Ejemplo n.º 1
def par_to_wav(params, speaker='adult', simulation_name='', pitch_var=0.0,
               len_var=1.0, verbose=False, rank=1, different_folder='',
    Creates a wave file with vocal tract lab out of the given parameters.


    if verbose:
        print('simulating ' + speaker)
    name = speaker + '_' + simulation_name

    if different_folder == '':
        wav_file = os.path.relpath(os.path.join('VTL_API/output/', name, '_',
                                               str(rank), '.wav'))
        wav_file = os.path.relpath(different_folder)
    area_file = os.path.relpath(os.path.join('VTL_API/output/', name, '_',
                                             str(rank), '.txt'))

    # gestureFile = create_gesture(name, speaker, pitch_var, len_var)
    if not speaker in ('adult', 'infant'):
        raise ValueError("speaker needs to be either 'adult' or 'infant'.")
    if monotone:
        gesture_file = os.path.relpath('VTL_API/gestures/input_%s_monotone.ges' % speaker)
        gesture_file = os.path.relpath('VTL_API/gestures/input_%s.ges' % speaker)

    speaker_file = create_speaker(speaker, params, name, verbose=verbose, rank=rank)

    # run through vocal tract lab
    LIB_VTL.vtlGesToWav(speaker_file, gesture_file, wav_file, area_file)

    # Repair header of wav File
    with open(wav_file, 'rb') as file_:
        content = file_.read()

    shutil.move(wav_file, wav_file + '.bkup')

    with open(wav_file, 'wb') as newfile:
        newcontent = WAV_HEADER + content[68:]

    os.remove(wav_file + '.bkup')

    return wav_file
Ejemplo n.º 2
def par_to_wav(params, speaker='adult', simulation_name='', pitch_var=0.0,
               len_var=1.0, verbose=False, rank=1, different_folder='',
    Creates a wave file with vocal tract lab out of the given parameters.


    if verbose:
        print('simulating ' + speaker)
    name = speaker + '_' + simulation_name

    if different_folder == '':
        wav_file = os.path.relpath(os.path.join('VTL_API/output/', name, '_',
                                               str(rank), '.wav'))
        wav_file = os.path.relpath(different_folder)
    area_file = os.path.relpath(os.path.join('VTL_API/output/', name, '_',
                                             str(rank), '.txt'))

    # gestureFile = create_gesture(name, speaker, pitch_var, len_var)
    if not speaker in ('adult', 'infant'):
        raise ValueError("speaker needs to be either 'adult' or 'infant'.")
    if monotone:
        gesture_file = os.path.relpath('VTL_API/gestures/input_%s_monotone.ges' % speaker)
        gesture_file = os.path.relpath('VTL_API/gestures/input_%s.ges' % speaker)

    speaker_file = create_speaker(speaker, params, name, verbose=verbose, rank=rank)

    # run through vocal tract lab
    LIB_VTL.vtlGesToWav(speaker_file, gesture_file, wav_file, area_file)

    # Repair header of wav File
    with open(wav_file, 'rb') as file_:
        content = file_.read()

    shutil.move(wav_file, wav_file + '.bkup')

    with open(wav_file, 'wb') as newfile:
        newcontent = WAV_HEADER + content[68:]

    os.remove(wav_file + '.bkup')

    return wav_file
Ejemplo n.º 3
def parToWave(params,

    if verbose:
        print 'simulating ' + speaker
# announce simulation task
    name = speaker + '_' + simulation_name  # create simulation name

    dllFile = pth.abspath(
        'VTL_API/VocalTractLabApi.so')  # C library to be used
    if different_folder == '':
        wavFile = pth.relpath('VTL_API/output/' + name + '_' + str(rank) +
                              '.wav')  # output sound file
        wavFile = pth.relpath(different_folder)
    areaFile = pth.relpath('VTL_API/output/' + name + '_' + str(rank) +
                           '.txt')  # output area file

    # Generate gesture score and modify speaker

    if speaker == 'adult':
        if monotone:
            gestureFile = pth.relpath(
            gestureFile = pth.relpath('VTL_API/gestures/input_adult.ges')
    if speaker == 'infant':
        if monotone:
            gestureFile = pth.relpath(
            gestureFile = pth.relpath('VTL_API/gestures/input_infant.ges')
# create gesture score and define created .ges file

    if (speaker != 'adult') and (
            speaker != 'infant'
    ):  # only create speaker if neither predefined adult nor infant used
        print 'Error: no valid speaker detected!'
        print 'Choose either "adult" or "infant" speaker.'
        return True
        speakerFile = create_speaker(speaker,

# Simulate Vocal Tract

    lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(dllFile)  # load C library
    lib.vtlGesToWav(speakerFile, gestureFile, wavFile, areaFile)
    # call function to generate sound file from gesture score

    # Repair header of wav File

    backup = wavFile + '.bkup'
    system('cp ' + wavFile + ' ' + backup)  # create backup of wav file

    f = open(wavFile, 'r')  # open wav file for reading
    content = f.read()  # read content of wav file

    f.close()  # close wav file
    system('rm ' + wavFile)
    system('touch ' + wavFile)  # create empty file with the same name

    newfile = open(wavFile, 'w')  # open new file for writing

    header = 'RIFF' + chr(0x8C) + chr(0x87) + chr(0x00) + chr(
        0x00) + 'WAVEfmt' + chr(0x20) + chr(0x10) + chr(0x00) + chr(
            0x00) + chr(0x00) + chr(0x01) + chr(0x00) + chr(0x01) + chr(
                0x00) + '"V' + chr(0x00) + chr(0x00) + 'D' + chr(0xAC) + chr(
                    0x00) + chr(0x00) + chr(0x02) + chr(0x00) + chr(
                        0x10) + chr(0x00) + 'data'
    # define working header

    newcontent = header + content[68:]  # concatenate header with sound data
    newfile.write(newcontent)  # write new file

    newfile.close()  # close new file

    system('rm ' + backup)

    return wavFile
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parToWave(params, speaker='adult', simulation_name='', pitch_var=0.0, len_var=1.0, verbose=False, rank=1, different_folder='', monotone=False):

 if verbose:
  print 'simulating '+speaker
					# announce simulation task
 name = speaker+'_'+simulation_name		# create simulation name

 dllFile = pth.abspath('VTL_API/VocalTractLabApi.so')	# C library to be used
 if different_folder == '':
     wavFile = pth.relpath('VTL_API/output/'+name+'_'+str(rank)+'.wav')	# output sound file
     wavFile = pth.relpath(different_folder)
 areaFile = pth.relpath('VTL_API/output/'+name+'_'+str(rank)+'.txt')	# output area file

# Generate gesture score and modify speaker

 if speaker == 'adult':
  if monotone:
    gestureFile = pth.relpath('VTL_API/gestures/input_adult_monotone.ges')
    gestureFile = pth.relpath('VTL_API/gestures/input_adult.ges')
 if speaker == 'infant':
  if monotone:
    gestureFile = pth.relpath('VTL_API/gestures/input_infant_monotone.ges')
    gestureFile = pth.relpath('VTL_API/gestures/input_infant.ges')
					# create gesture score and define created .ges file

 if (speaker != 'adult') and (speaker != 'infant'):	# only create speaker if neither predefined adult nor infant used
    print 'Error: no valid speaker detected!'
    print 'Choose either "adult" or "infant" speaker.'
    return True
  speakerFile = create_speaker(speaker, params, name, verbose=verbose, rank=rank)

# Simulate Vocal Tract

 lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(dllFile)		# load C library
 lib.vtlGesToWav(speakerFile, gestureFile, wavFile, areaFile)
					# call function to generate sound file from gesture score

# Repair header of wav File

 backup = wavFile+'.bkup'
 system('cp '+wavFile+' '+backup)	# create backup of wav file

 f = open(wavFile, 'r')			# open wav file for reading
 content = f.read()			# read content of wav file

 f.close()				# close wav file
 system('rm '+wavFile)
 system('touch '+wavFile)		# create empty file with the same name

 newfile = open(wavFile, 'w')		# open new file for writing

 header = 'RIFF'+chr(0x8C)+chr(0x87)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+'WAVEfmt'+chr(0x20)+chr(0x10)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x01)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x01)+chr(0x00)+'"V'+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+'D'+chr(0xAC)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x02)+chr(0x00)+chr(0x10)+chr(0x00)+'data'
					# define working header

 newcontent = header+content[68:]	# concatenate header with sound data
 newfile.write(newcontent)		# write new file

 newfile.close()				# close new file

 system('rm '+backup)

 return wavFile