Ejemplo n.º 1
    def put(self, data, overwrite, LUID):
        @returns: The Rid of the page at location LUID
        DataProvider.TwoWay.put(self, data, overwrite, LUID)
        #If LUID is None, then we have once-upon-a-time uploaded this data
        if LUID != None:
            #Check if the remote data exists (i.e. has it been deleted)
            if self._data_exists(LUID):
                #The remote page exists
                if overwrite == False:
                    #Only replace the data if it is newer than the remote one
                    oldData = self._get_data(LUID)
                    comp = data.compare(oldData)
                    if comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_NEWER:
                        return self._replace_data(LUID, data)
                    elif comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_EQUAL:
                        #We are the same, so return either rid
                        return oldData.get_rid()
                        #If we are older that the remote page, or if the two could not
                        #be compared, then we must ask the user what to do via a conflict
                        raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(
                            comp, data, oldData)

        #If we get here then the data is new
        return self._put_data(data)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def put(self, note, overwrite, LUID=None):
        Stores a Note in Tomboy.
        DataProvider.TwoWay.put(self, note, overwrite, LUID)
        log.debug("Put note LUID: %s" % LUID)

        #Check if the note, or one with same title exists
        existingNote = None
        if LUID != None:
            if self.remoteTomboy.NoteExists(LUID):
                existingNote = self._get_note(LUID)
            LUID = self.remoteTomboy.FindNote(note.get_title())
            if LUID != "":
                existingNote = self._get_note(str(LUID))

        #compare with the existing note
        if existingNote != None:
            comp = note.compare(existingNote)
            log.debug("Comparing new %s with existing %s" %
                      (note.get_title(), existingNote.get_title()))
            if comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_EQUAL:
                log.info("Notes are equal")
            elif overwrite == True or comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_NEWER:
                log.info("Updating note")
                self._update_note(LUID, note)
                raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(
                    comp, note, existingNote)
            log.info("Saving new Note")
            LUID = self._create_note(note)

        return self.get(LUID).get_rid()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def put(self, obj, overwrite, LUID=None):
        DataProvider.TwoWay.put(self, obj, overwrite, LUID)
        if LUID != None:
            existing = self._get_object(LUID)
            if existing != None:
                if overwrite == True:
                    rid = self._update_object(LUID, obj)
                    return rid
                    comp = obj.compare(
                        "%s-%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.get_UID()))
                    # only update if newer
                    if comp != conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_NEWER:
                        raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(
                            comp, obj, existing)
                        # overwrite and return new ID
                        rid = self._update_object(LUID, obj)
                        return rid

        # if we get here then it is new...
        log.info("Creating new object")
        rid = self._create_object(obj)
        return rid
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def put(self, localfile, overwrite, LUID):
        Stores the given File object remotely on Amazon S3, if certain
        conditions are met.
        @returns: The Rid of the page at location LUID.
        DataProvider.TwoWay.put(self, localfile, overwrite, LUID)
        # If LUID is None, then we have once-upon-a-time uploaded this file
        if LUID != None:
            # Check if the remote file exists (i.e. has it been deleted)
            if self._data_exists(LUID):
                # The remote file exists
                if not overwrite:
                    # Only replace the data if it is newer than the remote one
                    remotefile = self._get_data(LUID)
                    comp = localfile.compare(remotefile)
                    if comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_NEWER:
                        return self._replace_data(LUID, localfile)
                    elif comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_EQUAL:
                        # We are the same, so return either rid
                        return remotefile.get_rid()
                        # If we are older than the remote page, or if the two
                        # could not be compared, then we must ask the user what
                        # to do via a conflict
                        raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(
                            comp, localfile, remotefile)

        # If we get here then the file is new
        return self._put_data(localfile)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def put(self, data, overwrite, LUID=None):
     DataProvider.DataSink.put(self, data, overwrite, LUID)
     newData = TestDataType(data.get_UID())
     if not overwrite:
         raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(
             conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_UNKNOWN, data, newData)
     return newData.get_rid()
Ejemplo n.º 6
def marshal_fault_to_exception(fault, **kwargs):
    if fault.faultCode in XML_RPC_EASY_EXCEPTIONS:
        klass = getattr(Exceptions, fault.faultCode)
        #exception.message = fault.faultString
        raise klass(fault.faultString)
    elif fault.faultCode == "SynchronizeConflictError":
        fromData = kwargs['server'].get(kwargs['fromDataLUID'])
        toData = kwargs['toData']
        raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(fault.faultString, fromData,
        raise Exception("Remote Exception:\n%s" % fault.faultString)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def put(self, photo, overwrite, LUID=None):
        Accepts a vfs file. Must be made local.
        I also store a md5 of the photos uri to check for duplicates
        DataProvider.DataSink.put(self, photo, overwrite, LUID)

        originalName = photo.get_filename()
        #Gets the local URI (/foo/bar). If this is a remote file then
        #it is first transferred to the local filesystem
        photoURI = photo.get_local_uri()
        mimeType = photo.get_mimetype()
        tags = photo.get_tags()
        caption = photo.get_caption()

        uploadInfo = UploadInfo(photoURI, mimeType, originalName, tags,

        #Check if we have already uploaded the photo
        if LUID != None:
            info = self._get_photo_info(LUID)
            #check if a photo exists at that UID
            if info != None:
                if overwrite == True:
                    #replace the photo
                    return self._replace_photo(LUID, uploadInfo)
                    #Only upload the photo if it is newer than the Remote one
                    url = self._get_raw_photo_url(info)
                    remoteFile = File.File(url)

                    #this is a limited test for equality type comparison
                    comp = photo.compare(remoteFile, True)
                        "Compared %s with %s to check if they are the same (size). Result = %s"
                        % (photo.get_filename(), remoteFile.get_filename(),
                    if comp != conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_EQUAL:
                        raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(
                            comp, photo, remoteFile)
                        return conduit.datatypes.Rid(uid=LUID)

            "Uploading Photo URI = %s, Mimetype = %s, Original Name = %s" %
            (photoURI, mimeType, originalName))

        #upload the file
        return self._upload_photo(uploadInfo)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def put(self, obj, overwrite, LUID=None):
     DataProvider.TwoWay.put(self, obj, overwrite, LUID)
     existing = None
     if LUID != None:
         existing = self.get(LUID)
     if existing != None:
         comp = obj.compare(existing)
         if comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_EQUAL:
             log.info("objects are equal")
         elif overwrite == True or comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_NEWER:
             self.update(LUID, obj)
             raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(comp, obj, existing)
         LUID = self.add(obj)
     return self.get(LUID).get_rid()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def put(self, photo, overwrite, LUID=None):
        Accepts a vfs file. Must be made local.
        I also store a md5 of the photos uri to check for duplicates
        DataProvider.DataSink.put(self, photo, overwrite, LUID)

        originalName = photo.get_filename()
        #Gets the local URI (/foo/bar). If this is a remote file then
        #it is first transferred to the local filesystem
        photoURI = photo.get_local_uri()
        mimeType = photo.get_mimetype()
        tags = photo.get_tags()
        caption = photo.get_caption()

        uploadInfo = UploadInfo(photoURI, mimeType, originalName, tags,

        if overwrite and LUID:
            rid = self._replace_photo(LUID, uploadInfo)
            if LUID and self._get_photo_info(LUID):
                remotePhoto = self.get(LUID)
                comp = photo.compare(remotePhoto, False)
                    "Compared %s with %s. Result = %s" %
                    (photo.get_filename(), remotePhoto.get_filename(), comp))

                if LUID != None and comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_NEWER:
                    rid = self._replace_photo(LUID, uploadInfo)
                elif comp == conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_EQUAL:
                    rid = remotePhoto.get_rid()
                    raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(
                        comp, photo, remotePhoto)
                    "Uploading Photo URI = %s, Mimetype = %s, Original Name = %s"
                    % (photoURI, mimeType, originalName))
                rid = self._upload_photo(uploadInfo)

        if not rid:
            raise Exceptions.SyncronizeError("Error putting/updating photo")
            return rid
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def put(self, file, overwrite, LUID=None):
        Puts the file in the sink, this uploads the file if it is not present yet
        or updates it if necessary
        DataProvider.TwoWay.put(self, file, overwrite, LUID)

        originalName = file.get_filename()
        #Gets the local URI (/foo/bar). If this is a remote file then
        #it is first transferred to the local filesystem
        fileURI = file.get_local_uri()
        mimeType = file.get_mimetype()

        if LUID == None:
                "Uploading file URI = %s, Mimetype = %s, Original Name = %s" %
                (fileURI, mimeType, originalName))
            LUID = self._upload_file(fileURI, originalName)
            #check if a file exists at that UID
            id = self._get_file_info(LUID)
            if id != None:
                if overwrite == True:
                        "Replacing file URI = %s, Mimetype = %s, Original Name = %s"
                        % (fileURI, mimeType, originalName))
                    LUID = self._replace_file(LUID, fileURI, originalName)
                    #Only upload the file if it is newer than the Remote one
                    url = self._get_raw_file_url(id)
                    remoteFile = File.File(url)

                    #this is a limited test for equality type comparison
                    comp = file.compare(remoteFile, True)
                        "Compared %s with %s to check if they are the same (size). Result = %s"
                        (file.get_filename(), remoteFile.get_filename(), comp))
                    if comp != conduit.datatypes.COMPARISON_EQUAL:
                        raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(
                            comp, file, remoteFile)

        return self.get(LUID).get_rid()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def put(self, vfsFile, overwrite, LUID=None):
        Puts vfsFile at the correct location. There are three scenarios
        1) File came from a foreign DP like tomboy
        2) File came from another file dp

        1) The foreign DP should have encoded enough information (such as
        the filename) so that we can go ahead and put the file in the dir
        2) First we see if the file has a group attribute.
            a) If so, and the group matches the groupName here then we 
            put the files into the directory.
            b) If not we put the file in a subdir by the name of the group 
        We always retain the relative path for the files
        DataProvider.TwoWay.put(self, vfsFile, overwrite, LUID)
        newURI = ""
        if LUID != None:
            newURI = LUID
        elif vfsFile.basePath == "":
            #came from another type of dataprovider such as tomboy
            #where relative path makes no sense. Could also come from
            #the FileSource dp when the user has selected a single file
            log.debug("No basepath. Going to empty dir")
            newURI = Vfs.uri_join(self.folder, vfsFile.get_filename())
            #Look for corresponding groups
            relpath = vfsFile.get_relative_uri()
            log.debug("Relative path: %s" % relpath)
            if self.folderGroupName == vfsFile.group:
                log.debug("Found corresponding group")
                #put in the folder
                newURI = Vfs.uri_join(self.folder, relpath)
                log.debug("Recreating group: %s" % vfsFile.group)
                #unknown. Store in the dir but recreate the group
                newURI = Vfs.uri_join(self.folder, vfsFile.group, relpath)

        #escape illegal filesystem characters
        if self.fstype:
            newURI = Vfs.uri_sanitize_for_filesystem(newURI, self.fstype)

        #overwrite is the easy case, as for it to be true, requires specific user
        if overwrite == True:
            self._transfer_file(vfsFile, newURI, overwrite)
            #check for conflicts
            destFile = File.File(URI=newURI)
            if destFile.exists():
                comp = vfsFile.compare(destFile,

                if LUID != None and comp == DataType.COMPARISON_NEWER:
                    #we were expecting an existing file, we found it, but
                    #we are newer, so overwrite it
                    self._transfer_file(vfsFile, newURI, True)
                elif comp == DataType.COMPARISON_EQUAL:
                    #in File.compare, the files are compared based on size, if
                    #their mtimes are the same, so this case is true when
                    # 1) The sizes are the same, and the user told us
                    #    to ignore the mtimes
                    # 2) The mtimes and size is the same, and we checked both
                    raise Exceptions.SynchronizeConflictError(
                        comp, vfsFile, destFile)
                self._transfer_file(vfsFile, newURI, overwrite)

        return self.get(newURI).get_rid()