Ejemplo n.º 1
def handler(event, context):
    this is to check if the task run is done:
    consider this format:
      {'data': event.get('workflow'), # actully in reverse
       'data_name': 'workflow', # how to get the data
       'conversion_routine': 'function to run, taking workflow as argument'
       then put / patch data_name with data
    # get data
    sbg = sbg_utils.create_sbg_workflow(**event.get('workflow'))
    # run_response = event.get('run_response')
    ff_meta = sbg_utils.create_ffmeta(sbg, **event.get('ff_meta'))
    key = event.get('ff_keys')
    ff_keys = sbg_utils.get_access_keys() if not key else key

    workflow_post_resp = ff_meta.post(key=ff_keys)

    return {
        "workflow": sbg.as_dict(),
        "res": workflow_post_resp,
        "ff_meta": ff_meta.as_dict()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def handler(event, context):
    this is to check if the task run is done:
    # get data
    sbg = sbg_utils.create_sbg_workflow(**event.get('workflow'))
    ff_meta = sbg_utils.create_ffmeta(sbg, **event.get('ff_meta'))
    pf_meta = event.get('pf_meta')

    for idx, export in enumerate(sbg.export_report):
        filename = export['filename']
        export_id = export['export_id']
        export_res = sbg.check_export(export_id)
        status = export_res.get('state')
        sbg.export_report[idx]['status'] = status
        if status == 'COMPLETED':
            patch_meta = OUTFILE_UPDATERS[sbg.app_name]('uploaded', sbg,
            if pf_meta:
                pf_meta = update_processed_file_metadata('uploaded', pf_meta)
        elif status in ['PENDING', 'RUNNING']:
            patch_meta = OUTFILE_UPDATERS[sbg.app_name]('uploading', sbg,
            raise Exception("Export of file %s is still running" % filename)
        elif status in ['FAILED']:
            patch_meta = OUTFILE_UPDATERS[sbg.app_name]('upload failed', sbg,
            raise Exception("Failed to export file %s \n sbg result: %s" %
                            (filename, export_res))

    # if we got all the exports let's go ahead and update our ff_metadata object
    ff_meta.run_status = "output_file_transfer_finished"

    # allow for a simple way for updater to add appropriate meta_data
    if patch_meta:

    # make all the file export meta-data stuff here
    # TODO: fix bugs with ff_meta mapping for output and input file

    return {
        'workflow': sbg.as_dict(),
        'ff_meta': ff_meta.as_dict(),
        'pf_meta': pf_meta
Ejemplo n.º 3
def handler(event, context):
    this is to check if the task run is done:
    # get data
    sbg = sbg_utils.create_sbg_workflow(**event.get('workflow'))
    ff_meta = sbg_utils.create_ffmeta(sbg, **event.get('ff_meta'))
    pf_meta = event.get('pf_meta')

    for idx, export in enumerate(sbg.export_report):
        filename = export['filename']
        export_id = export['export_id']
        export_res = sbg.check_export(export_id)
        status = export_res.get('state')
        sbg.export_report[idx]['status'] = status
        if status == 'COMPLETED':
            patch_meta = OUTFILE_UPDATERS[sbg.app_name]('uploaded', sbg, ff_meta)
            if pf_meta:
                pf_meta = update_processed_file_metadata('uploaded', pf_meta)
        elif status in ['PENDING', 'RUNNING']:
            patch_meta = OUTFILE_UPDATERS[sbg.app_name]('uploading', sbg, ff_meta)
            raise Exception("Export of file %s is still running" % filename)
        elif status in ['FAILED']:
            patch_meta = OUTFILE_UPDATERS[sbg.app_name]('upload failed', sbg, ff_meta)
            raise Exception("Failed to export file %s \n sbg result: %s" % (filename, export_res))

    # if we got all the exports let's go ahead and update our ff_metadata object
    ff_meta.run_status = "output_file_transfer_finished"

    # allow for a simple way for updater to add appropriate meta_data
    if patch_meta:

    # make all the file export meta-data stuff here
    # TODO: fix bugs with ff_meta mapping for output and input file

    return {'workflow': sbg.as_dict(),
            'ff_meta': ff_meta.as_dict(),
            'pf_meta': pf_meta
Ejemplo n.º 4
def handler(event, context):
    # get data
    input_file_args = event.get('input_file_args')
    parameter_dict = event.get('parameter_dict')
    sbg = sbg_utils.create_sbg_workflow(**event.get('workflow'))
    ff_meta = sbg_utils.create_ffmeta(sbg, **event.get('ff_meta'))
    import_ids = sbg.import_id_list

    # create Task for workflow run later
    task_input = sbg_utils.SBGTaskInput(sbg.app_name,

    for idx, import_id in enumerate(import_ids):

        data = json.dumps({"import_id": import_id})
        # TODO: Let this be a funciton of SBGWorkflowRun
        # Soo: We already had this function in  SBGWorkflowRun. What happened to it?
        res = _api._get("/storage/imports/" + import_id, data).json()
        if res.get('state') != 'COMPLETED':
            raise Exception("file still uploading")
            # No idea why, but sometimes it comes back without
            # results as a sub object
            results = res.get('result', res)
            sbg_file_name = results.get('name')
            sbg_file_id = results.get('id')
            arg_name = input_file_args[idx].get('workflow_argument_name')
            # arg_uuid = input_file_args[idx].get('uuid')
            task_input.add_inputfile(sbg_file_name, sbg_file_id, arg_name)
            sbg.task_input = task_input
            # ff_meta.input_files.append({'workflow_argument_name': arg_name, 'value': arg_uuid})
            # Soo: This information was alreadyin ff_meta that was passed into this function.

        # make all the file export meta-data stuff here
        # TODO: fix ff_meta bugs with input / output files

    return {'workflow': sbg.as_dict(),
            'ff_meta': ff_meta.as_dict()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def handler(event, context):
    # get data
    input_file_args = event.get('input_file_args')
    parameter_dict = event.get('parameter_dict')
    sbg = sbg_utils.create_sbg_workflow(**event.get('workflow'))
    ff_meta = sbg_utils.create_ffmeta(sbg, **event.get('ff_meta'))
    import_ids = sbg.import_id_list

    # create Task for workflow run later
    task_input = sbg_utils.SBGTaskInput(sbg.app_name,

    for idx, import_id in enumerate(import_ids):

        data = json.dumps({"import_id": import_id})
        # TODO: Let this be a funciton of SBGWorkflowRun
        # Soo: We already had this function in  SBGWorkflowRun. What happened to it?
        res = _api._get("/storage/imports/" + import_id, data).json()
        if res.get('state') != 'COMPLETED':
            raise Exception("file still uploading")
            # No idea why, but sometimes it comes back without
            # results as a sub object
            results = res.get('result', res)
            sbg_file_name = results.get('name')
            sbg_file_id = results.get('id')
            arg_name = input_file_args[idx].get('workflow_argument_name')
            # arg_uuid = input_file_args[idx].get('uuid')
            task_input.add_inputfile(sbg_file_name, sbg_file_id, arg_name)
            sbg.task_input = task_input
            # ff_meta.input_files.append({'workflow_argument_name': arg_name, 'value': arg_uuid})
            # Soo: This information was alreadyin ff_meta that was passed into this function.

        # make all the file export meta-data stuff here
        # TODO: fix ff_meta bugs with input / output files

    return {'workflow': sbg.as_dict(), 'ff_meta': ff_meta.as_dict()}
Ejemplo n.º 6
def handler(event, context):
    this is to check if the task run is done:
    consider this format:
      {'data': event.get('workflow'), # actully in reverse
       'data_name': 'workflow', # how to get the data
       'conversion_routine': 'function to run, taking workflow as argument'
       then put / patch data_name with data
    # get data
    sbg = sbg_utils.create_sbg_workflow(**event.get('workflow'))
    # run_response = event.get('run_response')
    ff_meta = sbg_utils.create_ffmeta(sbg, **event.get('ff_meta'))
    key = event.get('ff_keys')
    ff_keys = sbg_utils.get_access_keys() if not key else key

    workflow_post_resp = ff_meta.post(key=ff_keys)

    return{"workflow": sbg.as_dict(),
           "res": workflow_post_resp,
           "ff_meta": ff_meta.as_dict()}
Ejemplo n.º 7
def handler(event, context):
    this is generic function to run sbg workflow
    based on the data passed in

    workflow_uuid : for now, pass this on. Later we can add a code to automatically retrieve this from app_name.
    Note multiple workflow_uuids can be available for an app_name
    (different versions of the same app could have a different uuid)

    print("hello?")  # Soo

    # get incomming data
    input_file_list = event.get('input_files')
    app_name = event.get('app_name').encode('utf8')
    parameter_dict = event.get('parameters')
    workflow_uuid = event.get('workflow_uuid').encode('utf8')
    output_bucket = event.get('output_bucket')
    tibanna = event.get('_tibanna', {})

    # get necessary tokens
    s3_keys = event.get('s3_keys')
    if not s3_keys:
        s3_keys = sbg_utils.get_s3_keys()

    ff_keys = event.get('ff_keys')
    if not ff_keys:
        ff_keys = sbg_utils.get_access_keys()

    # represents the SBG info we need
    sbg = sbg_utils.create_sbg_workflow(app_name)

    # represents the workflow metadata to be stored in fourfront
    parameters, _ = sbg_utils.to_sbg_workflow_args(parameter_dict,

    # get argument format & type info from workflow
    workflow_info = sbg_utils.get_metadata(workflow_uuid, key=ff_keys)
    arginfo = dict()
        for arg in workflow_info.get('arguments'):
            if arg['argument_type'] in [
                    'Output processed file', 'Output report file',
                    'Output QC file'
                argname = arg['workflow_argument_name']
                argformat = arg['argument_format'] if arg.has_key(
                    'argument_format') else ''
                    argname: {
                        'format': argformat,
                        'type': arg['argument_type']
    except Exception as e:
        print("Make sure your workflow metadata has 'argument' field. %s\n" %
        raise e

    # create the ff_meta output info
    input_files = [{
        'workflow_argument_name': fil['workflow_argument_name'],
        'value': fil['uuid']
    } for fil in input_file_list]

    # create empty output file info
    output_files = [
            'workflow_argument_name': argname,
            'type': arginfo[argname]['type'],
            '',  # processed file extention: later get it from file_processed schema
            'format': arginfo[argname]['format']
        } for argname in arginfo.keys()

    ff_meta = sbg_utils.create_ffmeta(sbg,
                                      run_url=tibanna.get('url', ''),

    # store metadata so we know the run has started

    # mount all input files to sbg this will also update sbg to store the import_ids
    _ = [mount_on_sbg(infile, s3_keys, sbg) for infile in input_file_list]

    # create a link to the output directory as well
    if output_bucket:
        sbg_volume = sbg_utils.create_sbg_volume_details()
        res = sbg.create_volumes(sbg_volume,
        vol_id = res.get('id')
        if not vol_id:
            # we got an error
            raise Exception("Unable to mount output volume, error is %s " %
        sbg.output_volume_id = vol_id

    # let's not pass keys in plain text parameters
    return {
        "input_file_args": input_file_list,
        "workflow": sbg.as_dict(),
        "ff_meta": ff_meta.as_dict(),
        "parameter_dict": parameter_dict
Ejemplo n.º 8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from core import utils, sbg_utils
import boto3
from collections import defaultdict
from core.fastqc_utils import parse_fastqc

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
ff_key = sbg_utils.get_access_keys()

def donothing(status, sbg, ff_meta):
    return None

def update_processed_file_metadata(status, pf_meta):
        for pf in pf_meta:
            pf['status'] = status
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception("Unable to update processed file metadata json : %s" %
        for pf in pf_meta:
            pfo = sbg_utils.ProcessedFileMetadata(**pf)
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception("Unable to post processed file metadata : %s" % e)
    return pf_meta

def fastqc_updater(status, sbg, ff_meta):
Ejemplo n.º 9
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from core import utils, sbg_utils
import boto3
from collections import defaultdict
from core.fastqc_utils import parse_fastqc

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
ff_key = sbg_utils.get_access_keys()

def donothing(status, sbg, ff_meta):
    return None

def update_processed_file_metadata(status, pf_meta):
        for pf in pf_meta:
            pf['status'] = status
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception("Unable to update processed file metadata json : %s" % e)
        for pf in pf_meta:
            pfo = sbg_utils.ProcessedFileMetadata(**pf)
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception("Unable to post processed file metadata : %s" % e)
    return pf_meta

def fastqc_updater(status, sbg, ff_meta):
Ejemplo n.º 10
def handler(event, context):
    this is generic function to run sbg workflow
    based on the data passed in

    workflow_uuid : for now, pass this on. Later we can add a code to automatically retrieve this from app_name.
    Note multiple workflow_uuids can be available for an app_name
    (different versions of the same app could have a different uuid)

    print("hello?") # Soo

    # get incomming data
    input_file_list = event.get('input_files')
    app_name = event.get('app_name').encode('utf8')
    parameter_dict = event.get('parameters')
    workflow_uuid = event.get('workflow_uuid').encode('utf8')
    output_bucket = event.get('output_bucket')
    tibanna = event.get('_tibanna', {})

    # get necessary tokens
    s3_keys = event.get('s3_keys')
    if not s3_keys:
        s3_keys = sbg_utils.get_s3_keys()

    ff_keys = event.get('ff_keys')
    if not ff_keys:
        ff_keys = sbg_utils.get_access_keys()

    # represents the SBG info we need
    sbg = sbg_utils.create_sbg_workflow(app_name)

    # represents the workflow metadata to be stored in fourfront
    parameters, _ = sbg_utils.to_sbg_workflow_args(parameter_dict, vals_as_string=True)

    # get argument format & type info from workflow
    workflow_info = sbg_utils.get_metadata(workflow_uuid, key=ff_keys)
    arginfo = dict()
        for arg in workflow_info.get('arguments'):
           if arg['argument_type'] in ['Output processed file','Output report file','Output QC file']:
               argname = arg['workflow_argument_name']
               argformat = arg['argument_format'] if arg.has_key('argument_format') else ''
               arginfo.update({ argname: {'format': argformat, 
                                          'type': arg['argument_type']} })
    except Exception as e:
        print("Make sure your workflow metadata has 'argument' field. %s\n" % e)
        raise e

    # create the ff_meta output info
    input_files = [{'workflow_argument_name': fil['workflow_argument_name'],
                    'value': fil['uuid']} for fil in input_file_list]

    # create empty output file info
    output_files = [{'workflow_argument_name': argname,
                     'type': arginfo[argname]['type'],
                     'extension': '',  # processed file extention: later get it from file_processed schema
                     'format': arginfo[argname]['format']} for argname in arginfo.keys()]

    ff_meta = sbg_utils.create_ffmeta(sbg, workflow_uuid, input_files, parameters,
                                      run_url=tibanna.get('url', ''), output_files=output_files)

    # store metadata so we know the run has started

    # mount all input files to sbg this will also update sbg to store the import_ids
    _ = [mount_on_sbg(infile, s3_keys, sbg) for infile in input_file_list]

    # create a link to the output directory as well
    if output_bucket:
        sbg_volume = sbg_utils.create_sbg_volume_details()
        res = sbg.create_volumes(sbg_volume, output_bucket,
        vol_id = res.get('id')
        if not vol_id:
            # we got an error
            raise Exception("Unable to mount output volume, error is %s " % res)
        sbg.output_volume_id = vol_id

    # let's not pass keys in plain text parameters
    return {"input_file_args": input_file_list,
            "workflow": sbg.as_dict(),
            "ff_meta": ff_meta.as_dict(),
            "parameter_dict": parameter_dict}

Ejemplo n.º 11
def ff_keys():
    return sbg_utils.get_access_keys()
Ejemplo n.º 12
def ff_keys():
    return sbg_utils.get_access_keys()