Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, sbtab_dict,
        self._sbtab_dict = sbtab_dict
        self.kegg2met = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable('Compound', 
            'Compound:Identifiers:kegg.compound', 'Name')
        self.kegg2rxn = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable('Reaction', 
            'Reaction', 'NameForPlots')
        self.kegg_model = ECMmodel.GenerateKeggModel(self._sbtab_dict)

        # a dictionary indicating which compound is external or not
        if '!External' in self._sbtab_dict['Compound'].columns:
            ext_col_name = 'External'
            ext_col_name = 'IsConstant'            
        self.cid2external = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable(
            'Compound', 'Compound:Identifiers:kegg.compound', ext_col_name,

        rid2crc_gmean, rid2crc_fwd, rid2crc_rev, rid_cid2KMM, rid2keq = \

        if dG0_source == 'keq_table':
        elif dG0_source == 'component_contribution':
        elif dG0_source == 'dG0r_table':
            raise ValueError('unrecognized dG0 source: ' + dG0_source)
        # read flux values and convert them to M/s
        flux_units = self._sbtab_dict.GetTableAttribute('Flux', 'Unit')
        flux_mapping = ECMmodel._MappingToCanonicalFluxUnits(flux_units)
        self.rid2flux = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable(
            'Flux', 'Reaction', 'Flux', value_mapping=flux_mapping)
        flux = np.matrix(map(self.rid2flux.get, self.kegg_model.rids)).T

        if kcat_source == 'gmean':
            kcat = np.matrix(map(rid2crc_gmean.get, self.kegg_model.rids)).T
        elif kcat_source == 'fwd':
            # get the relevant kcat (fwd/rev) depending on the direction of flux        
            kcat = []
            for r, rid in enumerate(self.kegg_model.rids):
                if flux[r] >= 0:
            kcat = np.matrix(kcat).T
            raise ValueError('unrecognized kcat source: ' + kcat_source)
        dG0 = np.matrix(map(self.rid2dG0.get, self.kegg_model.rids)).T
        KMM = ECMmodel._GenerateKMM(self.kegg_model.cids,
                                    self.kegg_model.rids, rid_cid2KMM)
        c_bounds = np.array(zip(map(self.cid2min_bound.get, self.kegg_model.cids),
                                map(self.cid2max_bound.get, self.kegg_model.cids)))
        lnC_bounds = np.log(c_bounds) # assume bounds are in M

        # we need all fluxes to be positive, so for every negative flux,
        # we multiply it and the corresponding column in S by (-1)
        dir_mat = np.matrix(np.diag(np.sign(flux + 1e-10).flat))
        flux = dir_mat * flux
        S = self.kegg_model.S * dir_mat
        dG0 = dir_mat * dG0

        self.ecf = EnzymeCostFunction(S, flux=flux, kcat=kcat, dG0=dG0, KMM=KMM,
                                      lnC_bounds=lnC_bounds, ecf_version=ecf_version)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class ECMmodel(object):
    def __init__(self, sbtab_dict,
        self._sbtab_dict = sbtab_dict
        self.kegg2met = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable('Compound', 
            'Compound:Identifiers:kegg.compound', 'Name')
        self.kegg2rxn = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable('Reaction', 
            'Reaction', 'NameForPlots')
        self.kegg_model = ECMmodel.GenerateKeggModel(self._sbtab_dict)

        # a dictionary indicating which compound is external or not
        if '!External' in self._sbtab_dict['Compound'].columns:
            ext_col_name = 'External'
            ext_col_name = 'IsConstant'            
        self.cid2external = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable(
            'Compound', 'Compound:Identifiers:kegg.compound', ext_col_name,

        rid2crc_gmean, rid2crc_fwd, rid2crc_rev, rid_cid2KMM, rid2keq = \

        if dG0_source == 'keq_table':
        elif dG0_source == 'component_contribution':
        elif dG0_source == 'dG0r_table':
            raise ValueError('unrecognized dG0 source: ' + dG0_source)
        # read flux values and convert them to M/s
        flux_units = self._sbtab_dict.GetTableAttribute('Flux', 'Unit')
        flux_mapping = ECMmodel._MappingToCanonicalFluxUnits(flux_units)
        self.rid2flux = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable(
            'Flux', 'Reaction', 'Flux', value_mapping=flux_mapping)
        flux = np.matrix(map(self.rid2flux.get, self.kegg_model.rids)).T

        if kcat_source == 'gmean':
            kcat = np.matrix(map(rid2crc_gmean.get, self.kegg_model.rids)).T
        elif kcat_source == 'fwd':
            # get the relevant kcat (fwd/rev) depending on the direction of flux        
            kcat = []
            for r, rid in enumerate(self.kegg_model.rids):
                if flux[r] >= 0:
            kcat = np.matrix(kcat).T
            raise ValueError('unrecognized kcat source: ' + kcat_source)
        dG0 = np.matrix(map(self.rid2dG0.get, self.kegg_model.rids)).T
        KMM = ECMmodel._GenerateKMM(self.kegg_model.cids,
                                    self.kegg_model.rids, rid_cid2KMM)
        c_bounds = np.array(zip(map(self.cid2min_bound.get, self.kegg_model.cids),
                                map(self.cid2max_bound.get, self.kegg_model.cids)))
        lnC_bounds = np.log(c_bounds) # assume bounds are in M

        # we need all fluxes to be positive, so for every negative flux,
        # we multiply it and the corresponding column in S by (-1)
        dir_mat = np.matrix(np.diag(np.sign(flux + 1e-10).flat))
        flux = dir_mat * flux
        S = self.kegg_model.S * dir_mat
        dG0 = dir_mat * dG0

        self.ecf = EnzymeCostFunction(S, flux=flux, kcat=kcat, dG0=dG0, KMM=KMM,
                                      lnC_bounds=lnC_bounds, ecf_version=ecf_version)
    def WriteMatFile(self, file_name):
        mdict = self.ecf.Serialize()
        mdict['cids'] = self.kegg_model.cids
        mdict['rids'] = self.kegg_model.rids
        with open(file_name, 'wb') as fp:
            savemat(fp, mdict, format='5')
    def GenerateKeggModel(sbtab_dict):
        met2kegg = sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable('Compound', 'Compound',
        reaction_names = sbtab_dict.GetColumnFromTable('Reaction', 'Reaction')
        reaction_formulas = sbtab_dict.GetColumnFromTable('Reaction', 'SumFormula')
        sparse_reactions = map(ParseReaction, reaction_formulas)
        map_met2kegg = lambda spr : {met2kegg.get(k): v for (k,v) in spr.iteritems()}
        sparse_reactions_kegg = map(map_met2kegg, sparse_reactions)
        kegg_reactions = [KeggReaction(s, rid=rid) for (s, rid) 
                          in zip(sparse_reactions_kegg, reaction_names)]

        model = KeggModel.from_kegg_reactions(kegg_reactions, has_reaction_ids=True)
        return model

    def _ReadKineticParameters(sbtab_dict, table_name='RateConstant'):
        cols = ['QuantityType',

        rid2keq = {}
        rid2crc_gmean = {} # catalytic rate constant geomertic mean
        rid2crc_fwd = {}   # catalytic rate constant forward
        rid2crc_rev = {}   # catalytic rate constant reverse
        crctype2dict = {'catalytic rate constant geometric mean': rid2crc_gmean,
                        'substrate catalytic rate constant': rid2crc_fwd,
                        'product catalytic rate constant': rid2crc_rev}
        rid_cid2KMM = {}   # Michaelis-Menten constants
        for i, row in enumerate(sbtab_dict.GetColumnsFromTable(table_name, cols)):
                typ, val, cid, rid, unit = row
                val = float(val)
                if typ in crctype2dict:
                    if unit != '1/s':
                        raise AssertionError('Catalytic rate constants must be '
                                             'in units of 1/s, not %s' % unit)
                    crctype2dict[typ][rid] = val
                elif typ == 'Michaelis constant':
                    value_mapping = ECMmodel._MappingToCanonicalConcentrationUnits(unit)
                    rid_cid2KMM[rid, cid] = value_mapping(val)
                elif typ == 'equilibrium constant':
                    assert unit == ''
                    rid2keq[rid] = val
                elif typ == 'concentration of enzyme':
                    raise AssertionError('unrecognized Rate Constant Type: ' + typ)
            except AssertionError as e:
                raise ValueError('Syntax error in SBtab table %s, row %d - %s' %
                                 (table_name, i, str(e)))
        return rid2crc_gmean, rid2crc_fwd, rid2crc_rev, rid_cid2KMM, rid2keq

    def _GibbsEnergyFromMilliMolarToMolar(self, dGm):
            In the current SBtab file format, the 'standard Gibbs energies' 
            are actually dGm (since mM is used as the reference concentration).
            We need to convert them back to M and that requires using the 
            stoichiometric matrix (self.kegg_model.S).
        # Assume that all concentrations are 1 mM
        mM_conc_v = 1e-3 * np.matrix(np.ones((self.kegg_model.S.shape[0], 1)))

        # remember to set the concentration of H2O to 1        
        mM_conc_v[self.kegg_model.cids.index('C00001')] = 1
        # subtract the effect of the concentrations to return back to dG0
        dG0 = dGm - self.kegg_model.S.T * default_RT * np.log(mM_conc_v)
        return dG0

    def _CalcGibbsEnergiesFromKeq(self, rid2keq):
        keq = np.matrix(map(rid2keq.get, self.kegg_model.rids)).T
        dGm_prime = - default_RT * np.log(keq)
        dG0_prime = self._GibbsEnergyFromMilliMolarToMolar(dGm_prime)
        self.rid2dG0 = dict(zip(self.kegg_model.rids, dG0_prime.flat))

    def _CalcGibbsEnerigesFromComponentContribution(self):
        cc = ComponentContribution.init()
        dG0_prime, dG0_std, sqrt_Sigma = self.kegg_model.get_transformed_dG0(
            pH=7.5, I=0.1, T=298.15)
        self.rid2dG0 = dict(zip(self.kegg_model.rids, dG0_prime.flat))

    def _CalcGibbsEnerigesFromdG0ReactionTable(self):
            it's better to take the values from the SBtab since they are processed
            by the parameter balancing funcion
        dG0_units = self._sbtab_dict.GetTableAttribute('GibbsEnergyOfReaction', 'Unit')
        value_mapping = ECMmodel._MappingToCanonicalEnergyUnits(dG0_units)
        rid2dGm = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable(
            'GibbsEnergyOfReaction', 'Reaction', 'Value', value_mapping=value_mapping)
        dGm_prime = np.matrix(map(rid2dGm.get, self.kegg_model.rids), dtype=float).T
        dG0_prime = self._GibbsEnergyFromMilliMolarToMolar(dGm_prime)
        self.rid2dG0 = dict(zip(self.kegg_model.rids, dG0_prime.flat))

    def _ReadConcentrationBounds(self):
            read the lower and upper bounds and convert them to M.
            verify that the values make sense.
        bound_units = self._sbtab_dict.GetTableAttribute('ConcentrationConstraint', 'Unit')
        bound_mapping = ECMmodel._MappingToCanonicalConcentrationUnits(bound_units)
        self.cid2min_bound = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable(
            'ConcentrationConstraint', 'Compound:Identifiers:kegg.compound', 'Concentration:Min',
        self.cid2max_bound = self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable(
            'ConcentrationConstraint', 'Compound:Identifiers:kegg.compound', 'Concentration:Max',
        if 'C00001' in self.cid2min_bound:
            assert np.round(self.cid2min_bound['C00001'], 2) == 1
            self.cid2min_bound['C00001'] = 1

        if 'C00001' in self.cid2max_bound:
            assert np.round(self.cid2max_bound['C00001'], 2) == 1
            self.cid2max_bound['C00001'] = 1
        for cid in self.cid2min_bound.keys():
            assert self.cid2min_bound[cid] <= self.cid2max_bound[cid]

    def _GenerateKMM(cids, rids, rid_cid2KMM):
        KMM = np.ones((len(cids), len(rids)))
        for i, cid in enumerate(cids):
            for j, rid in enumerate(rids):
                KMM[i, j] = rid_cid2KMM.get((rid,cid), 1)
        return KMM
    def MDF(self):
        mdf, params = self.ecf.MDF() # note that MDF is given in units of RT
        if np.isnan(mdf) or mdf < 0.0:
            logging.error('Negative MDF value: %.1f RT (= %.1f kJ/mol)' %
                          (mdf, mdf * default_RT))
            logging.error('The reactions with shadow prices are:')
            for rid, sp in zip(self.kegg_model.rids, params['reaction prices'].flat):
                if sp:
                    logging.error('\t%s : %g' % (rid, sp))

            conc = map(np.exp, params['ln concentrations'].flat)
            for cid, sp, C in zip(self.kegg_model.cids, params['compound prices'].flat, conc):
                if sp and not self.cid2external[cid]:
                    logging.error('\t[%30s] : %5.1e < %5.1e < %5.1e M' %
                        (self.kegg2met[cid], self.cid2min_bound[cid], C, self.cid2max_bound[cid]))
            raise ThermodynamicallyInfeasibleError()
        return params['ln concentrations']
    def ECM(self, lnC0=None):
        return self.ecf.ECM(lnC0 or self.MDF())
    def ECF(self, lnC):
        return self.ecf.ECF(lnC)
    def _nanfloat(x):
        if type(x) == float:
            return x
        if type(x) == int:
            return float(x)
        if type(x) in types.StringTypes:
            if x.lower() in ['', 'nan']:
                return np.nan
                return float(x)
            raise ValueError('unrecognized type for value: ' + str(type(x)))
    def _MappingToCanonicalEnergyUnits(unit):
            Assuming the canonical units for concentration are Molar
                A function that converts a single number or string to the 
                canonical units
        if unit == 'kJ/mol':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x)
        if unit == 'kcal/mol':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x)*4.184
        raise ValueError('Cannot convert these units to kJ/mol: ' + unit)

    def _MappingToCanonicalConcentrationUnits(unit):
            Assuming the canonical units for concentration are Molar
                A function that converts a single number or string to the 
                canonical units
        if unit == 'M':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x)
        if unit == 'mM':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x)*1e-3
        if unit == 'uM':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x)*1e-6
        if unit == 'nM':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x)*1e-9
        raise ValueError('Cannot convert these units to M: ' + unit)
    def _MappingToCanonicalFluxUnits(unit):
            Assuming the canonical units for concentration are [M/s]
                A function that converts a single number or string to the 
                canonical units
            Note: CELL_VOL_PER_DW is given in [L/gCDW]
        if unit == 'M/s':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x)
        if unit == 'mM/s':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x)*1e-3
        if unit == 'mmol/gCDW/h':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x) / (CELL_VOL_PER_DW * 3600 * 1e3)
        if unit == 'mol/gCDW/h':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x) / (CELL_VOL_PER_DW * 3600)
        if unit == 'umol/gCDW/min':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x) / (CELL_VOL_PER_DW * 60 * 1e6)
        if unit == 'mmol/gCDW/min':
            return lambda x: ECMmodel._nanfloat(x) / (CELL_VOL_PER_DW * 60 * 1e3)
        raise ValueError('Cannot convert these units to M/s: ' + unit)

    def _GetMeasuredMetaboliteConcentrations(self):
        unit = self._sbtab_dict.GetTableAttribute('Concentration', 'Unit')
        value_mapping = ECMmodel._MappingToCanonicalConcentrationUnits(unit)
        # assume concentrations are in mM
        return self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable(
            'Concentration', 'Compound:Identifiers:kegg.compound',
            'Concentration', value_mapping=value_mapping)
    def _GetMeasuredEnzymeConcentrations(self):
        unit = self._sbtab_dict.GetTableAttribute('EnzymeConcentration', 'Unit')
        value_mapping = ECMmodel._MappingToCanonicalConcentrationUnits(unit)

        return self._sbtab_dict.GetDictFromTable(
            'EnzymeConcentration', 'Reaction',
            'EnzymeConcentration', value_mapping=value_mapping)

    def PlotEnzymeCosts(self, lnC, ax, top_level=3, plot_measured=False):
            A bar plot in log-scale showing the partitioning of cost between
            the levels of kinetic costs:
            1 - capacity
            2 - thermodynamics
            3 - saturation
            4 - allosteric
        assert top_level in range(1, 5)
        ecf_mat = self.ecf.GetEnzymeCostPartitions(lnC)
        datamat = np.log(ecf_mat)
        idx_fin = np.where(np.all(np.isfinite(datamat), 1))[0]
        idx_nan = np.where(np.any(np.isinf(datamat), 1))[0]
        base = min(datamat[idx_fin, :].flat) - 1
        bottoms = np.hstack([np.ones((datamat.shape[0], 1)) * base,
                             np.cumsum(datamat, 1)])
        bottoms = np.exp(bottoms)
        bottoms[idx_nan, :] = np.exp(base)
        steps = np.diff(bottoms)
        labels = EnzymeCostFunction.ECF_LEVEL_NAMES[0:top_level]

        ind = np.arange(ecf_mat.shape[0])    # the x locations for the groups
        width = 0.8

        if plot_measured:
            all_labels = ['measured'] + labels
            meas_enz2conc = self._GetMeasuredEnzymeConcentrations()
            meas_conc = np.matrix(map(meas_enz2conc.get, self.kegg_model.rids), dtype=float).T
            cmap = colors.ColorMap(all_labels, saturation=0.7, value=1.0, hues=[30.0/255, 170.0/255, 200.0/255, 5.0/255])
            #ax.bar(ind, meas_conc, width, bottom=bottoms[:, 0], 
            #       color=cmap['measured'], alpha=0.3)
            ax.plot(ind+width/2.0, meas_conc, color=cmap['measured'], marker='o', markersize=5, linewidth=0,
                    markeredgewidth=0.3, markeredgecolor=(0.3,0.3,0.3))
            all_labels = labels
            cmap = colors.ColorMap(labels, saturation=0.7, value=0.8, hues=[170.0/255, 200.0/255, 5.0/255])
        for i, label in enumerate(labels):
            ax.bar(ind, steps[:, i], width,
                   bottom=bottoms[:, i], color=cmap[label])

        ax.set_xticks(ind + width/2)
        xticks = map(self.kegg2rxn.get, self.kegg_model.rids)
        ax.set_xticklabels(xticks, size='medium', rotation=90)
        ax.legend(all_labels, loc='best', framealpha=0.2)
        ax.set_ylabel('enzyme cost [M]')
    def ValidateMetaboliteConcentrations(self, lnC, ax, scale='log'):
        pred_conc = np.exp(lnC)

        meas_met2conc = self._GetMeasuredMetaboliteConcentrations()
        meas_conc = np.matrix(map(meas_met2conc.get, self.kegg_model.cids)).T
        mask =  (meas_conc > 0) & (pred_conc > 0)   # remove NaNs and zeros
        mask &= np.diff(self.ecf.lnC_bounds) > 1e-9 # remove compounds with fixed concentrations

        labels = map(self.kegg2met.get, self.kegg_model.cids)
        PlotCorrelation(ax, meas_conc, pred_conc, labels, mask, scale=scale)
        ax.set_xlabel('measured [M]')
        ax.set_ylabel('predicted [M]')
    def ValidateEnzymeConcentrations(self, lnC, ax, scale='log'):
        pred_conc = self.ecf.ECF(lnC)

        meas_enz2conc = self._GetMeasuredEnzymeConcentrations()
        meas_conc = np.matrix(map(meas_enz2conc.get, self.kegg_model.rids)).T
        labels = map(self.kegg2rxn.get, self.kegg_model.rids)
        PlotCorrelation(ax, meas_conc, pred_conc, labels, scale=scale)

        ax.set_xlabel('measured [M]')
        ax.set_ylabel('predicted [M]')

    def WriteHtmlTables(self, lnC, html):
        meas_enz2conc = self._GetMeasuredEnzymeConcentrations()
        meas_conc = np.matrix(map(lambda r: meas_enz2conc.get(r, np.nan), self.kegg_model.rids)).T
        data_mat = np.hstack([self.ecf.flux,
        data_mat[:, 0] *= 1e3 # convert flux from M/s to mM/s
        data_mat[:, 1] *= 1e6 # convert measured enzyme conc. from M to uM
        data_mat[:, 2] *= 1e6 # convert predicted enzyme conc. from M to uM
        data_mat[:, 4] *= 1e6 # convert capacity term from M to uM
        headers = ['reaction', 'KEGG ID', 'flux [mM/s]',
                   'measured enz. conc. [uM]',
                   'predicted enz. conc. [uM]',
                   'driving force [kJ/mol]', 'capacity [uM]'] + \
        values = zip(map(self.kegg2rxn.get, self.kegg_model.rids),
        values.append(['total', '', '', data_mat[:, 1].sum(), data_mat[:, 2].sum(),
                       '', '', '', '', ''])
        rowdicst = [dict(zip(headers, v)) for v in values]
        html.write_table(rowdicst, headers=headers, decimal=3)

        meas_met2conc = self._GetMeasuredMetaboliteConcentrations()
        meas_conc = np.matrix(map(lambda r: meas_met2conc.get(r, np.nan), self.kegg_model.cids)).T
        data_mat = np.hstack([meas_conc,
        data_mat *= 1e3 # convert all concentrations from M to mM

        headers = ['compound', 'KEGG ID', 'measured conc. [mM]',
                   'predicted conc. [mM]',
                   'lower bound [mM]', 'upper bound [mM]']
        values = zip(map(self.kegg2met.get, self.kegg_model.cids),
        rowdicst = [dict(zip(headers, v)) for v in values]
        headers = ['compound', 'KEGG ID', 'measured conc. [mM]',
                   'lower bound [mM]', 'predicted conc. [mM]', 'upper bound [mM]']
        html.write_table(rowdicst, headers=headers)