Ejemplo n.º 1
def time_sphere_intersection():
    # create a transform
    o2w = translate(Vector(10,0,0)) * scale(1.3, 1.8, 2.0)
    w2o = o2w.inverse()

    # create the sphere
    sphere = Sphere(o2w, w2o, False, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 360)

    # create a large amount of rays,
    # choose so that half of them will intersect the ray

    positions = [Point(random.randint(0,100),
                       ) for i in range(size)]

    ray = Ray(Point(0,0,0), Vector(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
    vectors = []
    for i in xrange(size):
        position = positions[i]
        if i%2 == 0:
            # make sure this ray hit the sphere
            vector = sphere.object_to_world(Point(0, 0, 0)) - position
            vector /= float(random.randint(1,10))
            # construct a random vector
            vector = Vector((random.random()-0.5)*random.randint(1,5),

    intersections = 0
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in xrange(nb_calls):
        ray.o = positions[i%size]
        ray.d = vectors[i%size]
        if sphere.intersect_p(ray):
            intersections += 1

    t2 = time.time()
    for i in xrange(nb_calls):
        ray.o = positions[i%size]
        ray.d = vectors[i%size]

    t3 = time.time()

    print "%d calls, %d intersections" % (nb_calls, intersections)
    print "Sphere.intersect_p() %.2fms" % ((t2-t1)/float(nb_calls)*1000.0)
    print "Sphere.intersect()   %.2fms" % ((t3-t2)/float(nb_calls)*1000.0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def generate_ray(self, sample):
        """Generate a Ray from the camera."""
        # Generate raster and camera samples
        p_ras = Point(sample.image_x, sample.image_y, 0)
        p_camera = self.raster_to_camera(p_ras)
        ray = Ray(Point(0, 0, 0),

        #  Modify ray for depth of field
        if self.lens_radius > 0.0:
            # Sample point on lens
            lens_u, lens_v = concentric_sample_disk(sample.lens_u,
            lens_u *= self.lens_radius
            lens_v *= self.lens_radius

            # Compute point on plane of focus
            ft = self.focal_distance / ray.d.z
            p_focus = ray(ft)

            # Update ray for effect of lens
            ray.o = Point(lens_u, lens_v, 0.0)
            ray.d = normalize(p_focus - ray.o)

        ray.time = sample.time
        ray = self.camera_to_world(ray)

        return 1.0, ray
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def generate_ray(self, sample):
        """Generate a Ray from the camera."""
        # Generate raster and camera samples
        p_ras = Point(sample.image_x, sample.image_y, 0)
        p_camera = self.raster_to_camera(p_ras)
        ray = Ray(Point(0, 0, 0), normalize(Vector.from_point(p_camera)), 0.0,

        #  Modify ray for depth of field
        if self.lens_radius > 0.0:
            # Sample point on lens
            lens_u, lens_v = concentric_sample_disk(sample.lens_u,
            lens_u *= self.lens_radius
            lens_v *= self.lens_radius

            # Compute point on plane of focus
            ft = self.focal_distance / ray.d.z
            p_focus = ray(ft)

            # Update ray for effect of lens
            ray.o = Point(lens_u, lens_v, 0.0)
            ray.d = normalize(p_focus - ray.o)

        ray.time = sample.time
        ray = self.camera_to_world(ray)

        return 1.0, ray