Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_uniongraph(self):
        Build a union graph of intermodel dependencies and model local dependencies.
        This graph represents the final update cascades triggered by certain field updates.
        The union graph is needed to spot cycles introduced by model local dependencies,
        that otherwise might went unnoticed, example:

        - global dep graph (acyclic):  ``A.comp --> B.comp, B.comp2 --> A.comp``
        - modelgraph of B  (acyclic):  ``B.comp --> B.comp2``

        Here the resulting union graph is not a DAG anymore, since both subgraphs short-circuit
        to a cycle of ``A.comp --> B.comp --> B.comp2 --> A.comp``.
        if not self.union:
            graph = Graph()
            # copy intermodel edges
            for edge in self.edges:
            # copy modelgraph edges
            for model, modelgraph in self.modelgraphs.items():
                name = modelname(model)
                for edge in modelgraph.edges:
                        Edge(Node((name, edge.left.data)),
                             Node((name, edge.right.data))))
            self.union = graph
        return self.union
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _clean_data(self, data):
     Converts the global dependency data into an adjacency list tree
     to be used with the underlying graph.
     cleaned = OrderedDict()
     for model, fielddata in data.items():
         self.models[modelname(model)] = model
         for field, modeldata in fielddata.items():
             for depmodel, relations in modeldata.items():
                 self.models[modelname(depmodel)] = depmodel
                 for dep in relations:
                     key = (modelname(depmodel), dep['depends'])
                     value = (modelname(model), field)
                     cleaned.setdefault(key, set()).add(value)
     return cleaned
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _clean_data(self, data):
     Converts the dependency data into an adjacency list tree
     to be used with the underlying graph.
     cleaned = OrderedDict()
     for model, fielddata in data.items():
         self.models[modelname(model)] = model
         for field, modeldata in fielddata.items():
             for depmodel, relations in modeldata.items():
                 self.models[modelname(depmodel)] = depmodel
                 for dep in relations:
                     # normally we refer to the given model field
                     # if none is given, set it to '#' which assumes
                     # any chance to the model should trigger the update
                     # Note: '#' is only triggered for `.save` without
                     # setting update_fields!
                     depends = dep.get('depends', '#')
                     key = (modelname(depmodel), depends)
                     value = (modelname(model), field)
                     cleaned.setdefault(key, set()).add(value)
     return cleaned
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def action_check(self, models, progress, size, json_out):
        has_desync = False
        for model in models:
            qs = model.objects.all()
            amount = qs.count()
            fields = set(active_resolver.computed_models[model].keys())
            qsize = active_resolver.get_querysize(model, fields, size)
            self.eprint(f'- {self.style.MIGRATE_LABEL(modelname(model))}')
            self.eprint(f'  Fields: {", ".join(fields)}')
            self.eprint(f'  Records: {amount}')
            if not amount:

            # apply select/prefetch rules
            select = active_resolver.get_select_related(model, fields)
            prefetch = active_resolver.get_prefetch_related(model, fields)
            if select:
                qs = qs.select_related(*select)
            if prefetch:
                qs = qs.prefetch_related(*prefetch)

            # check sync state
            desync = []
            if progress:
                with tqdm(total=amount,
                          desc='  Check',
                          unit=' rec',
                          disable=self.silent) as bar:
                    for obj in slice_iterator(qs, qsize):
                        if not check_instance(model, fields, obj):
                for obj in slice_iterator(qs, qsize):
                    if not check_instance(model, fields, obj):

            if not desync:
                self.eprint(self.style.SUCCESS(f'  Desync: 0 records'))
                has_desync = True
                        f'  Desync: {len(desync)} records ({percent(len(desync), amount)})'
                if not self.silent and not self.skip_tainted:
                    mode, tainted = try_tainted(qs, desync, amount)
                    if tainted:
                            self.style.NOTICE(f'  Tainted dependants:'))
                        for level, submodel, fields, count in tainted:
                            records = ''
                            if mode == 'concrete':
                                records = '~'
                            elif mode == 'approx':
                                records = '>>'
                            records += f'{count} records' if count != -1 else 'records unknown'
                                    '    ' * level +
                                    f'└─ {modelname(submodel)}: {", ".join(fields)} ({records})'
                        if len(tainted) >= TAINTED_MAXLENGTH:
                                self.style.NOTICE('  (listing shortened...)'))
                if json_out:
                            'model': modelname(model),
                            'desync': desync
        return has_desync