Ejemplo n.º 1
        def testZeroSketch(self):
            d = 100
            c = 20
            r = 5
            a = CSVec(d, c, r, **self.csvecArgs)
            vec = torch.rand(d).to(self.device)

            zeros = torch.zeros((r, c)).to(self.device)
            self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(a.table, zeros))

            self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(a.table, zeros))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def testSketchSum(self):
            d = 5
            c = 10000
            r = 20

            summed = CSVec(d, c, r, **self.csvecArgs)
            for i in range(d):
                vec = torch.zeros(d).to(self.device)
                vec[i] = 1
                sketch = CSVec(d, c, r, **self.csvecArgs)
                summed += sketch

            recovered = summed.unSketch(k=d)
            trueSum = torch.ones(d).to(self.device)
            self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(recovered, trueSum))
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TopHCS(object):
	""" Represents one worker"""
	def __init__(self, d, c, r, h, numBlocks, device='cpu'): 
		self.h, self.d = h, d 
		self.device = device
		self.topH = torch.zeros(d, dtype=torch.float, device=self.device)
		self.csvec = CSVec(d=d, c=c, r=r, numBlocks=numBlocks, device=self.device)
	def zero(self):
		""" Clear csvec and topH tensor """
		self.topH = torch.zeros(self.d, dtype=torch.float, device=self.device)
        # formerly store(...)
	def accumulateVec(self, vec):
		""" Compresses vector """
		""" Save top-h elements in self.topH, sketch bottom d-h elements """
		""" csvec and topH should be zero before storing """
		# assert(self.topH.nonzero().numel() == 0)
                # changed this for commefficient optimizer
		self.topH = topk(vec, self.h).to(self.device)
		self.csvec.accumulateVec((vec - self.topH).to(self.device))
	def accumulateTable(self, table):
		if table.size() != self.csvec.table.size():
			msg = "Passed in table has size {}, expecting {}"
			raise ValueError(msg.format(table.size(), self.csvec.table.size()))

	def topKSum(cls, workers, k, unSketchNum=0):
		assert isinstance(workers, list), "workers must be a list"
		sketchSum = copy.deepcopy(workers[0].csvec) 
		topHSum = torch.zeros_like(workers[0].topH)
		for w in workers:
			topHSum += w.topH
		d = len(topHSum)
		unSketchNum = d if (unSketchNum == 0) else unSketchNum
		unSketchedSum = sketchSum.unSketch(k=unSketchNum) 
		if topHSum.size() != unSketchedSum.size():
			msg = "topHSum has size {}, unSketchedSum size {}"
			raise ValueError(msg.format(topHSum.size(), unSketchedSum.size()))
		ret = topk(topHSum + unSketchedSum, k)
		return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def testUnsketch(self):
            # make sure heavy hitter recovery works correctly

            # use a gigantic sketch so there's no chance of collision
            d = 5
            c = 10000
            r = 20
            a = CSVec(d, c, r, **self.csvecArgs)
            vec = torch.rand(d).to(self.device)


            with self.subTest(method="topk"):
                recovered = a.unSketch(k=d)
                self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(recovered, vec))

            with self.subTest(method="epsilon"):
                thr = vec.abs().min() * 0.9
                recovered = a.unSketch(epsilon=thr / vec.norm())
                self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(recovered, vec))
Ejemplo n.º 5
        def testSketchVec(self):
            # sketch a vector with all zeros except a single 1
            # then the table should be zeros everywhere except a single
            # 1 in each row
            d = 100
            c = 1
            r = 5
            a = CSVec(d=d, c=c, r=r, **self.csvecArgs)
            vec = torch.zeros(d).to(self.device)
            vec[0] = 1
            # make sure the sketch only has one nonzero entry per row
            for i in range(r):
                with self.subTest(row=i):
                    self.assertEqual(a.table[i, :].nonzero().numel(), 1)

            # make sure each row sums to +-1
            summed = a.table.abs().sum(dim=1).view(-1)
            ones = torch.ones(r).to(self.device)
            self.assertTrue(torch.allclose(summed, ones))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def forward_grad(model, batch, compute_loss, args, compute_grad=True):
    device = args.device

    # divide up batch (for gradient accumulation when memory constrained)
    #num_shards = args.num_train_batch_shards
    # need the max(1, ...) since the last batch in an epoch might be small
    #microbatch_size = max(1, batch[0].size()[0] // num_shards)
    if args.microbatch_size > 0:
        microbatch_size = min(batch[0].size()[0], args.microbatch_size)
        microbatch_size = batch[0].size()[0]

    # accumulators for the loss & metric values
    accum_loss = 0
    accum_metrics = None

    num_iters = math.ceil(batch[0].size()[0] / microbatch_size)
    for i in range(num_iters):
        # extract current microbatch
        start = i * microbatch_size
        end = (i+1) * microbatch_size
        microbatch = [t[start:end] for t in batch]

        # forward pass
        loss, *metrics = compute_loss(model, microbatch, args)

        # if first time through, we find out how many metrics there are
        if accum_metrics is None:
            accum_metrics = [0 for _ in metrics]

        # accumulate loss & metrics, weighted by how many data points
        # were actually used
        accum_loss += loss.item() * microbatch[0].size()[0]
        for i, m in enumerate(metrics):
            accum_metrics[i] += m.item() * microbatch[0].size()[0]

        # backward pass
        if compute_grad:

    # gradient clipping
    if compute_grad and args.max_grad_norm is not None and args.mode not in ["sketch"]:
                                       args.max_grad_norm * num_iters)

    # "average" here is over the data in the batch
    average_loss = accum_loss / batch[0].size()[0]
    average_metrics = [m / batch[0].size()[0] for m in accum_metrics]

    results = [average_loss] + average_metrics

    if not compute_grad:
        return results

    grad = get_grad(model, args)
    if args.do_dp:
        grad = clip_grad(args.l2_norm_clip, grad)
        if args.dp_mode == "worker":
            noise = torch.normal(mean=0, std=args.noise_multiplier, size=grad.size()).to(args.device)
            noise *= np.sqrt(args.num_workers)
            grad += noise

    # compress the gradient if needed
    if args.mode == "sketch":
        sketch = CSVec(d=args.grad_size, c=args.num_cols,
            r=args.num_rows, device=args.device,
        # gradient clipping
        if compute_grad and args.max_grad_norm is not None:
            sketch = clip_grad(args.max_grad_norm, sketch)
        g = sketch.table
    elif args.mode == "true_topk":
        g = grad
    elif args.mode == "local_topk":
        # ideally we'd return the compressed version of the gradient,
        # i.e. _topk(grad, k=args.k). However, for sketching we do momentum
        # in the sketch, whereas for topk we do momentum before taking topk
        # so we have to return an inconsistent quantity here
        g = grad
    elif args.mode == "fedavg":
        # logic for doing fedavg happens in process_batch
        g = grad
    elif args.mode == "uncompressed":
        g = grad

    return g, results
Ejemplo n.º 7
            if epoch <= 5:
                alpha_t = alpha + epoch * (0.3 - alpha) / 5
            elif epoch > 5 and epoch <= 10:
                alpha_t = 0.3 - (epoch - 5) * (0.3 - alpha) / 5
                alpha_t = alpha

            table_rx = alpha * (1.0 / N) * table_rx
            S.table = torch.tensor(table_rx)

            S_e = S + S_e
            unsketched = S_e.unSketch(k=k)
            np_unsketched = unsketched.numpy()


            S_e.table = S_e.table - S.table

            # Rehape unsketched
            shapes = [
                for i in range(len(model.trainable_weights))

            grad_tx = []
            n_prev = 0
            for i in range(len(shapes)):
                n = n_prev + tf.math.reduce_prod(shapes[i])