Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: dump.py Proyecto: yaccz/cpk
    def _run(self,args):
        for x in session.query(Attribute).all():
            if x.description:
                # If there are no descriptions, there is no point in
                # dumping attributes as there is no additional
                # information as the short names are part of node path
                raise RuntimeError("Description in an attribute")

        total = self.dfs(Node.root().lower(), lambda x: None)
        dumped = self.dfs(Node.root().lower(), self.dump)
        if total != dumped:
            raise RuntimeError("Dumped {} leafs but {} found in total".format(dumped, total))
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: list.py Proyecto: yaccz/cpk
    def _run(self,args):
        if self.args.attribute:
             return [ print(i.name) for i in session.query(Attribute).all()]

        rs = [ (i.attr.name, i.value) for i in self.children() ]

        if not rs:

        rs.insert(0, ("Type","Value"))
        rs.insert(1, ("",""))

        just = max(map(lambda x: len(x),zip(*rs)))
        [ print("%s %s" % (x.rjust(just," "), y)) for x,y in rs]
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: info.py Proyecto: yaccz/cpk
    def _run(self,args):

        for s in self.conf.sections():
            print("\t%s" % s)

            for i in self.conf.items(s):
                print("\t\t%s = %s" % i)

        countable = [Node, Attribute, Edge]
        for i in countable:
            cnt = session.query(i).count()
            print("%s count: %d" % (i.__name__, cnt))
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: utils.py Proyecto: yaccz/cpk
def tokenize_nodes(nodes):
        tokenize list of nodes in format attribute=value into list of (attribute,value).
    import re
    from cpk.model import Attribute, session
    attrs = [i.name for i in session.query(Attribute).all()]

    sre_parse_nodes = '^((?P<node_type>%s)=)?(?P<node_name>.+)?$' % "|".join(attrs)
    getLogger("%s" % (__name__,)).debug(sre_parse_nodes)
    sre_parse_nodes = re.compile(sre_parse_nodes)

    getLogger("%s" % (__name__,)).debug("tokenizer input: %s" % nodes)
    tokens = [sre_parse_nodes.match(i).groupdict() for i in nodes]
    tokens = [(t["node_type"], t["node_name"]) for t in tokens]

    getLogger("%s" % (__name__,)).debug("tokens: %s" % tokens)
    return tokens