Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_documentation(self):
     """  Assert that documentation can be retrieved for each imported module """
     mods = oxide.modules_list()
     for mod in mods:
         fail_msg = "Not able to retrieve documentation for " + mod 
         doc = oxide.documentation(mod)
         self.assertNotEqual(doc, None, fail_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_opts_doc(self):
     """ Assert that each module that has an opts_doc also has the required fields """
     mods = oxide.modules_list()
     for mod in mods:
         opts_doc = doc = oxide.documentation(mod)["opts_doc"]
         for opt in opts_doc:
             opts_keys = ["type", "mangle", "default"]
             for opts_key in opts_keys:
                 fail_msg = "opts_doc for module %s missing key %s." % (mod, opts_key)
                 self.assertTrue(opts_doc[opt].has_key(opts_key), fail_msg)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_modules_imported(self):
        """ Assert that all of the modules imported correctly """
        fail = False
        for mod_type in mod_types:
            mod_type_path = os.path.join(oxide.config.dir_modules,mod_type)
            if not os.path.isdir(mod_type_path): continue
            mod_dirs = os.listdir(mod_type_path)
	    base_type = mod_type
	    if base_type[-4:] == "_dev":
                base_type = base_type[:-4]
            mods = oxide.modules_list(mod_type=base_type)
            for mod_dir in mod_dirs:
                if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(mod_type_path,mod_dir)): continue    
                fail_msg = "\n * A directory for module %s of type %s exists but it did not import." % (mod_dir, mod_type)
        	if not mod_dir in mods:
		    fail = True
		    print fail_msg
        self.assertFalse(fail, "Some modules were not imported.")