Ejemplo n.º 1
def _writeMacroReferencesTable(theS, theFlcS):
    """Writes all the references to a file/line/col in a rowspan/colspan HTML
    table with links to the position in the HTML representation of the file
    that references something.
    This uses a particular design pattern that uses a  DictTree to sort out the
    rows and columns. In this case the DictTree values are lists of pairs
    (href, nav_text) where nav_text is the line-col of the referencing file."""
    myFileLineColS = []
    # This removes duplicates, it is a list of (fileId, lineNum, colNum).
    # If an include file is included N times there will be N-1 duplicate entries
    # for the header guard macro otherwise.
    hasSeen = []
    for aFlc in theFlcS:
        ident = (aFlc.fileId, aFlc.lineNum, aFlc.colNum)
        if ident not in hasSeen:
                    HtmlUtils.retHtmlFileLink(aFlc.fileId, aFlc.lineNum),
                    # Navigation text
                    '%d-%d' % (aFlc.lineNum, aFlc.colNum),
    if len(myFileLineColS) > 0:
        HtmlUtils.writeFilePathsAsTable('list', theS, myFileLineColS,
                                        'filetable', _tdFilePathCallback)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def writeTuIndexHtml(theOutDir, theTuPath, theLexer, theFileCountMap,
                     theTokenCntr, hasIncDot, macroHistoryIndexName):
    with XmlWrite.XhtmlStream(
            os.path.join(theOutDir, tuIndexFileName(theTuPath)),
    ) as myS:
        with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'head'):
            with XmlWrite.Element(
                    myS, 'link', {
                        'href': TokenCss.TT_CSS_FILE,
                        'type': "text/css",
                        'rel': "stylesheet",
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'title'):
                myS.characters('CPIP Processing of %s' % theTuPath)
        with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'body'):
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h1'):
                myS.characters('CPIP Processing of %s' % theTuPath)
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'p'):
                myS.characters("""This has links to individual pages about the
pre-processing of this file.""")
            # ##
            # Translation unit
            # ##
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h2'):
                myS.characters('1. Source Code')
            _writeParagraphWithBreaks(myS, SOURCE_CODE_INTRO)
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h3'):  # 'p'):
                myS.characters('The ')
                with XmlWrite.Element(
                        myS, 'a', {
                            'href': HtmlUtils.retHtmlFileName(theTuPath),
                    myS.characters('source file')
                myS.characters(' and ')
                with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'a', {
                        'href': tuFileName(theTuPath),
                    myS.characters('as a translation unit')
            # ##
            # Include graph
            # ##
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h2'):
                myS.characters('2. Include Graphs')
            _writeParagraphWithBreaks(myS, INCLUDE_GRAPH_INTRO)
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h3'):  # 'p'):
                myS.characters('A ')
                with XmlWrite.Element(
                        myS, 'a', {
                            'href': includeGraphFileNameSVG(theTuPath),
                    myS.characters('visual #include tree in SVG')
                # If we have successfully written a .dot file then link to it
                if hasIncDot:
                    myS.characters(', ')
                    with XmlWrite.Element(
                            myS, 'a', {
                                'href': includeGraphFileNameDotSVG(theTuPath),
                        myS.characters('Dot dependency [SVG]')
                myS.characters(' or ')
                with XmlWrite.Element(
                        myS, 'a', {
                            'href': includeGraphFileNameText(theTuPath),
                    myS.characters('as Text')
            # ##
            # Conditional compilation
            # ##
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h2'):
                myS.characters('3. Conditional Compilation')
            _writeParagraphWithBreaks(myS, CONDITIONAL_COMPILATION_INTRO)
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h3'):  # 'p'):
                myS.characters('The ')
                with XmlWrite.Element(
                        myS, 'a', {
                            'href': includeGraphFileNameCcg(theTuPath),
                    myS.characters('conditional compilation graph')
            # ##
            # Macro history
            # ##
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h2'):
                myS.characters('4. Macros')
            _writeParagraphWithBreaks(myS, MACROS_INTRO)
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h3'):
                myS.characters('The ')
                with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'a', {
                        'href': macroHistoryIndexName,
                    myS.characters('Macro Environment')
            # ##
            # Write out token counter as a table
            # ##
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h2'):
                myS.characters('5. Token Count')
            _writeParagraphWithBreaks(myS, TOKEN_COUNT_INTRO)
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'table', {'class': "monospace"}):
                with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'tr'):
                    with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'th', {'class': "monospace"}):
                        myS.characters('Token Type')
                    with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'th', {'class': "monospace"}):
                myTotal = 0
                for tokType, tokCount in theTokenCntr.tokenTypesAndCounts(
                        isAll=True, allPossibleTypes=True):
                    with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'tr'):
                        with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'td',
                                              {'class': "monospace"}):
                        with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'td',
                                              {'class': "monospace"}):
                            # <tt> does not preserve space so force it to
                            myStr = '%10d' % tokCount
                            myStr = myStr.replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
                        myTotal += tokCount
                with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'tr'):
                    with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'td', {'class': "monospace"}):
                        with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'b'):
                    with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'td', {'class': "monospace"}):
                        with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'b'):
                            # <tt> does not preserve space so force it to
                            myStr = '%10d' % myTotal
                            myStr = myStr.replace(' ', '&nbsp;')
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'br'):
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'h2'):
                myS.characters('6. Files Included and Count')
            _writeParagraphWithBreaks(myS, FILES_INCLUDED_INTRO)
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'p'):
                myS.characters('Total number of unique files: %d' %
            # TODO: Value count
            # with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'p'):
            #    myS.characters('Total files processed: %d' % sum(theFileCountMap.values()))
            myItuFileS = sorted(theFileCountMap.keys())
            # Create a list for the DictTree
            myFileLinkS = [
                    # Value is a tripple (href, basename, count)
                    (HtmlUtils.retHtmlFileName(p), os.path.basename(p),
                ) for p in myItuFileS if p != PpLexer.UNNAMED_FILE_NAME
            HtmlUtils.writeFilePathsAsTable(None, myS, myFileLinkS,
                                            'filetable', _tdCallback)
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'br'):
            # TODO...
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'p'):
                myS.characters('Produced by %s version: %s' %
                               ('CPIPMain', __version__))
            # Back link
            with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'p'):
                myS.characters('Back to: ')
                with XmlWrite.Element(myS, 'a', {
                        'href': 'index.html',
                    myS.characters('Index Page')
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_02(self):
        """Test_writeFilePathsAsTable.test_01(): writeFilePathsAsTable() - With header"""
        myF = io.StringIO()
        myFileNameValueS = [
            # filename, (href, navText, file_data) where file data is count_inc, count_lines, count_bytes
            ('spam/chips.lis', ('chips.html', 'Chips', (1, 2, 3))),
            ('spam/eggs.lis', ('eggs.html', 'Eggs', (10, 11, 12))),
            ('spam/fishfingers/beans.lis', ('fishfingers/beans.html', 'Beans',
                                            (100, 101, 102))),
            ('spam/fishfingers/peas.lis', ('fishfingers/peas.html', 'Peas',
                                           (1000, 1001, 1002))),

        def _tdCallback(theS, attrs, _k, href_nav_text_file_data):
            """Callback function for the file count table. This comes from CPIPMain.py"""
            attrs['class'] = 'filetable'
            href, navText, file_data = href_nav_text_file_data
            with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'td', attrs):
                with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'a', {'href': href}):
                    # Write the nav text
            td_attrs = {
                'width': "36px",
                'class': 'filetable',
                'align': "right",
            count_inc, count_lines, count_bytes = file_data
            with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'td', td_attrs):
                # Write the file count of inclusions
                theS.characters('%d' % count_inc)
            with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'td', td_attrs):
                # Write the file count of lines
            with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'td', td_attrs):
                # Write the file count of bytes
            with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'td', td_attrs):
                # Write the file count of lines * inclusions
                theS.characters('{:,d}'.format(count_lines * count_inc))
            with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'td', td_attrs):
                # Write the file count of bytes * inclusions
                theS.characters('{:,d}'.format(count_bytes * count_inc))

        def _trThCallback(theS, theDepth):
            """This comes from CPIPMain.py. Create the table header:
                <th class="filetable" colspan="9">File Path&nbsp;</th>
                <th class="filetable">Include Count</th>
                <th class="filetable">Lines</th>
                <th class="filetable">Bytes</th>
                <th class="filetable">Total Lines</th>
                <th class="filetable">Total Bytes</th>
            with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'tr', {}):
                with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'th', {
                        'colspan': '%d' % theDepth,
                        'class': 'filetable',
                    theS.characters('File Path')
                with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'th', {'class': 'filetable'}):
                    theS.characters('Include Count')
                with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'th', {'class': 'filetable'}):
                with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'th', {'class': 'filetable'}):
                with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'th', {'class': 'filetable'}):
                    theS.characters('Total Lines')
                with XmlWrite.Element(theS, 'th', {'class': 'filetable'}):
                    theS.characters('Total Bytes')

        with XmlWrite.XhtmlStream(myF) as myS:
        # print()
        # print(myF.getvalue())
        # self.maxDiff = None
        # print(myFileLinkS)
            myF.getvalue(), """<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <table class="table_style">
      <th class="filetable" colspan="3">File Path</th>
      <th class="filetable">Include Count</th>
      <th class="filetable">Lines</th>
      <th class="filetable">Bytes</th>
      <th class="filetable">Total Lines</th>
      <th class="filetable">Total Bytes</th>
      <td class="table_style" rowspan="4">spam/</td>
      <td class="filetable" colspan="2">
        <a href="chips.html">Chips</a>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">1</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">2</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">3</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">2</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">3</td>
      <td class="filetable" colspan="2">
        <a href="eggs.html">Eggs</a>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">10</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">11</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">12</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">110</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">120</td>
      <td class="table_style" rowspan="2">fishfingers/</td>
      <td class="filetable">
        <a href="fishfingers/beans.html">Beans</a>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">100</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">101</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">102</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">10,100</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">10,200</td>
      <td class="filetable">
        <a href="fishfingers/peas.html">Peas</a>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">1000</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">1,001</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">1,002</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">1,001,000</td>
      <td align="right" class="filetable" width="36px">1,002,000</td>