Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_sort_students() -> None:
    s1 = course.Student(1, "gad")
    s2 = course.Student(53, "floof")
    s3 = course.Student(9, "gad")
    s4 = course.Student(15, "blep")
    s5 = course.Student(4, "meep")
    ppl = [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5]
    assert course.sort_students(ppl, 'id') == [s1, s5, s3, s4, s2]
    assert course.sort_students(ppl, 'name') == [s4, s2, s1, s3, s5]
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        The first group should contain the students in <course> whose names come
        first when sorted alphabetically, the second group should contain the
        next students in that order, etc.

        All groups in this grouping should have exactly self.group_size members
        except for the last group which may have fewer than self.group_size
        members if that is required to make sure all students in <course> are
        members of a group.

        Hint: the sort_students function might be useful
        groupings = Grouping()
        list_of_groups = []
        new_list = sort_students(course.students, 'name')
        split_list = slice_list(new_list, self.group_size)
        for item in split_list:
            d = Group(item)
        for items in list_of_groups:
        return groupings
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_get_student(self, empty_course, students_out_of_order, students):
     students1 = course.sort_students(students_out_of_order, "id")
     funct = empty_course.get_students()
     test = tuple(students)
     for i in range(len(funct)):
         assert funct[i].id == test[i].id
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        The first group should contain the students in <course> whose names come
        first when sorted alphabetically, the second group should contain the
        next students in that order, etc.

        All groups in this grouping should have exactly self.group_size members
        except for the last group which may have fewer than self.group_size
        members if that is required to make sure all students in <course> are
        members of a group.

        Hint: the sort_students function might be useful
        students_in_course_copy = course.students[:]
        students_sorted_alpha = sort_students(students_in_course_copy, "name")
        students_grouped = slice_list(students_sorted_alpha, self.group_size)
        students_group_objs = []
        grouping = Grouping()

        for group in students_grouped:
            g = Group(group)

        for group in students_group_objs:

        return grouping
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        The first group should contain the students in <course> whose names come
        first when sorted alphabetically, the second group should contain the
        next students in that order, etc.

        All groups in this grouping should have exactly self.group_size members
        except for the last group which may have fewer than self.group_size
        members if that is required to make sure all students in <course> are
        members of a group.

        Hint: the sort_students function might be useful
        # TODO: complete the body of this method

        #sort the student by name
        sorted_stu = sort_students(course.get_students(), 'name')
        sliced_list = slice_list(sorted_stu, self.group_size)
        g = Grouping()
        for batch in sliced_list:
            temp_group = Group(batch)
        return g
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        The first group should contain the students in <course> whose names come
        first when sorted alphabetically, the second group should contain the
        next students in that order, etc.

        All groups in this grouping should have exactly self.group_size members
        except for the last group which may have fewer than self.group_size
        members if that is required to make sure all students in <course> are
        members of a group.

        Hint: the sort_students function might be useful

        lst_students = course.get_students()
        new_lst = sort_students(list(lst_students), 'name')
        grouping = Grouping()
        if self.group_size < len(new_lst):
            new_lst = slice_list(new_lst, self.group_size)
            for sublist in new_lst:
                group = Group(sublist)
            group = Group(new_lst)
        return grouping
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        The first group should contain the students in <course> whose names come
        first when sorted alphabetically, the second group should contain the
        next students in that order, etc.

        All groups in this grouping should have exactly self.group_size members
        except for the last group which may have fewer than self.group_size
        members if that is required to make sure all students in <course> are
        members of a group.

        Hint: the sort_students function might be useful
        lst = []  # list of students
        to_return = Grouping()
        for stud in course.get_students():  # shallow list of course.student
            lst.append(stud)  # the student in the course
        if len(lst) == 0:
            return to_return
        size = self.group_size
        lst = sort_students(lst, "name")  # sorting the students
        sliced_list = slice_list(lst, size)  # divided the students properly
        for sublist in sliced_list:  # need to make them all groups
            to_return.add_group(Group(sublist))  # each sublist is a group
        return to_return
Ejemplo n.º 8
def _get_max_student(lst1: List[Student], lst2: List[Student],
                     survey: Survey) -> Optional[Student]:
    Return the student in lst1 such that when moved him to lst2, the
    score of survey will be the highest compare to other students in lst1

    Precondition: len(lst1) > 0 and len(lst2) > 0
    if len(lst1) == 0:
        return None
    scores = {}
    for student in lst1:
        new_score = survey.score_students(lst2)
        if new_score not in scores.keys():
            scores[new_score] = [student]
    max_students = scores[max(tuple(scores.keys()))]
    sort_students(max_students, 'id')
    return max_students[0]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        Starting with a tuple of all students in <course> obtained by calling
        the <course>.get_students() method, create groups of students using the
        following algorithm:

        1. select the first student in the tuple that hasn't already been put
           into a group and put this student in a new group.
        2. select the student in the tuple that hasn't already been put into a
           group that, if added to the new group, would increase the group's
           score the most (or reduce it the least), add that student to the new
        3. repeat step 2 until there are N students in the new group where N is
           equal to self.group_size.
        4. repeat steps 1-3 until all students have been placed in a group.

        In step 2 above, use the <survey>.score_students method to determine
        the score of each group of students.

        The final group created may have fewer than N members if that is
        required to make sure all students in <course> are members of a group.
        temp_list = list(course.get_students())
        student_tuple = sort_students(temp_list, 'id')
        student_list = list(student_tuple)
        grouping = Grouping()

        for student in student_tuple:  # step 1
            if student in student_list:
                temp_group = [student]
                while self.group_size > len(temp_group) and \
                        len(student_list) > 0:
                    max_score = 0.0
                    max_student = student_list[0]
                    for student1 in student_list:
                        temp_score = survey.score_students \
                            (temp_group + [student1])
                        if temp_score > max_score:
                            max_score = temp_score
                            max_student = student1

        return grouping
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_course() -> None:
    course_0 = Course("Snake")
    course_0.enroll_students([Student(0, "Tim")])
    course_0.enroll_students([Student(0, "Tim")])
    course_0.enroll_students([Student(0, "Tim"), Student(0, "Roney")])
    assert len(course_0.get_students()) == 1
    course_0.enroll_students([Student(1, "Tim"), Student(2, "Roney")])
    assert len(course_0.get_students()) == 3
    course_1 = Course("Python")
    students = []
    for x in range(10):
        students.append(Student(x, ''.join(
            random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=6))))
    assert len(course_1.get_students()) == len(students)
    assert tuple(sort_students(students, "id")) == course_1.get_students()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        Starting with a tuple of all students in <course> obtained by calling
        the <course>.get_students() method, create groups of students using the
        following algorithm:

        1. Get the windows of the list of students who have not already been
           put in a group.
        2. For each window in order, calculate the current window's score as
           well as the score of the next window in the list. If the current
           window's score is greater than or equal to the next window's score,
           make a group out of the students in current window and start again at
           step 1. If the current window is the last window, compare it to the
           first window instead.

        In step 2 above, use the <survey>.score_students to determine the score
        of each window (list of students).

        In step 1 and 2 above, use the windows function to get the windows of
        the list of students.

        If there are any remaining students who have not been put in a group
        after repeating steps 1 and 2 above, put the remaining students into a
        new group.
        students_list = sort_students(list(course.get_students()), 'id')
        return_grouping = Grouping()

        # While we still have windows, loop
        while len(students_list) > 0:
            # Find local max window
            local_max_window = self.find_local_max_window(
                students_list, survey)
            # add window as new group into grouping
            # remove window's elements
            for st in local_max_window:

        return return_grouping
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        The first group should contain the students in <course> whose names come
        first when sorted alphabetically, the second group should contain the
        next students in that order, etc.

        All groups in this grouping should have exactly self.group_size members
        except for the last group which may have fewer than self.group_size
        members if that is required to make sure all students in <course> are
        members of a group.

        Hint: the sort_students function might be useful
        # TODO: complete the body of this method
        roster = course.get_students()
        roster_alpha = sort_students(roster, 'name')
        grouped = slice_list(roster_alpha, self.group_size)
        return grouped
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        Starting with a tuple of all students in <course> obtained by calling
        the <course>.get_students() method, create groups of students using the
        following algorithm:

        1. select the first student in the tuple that hasn't already been put
           into a group and put this student in a new group.
        2. select the student in the tuple that hasn't already been put into a
           group that, if added to the new group, would increase the group's
           score the most (or reduce it the least), add that student to the new
        3. repeat step 2 until there are N students in the new group where N is
           equal to self.group_size.
        4. repeat steps 1-3 until all students have been placed in a group.

        In step 2 above, use the <survey>.score_students method to determine
        the score of each group of students.

        The final group created may have fewer than N members if that is
        required to make sure all students in <course> are members of a group.
        tup = course.get_students()
        g = Grouping()
        lst = list(tup)
        lst = sort_students(lst, 'id')
        while True:
            grouplst = []
            if len(lst) <= self.group_size:
                group = Group(lst)
                return g
            for i in range(1, self.group_size):
                grouplst.append(bigval(grouplst, lst, survey))
                lst.remove(bigval(grouplst, lst, survey))
            group = Group(grouplst)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        The first group should contain the students in <course> whose names come
        first when sorted alphabetically, the second group should contain the
        next students in that order, etc.

        All groups in this grouping should have exactly self.group_size members
        except for the last group which may have fewer than self.group_size
        members if that is required to make sure all students in <course> are
        members of a group.

        Hint: the sort_students function might be useful
        sorted_students = sort_students(course.students, 'name')
        grouped_students = slice_list(sorted_students, self.group_size)
        grouping = Grouping()
        for group in grouped_students:

        return grouping
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_sort_stud(students, students_out_of_order):
    new = course.sort_students(students_out_of_order, "id")
    for i in range(len(new)):
        assert new[i].id == students[i].id
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        Starting with a tuple of all students in <course> obtained by calling
        the <course>.get_students() method, create groups of students using the
        following algorithm:

        1. select the first student in the tuple that hasn't already been put
           into a group and put this student in a new group.
        2. select the student in the tuple that hasn't already been put into a
           group that, if added to the new group, would increase the group's
           score the most (or reduce it the least), add that student to the new
           # which would make the group the best group
        3. repeat step 2 until there are N students in the new group where N is
           equal to self.group_size.
        4. repeat steps 1-3 until all students have been placed in a group.

        In step 2 above, use the <survey>.score_students method to determine
        the score of each group of students.

        The final group created may have fewer than N members if that is
        required to make sure all students in <course> are members of a group.
        to_return = Grouping()
        lst_of_studs = []
        for stud in course.get_students():
        if len(lst_of_studs) == 0:
            return to_return
        lst_of_studs = sort_students(lst_of_studs, "id")
        i = 0
        while i < (len(course.get_students()) - 1):
            group_lst = []
            while len(group_lst) != self.group_size and len(lst_of_studs) != 0:
                # important stopping conditions
                student1 = lst_of_studs[1]
                tups_of_scores_and_studs = []
                if len(group_lst) == 0:
                    # first student to add
                for stud in lst_of_studs:
                        (survey.score_students(group_lst + [stud]), stud))
                    # appedning the sore of the group with the student
                lst_of_scores = []
                for tup in tups_of_scores_and_studs:
                ind_of_highest = lst_of_scores.index(max(lst_of_scores))
                # find the index of the tup with this score
                # removing the student with the highest score from lst of studs
                # adding that student to group_lst
                if student1 not in lst_of_studs:  # for starting from beggining
                    i += 1
                    i = 0
            if len(group_lst) != 0:
                group = Group(group_lst)
            if len(lst_of_studs) == 0:
                i += 1
        if len(lst_of_studs) != 0:
            lst = []
            for stud in lst_of_studs:
            # for dealing with the remainder
        return to_return
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def make_grouping(self, course: Course, survey: Survey) -> Grouping:
        Return a grouping for all students in <course>.

        Starting with a tuple of all students in <course> obtained by calling
        the <course>.get_students() method, create groups of students using the
        following algorithm:

        1. Get the windows of the list of students who have not already been
           put in a group.
        2. For each window in order, calculate the current window's score as
           well as the score of the next window in the list. If the current
           window's score is greater than or equal to the next window's score,
           make a group out of the students in current window and start again at
           step 1. If the current window is the last window, compare it to the
           first window instead.

        In step 2 above, use the <survey>.score_students to determine the score
        of each window (list of students).

        In step 1 and 2 above, use the windows function to get the windows of
        the list of students.

        If there are any remaining students who have not been put in a group
        after repeating steps 1 and 2 above, put the remaining students into a
        new group.

        n = self.group_size
        tup_of_studs = course.get_students()
        lst_of_studs = []
        to_return = Grouping()
        for stud in tup_of_studs:
        if len(lst_of_studs) == 0:
            return to_return
        lst_of_studs = sort_students(lst_of_studs, "id")
        lst_of_windows = windows(lst_of_studs, n)
        shallow_lst_of_windows = []
        for window in lst_of_windows:
        i = 0
        while i < len(shallow_lst_of_windows) - 1:
            if survey.score_students(shallow_lst_of_windows[i]) >= \
                    survey.score_students(shallow_lst_of_windows[i + 1]):
                # add group to grouping
                for stud in shallow_lst_of_windows[i]:  # this avoids repeats
                shallow_lst_of_windows = windows(lst_of_studs, n)
                i = 0
            else:  # have to start comparing from the beggining  again
                i += 1
        if len(shallow_lst_of_windows) != 0:
            # comparing the last with the first
            if survey.score_students(shallow_lst_of_windows[-1]) >= \
        if len(shallow_lst_of_windows) != 0:
            # if some did not get matched
            for lst in shallow_lst_of_windows:
            # want to increment
        return to_return