def flush(self):
        if self.is_dirty(True):
                with HDFLockingFile(self.file_path, 'a') as f:
                    for k in list(self._dirty):
                        v = getattr(self, k)
    #                    log.debug('FLUSH: key=%s  v=%s', k, v)
                        if isinstance(v, Dictable):
                            prefix='DICTABLE|{0}:{1}|'.format(v.__module__, v.__class__.__name__)
                            value = prefix + pack(v.dump())
                            value = pack(v)

                        f.attrs[k] = np.array([value])

                        # Update the hash_value in _hmap
                        self._hmap[k] = utils.hash_any(v)
                        # Remove the key from the _dirty set
            except IOError, ex:
                if "unable to create file (File accessability: Unable to open file)" in ex.message:
          'Issue writing to hdf file during master_manager.flush - this is not likely a huge problem: %s', ex.message)

            super(BaseManager, self).__setattr__('_is_dirty',False)
    def flush(self):
        if self.is_dirty(True):
                with h5py.File(self.file_path, 'a') as f:
                    for k in list(self._dirty):
                        v = getattr(self, k)
    #                    log.debug('FLUSH: key=%s  v=%s', k, v)
                        if isinstance(v, Dictable):
                            prefix='DICTABLE|{0}:{1}|'.format(v.__module__, v.__class__.__name__)
                            value = prefix + pack(v.dump())
                            value = pack(v)

                        f.attrs[k] = value

                        # Update the hash_value in _hmap
                        self._hmap[k] = utils.hash_any(v)
                        # Remove the key from the _dirty set
            except IOError, ex:
                if "unable to create file (File accessability: Unable to open file)" in ex.message:
          'Issue writing to hdf file during master_manager.flush - this is not likely a huge problem: %s', ex.message)

            super(BaseManager, self).__setattr__('_is_dirty',False)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def flush(self, deep=True):
        if self.is_dirty(deep):
                # package for storage
                insert_dict = {}
                for k in list(self._dirty):
                    v = getattr(self, k)
                    log.trace('FLUSH: key=%s  v=%s', k, v)
                    if isinstance(v, Dictable):
                        prefix='DICTABLE|{0}:{1}|'.format(v.__module__, v.__class__.__name__)
                        value = prefix + pack(v.dump())
                    elif k == 'brick_tree':
                        if hasattr(self, 'brick_tree') and isinstance(self.brick_tree, RTreeProxy):
                            val = self.brick_tree.serialize()
                            if val != '':
                                insert_dict['brick_tree'] = val
                    elif k == 'parameter_metadata':
                        value = pack_parameter_manager_dict(v)
                        value = pack(v)

                    insert_dict[k] = value

                    # Update the hash_value in _hmap
                    self._hmap[k] = hash_any(v)

                dirty_spans = self.span_collection.get_dirty_spans()
                if len(dirty_spans) > 0:
                    val = str(self.span_collection)
                    log.trace("Span tuple: %s", val)
                    value = pack(val)
                    insert_dict['span_collection'] = value

                DBFactory.get_db().insert(self.guid, insert_dict, dirty_spans)

                for span in dirty_spans:
                    span.is_dirty = False

            except IOError, ex:
                if "unable to create file (File accessability: Unable to open file)" in ex.message:
          'Issue writing to hdf file during master_manager.flush - this is not likely a huge problem: %s', ex.message)

            super(DbBackedMetadataManager, self).__setattr__('_is_dirty',False)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def is_dirty(self, force_deep=False):
        Tells if the object has attributes that have changed since the last flush

        @return: True if the BaseMananager object is dirty and should be flushed
        if not force_deep and len(self._dirty) > 0: # Something new was set, easy-peasy
            return True
        else: # Nothing new has been set, need to check hashes
            self._dirty.difference_update(self._ignore) # Ensure any ignored attrs are gone...
            for k, v in [(k,v) for k, v in self.__dict__.iteritems() if not k in self._ignore and not k.startswith('_')]:
                chv = utils.hash_any(v)
                # log.trace('key=%s:  cached hash value=%s  current hash value=%s', k, self._hmap[k], chv)
                if self._hmap[k] != chv:
            return len(self._dirty) != 0
    def is_dirty(self, force_deep=False):
        Tells if the object has attributes that have changed since the last flush

        @return: True if the BaseMananager object is dirty and should be flushed
        if not force_deep and self._is_dirty: # Something new was set, easy-peasy
            return True
        else: # Nothing new has been set, need to check hashes
            self._dirty.difference_update(self._ignore) # Ensure any ignored attrs are gone...
            for k, v in [(k,v) for k, v in self.__dict__.iteritems() if not k in self._ignore and not k.startswith('_')]:
                chv = utils.hash_any(v)
                # log.trace('key=%s:  cached hash value=%s  current hash value=%s', k, self._hmap[k], chv)
                if self._hmap[k] != chv:

            return len(self._dirty) != 0
 def __setattr__(self, key, value):
     super(BaseManager, self).__setattr__(key, value)
     if not key in self._ignore and not key.startswith('_'):
         self._hmap[key] = utils.hash_any(value)
         super(BaseManager, self).__setattr__('_is_dirty',True)
 def __setattr__(self, key, value):
     super(BaseManager, self).__setattr__(key, value)
     if not key in self._ignore and not key.startswith('_'):
         self._hmap[key] = utils.hash_any(value)
         super(BaseManager, self).__setattr__('_is_dirty',True)