed to generate key", p.stdout, p.stderr)
    # now show the lovely key that was just generated
    p = subprocess.Popen(['keytool', '-list', '-v',
                '-keystore', keystore, '-alias', repo_keyalias],
    output = p.communicate(password)[0]
    print(output.lstrip().strip() + '\n\n')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def devices():
    p = FDroidPopen([config['adb'], "devices"])
    if p.returncode != 0:
        raise FDroidException("An error occured when finding devices: %s" %
    lines = p.output.splitlines()
    if lines[0].startswith('* daemon not running'):
        lines = lines[2:]
    if len(lines) < 3:
        return []
    lines = lines[1:-1]
    return [l.split()[0] for l in lines]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def genkey(keystore, repo_keyalias, password, keydname):
    '''generate a new keystore with a new key in it for signing repos'''
    logging.info('Generating a new key in "' + keystore + '"...')
    common.write_password_file("keystorepass", password)
    common.write_password_file("keypass", password)
    p = FDroidPopen(['keytool', '-genkey',
                     '-keystore', keystore, '-alias', repo_keyalias,
                     '-keyalg', 'RSA', '-keysize', '4096',
                     '-sigalg', 'SHA256withRSA',
                     '-validity', '10000',
                     '-storepass:file', config['keystorepassfile'],
                     '-keypass:file', config['keypassfile'],
                     '-dname', keydname])
    # TODO keypass should be sent via stdin
    if p.returncode != 0:
        raise BuildException("Failed to generate key", p.output)
    # now show the lovely key that was just generated
    p = FDroidPopen(['keytool', '-list', '-v',
                     '-keystore', keystore, '-alias', repo_keyalias,
                     '-storepass:file', config['keystorepassfile']])
    logging.info(p.output.strip() + '\n\n')
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def extract_pubkey():
     p = FDroidPopen([
         'keytool', '-exportcert', '-alias', config['repo_keyalias'],
         '-keystore', config['keystore'], '-storepass:file',
     ] + config['smartcardoptions'],
     if p.returncode != 0:
         msg = "Failed to get repo pubkey!"
         if config['keystore'] == 'NONE':
             msg += ' Is your crypto smartcard plugged in?'
     global repo_pubkey_fingerprint
     repo_pubkey_fingerprint = cert_fingerprint(p.output)
     return "".join("%02x" % ord(b) for b in p.output)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():

    global config, options

    # Parse command line...
    parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options]")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Spew out even more information than normal")
    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Restrict output to warnings and errors")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    config = common.read_config(options)

    repodirs = ['repo']
    if config['archive_older'] != 0:

    signed = 0
    for output_dir in repodirs:
        if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
            logging.error("Missing output directory '" + output_dir + "'")

        unsigned = os.path.join(output_dir, 'index_unsigned.jar')
        if os.path.exists(unsigned):

            args = ['jarsigner', '-keystore', config['keystore'],
                    '-storepass:file', config['keystorepassfile'],
                    '-digestalg', 'SHA1', '-sigalg', 'MD5withRSA',
                    unsigned, config['repo_keyalias']]
            if config['keystore'] == 'NONE':
                args += config['smartcardoptions']
            else:  # smardcards never use -keypass
                args += ['-keypass:file', config['keypassfile']]
            p = FDroidPopen(args)
            if p.returncode != 0:
                logging.critical("Failed to sign index")
            os.rename(unsigned, os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.jar'))
            logging.info('Signed index in ' + output_dir)
            signed += 1

    if signed == 0:
        logging.info("Nothing to do")
Ejemplo n.º 8
def main():

    global config, options

    # Parse command line...
    parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options]")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Spew out even more information than normal")
    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Restrict output to warnings and errors")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    config = common.read_config(options)

    repodirs = ['repo']
    if config['archive_older'] != 0:

    for output_dir in repodirs:
        if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
            logging.error("Missing output directory '" + output_dir + "'")

        # Process any apks that are waiting to be signed...
        for apkfile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, '*.apk'))):

            apkfilename = os.path.basename(apkfile)
            sigfilename = apkfilename + ".asc"
            sigpath = os.path.join(output_dir, sigfilename)

            if not os.path.exists(sigpath):
                gpgargs = ['gpg', '-a',
                           '--output', sigpath,
                if 'gpghome' in config:
                    gpgargs.extend(['--homedir', config['gpghome']])
                gpgargs.append(os.path.join(output_dir, apkfilename))
                p = FDroidPopen(gpgargs)
                if p.returncode != 0:
                    logging.error("Signing failed.")

                logging.info('Signed ' + apkfilename)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_clean_vm(reset=False):
    """Get a clean VM ready to do a buildserver build.

    This might involve creating and starting a new virtual machine from
    scratch, or it might be as simple (unless overridden by the reset
    parameter) as re-using a snapshot created previously.

    A BuildException will be raised if anything goes wrong.

    :reset: True to force creating from scratch.
    :returns: A dictionary containing 'hostname', 'port', 'user'
        and 'idfile'
    # Reset existing builder machine to a clean state if possible.
    vm_ok = False
    if not reset:
        logging.info("Checking for valid existing build server")

        if got_valid_builder_vm():
            logging.info("...VM is present")
            p = FDroidPopen([
                'VBoxManage', 'snapshot',
                get_builder_vm_id(), 'list', '--details'
            if 'fdroidclean' in p.output:
                logging.info("...snapshot exists - resetting build server to "
                             "clean state")
                retcode, output = vagrant(['status'], cwd='builder')

                if 'running' in output:
                    vagrant(['suspend'], cwd='builder')
                    logging.info("...waiting a sec...")
                p = FDroidPopen([
                    'VBoxManage', 'snapshot',
                    get_builder_vm_id(), 'restore', 'fdroidclean'

                if p.returncode == 0:
                    logging.info("...reset to snapshot - server is valid")
                    retcode, output = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder')
                    if retcode != 0:
                        raise BuildException("Failed to start build server")
                    logging.info("...waiting a sec...")
                    sshinfo = get_vagrant_sshinfo()
                    vm_ok = True
                    logging.info("...failed to reset to snapshot")
                logging.info("...snapshot doesn't exist - "
                             "VBoxManage snapshot list:\n" + p.output)

    # If we can't use the existing machine for any reason, make a
    # new one from scratch.
    if not vm_ok:
        if os.path.exists('builder'):
            logging.info("Removing broken/incomplete/unwanted build server")
            vagrant(['destroy', '-f'], cwd='builder')

        p = subprocess.Popen('vagrant --version',
        vver = p.communicate()[0]
        if vver.startswith('Vagrant version 1.2'):
            with open('builder/Vagrantfile', 'w') as vf:
                vf.write('Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|\n')
                vf.write('config.vm.box = "buildserver"\n')
            with open('builder/Vagrantfile', 'w') as vf:
                vf.write('Vagrant::Config.run do |config|\n')
                vf.write('config.vm.box = "buildserver"\n')

        logging.info("Starting new build server")
        retcode, _ = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder')
        if retcode != 0:
            raise BuildException("Failed to start build server")

        # Open SSH connection to make sure it's working and ready...
        logging.info("Connecting to virtual machine...")
        sshinfo = get_vagrant_sshinfo()
        sshs = paramiko.SSHClient()

        logging.info("Saving clean state of new build server")
        retcode, _ = vagrant(['suspend'], cwd='builder')
        if retcode != 0:
            raise BuildException("Failed to suspend build server")
        logging.info("...waiting a sec...")
        p = FDroidPopen([
            'VBoxManage', 'snapshot',
            get_builder_vm_id(), 'take', 'fdroidclean'
        if p.returncode != 0:
            raise BuildException("Failed to take snapshot")
        logging.info("...waiting a sec...")
        logging.info("Restarting new build server")
        retcode, _ = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder')
        if retcode != 0:
            raise BuildException("Failed to start build server")
        logging.info("...waiting a sec...")
        # Make sure it worked...
        p = FDroidPopen([
            'VBoxManage', 'snapshot',
            get_builder_vm_id(), 'list', '--details'
        if 'fdroidclean' not in p.output:
            raise BuildException("Failed to take snapshot.")

    return sshinfo
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():

    global config, options

    # Parse command line...
    parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options] "
                          "[APPID[:VERCODE] [APPID[:VERCODE] ...]]")
                      help="Spew out even more information than normal")
                      help="Restrict output to warnings and errors")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    config = common.read_config(options)

    log_dir = 'logs'
    if not os.path.isdir(log_dir):
        logging.info("Creating log directory")

    tmp_dir = 'tmp'
    if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
        logging.info("Creating temporary directory")

    output_dir = 'repo'
    if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
        logging.info("Creating output directory")

    unsigned_dir = 'unsigned'
    if not os.path.isdir(unsigned_dir):
        logging.warning("No unsigned directory - nothing to do")

    for f in [
            config['keystorepassfile'], config['keystore'],
        if not os.path.exists(f):
            logging.error("Config error - missing '{0}'".format(f))

    # It was suggested at
    #    https://dev.guardianproject.info/projects/bazaar/wiki/FDroid_Audit
    # that a package could be crafted, such that it would use the same signing
    # key as an existing app. While it may be theoretically possible for such a
    # colliding package ID to be generated, it seems virtually impossible that
    # the colliding ID would be something that would be a) a valid package ID,
    # and b) a sane-looking ID that would make its way into the repo.
    # Nonetheless, to be sure, before publishing we check that there are no
    # collisions, and refuse to do any publishing if that's the case...
    allapps = metadata.read_metadata()
    vercodes = common.read_pkg_args(args, True)
    allaliases = []
    for appid in allapps:
        m = md5.new()
        keyalias = m.hexdigest()[:8]
        if keyalias in allaliases:
            logging.error("There is a keyalias collision - publishing halted")
    logging.info("{0} apps, {0} key aliases".format(len(allapps),

    # Process any apks that are waiting to be signed...
    for apkfile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(unsigned_dir, '*.apk'))):

        appid, vercode = common.apknameinfo(apkfile)
        apkfilename = os.path.basename(apkfile)
        if vercodes and appid not in vercodes:
        if appid in vercodes and vercodes[appid]:
            if vercode not in vercodes[appid]:
        logging.info("Processing " + apkfile)

        # There ought to be valid metadata for this app, otherwise why are we
        # trying to publish it?
        if appid not in allapps:
            logging.error("Unexpected {0} found in unsigned directory".format(
        app = allapps[appid]

        if app.get('Binaries', None):

            # It's an app where we build from source, and verify the apk
            # contents against a developer's binary, and then publish their
            # version if everything checks out.
            # The binary should already have been retrieved during the build
            # process.
            srcapk = apkfile + ".binary"

            # Compare our unsigned one with the downloaded one...
            compare_result = common.verify_apks(srcapk, apkfile, tmp_dir)
            if compare_result:
                logging.error("...verification failed - publish skipped : " +

            # Success! So move the downloaded file to the repo, and remove
            # our built version.
            shutil.move(srcapk, os.path.join(output_dir, apkfilename))


            # It's a 'normal' app, i.e. we sign and publish it...

            # Figure out the key alias name we'll use. Only the first 8
            # characters are significant, so we'll use the first 8 from
            # the MD5 of the app's ID and hope there are no collisions.
            # If a collision does occur later, we're going to have to
            # come up with a new alogrithm, AND rename all existing keys
            # in the keystore!
            if appid in config['keyaliases']:
                # For this particular app, the key alias is overridden...
                keyalias = config['keyaliases'][appid]
                if keyalias.startswith('@'):
                    m = md5.new()
                    keyalias = m.hexdigest()[:8]
                m = md5.new()
                keyalias = m.hexdigest()[:8]
            logging.info("Key alias: " + keyalias)

            # See if we already have a key for this application, and
            # if not generate one...
            p = FDroidPopen([
                'keytool', '-list', '-alias', keyalias, '-keystore',
                config['keystore'], '-storepass:file',
            if p.returncode != 0:
                logging.info("Key does not exist - generating...")
                p = FDroidPopen([
                    'keytool', '-genkey', '-keystore', config['keystore'],
                    '-alias', keyalias, '-keyalg', 'RSA', '-keysize', '2048',
                    '-validity', '10000', '-storepass:file',
                    config['keystorepassfile'], '-keypass:file',
                    config['keypassfile'], '-dname', config['keydname']
                # TODO keypass should be sent via stdin
                if p.returncode != 0:
                    raise BuildException("Failed to generate key")

            # Sign the application...
            p = FDroidPopen([
                'jarsigner', '-keystore', config['keystore'],
                '-storepass:file', config['keystorepassfile'], '-keypass:file',
                config['keypassfile'], '-sigalg', 'MD5withRSA', '-digestalg',
                'SHA1', apkfile, keyalias
            # TODO keypass should be sent via stdin
            if p.returncode != 0:
                raise BuildException("Failed to sign application")

            # Zipalign it...
            p = SdkToolsPopen([
                'zipalign', '-v', '4', apkfile,
                os.path.join(output_dir, apkfilename)
            if p.returncode != 0:
                raise BuildException("Failed to align application")

        # Move the source tarball into the output directory...
        tarfilename = apkfilename[:-4] + '_src.tar.gz'
        tarfile = os.path.join(unsigned_dir, tarfilename)
        if os.path.exists(tarfile):
            shutil.move(tarfile, os.path.join(output_dir, tarfilename))

        logging.info('Published ' + apkfilename)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def make_index(apps, sortedids, apks, repodir, archive, categories):
    """Make a repo index.

    :param apps: fully populated apps list
    :param apks: full populated apks list
    :param repodir: the repo directory
    :param archive: True if this is the archive repo, False if it's the
                    main one.
    :param categories: list of categories

    doc = Document()

    def addElement(name, value, doc, parent):
        el = doc.createElement(name)

    def addElementCDATA(name, value, doc, parent):
        el = doc.createElement(name)

    root = doc.createElement("fdroid")

    repoel = doc.createElement("repo")

    if archive:
        repoel.setAttribute("name", config['archive_name'])
        if config['repo_maxage'] != 0:
            repoel.setAttribute("maxage", str(config['repo_maxage']))
        repoel.setAttribute("icon", os.path.basename(config['archive_icon']))
        repoel.setAttribute("url", config['archive_url'])
        addElement('description', config['archive_description'], doc, repoel)

        repoel.setAttribute("name", config['repo_name'])
        if config['repo_maxage'] != 0:
            repoel.setAttribute("maxage", str(config['repo_maxage']))
        repoel.setAttribute("icon", os.path.basename(config['repo_icon']))
        repoel.setAttribute("url", config['repo_url'])
        addElement('description', config['repo_description'], doc, repoel)

    repoel.setAttribute("version", "12")
    repoel.setAttribute("timestamp", str(int(time.time())))

    if 'repo_keyalias' in config:

        # Generate a certificate fingerprint the same way keytool does it
        # (but with slightly different formatting)
        def cert_fingerprint(data):
            digest = hashlib.sha256(data).digest()
            ret = []
            ret.append(' '.join("%02X" % ord(b) for b in digest))
            return " ".join(ret)

        def extract_pubkey():
            p = FDroidPopen([
                'keytool', '-exportcert', '-alias', config['repo_keyalias'],
                '-keystore', config['keystore'], '-storepass:file',
            ] + config['smartcardoptions'],
            if p.returncode != 0:
                msg = "Failed to get repo pubkey!"
                if config['keystore'] == 'NONE':
                    msg += ' Is your crypto smartcard plugged in?'
            global repo_pubkey_fingerprint
            repo_pubkey_fingerprint = cert_fingerprint(p.output)
            return "".join("%02x" % ord(b) for b in p.output)

        repoel.setAttribute("pubkey", extract_pubkey())


    for appid in sortedids:
        app = apps[appid]

        if app['Disabled'] is not None:

        # Get a list of the apks for this app...
        apklist = []
        for apk in apks:
            if apk['id'] == appid:

        if len(apklist) == 0:

        apel = doc.createElement("application")
        apel.setAttribute("id", app['id'])

        addElement('id', app['id'], doc, apel)
        if 'added' in app:
            addElement('added', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', app['added']), doc,
        if 'lastupdated' in app:
                       time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', app['lastupdated']), doc,
        addElement('name', app['Name'], doc, apel)
        addElement('summary', app['Summary'], doc, apel)
        if app['icon']:
            addElement('icon', app['icon'], doc, apel)

        def linkres(appid):
            if appid in apps:
                return ("fdroid:app" + appid, apps[appid]['Name'])
            raise MetaDataException("Cannot resolve app id " + appid)

                   metadata.description_html(app['Description'], linkres), doc,
        addElement('license', app['License'], doc, apel)
        if 'Categories' in app:
            addElement('categories', ','.join(app["Categories"]), doc, apel)
            # We put the first (primary) category in LAST, which will have
            # the desired effect of making clients that only understand one
            # category see that one.
            addElement('category', app["Categories"][0], doc, apel)
        addElement('web', app['Web Site'], doc, apel)
        addElement('source', app['Source Code'], doc, apel)
        addElement('tracker', app['Issue Tracker'], doc, apel)
        if app['Donate']:
            addElement('donate', app['Donate'], doc, apel)
        if app['Bitcoin']:
            addElement('bitcoin', app['Bitcoin'], doc, apel)
        if app['Litecoin']:
            addElement('litecoin', app['Litecoin'], doc, apel)
        if app['Dogecoin']:
            addElement('dogecoin', app['Dogecoin'], doc, apel)
        if app['FlattrID']:
            addElement('flattr', app['FlattrID'], doc, apel)

        # These elements actually refer to the current version (i.e. which
        # one is recommended. They are historically mis-named, and need
        # changing, but stay like this for now to support existing clients.
        addElement('marketversion', app['Current Version'], doc, apel)
        addElement('marketvercode', app['Current Version Code'], doc, apel)

        if app['AntiFeatures']:
            af = app['AntiFeatures'].split(',')
            # TODO: Temporarily not including UpstreamNonFree in the index,
            # because current F-Droid clients do not understand it, and also
            # look ugly when they encounter an unknown antifeature. This
            # filtering can be removed in time...
            if 'UpstreamNonFree' in af:
            if af:
                addElement('antifeatures', ','.join(af), doc, apel)
        if app['Provides']:
            pv = app['Provides'].split(',')
            addElement('provides', ','.join(pv), doc, apel)
        if app['Requires Root']:
            addElement('requirements', 'root', doc, apel)

        # Sort the apk list into version order, just so the web site
        # doesn't have to do any work by default...
        apklist = sorted(apklist,
                         key=lambda apk: apk['versioncode'],

        # Check for duplicates - they will make the client unhappy...
        for i in range(len(apklist) - 1):
            if apklist[i]['versioncode'] == apklist[i + 1]['versioncode']:
                    "duplicate versions: '%s' - '%s'" %
                    (apklist[i]['apkname'], apklist[i + 1]['apkname']))

        for apk in apklist:
            apkel = doc.createElement("package")
            addElement('version', apk['version'], doc, apkel)
            addElement('versioncode', str(apk['versioncode']), doc, apkel)
            addElement('apkname', apk['apkname'], doc, apkel)
            if 'srcname' in apk:
                addElement('srcname', apk['srcname'], doc, apkel)
            for hash_type in ['sha256']:
                if hash_type not in apk:
                hashel = doc.createElement("hash")
                hashel.setAttribute("type", hash_type)
            addElement('sig', apk['sig'], doc, apkel)
            addElement('size', str(apk['size']), doc, apkel)
            addElement('sdkver', str(apk['sdkversion']), doc, apkel)
            if 'maxsdkversion' in apk:
                addElement('maxsdkver', str(apk['maxsdkversion']), doc, apkel)
            if 'added' in apk:
                addElement('added', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', apk['added']),
                           doc, apkel)
            if app['Requires Root']:
                if 'ACCESS_SUPERUSER' not in apk['permissions']:

            if len(apk['permissions']) > 0:
                addElement('permissions', ','.join(apk['permissions']), doc,
            if 'nativecode' in apk and len(apk['nativecode']) > 0:
                addElement('nativecode', ','.join(apk['nativecode']), doc,
            if len(apk['features']) > 0:
                addElement('features', ','.join(apk['features']), doc, apkel)

    of = open(os.path.join(repodir, 'index.xml'), 'wb')
    if options.pretty:
        output = doc.toprettyxml()
        output = doc.toxml()

    if 'repo_keyalias' in config:

        logging.info("Creating signed index with this key (SHA256):")
        logging.info("%s" % repo_pubkey_fingerprint)

        # Create a jar of the index...
        p = FDroidPopen(['jar', 'cf', 'index.jar', 'index.xml'], cwd=repodir)
        if p.returncode != 0:
            logging.critical("Failed to create jar file")

        # Sign the index...
        args = [
            'jarsigner', '-keystore', config['keystore'], '-storepass:file',
            config['keystorepassfile'], '-digestalg', 'SHA1', '-sigalg',
            os.path.join(repodir, 'index.jar'), config['repo_keyalias']
        if config['keystore'] == 'NONE':
            args += config['smartcardoptions']
        else:  # smardcards never use -keypass
            args += ['-keypass:file', config['keypassfile']]
        p = FDroidPopen(args)
        # TODO keypass should be sent via stdin
        if p.returncode != 0:
            logging.critical("Failed to sign index")

    # Copy the repo icon into the repo directory...
    icon_dir = os.path.join(repodir, 'icons')
    iconfilename = os.path.join(icon_dir,
    shutil.copyfile(config['repo_icon'], iconfilename)

    # Write a category list in the repo to allow quick access...
    catdata = ''
    for cat in categories:
        catdata += cat + '\n'
    f = open(os.path.join(repodir, 'categories.txt'), 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main():

    global options, config

    # Parse command line...
    parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options] [APPID[:VERCODE] [APPID[:VERCODE] ...]]")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Spew out even more information than normal")
    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="Restrict output to warnings and errors")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    config = common.read_config(options)

    tmp_dir = 'tmp'
    if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
        logging.info("Creating temporary directory")

    unsigned_dir = 'unsigned'
    if not os.path.isdir(unsigned_dir):
        logging.error("No unsigned directory - nothing to do")

    verified = 0
    notverified = 0

    vercodes = common.read_pkg_args(args, True)

    for apkfile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(unsigned_dir, '*.apk'))):

        apkfilename = os.path.basename(apkfile)
        appid, vercode = common.apknameinfo(apkfile)

        if vercodes and appid not in vercodes:
        if vercodes[appid] and vercode not in vercodes[appid]:


            logging.info("Processing " + apkfilename)

            remoteapk = os.path.join(tmp_dir, apkfilename)
            if os.path.exists(remoteapk):
            url = 'https://f-droid.org/repo/' + apkfilename
            logging.info("...retrieving " + url)
            p = FDroidPopen(['wget', url], cwd=tmp_dir)
            if p.returncode != 0:
                raise FDroidException("Failed to get " + apkfilename)

            thisdir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'this_apk')
            thatdir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'that_apk')
            for d in [thisdir, thatdir]:
                if os.path.exists(d):

            if subprocess.call(['jar', 'xf',
                                os.path.join("..", "..", unsigned_dir, apkfilename)],
                               cwd=thisdir) != 0:
                raise FDroidException("Failed to unpack local build of " + apkfilename)
            if subprocess.call(['jar', 'xf',
                                os.path.join("..", "..", remoteapk)],
                               cwd=thatdir) != 0:
                raise FDroidException("Failed to unpack remote build of " + apkfilename)

            p = FDroidPopen(['diff', '-r', 'this_apk', 'that_apk'], cwd=tmp_dir)
            lines = p.output.splitlines()
            if len(lines) != 1 or 'META-INF' not in lines[0]:
                raise FDroidException("Unexpected diff output - " + p.output)

            logging.info("...successfully verified")
            verified += 1

        except FDroidException, e:
            logging.info("...NOT verified - {0}".format(e))
            notverified += 1
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_clean_vm(reset=False):
    """Get a clean VM ready to do a buildserver build.

    This might involve creating and starting a new virtual machine from
    scratch, or it might be as simple (unless overridden by the reset
    parameter) as re-using a snapshot created previously.

    A BuildException will be raised if anything goes wrong.

    :reset: True to force creating from scratch.
    :returns: A dictionary containing 'hostname', 'port', 'user'
        and 'idfile'
    # Reset existing builder machine to a clean state if possible.
    vm_ok = False
    if not reset:
        logging.info("Checking for valid existing build server")

        if got_valid_builder_vm():
            logging.info("...VM is present")
            p = FDroidPopen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot',
                             get_builder_vm_id(), 'list',
                             '--details'], cwd='builder')
            if 'fdroidclean' in p.output:
                logging.info("...snapshot exists - resetting build server to "
                             "clean state")
                retcode, output = vagrant(['status'], cwd='builder')

                if 'running' in output:
                    vagrant(['suspend'], cwd='builder')
                    logging.info("...waiting a sec...")
                p = FDroidPopen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(),
                                 'restore', 'fdroidclean'],

                if p.returncode == 0:
                    logging.info("...reset to snapshot - server is valid")
                    retcode, output = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder')
                    if retcode != 0:
                        raise BuildException("Failed to start build server")
                    logging.info("...waiting a sec...")
                    sshinfo = get_vagrant_sshinfo()
                    vm_ok = True
                    logging.info("...failed to reset to snapshot")
                logging.info("...snapshot doesn't exist - "
                             "VBoxManage snapshot list:\n" + p.output)

    # If we can't use the existing machine for any reason, make a
    # new one from scratch.
    if not vm_ok:
        if os.path.exists('builder'):
            logging.info("Removing broken/incomplete/unwanted build server")
            vagrant(['destroy', '-f'], cwd='builder')

        p = subprocess.Popen(['vagrant', '--version'],
        vver = p.communicate()[0].strip().split(' ')[1]
        if vver.split('.')[0] != '1' or int(vver.split('.')[1]) < 4:
            raise BuildException("Unsupported vagrant version {0}".format(vver))

        with open(os.path.join('builder', 'Vagrantfile'), 'w') as vf:
            vf.write('Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|\n')
            vf.write('config.vm.box = "buildserver"\n')
            vf.write('config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true\n')

        logging.info("Starting new build server")
        retcode, _ = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder')
        if retcode != 0:
            raise BuildException("Failed to start build server")

        # Open SSH connection to make sure it's working and ready...
        logging.info("Connecting to virtual machine...")
        sshinfo = get_vagrant_sshinfo()
        sshs = paramiko.SSHClient()
        sshs.connect(sshinfo['hostname'], username=sshinfo['user'],
                     port=sshinfo['port'], timeout=300,

        logging.info("Saving clean state of new build server")
        retcode, _ = vagrant(['suspend'], cwd='builder')
        if retcode != 0:
            raise BuildException("Failed to suspend build server")
        logging.info("...waiting a sec...")
        p = FDroidPopen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(),
                         'take', 'fdroidclean'],
        if p.returncode != 0:
            raise BuildException("Failed to take snapshot")
        logging.info("...waiting a sec...")
        logging.info("Restarting new build server")
        retcode, _ = vagrant(['up'], cwd='builder')
        if retcode != 0:
            raise BuildException("Failed to start build server")
        logging.info("...waiting a sec...")
        # Make sure it worked...
        p = FDroidPopen(['VBoxManage', 'snapshot', get_builder_vm_id(),
                         'list', '--details'],
        if 'fdroidclean' not in p.output:
            raise BuildException("Failed to take snapshot.")

    return sshinfo
Ejemplo n.º 14
def build_local(app, thisbuild, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, tmp_dir, install, force, onserver):
    """Do a build locally."""

    # Prepare the source code...
    root_dir, srclibpaths = common.prepare_source(vcs, app, thisbuild,
            build_dir, srclib_dir, extlib_dir, onserver)

    # We need to clean via the build tool in case the binary dirs are
    # different from the default ones
    p = None
    if thisbuild.get('maven', 'no') != 'no':
        print "Cleaning Maven project..."
        cmd = [config['mvn3'], 'clean', '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path']]

        if '@' in thisbuild['maven']:
            maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['maven'].split('@',1)[1])
            maven_dir = os.path.normpath(maven_dir)
            maven_dir = root_dir

        p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=maven_dir)
    elif thisbuild.get('gradle', 'no') != 'no':
        print "Cleaning Gradle project..."
        cmd = [config['gradle'], 'clean']

        if '@' in thisbuild['gradle']:
            gradle_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['gradle'].split('@',1)[1])
            gradle_dir = os.path.normpath(gradle_dir)
            gradle_dir = root_dir

        p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=gradle_dir)
    elif thisbuild.get('update', '.') != 'no' and thisbuild.get('kivy', 'no') == 'no':
        print "Cleaning Ant project..."
        cmd = ['ant', 'clean']
        p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir)

    if p is not None and p.returncode != 0:
        raise BuildException("Error cleaning %s:%s" %
                (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr)

    # Also clean jni
    print "Cleaning jni dirs..."
    for baddir in [
            'libs/armeabi-v7a', 'libs/armeabi',
            'libs/mips', 'libs/x86', 'obj']:
        badpath = os.path.join(build_dir, baddir)
        if os.path.exists(badpath):
            print "Removing '%s'" % badpath

    # Scan before building...
    print "Scanning source for common problems..."
    buildprobs = common.scan_source(build_dir, root_dir, thisbuild)
    if len(buildprobs) > 0:
        print 'Scanner found ' + str(len(buildprobs)) + ' problems:'
        for problem in buildprobs:
            print '...' + problem
        if not force:
            raise BuildException("Can't build due to " +
                str(len(buildprobs)) + " scanned problems")

    # Build the source tarball right before we build the release...
    print "Creating source tarball..."
    tarname = common.getsrcname(app,thisbuild)
    tarball = tarfile.open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname), "w:gz")
    def tarexc(f):
        for vcs_dir in ['.svn', '.git', '.hg', '.bzr']:
            if f.endswith(vcs_dir):
                return True
        return False
    tarball.add(build_dir, tarname, exclude=tarexc)

    # Run a build command if one is required...
    if 'build' in thisbuild:
        cmd = common.replace_config_vars(thisbuild['build'])
        # Substitute source library paths into commands...
        for name, number, libpath in srclibpaths:
            libpath = os.path.relpath(libpath, root_dir)
            cmd = cmd.replace('$$' + name + '$$', libpath)
        if options.verbose:
            print "Running 'build' commands in %s" % root_dir

        p = FDroidPopen(['bash', '-x', '-c', cmd], cwd=root_dir)
        if p.returncode != 0:
            raise BuildException("Error running build command for %s:%s" %
                    (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr)

    # Build native stuff if required...
    if thisbuild.get('buildjni') not in (None, 'no'):
        print "Building native libraries..."
        jni_components = thisbuild.get('buildjni')
        if jni_components == 'yes':
            jni_components = ['']
            jni_components = [c.strip() for c in jni_components.split(';')]
        ndkbuild = os.path.join(config['ndk_path'], "ndk-build")
        for d in jni_components:
            if options.verbose:
                print "Running ndk-build in " + root_dir + '/' + d
            manifest = root_dir + '/' + d + '/AndroidManifest.xml'
            if os.path.exists(manifest):
                # Read and write the whole AM.xml to fix newlines and avoid
                # the ndk r8c or later 'wordlist' errors. The outcome of this
                # under gnu/linux is the same as when using tools like
                # dos2unix, but the native python way is faster and will
                # work in non-unix systems.
                manifest_text = open(manifest, 'U').read()
                open(manifest, 'w').write(manifest_text)
                # In case the AM.xml read was big, free the memory
                del manifest_text
            p = FDroidPopen([ndkbuild], cwd=os.path.join(root_dir,d))
            if p.returncode != 0:
                raise BuildException("NDK build failed for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr)

    p = None
    # Build the release...
    if thisbuild.get('maven', 'no') != 'no':
        print "Building Maven project..."

        if '@' in thisbuild['maven']:
            maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['maven'].split('@',1)[1])
            maven_dir = root_dir

        mvncmd = [config['mvn3'], '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path']]
        if install:
            mvncmd += ['-Dandroid.sign.debug=true', 'package', 'android:deploy']
            mvncmd += ['-Dandroid.sign.debug=false', '-Dandroid.release=true', 'package']
        if 'target' in thisbuild:
            target = thisbuild["target"].split('-')[1]
            subprocess.call(['sed', '-i',
                    'pom.xml'], cwd=root_dir)
            if '@' in thisbuild['maven']:
                subprocess.call(['sed', '-i',
                        'pom.xml'], cwd=maven_dir)

        if 'mvnflags' in thisbuild:
            mvncmd += thisbuild['mvnflags']

        p = FDroidPopen(mvncmd, cwd=maven_dir)

        bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'target')

    elif thisbuild.get('kivy', 'no') != 'no':
        print "Building Kivy project..."

        spec = os.path.join(root_dir, 'buildozer.spec')
        if not os.path.exists(spec):
            raise BuildException("Expected to find buildozer-compatible spec at {0}"

        defaults = {'orientation': 'landscape', 'icon': '', 
                'permissions': '', 'android.api': "18"}
        bconfig = ConfigParser(defaults, allow_no_value=True)

        distdir = 'python-for-android/dist/fdroid'
        if os.path.exists(distdir):

        modules = bconfig.get('app', 'requirements').split(',')

        cmd = 'ANDROIDSDK=' + config['sdk_path']
        cmd += ' ANDROIDNDK=' + config['ndk_path']
        cmd += ' ANDROIDNDKVER=r9'
        cmd += ' ANDROIDAPI=' + str(bconfig.get('app', 'android.api'))
        cmd += ' VIRTUALENV=virtualenv'
        cmd += ' ./distribute.sh'
        cmd += ' -m ' + "'" + ' '.join(modules) + "'" 
        cmd += ' -d fdroid'
        if subprocess.call(cmd, cwd='python-for-android', shell=True) != 0:
            raise BuildException("Distribute build failed")

        cid = bconfig.get('app', 'package.domain') + '.' + bconfig.get('app', 'package.name')
        if cid != app['id']:
            raise BuildException("Package ID mismatch between metadata and spec")

        orientation = bconfig.get('app', 'orientation', 'landscape')
        if orientation == 'all':
            orientation = 'sensor'

        cmd = ['./build.py'
                '--dir', root_dir,
                '--name', bconfig.get('app', 'title'),
                '--package', app['id'],
                '--version', bconfig.get('app', 'version'),
                '--orientation', orientation,

        perms = bconfig.get('app', 'permissions')
        for perm in perms.split(','):
            cmd.extend(['--permission', perm])

        if config.get('app', 'fullscreen') == 0:

        icon = bconfig.get('app', 'icon.filename')
        if icon:
            cmd.extend(['--icon', os.path.join(root_dir, icon)])

        p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=distdir)

    elif thisbuild.get('gradle', 'no') != 'no':
        print "Building Gradle project..."
        if '@' in thisbuild['gradle']:
            flavour = thisbuild['gradle'].split('@')[0]
            gradle_dir = thisbuild['gradle'].split('@')[1]
            gradle_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, gradle_dir)
            flavour = thisbuild['gradle']
            gradle_dir = root_dir

        if 'compilesdk' in thisbuild:
            level = thisbuild["compilesdk"].split('-')[1]
            subprocess.call(['sed', '-i',
                    's@compileSdkVersion[ ]*[0-9]*@compileSdkVersion '+level+'@g',
                    'build.gradle'], cwd=root_dir)
            if '@' in thisbuild['gradle']:
                subprocess.call(['sed', '-i',
                        's@compileSdkVersion[ ]*[0-9]*@compileSdkVersion '+level+'@g',
                        'build.gradle'], cwd=gradle_dir)

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir):
            for f in files:
                if f == 'build.gradle':
                    adapt_gradle(os.path.join(root, f))

        if flavour in ['main', 'yes', '']:
            flavour = ''
        commands = [config['gradle']]
        if 'preassemble' in thisbuild:
            for task in thisbuild['preassemble'].split():
        if install:
            commands += ['assemble'+flavour+'Debug', 'install'+flavour+'Debug']
            commands += ['assemble'+flavour+'Release']

        p = FDroidPopen(commands, cwd=gradle_dir)

        print "Building Ant project..."
        cmd = ['ant']
        if install:
            cmd += ['debug','install']
        elif 'antcommand' in thisbuild:
            cmd += [thisbuild['antcommand']]
            cmd += ['release']
        p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir)

        bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin')

    if p.returncode != 0:
        raise BuildException("Build failed for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.stdout, p.stderr)
    print "Successfully built version " + thisbuild['version'] + ' of ' + app['id']

    if install:

    # Find the apk name in the output...
    if 'bindir' in thisbuild:
        bindir = os.path.join(build_dir, thisbuild['bindir'])

    if thisbuild.get('maven', 'no') != 'no':
        stdout_apk = '\n'.join([
            line for line in p.stdout.splitlines() if any(a in line for a in ('.apk','.ap_'))])
        m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] .*apkbuilder.*/([^/]*)\.apk",
                stdout_apk, re.S|re.M)
        if not m:
            m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] Creating additional unsigned apk file .*/([^/]+)\.apk[^l]",
                    stdout_apk, re.S|re.M)
        if not m:
            m = re.match(r'.*^\[INFO\] [^$]*aapt \[package,[^$]*' + bindir + r'/([^/]+)\.ap[_k][,\]]',
                    stdout_apk, re.S|re.M)
        if not m:
            raise BuildException('Failed to find output')
        src = m.group(1)
        src = os.path.join(bindir, src) + '.apk'
    elif thisbuild.get('kivy', 'no') != 'no':
        src = 'python-for-android/dist/default/bin/{0}-{1}-release.apk'.format(
                bconfig.get('app', 'title'), bconfig.get('app', 'version'))
    elif thisbuild.get('gradle', 'no') != 'no':
        dd = build_dir
        if 'subdir' in thisbuild:
            dd = os.path.join(dd, thisbuild['subdir'])
        if flavour in ['main', 'yes', '']:
            name = '-'.join([os.path.basename(dd), 'release', 'unsigned'])
            name = '-'.join([os.path.basename(dd), flavour, 'release', 'unsigned'])
        src = os.path.join(dd, 'build', 'apk', name+'.apk')
        stdout_apk = '\n'.join([
            line for line in p.stdout.splitlines() if '.apk' in line])
        src = re.match(r".*^.*Creating (.+) for release.*$.*", stdout_apk,
        src = os.path.join(bindir, src)

    # Make sure it's not debuggable...
    if common.isApkDebuggable(src, config):
        raise BuildException("APK is debuggable")

    # By way of a sanity check, make sure the version and version
    # code in our new apk match what we expect...
    print "Checking " + src
    if not os.path.exists(src):
        raise BuildException("Unsigned apk is not at expected location of " + src)

    p = subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(config['sdk_path'],
                        'build-tools', config['build_tools'], 'aapt'),
                        'dump', 'badging', src],
    output = p.communicate()[0]

    vercode = None
    version = None
    foundid = None
    for line in output.splitlines():
        if line.startswith("package:"):
            pat = re.compile(".*name='([a-zA-Z0-9._]*)'.*")
            foundid = re.match(pat, line).group(1)
            pat = re.compile(".*versionCode='([0-9]*)'.*")
            vercode = re.match(pat, line).group(1)
            pat = re.compile(".*versionName='([^']*)'.*")
            version = re.match(pat, line).group(1)
    if thisbuild['novcheck']:
        vercode = thisbuild['vercode']
        version = thisbuild['version']
    if not version or not vercode:
        raise BuildException("Could not find version information in build in output")
    if not foundid:
        raise BuildException("Could not find package ID in output")
    if foundid != app['id']:
        raise BuildException("Wrong package ID - build " + foundid + " but expected " + app['id'])

    # Some apps (e.g. Timeriffic) have had the bonkers idea of
    # including the entire changelog in the version number. Remove
    # it so we can compare. (TODO: might be better to remove it
    # before we compile, in fact)
    index = version.find(" //")
    if index != -1:
        version = version[:index]

    if (version != thisbuild['version'] or
            vercode != thisbuild['vercode']):
        raise BuildException(("Unexpected version/version code in output;"
                             " APK: '%s' / '%s', "
                             " Expected: '%s' / '%s'")
                             % (version, str(vercode), thisbuild['version'], str(thisbuild['vercode']))

    # Copy the unsigned apk to our destination directory for further
    # processing (by publish.py)...
    dest = os.path.join(output_dir, common.getapkname(app,thisbuild))
    shutil.copyfile(src, dest)

    # Move the source tarball into the output directory...
    if output_dir != tmp_dir:
        shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname),
            os.path.join(output_dir, tarname))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def build_local(app, thisbuild, vcs, build_dir, output_dir, srclib_dir,
                extlib_dir, tmp_dir, force, onserver):
    """Do a build locally."""

    if thisbuild['buildjni'] and thisbuild['buildjni'] != ['no']:
        if not config['ndk_path']:
            logging.critical("$ANDROID_NDK is not set!")
        elif not os.path.isdir(config['sdk_path']):
                "$ANDROID_NDK points to a non-existing directory!")

    # Prepare the source code...
    root_dir, srclibpaths = common.prepare_source(vcs, app, thisbuild,
                                                  build_dir, srclib_dir,
                                                  extlib_dir, onserver)

    # We need to clean via the build tool in case the binary dirs are
    # different from the default ones
    p = None
    if thisbuild['type'] == 'maven':
        logging.info("Cleaning Maven project...")
        cmd = [
            config['mvn3'], 'clean', '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path']

        if '@' in thisbuild['maven']:
            maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir,
                                     thisbuild['maven'].split('@', 1)[1])
            maven_dir = os.path.normpath(maven_dir)
            maven_dir = root_dir

        p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=maven_dir)

    elif thisbuild['type'] == 'gradle':

        logging.info("Cleaning Gradle project...")
        cmd = [config['gradle'], 'clean']

        for name, number, libpath in srclibpaths:

        p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir)

    elif thisbuild['type'] == 'kivy':

    elif thisbuild['type'] == 'ant':
        logging.info("Cleaning Ant project...")
        p = FDroidPopen(['ant', 'clean'], cwd=root_dir)

    if p is not None and p.returncode != 0:
        raise BuildException(
            "Error cleaning %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']),

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(build_dir):
        # Don't remove possibly necessary 'gradle' dirs if 'gradlew' is not there
        if 'gradlew' in files:
            logging.debug("Getting rid of Gradle wrapper stuff in %s" % root)
            os.remove(os.path.join(root, 'gradlew'))
            if 'gradlew.bat' in files:
                os.remove(os.path.join(root, 'gradlew.bat'))
            if 'gradle' in dirs:
                shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, 'gradle'))

    if not options.skipscan:
        # Scan before building...
        logging.info("Scanning source for common problems...")
        count = common.scan_source(build_dir, root_dir, thisbuild)
        if count > 0:
            if force:
                logging.warn('Scanner found %d problems:' % count)
                raise BuildException(
                    "Can't build due to %d errors while scanning" % count)

    if not options.notarball:
        # Build the source tarball right before we build the release...
        logging.info("Creating source tarball...")
        tarname = common.getsrcname(app, thisbuild)
        tarball = tarfile.open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname), "w:gz")

        def tarexc(f):
            return any(f.endswith(s) for s in ['.svn', '.git', '.hg', '.bzr'])

        tarball.add(build_dir, tarname, exclude=tarexc)

    if onserver:
        manifest = os.path.join(root_dir, 'AndroidManifest.xml')
        if os.path.exists(manifest):
            homedir = os.path.expanduser('~')
            with open(os.path.join(homedir, 'buildserverid'), 'r') as f:
                buildserverid = f.read()
            with open(os.path.join(homedir, 'fdroidserverid'), 'r') as f:
                fdroidserverid = f.read()
            with open(manifest, 'r') as f:
                manifestcontent = f.read()
            manifestcontent = manifestcontent.replace(
                '<fdroid buildserverid="' + buildserverid + '"' +
                ' fdroidserverid="' + fdroidserverid + '"' + '/></manifest>')
            with open(manifest, 'w') as f:

    # Run a build command if one is required...
    if thisbuild['build']:
        logging.info("Running 'build' commands in %s" % root_dir)
        cmd = common.replace_config_vars(thisbuild['build'])

        # Substitute source library paths into commands...
        for name, number, libpath in srclibpaths:
            libpath = os.path.relpath(libpath, root_dir)
            cmd = cmd.replace('$$' + name + '$$', libpath)

        p = FDroidPopen(['bash', '-x', '-c', cmd], cwd=root_dir)

        if p.returncode != 0:
            raise BuildException(
                "Error running build command for %s:%s" %
                (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.output)

    # Build native stuff if required...
    if thisbuild['buildjni'] and thisbuild['buildjni'] != ['no']:
        logging.info("Building the native code")
        jni_components = thisbuild['buildjni']

        if jni_components == ['yes']:
            jni_components = ['']
        cmd = [os.path.join(config['ndk_path'], "ndk-build"), "-j1"]
        for d in jni_components:
            if d:
                logging.info("Building native code in '%s'" % d)
                logging.info("Building native code in the main project")
            manifest = root_dir + '/' + d + '/AndroidManifest.xml'
            if os.path.exists(manifest):
                # Read and write the whole AM.xml to fix newlines and avoid
                # the ndk r8c or later 'wordlist' errors. The outcome of this
                # under gnu/linux is the same as when using tools like
                # dos2unix, but the native python way is faster and will
                # work in non-unix systems.
                manifest_text = open(manifest, 'U').read()
                open(manifest, 'w').write(manifest_text)
                # In case the AM.xml read was big, free the memory
                del manifest_text
            p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=os.path.join(root_dir, d))
            if p.returncode != 0:
                raise BuildException(
                    "NDK build failed for %s:%s" %
                    (app['id'], thisbuild['version']), p.output)

    p = None
    # Build the release...
    if thisbuild['type'] == 'maven':
        logging.info("Building Maven project...")

        if '@' in thisbuild['maven']:
            maven_dir = os.path.join(root_dir,
                                     thisbuild['maven'].split('@', 1)[1])
            maven_dir = root_dir

        mvncmd = [
            config['mvn3'], '-Dandroid.sdk.path=' + config['sdk_path'],
            '-Dmaven.jar.sign.skip=true', '-Dmaven.test.skip=true',
            '-Dandroid.sign.debug=false', '-Dandroid.release=true', 'package'
        if thisbuild['target']:
            target = thisbuild["target"].split('-')[1]
                'sed', '-i', 's@<platform>[0-9]*</platform>@<platform>' +
                target + '</platform>@g', 'pom.xml'
            if '@' in thisbuild['maven']:
                    'sed', '-i', 's@<platform>[0-9]*</platform>@<platform>' +
                    target + '</platform>@g', 'pom.xml'

        p = FDroidPopen(mvncmd, cwd=maven_dir)

        bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'target')

    elif thisbuild['type'] == 'kivy':
        logging.info("Building Kivy project...")

        spec = os.path.join(root_dir, 'buildozer.spec')
        if not os.path.exists(spec):
            raise BuildException(
                "Expected to find buildozer-compatible spec at {0}".format(

        defaults = {
            'orientation': 'landscape',
            'icon': '',
            'permissions': '',
            'android.api': "18"
        bconfig = ConfigParser(defaults, allow_no_value=True)

        distdir = 'python-for-android/dist/fdroid'
        if os.path.exists(distdir):

        modules = bconfig.get('app', 'requirements').split(',')

        cmd = 'ANDROIDSDK=' + config['sdk_path']
        cmd += ' ANDROIDNDK=' + config['ndk_path']
        cmd += ' ANDROIDNDKVER=r9'
        cmd += ' ANDROIDAPI=' + str(bconfig.get('app', 'android.api'))
        cmd += ' VIRTUALENV=virtualenv'
        cmd += ' ./distribute.sh'
        cmd += ' -m ' + "'" + ' '.join(modules) + "'"
        cmd += ' -d fdroid'
        p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd='python-for-android', shell=True)
        if p.returncode != 0:
            raise BuildException("Distribute build failed")

        cid = bconfig.get('app', 'package.domain') + '.' + bconfig.get(
            'app', 'package.name')
        if cid != app['id']:
            raise BuildException(
                "Package ID mismatch between metadata and spec")

        orientation = bconfig.get('app', 'orientation', 'landscape')
        if orientation == 'all':
            orientation = 'sensor'

        cmd = [
            '--dir', root_dir, '--name',
            bconfig.get('app', 'title'), '--package', app['id'], '--version',
            bconfig.get('app', 'version'), '--orientation', orientation

        perms = bconfig.get('app', 'permissions')
        for perm in perms.split(','):
            cmd.extend(['--permission', perm])

        if config.get('app', 'fullscreen') == 0:

        icon = bconfig.get('app', 'icon.filename')
        if icon:
            cmd.extend(['--icon', os.path.join(root_dir, icon)])

        p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=distdir)

    elif thisbuild['type'] == 'gradle':
        logging.info("Building Gradle project...")
        flavours = thisbuild['gradle'].split(',')

        if len(flavours) == 1 and flavours[0] in ['main', 'yes', '']:
            flavours[0] = ''

        commands = [config['gradle']]
        if thisbuild['preassemble']:
            commands += thisbuild['preassemble'].split()

        flavours_cmd = ''.join(flavours)
        if flavours_cmd:
            flavours_cmd = flavours_cmd[0].upper() + flavours_cmd[1:]

        commands += ['assemble' + flavours_cmd + 'Release']

        # Avoid having to use lintOptions.abortOnError false
        if thisbuild['gradlepluginver'] >= LooseVersion('0.7'):
            with open(os.path.join(root_dir, 'build.gradle'), "a") as f:
                    "\nandroid { lintOptions { checkReleaseBuilds false } }\n")

        p = FDroidPopen(commands, cwd=root_dir)

    elif thisbuild['type'] == 'ant':
        logging.info("Building Ant project...")
        cmd = ['ant']
        if thisbuild['antcommand']:
            cmd += [thisbuild['antcommand']]
            cmd += ['release']
        p = FDroidPopen(cmd, cwd=root_dir)

        bindir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'bin')

    if p is not None and p.returncode != 0:
        raise BuildException(
            "Build failed for %s:%s" % (app['id'], thisbuild['version']),
    logging.info("Successfully built version " + thisbuild['version'] +
                 ' of ' + app['id'])

    if thisbuild['type'] == 'maven':
        stdout_apk = '\n'.join([
            line for line in p.output.splitlines()
            if any(a in line for a in ('.apk', '.ap_', '.jar'))
        m = re.match(r".*^\[INFO\] .*apkbuilder.*/([^/]*)\.apk", stdout_apk,
                     re.S | re.M)
        if not m:
            m = re.match(
                r".*^\[INFO\] Creating additional unsigned apk file .*/([^/]+)\.apk[^l]",
                stdout_apk, re.S | re.M)
        if not m:
            m = re.match(
                r'.*^\[INFO\] [^$]*aapt \[package,[^$]*' + bindir +
                r'/([^/]+)\.ap[_k][,\]]', stdout_apk, re.S | re.M)

        if not m:
            m = re.match(
                r".*^\[INFO\] Building jar: .*/" + bindir + r"/(.+)\.jar",
                stdout_apk, re.S | re.M)
        if not m:
            raise BuildException('Failed to find output')
        src = m.group(1)
        src = os.path.join(bindir, src) + '.apk'
    elif thisbuild['type'] == 'kivy':
        src = 'python-for-android/dist/default/bin/{0}-{1}-release.apk'.format(
            bconfig.get('app', 'title'), bconfig.get('app', 'version'))
    elif thisbuild['type'] == 'gradle':

        if thisbuild['gradlepluginver'] >= LooseVersion('0.11'):
            apks_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'build', 'outputs', 'apk')
            apks_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'build', 'apk')

        apks = glob.glob(os.path.join(apks_dir, '*-release-unsigned.apk'))
        if len(apks) > 1:
            raise BuildException(
                'More than one resulting apks found in %s' % apks_dir,
        if len(apks) < 1:
            raise BuildException('Failed to find gradle output in %s' %
        src = apks[0]
    elif thisbuild['type'] == 'ant':
        stdout_apk = '\n'.join(
            [line for line in p.output.splitlines() if '.apk' in line])
        src = re.match(r".*^.*Creating (.+) for release.*$.*", stdout_apk,
                       re.S | re.M).group(1)
        src = os.path.join(bindir, src)
    elif thisbuild['type'] == 'raw':
        src = os.path.join(root_dir, thisbuild['output'])
        src = os.path.normpath(src)

    # Make sure it's not debuggable...
    if common.isApkDebuggable(src, config):
        raise BuildException("APK is debuggable")

    # By way of a sanity check, make sure the version and version
    # code in our new apk match what we expect...
    logging.debug("Checking " + src)
    if not os.path.exists(src):
        raise BuildException("Unsigned apk is not at expected location of " +

    p = SilentPopen([config['aapt'], 'dump', 'badging', src])

    vercode = None
    version = None
    foundid = None
    nativecode = None
    for line in p.output.splitlines():
        if line.startswith("package:"):
            pat = re.compile(".*name='([a-zA-Z0-9._]*)'.*")
            m = pat.match(line)
            if m:
                foundid = m.group(1)
            pat = re.compile(".*versionCode='([0-9]*)'.*")
            m = pat.match(line)
            if m:
                vercode = m.group(1)
            pat = re.compile(".*versionName='([^']*)'.*")
            m = pat.match(line)
            if m:
                version = m.group(1)
        elif line.startswith("native-code:"):
            nativecode = line[12:]

    # Ignore empty strings or any kind of space/newline chars that we don't
    # care about
    if nativecode is not None:
        nativecode = nativecode.strip()
        nativecode = None if not nativecode else nativecode

    if thisbuild['buildjni'] and thisbuild['buildjni'] != ['no']:
        if nativecode is None:
            raise BuildException(
                "Native code should have been built but none was packaged")
    if thisbuild['novcheck']:
        vercode = thisbuild['vercode']
        version = thisbuild['version']
    if not version or not vercode:
        raise BuildException(
            "Could not find version information in build in output")
    if not foundid:
        raise BuildException("Could not find package ID in output")
    if foundid != app['id']:
        raise BuildException("Wrong package ID - build " + foundid +
                             " but expected " + app['id'])

    # Some apps (e.g. Timeriffic) have had the bonkers idea of
    # including the entire changelog in the version number. Remove
    # it so we can compare. (TODO: might be better to remove it
    # before we compile, in fact)
    index = version.find(" //")
    if index != -1:
        version = version[:index]

    if (version != thisbuild['version'] or vercode != thisbuild['vercode']):
        raise BuildException(("Unexpected version/version code in output;"
                              " APK: '%s' / '%s', "
                              " Expected: '%s' / '%s'") %
                             (version, str(vercode), thisbuild['version'],

    # Copy the unsigned apk to our destination directory for further
    # processing (by publish.py)...
    dest = os.path.join(output_dir, common.getapkname(app, thisbuild))
    shutil.copyfile(src, dest)

    # Move the source tarball into the output directory...
    if output_dir != tmp_dir and not options.notarball:
        shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp_dir, tarname),
                    os.path.join(output_dir, tarname))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def main():

    global options, config

    # Parse command line...
    parser = OptionParser(
        usage="Usage: %prog [options] [APPID[:VERCODE] [APPID[:VERCODE] ...]]")
                      help="Spew out even more information than normal")
                      help="Restrict output to warnings and errors")
                      help="Install all signed applications available")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    if not args and not options.all:
        raise OptionError(
            "If you really want to install all the signed apps, use --all",

    config = common.read_config(options)

    output_dir = 'repo'
    if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
        logging.info("No signed output directory - nothing to do")

    if args:

        vercodes = common.read_pkg_args(args, True)
        apks = {appid: None for appid in vercodes}

        # Get the signed apk with the highest vercode
        for apkfile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, '*.apk'))):

                appid, vercode = common.apknameinfo(apkfile)
            except FDroidException:
            if appid not in apks:
            if vercodes[appid] and vercode not in vercodes[appid]:
            apks[appid] = apkfile

        for appid, apk in apks.iteritems():
            if not apk:
                raise FDroidException("No signed apk available for %s" % appid)


        apks = {
            common.apknameinfo(apkfile)[0]: apkfile
            for apkfile in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(output_dir, '*.apk')))

    for appid, apk in apks.iteritems():
        # Get device list each time to avoid device not found errors
        devs = devices()
        if not devs:
            raise FDroidException("No attached devices found")
        logging.info("Installing %s..." % apk)
        for dev in devs:
            logging.info("Installing %s on %s..." % (apk, dev))
            p = FDroidPopen([config['adb'], "-s", dev, "install", apk])
            fail = ""
            for line in p.output.splitlines():
                if line.startswith("Failure"):
                    fail = line[9:-1]
            if not fail:

            if fail == "INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS":
                logging.warn("%s is already installed on %s." % (apk, dev))
                raise FDroidException("Failed to install %s on %s: %s" %
                                      (apk, dev, fail))

Ejemplo n.º 17
                    t = f.read(1024)
                    if len(t) == 0:
                thisinfo['sha256'] = sha.hexdigest()

            # Get the signature (or md5 of, to be precise)...
            getsig_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'getsig')
            if not os.path.exists(getsig_dir + "/getsig.class"):
                    "getsig.class not found. To fix: cd '%s' && ./make.sh" %
            p = FDroidPopen([
                'java', '-cp',
                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'getsig'), 'getsig',
                os.path.join(os.getcwd(), apkfile)
            thisinfo['sig'] = None
            for line in p.output.splitlines():
                if line.startswith('Result:'):
                    thisinfo['sig'] = line[7:].strip()
            if p.returncode != 0 or not thisinfo['sig']:
                logging.critical("Failed to get apk signature")

            apk = zipfile.ZipFile(apkfile, 'r')

            iconfilename = "%s.%s.png" % (thisinfo['id'],