Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testBool(self):
        source = """
func test: bool
	param first: bool
	param second: bool = false
	first || second
func public main
	var a: bool = test(true)
	var b: bool = test(false, true)
	var c: bool = test(a, b)
        module = WppCore.createMemModule(source, 'bool.fake')
        test0 = module.dictionary['test'].items[0]
        main = module.dictionary['main'].items[0]
        a, b, c = [cmd.getValueTaxon() for cmd in main.getBody().items]
        self.assertEqual(a.type, 'Call')
        sign = Signature.createFromCall(a)
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), 'true => bool')
        self.assertGreater(sign.match(test0), 0)

        sign = Signature.createFromCall(b)
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), 'false; true => bool')
        self.assertGreater(sign.match(test0), 0)
        sign = Signature.createFromCall(c)
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), 'bool; bool => bool')
        self.assertGreater(sign.match(test0), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def testMatch(self):
     sign = Signature()
     sign.params = [MyVar('i', typeInt), MyVar('x', typeFloat)]
     fn1 = createFunc('fn1', ['i:int', 'x:float'])
     args1 = fn1.getParams()
     self.assertEqual(len(args1), 2)
     self.assertEqual(args1[0].type, 'Param')
     self.assertEqual(QuasiType.matchTaxons(sign.params[0], args1[0]),
                      ('exact', None))  # int exact int
         QuasiType.matchTaxons(sign.params[1], args1[0])[0],
         None)  # int variable can't upcast to float
         QuasiType.matchTaxons(sign.params[0], args1[1])[0],
         None)  # float can't upcast to int
     self.assertEqual(QuasiType.matchTaxons(sign.params[1], args1[1]),
                      ('exact', None))  # float exact float
     self.assertEqual(sign.match(fn1), 6)  # exact = 3, upcast = 1
     fn2 = createFunc('fn2', ['a:long', 'b:float'])
         QuasiType.matchTaxons(fn2.getParams()[0], sign.params[0]),
         ('upcast', None))  # long = int -> upcast
         QuasiType.matchTaxons(fn2.getParams()[1], sign.params[1]),
         ('exact', None))  # float = float -> exact
     self.assertEqual(sign.match(fn2), 4)  # exact=3 + upcast(1) = 4
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testMethods(self):
        source = """
class Adder
	field info: String = ""
	method add
		param value: String
		info += value
	method add
		param value: double
		info += String(value)
	method add
		param x: double
		param y: double
		info += "{" + String(x) + "," + String(y) + "}"
	method add
		param a: Adder
		info += a.info
	method hello
		add("; ")
		add("; ")
		add(1, 2.3)
	method hello2
		param a: Adder
        module = WppCore.createMemModule(source, 'method.fake')
        classA = module.dictionary['Adder']
        addOver = classA.dictionary['add']
        self.assertEqual(len(addOver.items), 4)
        addStr, addDbl, addDbl2, addA = addOver.items
        body = classA.dictionary['hello'].items[0].getBody().items
        sign = Signature.createFromCall(body[0])
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), '1')
        cmd = body[1]
        self.assertEqual(cmd.type, 'Call')
        sign = Signature.createFromCall(cmd)
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), '"; "')
        sign = Signature.createFromCall(body[2])
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), '3.14')
        sign = Signature.createFromCall(body[4])
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), '1; 2.3')
        self.assertGreater(sign.match(addDbl2), 0)
        self.assertEqual(sign.match(addDbl), 0)

        body = classA.dictionary['hello2'].items[0].getBody().items
        call = body[0]
        self.assertEqual(call.type, 'Call')
        sign = Signature.createFromCall(call)
        self.assertEqual(classA.matchQuasi(sign.params[0]), 'exact')
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), 'Adder')
        self.assertGreater(sign.match(addA), 0)

        self.assertEqual(call.getCaller().type, 'IdExpr')
        self.assertEqual(call.getCaller().getDeclaration().type, 'Overloads')
        self.assertEqual(call.getDeclaration(), addA)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testConst(self):
        source = """
func test: bool
	param x: int
	x != 0
func test: bool
	param s: String
	s != ""
var public res1: bool = test(10)
var public res2: bool = test("ABC")
var i: int
var public res3: bool = test(i)
        module = WppCore.createMemModule(source, 'const.fake')
        testOver = module.dictionary['test']
        self.assertEqual(testOver.type, 'Overloads')
        self.assertEqual(len(testOver.items), 2)
        testInt = testOver.items[0]
        testStr = testOver.items[1]

        res1 = module.dictionary['res1']
        v = res1.getValueTaxon()
        self.assertEqual(v.type, 'Call')
        sign = Signature.createFromCall(v)
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), '10 => bool')
        sum = sign.match(testStr)
        self.assertEqual(sum, 0)
        sum = sign.match(testInt)
        self.assertGreater(sum, 0)

        res2 = module.dictionary['res2']
        sign = Signature.createFromCall(res2.getValueTaxon())
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), '"ABC" => bool')
        sum = sign.match(testStr)
        self.assertGreater(sum, 0)
        sum = sign.match(testInt)
        self.assertEqual(sum, 0)

        res3 = module.dictionary['res3']
        sign = Signature.createFromCall(res3.getValueTaxon())
        self.assertEqual(str(sign), 'int => bool')
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def find(self, caller):
		sign = Signature.createFromCall(caller)
		weights = []
		for fn in self.items:
			curWeight = sign.match(fn)
			if curWeight:
				weights.append((curWeight, fn))
		if len(weights) == 0:
			self.throwError('Cant match call of '+self.getPath()+' '+str(sign))
		if len(weights) > 2 and weights[0][0] == weights[1][0]:
			self.throwError('Too many matches for '+self.getPath()+' '+str(sign))
		return weights[0][1]
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _initType(self):
        from core.Signature import Signature
        leftType = self.getLeft().buildQuasiType()
        rightType = self.getRight().buildQuasiType()

        def cmp(taxon, params):
            return taxon.name == params['name']

        over = self.findUp(self, {'name': self.opCode, 'cmp': cmp})
        if not over:
            if self.opCode == '=':
                # Если не найден оператор присваивания, то использовать дефолтный
                self._defaultEquation(leftType, rightType)
            self.throwError('Operator %s not found' % (self.opCode))
        sig = Signature()
        operator = over.findSignature(sig)
        self.typeTaxon = operator.getResultType()
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def find(self, caller):
     sign = Signature.createFromCall(caller)
     return self.findSignature(sign)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def canFind(self, caller):
     return Signature.canCreateFromCall(caller)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def testStr(self):
     sign = Signature()
     sign.params = [MyVar('i', typeInt), MyVar('x', typeFloat)]
     self.assertEqual(str(sign), 'i:int; x:float')