Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _generator(self):
        data = DataContainer()
        data.meta["origin"] = "magicio"

        # Get both data paths from single input_url
        # It is assumed, that both files are in the same location
        if "_M1_" in self.input_url:
            path_I = self.input_url
            path_II = self.input_url.replace("_M1_", "_M2_")
        elif "_M2_" in self.input_url:
            path_II = self.input_url
            path_I = self.input_url.replace("_M2_", "_M1_")

        # open data with uproot
        magic_I = uproot.open(path_I)
        magic_II = uproot.open(path_II)

        events = magic_I[b"Events"]
        fPhot_I = events[b"MCerPhotEvt.fPixels.fPhot"].array()

        events = magic_II[b"Events"]
        fPhot_II = events[b"MCerPhotEvt.fPixels.fPhot"].array()

        for evt_I, evt_II in zip(fPhot_I, fPhot_II):
            data.dl1.tel[0].image = evt_I[:1039]
            data.dl1.tel[0].peakpos = None

            data.dl1.tel[1].image = evt_II[:1039]
            data.dl1.tel[1].peakpos = None
            yield data
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_select_gain():
    n_channels = 2
    n_pixels = 2048
    n_samples = 128
    telid = 0

    calibrator = CameraCalibrator()

    event = DataContainer()
    event.r1.tel[telid].waveform = np.ones((n_channels, n_pixels, n_samples))
    calibrator._calibrate_dl0(event, telid)
    assert event.dl0.tel[telid].waveform.shape == (n_pixels, n_samples)

    event = DataContainer()
    event.r1.tel[telid].waveform = np.ones((n_pixels, n_samples))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        calibrator._calibrate_dl0(event, telid)

    event = DataContainer()
    event.r1.tel[telid].waveform = np.ones((n_pixels, n_samples))
    event.r1.tel[telid].selected_gain_channel = np.zeros(n_pixels)
    calibrator._calibrate_dl0(event, telid)
    assert event.dl0.tel[telid].waveform.shape == (n_pixels, n_samples)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_check_dl0_empty(example_event):
    calibrator = CameraCalibrator()
    telid = list(example_event.r0.tel)[0]
    calibrator._calibrate_dl0(example_event, telid)
    waveform = example_event.dl0.tel[telid].waveform.copy()
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        example_event.dl0.tel[telid].waveform = None
        calibrator._calibrate_dl1(example_event, telid)
        assert example_event.dl1.tel[telid].image is None

    assert calibrator._check_dl0_empty(None) is True
    assert calibrator._check_dl0_empty(waveform) is False

    calibrator = CameraCalibrator()
    event = DataContainer()
    event.dl1.tel[telid].image = np.full(2048, 2)
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
    assert (event.dl1.tel[telid].image == 2).all()
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_dl1_charge_calib():
    camera = CameraGeometry.from_name("CHEC")
    n_pixels = camera.n_pixels
    n_samples = 96
    mid = n_samples // 2
    pulse_sigma = 6
    random = np.random.RandomState(1)
    x = np.arange(n_samples)

    # Randomize times and create pulses
    time_offset = random.uniform(mid - 10, mid + 10, n_pixels)[:, np.newaxis]
    y = norm.pdf(x, time_offset, pulse_sigma)

    # Define absolute calibration coefficients
    absolute = random.uniform(100, 1000, n_pixels)
    y *= absolute[:, np.newaxis]

    # Define relative coefficients
    relative = random.normal(1, 0.01, n_pixels)
    y /= relative[:, np.newaxis]

    # Define pedestal
    pedestal = random.uniform(-4, 4, n_pixels)
    y += pedestal[:, np.newaxis]

    event = DataContainer()
    telid = 0
    event.dl0.tel[telid].waveform = y

    # Test default
    calibrator = CameraCalibrator(image_extractor=FullWaveformSum())
    np.testing.assert_allclose(event.dl1.tel[telid].image, y.sum(1))

    event.calibration.tel[telid].dl1.time_shift = time_offset
    event.calibration.tel[telid].dl1.pedestal_offset = pedestal * n_samples
    event.calibration.tel[telid].dl1.absolute_factor = absolute
    event.calibration.tel[telid].dl1.relative_factor = relative

    # Test without need for timing corrections
    calibrator = CameraCalibrator(image_extractor=FullWaveformSum())
    np.testing.assert_allclose(event.dl1.tel[telid].image, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_check_r1_empty(example_event):
    calibrator = CameraCalibrator()
    telid = list(example_event.r0.tel)[0]
    waveform = example_event.r1.tel[telid].waveform.copy()
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        example_event.r1.tel[telid].waveform = None
        calibrator._calibrate_dl0(example_event, telid)
        assert example_event.dl0.tel[telid].waveform is None

    assert calibrator._check_r1_empty(None) is True
    assert calibrator._check_r1_empty(waveform) is False

    calibrator = CameraCalibrator(image_extractor=FullWaveformSum())
    event = DataContainer()
    event.dl0.tel[telid].waveform = np.full((2048, 128), 2)
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
    assert (event.dl0.tel[telid].waveform == 2).all()
    assert (event.dl1.tel[telid].image == 2 * 128).all()
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _generator(self):
        with self.pyhessio.open_hessio(self.input_url) as file:
            # the container is initialized once, and data is replaced within
            # it after each yield
            counter = 0
            eventstream = file.move_to_next_event()
            data = DataContainer()
            data.meta['origin'] = "hessio"

            # some hessio_event_source specific parameters
            data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
            data.meta['max_events'] = self.max_events

            for event_id in eventstream:

                if counter == 0:
                    # subarray info is only available when an event is loaded,
                    # so load it on the first event.
                    data.inst.subarray = self._build_subarray_info(file)

                obs_id = file.get_run_number()
                tels_with_data = set(file.get_teldata_list())
                data.count = counter
                data.r0.obs_id = obs_id
                data.r0.event_id = event_id
                data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.r1.obs_id = obs_id
                data.r1.event_id = event_id
                data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id
                data.dl0.event_id = event_id
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data

                # handle telescope filtering by taking the intersection of
                # tels_with_data and allowed_tels
                if len(self.allowed_tels) > 0:
                    selected = tels_with_data & self.allowed_tels
                    if len(selected) == 0:
                        continue  # skip event
                    data.r0.tels_with_data = selected
                    data.r1.tels_with_data = selected
                    data.dl0.tels_with_data = selected

                data.trig.tels_with_trigger = (
                time_s, time_ns = file.get_central_event_gps_time()
                data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_s * u.s,
                                          time_ns * u.ns,
                data.mc.energy = file.get_mc_shower_energy() * u.TeV
                data.mc.alt = Angle(file.get_mc_shower_altitude(), u.rad)
                data.mc.az = Angle(file.get_mc_shower_azimuth(), u.rad)
                data.mc.core_x = file.get_mc_event_xcore() * u.m
                data.mc.core_y = file.get_mc_event_ycore() * u.m
                first_int = file.get_mc_shower_h_first_int() * u.m
                data.mc.h_first_int = first_int
                data.mc.x_max = file.get_mc_shower_xmax() * u.g / (u.cm**2)
                data.mc.shower_primary_id = file.get_mc_shower_primary_id()

                # mc run header data
                data.mcheader.run_array_direction = Angle(
                    file.get_mc_run_array_direction() * u.rad)

                # this should be done in a nicer way to not re-allocate the
                # data each time (right now it's just deleted and garbage
                # collected)

                data.mc.tel.clear()  # clear the previous telescopes

                for tel_id in tels_with_data:

                    # event.mc.tel[tel_id] = MCCameraContainer()

                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].dc_to_pe = file.get_calibration(tel_id)
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].pedestal = file.get_pedestal(tel_id)
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].waveform = (
                    if data.r0.tel[tel_id].waveform.size == 0:
                        # To handle ASTRI and dst files
                        data.r0.tel[tel_id].waveform = (
                            file.get_adc_sum(tel_id)[..., None])
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].image = file.get_adc_sum(tel_id)
                        tel_id].num_trig_pix = file.get_num_trig_pixels(tel_id)
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].trig_pix_id = file.get_trig_pixels(
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].reference_pulse_shape = (

                    nsamples = file.get_event_num_samples(tel_id)
                    if nsamples <= 0:
                        nsamples = 1
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].num_samples = nsamples

                    # load the data per telescope/pixel
                    hessio_mc_npe = file.get_mc_number_photon_electron(tel_id)
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].photo_electron_image = hessio_mc_npe
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].meta['refstep'] = (
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].time_slice = (
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].azimuth_raw = (
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].altitude_raw = (
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].azimuth_cor = (
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].altitude_cor = (
                yield data
                counter += 1

Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __generator(self):
        data = DataContainer()
        data.meta['origin'] = 'hessio'
        data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
        data.meta['max_events'] = self.max_events

        for counter, array_event in enumerate(self.file_):
            # next lines are just for debugging
            self.array_event = array_event
            data.event_type = array_event['type']

            # calibration events do not have an event id
            if data.event_type == 'calibration':
                event_id = -1
                event_id = array_event['event_id']

            data.inst.subarray = self._subarray_info

            obs_id = self.file_.header['run']
            tels_with_data = set(array_event['telescope_events'].keys())
            data.count = counter
            data.r0.obs_id = obs_id
            data.r0.event_id = event_id
            data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.r1.obs_id = obs_id
            data.r1.event_id = event_id
            data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id
            data.dl0.event_id = event_id
            data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data

            # handle telescope filtering by taking the intersection of
            # tels_with_data and allowed_tels
            if len(self.allowed_tels) > 0:
                selected = tels_with_data & self.allowed_tels
                if len(selected) == 0:
                    continue  # skip event
                data.r0.tels_with_data = selected
                data.r1.tels_with_data = selected
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = selected

            trigger_information = array_event['trigger_information']

            data.trig.tels_with_trigger = trigger_information['triggered_telescopes']
            time_s, time_ns = trigger_information['gps_time']
            data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_s * u.s, time_ns * u.ns,
                                      format='unix', scale='utc')

            if data.event_type == 'data':
                self.fill_mc_information(data, array_event)

            # this should be done in a nicer way to not re-allocate the
            # data each time (right now it's just deleted and garbage
            # collected)
            data.mc.tel.clear()  # clear the previous telescopes

            telescope_events = array_event['telescope_events']
            tracking_positions = array_event['tracking_positions']
            for tel_id, telescope_event in telescope_events.items():
                tel_index = self.file_.header['tel_id'].tolist().index(tel_id)
                telescope_description = self.file_.telescope_descriptions[tel_id]

                adc_samples = telescope_event.get('adc_samples')
                if adc_samples is None:
                    adc_samples = telescope_event['adc_sums'][:, :, np.newaxis]

                r0 = data.r0.tel[tel_id]
                r0.waveform = adc_samples
                r0.num_samples = adc_samples.shape[-1]
                # We should not calculate stuff in an event source
                # if this is not needed, we calculate it for nothing
                r0.image = adc_samples.sum(axis=-1)

                pixel_lists = telescope_event['pixel_lists']
                r0.num_trig_pix = pixel_lists.get(0, {'pixels': 0})['pixels']
                if r0.num_trig_pix > 0:
                    r0.trig_pix_id = pixel_lists[0]['pixel_list']

                pixel_settings = telescope_description['pixel_settings']
                n_pixel = r0.waveform.shape[-2]

                mc = data.mc.tel[tel_id]
                mc.dc_to_pe = array_event['laser_calibrations'][tel_id]['calib']
                mc.pedestal = array_event['camera_monitorings'][tel_id]['pedestal']
                mc.reference_pulse_shape = pixel_settings['ref_shape'].astype('float64')
                mc.meta['refstep'] = float(pixel_settings['ref_step'])
                mc.time_slice = float(pixel_settings['time_slice'])
                mc.photo_electron_image = (
                    .get('photoelectrons', {})
                    .get(tel_index, {})
                    .get('photoelectrons', np.zeros(n_pixel, dtype='float32'))

                tracking_position = tracking_positions[tel_id]
                mc.azimuth_raw = tracking_position['azimuth_raw']
                mc.altitude_raw = tracking_position['altitude_raw']
                mc.azimuth_cor = tracking_position.get('azimuth_cor', 0)
                mc.altitude_cor = tracking_position.get('altitude_cor', 0)
            yield data
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __generator(self):
        data = DataContainer()
        data.meta['origin'] = 'hessio'
        data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
        data.meta['max_events'] = self.max_events

        for counter, array_event in enumerate(self.file_):
            # next lines are just for debugging
            self.array_event = array_event
            data.event_type = array_event['type']

            # calibration events do not have an event id
            if data.event_type == 'calibration':
                event_id = -1
                event_id = array_event['event_id']

            data.inst.subarray = self._subarray_info

            obs_id = self.file_.header['run']
            tels_with_data = set(array_event['telescope_events'].keys())
            data.count = counter
            data.index.obs_id = obs_id
            data.index.event_id = event_id
            data.r0.obs_id = obs_id  # deprecated
            data.r0.event_id = event_id  # deprecated
            data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.r1.obs_id = obs_id  # deprecated
            data.r1.event_id = event_id  # deprecated
            data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id  # deprecated
            data.dl0.event_id = event_id  # deprecated
            data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data

            # handle telescope filtering by taking the intersection of
            # tels_with_data and allowed_tels
            if len(self.allowed_tels) > 0:
                selected = tels_with_data & self.allowed_tels
                if len(selected) == 0:
                    continue  # skip event
                data.r0.tels_with_data = selected
                data.r1.tels_with_data = selected
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = selected

            trigger_information = array_event['trigger_information']

            data.trig.tels_with_trigger = trigger_information[
            time_s, time_ns = trigger_information['gps_time']
            data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_s * u.s,
                                      time_ns * u.ns,

            if data.event_type == 'data':
                self.fill_mc_information(data, array_event)

            # this should be done in a nicer way to not re-allocate the
            # data each time (right now it's just deleted and garbage
            # collected)
            data.mc.tel.clear()  # clear the previous telescopes

            telescope_events = array_event['telescope_events']
            tracking_positions = array_event['tracking_positions']
            for tel_id, telescope_event in telescope_events.items():
                tel_index = self.file_.header['tel_id'].tolist().index(tel_id)
                telescope_description = self.file_.telescope_descriptions[

                adc_samples = telescope_event.get('adc_samples')
                if adc_samples is None:
                    adc_samples = telescope_event['adc_sums'][:, :, np.newaxis]
                _, n_pixels, n_samples = adc_samples.shape
                pixel_settings = telescope_description['pixel_settings']

                mc = data.mc.tel[tel_id]
                mc.dc_to_pe = array_event['laser_calibrations'][tel_id][
                mc.pedestal = array_event['camera_monitorings'][tel_id][
                mc.reference_pulse_shape = pixel_settings['ref_shape'].astype(
                mc.meta['refstep'] = float(pixel_settings['ref_step'])
                mc.time_slice = float(pixel_settings['time_slice'])
                mc.photo_electron_image = (array_event.get(
                                    np.zeros(n_pixels, dtype='float32')))

                tracking_position = tracking_positions[tel_id]
                mc.azimuth_raw = tracking_position['azimuth_raw']
                mc.altitude_raw = tracking_position['altitude_raw']
                mc.azimuth_cor = tracking_position.get('azimuth_cor', np.nan)
                mc.altitude_cor = tracking_position.get('altitude_cor', np.nan)
                if np.isnan(mc.azimuth_cor):
                    data.pointing[tel_id].azimuth = u.Quantity(
                        mc.azimuth_raw, u.rad)
                    data.pointing[tel_id].azimuth = u.Quantity(
                        mc.azimuth_cor, u.rad)
                if np.isnan(mc.altitude_cor):
                    data.pointing[tel_id].altitude = u.Quantity(
                        mc.altitude_raw, u.rad)
                    data.pointing[tel_id].altitude = u.Quantity(
                        mc.altitude_cor, u.rad)

                r0 = data.r0.tel[tel_id]
                r1 = data.r1.tel[tel_id]
                r0.waveform = adc_samples
                r1.waveform, r1.selected_gain_channel = apply_simtel_r1_calibration(
                    adc_samples, mc.pedestal, mc.dc_to_pe, self.gain_selector)

                pixel_lists = telescope_event['pixel_lists']
                r0.num_trig_pix = pixel_lists.get(0, {'pixels': 0})['pixels']
                if r0.num_trig_pix > 0:
                    r0.trig_pix_id = pixel_lists[0]['pixel_list']

            yield data
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def _generator(self):
        with self.pyhessio.open_hessio(self.input_url) as file:
            # the container is initialized once, and data is replaced within
            # it after each yield
            counter = 0
            eventstream = file.move_to_next_event()
            data = DataContainer()
            data.meta['origin'] = "hessio"

            # some hessio_event_source specific parameters
            data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
            data.meta['max_events'] = self.max_events

            for event_id in eventstream:

                if counter == 0:
                    # subarray info is only available when an event is loaded,
                    # so load it on the first event.
                    data.inst.subarray = self._build_subarray_info(file)

                obs_id = file.get_run_number()
                tels_with_data = set(file.get_teldata_list())
                data.count = counter
                data.r0.obs_id = obs_id
                data.r0.event_id = event_id
                data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.r1.obs_id = obs_id
                data.r1.event_id = event_id
                data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id
                data.dl0.event_id = event_id
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data

                # handle telescope filtering by taking the intersection of
                # tels_with_data and allowed_tels
                if len(self.allowed_tels) > 0:
                    selected = tels_with_data & self.allowed_tels
                    if len(selected) == 0:
                        continue  # skip event
                    data.r0.tels_with_data = selected
                    data.r1.tels_with_data = selected
                    data.dl0.tels_with_data = selected

                data.trig.tels_with_trigger = (
                time_s, time_ns = file.get_central_event_gps_time()
                data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_s * u.s,
                                          time_ns * u.ns,
                data.mc.energy = file.get_mc_shower_energy() * u.TeV
                data.mc.alt = Angle(file.get_mc_shower_altitude(), u.rad)
                data.mc.az = Angle(file.get_mc_shower_azimuth(), u.rad)
                data.mc.core_x = file.get_mc_event_xcore() * u.m
                data.mc.core_y = file.get_mc_event_ycore() * u.m
                first_int = file.get_mc_shower_h_first_int() * u.m
                data.mc.h_first_int = first_int
                data.mc.x_max = file.get_mc_shower_xmax() * u.g / (u.cm**2)
                data.mc.shower_primary_id = file.get_mc_shower_primary_id()

                # mc run header data
                data.mcheader.run_array_direction = Angle(
                    file.get_mc_run_array_direction() * u.rad)

                # this should be done in a nicer way to not re-allocate the
                # data each time (right now it's just deleted and garbage
                # collected)

                data.mc.tel.clear()  # clear the previous telescopes

                for tel_id in tels_with_data:

                    mc = data.mc.tel[tel_id]
                    r0 = data.r0.tel[tel_id]
                    r1 = data.r1.tel[tel_id]
                    pointing = data.pointing[tel_id]

                    adc_samples = file.get_adc_sample(tel_id)
                    if adc_samples.size == 0:
                        adc_samples = file.get_adc_sum(tel_id)[..., None]
                    dc_to_pe = file.get_calibration(tel_id)
                    pedestal = file.get_pedestal(tel_id)
                    r0.waveform = adc_samples
                    r1.waveform, r1.selected_gain_channel = apply_simtel_r1_calibration(
                        adc_samples, pedestal, dc_to_pe, self.gain_selector)

                    mc.dc_to_pe = dc_to_pe
                    mc.pedestal = pedestal
                    r0.num_trig_pix = file.get_num_trig_pixels(tel_id)
                    r0.trig_pix_id = file.get_trig_pixels(tel_id)
                    mc.reference_pulse_shape = file.get_ref_shapes(tel_id)

                    # load the data per telescope/pixel
                    hessio_mc_npe = file.get_mc_number_photon_electron(tel_id)
                    mc.photo_electron_image = hessio_mc_npe
                    mc.meta['refstep'] = file.get_ref_step(tel_id)
                    mc.time_slice = file.get_time_slice(tel_id)
                    mc.azimuth_raw = file.get_azimuth_raw(tel_id)
                    mc.altitude_raw = file.get_altitude_raw(tel_id)
                    azimuth_cor = file.get_azimuth_cor(tel_id)
                    altitude_cor = file.get_altitude_cor(tel_id)

                    # hessioeventsource pass 0 if there is no altitude/azimuth correction
                    if azimuth_cor == 0 and mc.azimuth_raw != 0:
                        mc.azimuth_cor = np.nan
                        pointing.azimuth = u.Quantity(mc.azimuth_raw, u.rad)
                        mc.azimuth_cor = azimuth_cor
                        pointing.azimuth = u.Quantity(azimuth_cor, u.rad)

                    if altitude_cor == 0 and mc.altitude_raw != 0:
                        mc.altitude_cor = np.nan
                        pointing.altitude = u.Quantity(mc.altitude_raw, u.rad)
                        mc.altitude_cor = altitude_cor
                        pointing.altitude = u.Quantity(mc.altitude_cor, u.rad)

                yield data
                counter += 1

Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __generator(self):
        data = DataContainer()
        data.meta['origin'] = 'hessio'
        data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
        data.meta['max_events'] = self.max_events

        for counter, array_event in enumerate(self.file_):
            # next lines are just for debugging
            self.array_event = array_event

            event_id = array_event['event_id']
            data.inst.subarray = self._subarray_info

            obs_id = self.file_.header['run']
            tels_with_data = set(array_event['telescope_events'].keys())
            data.count = counter
            data.r0.obs_id = obs_id
            data.r0.event_id = event_id
            data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.r1.obs_id = obs_id
            data.r1.event_id = event_id
            data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id
            data.dl0.event_id = event_id
            data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data

            # handle telescope filtering by taking the intersection of
            # tels_with_data and allowed_tels
            if len(self.allowed_tels) > 0:
                selected = tels_with_data & self.allowed_tels
                if len(selected) == 0:
                    continue  # skip event
                data.r0.tels_with_data = selected
                data.r1.tels_with_data = selected
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = selected

            trigger_information = array_event['trigger_information']
            mc_event = array_event['mc_event']
            mc_shower = array_event['mc_shower']

            data.trig.tels_with_trigger = trigger_information[
            time_s, time_ns = trigger_information['gps_time']
            data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_s * u.s,
                                      time_ns * u.ns,

            data.mc.energy = mc_shower['energy'] * u.TeV
            data.mc.alt = Angle(mc_shower['altitude'], u.rad)
            data.mc.az = Angle(mc_shower['azimuth'], u.rad)
            data.mc.core_x = mc_event['xcore'] * u.m
            data.mc.core_y = mc_event['ycore'] * u.m
            first_int = mc_shower['h_first_int'] * u.m
            data.mc.h_first_int = first_int
            data.mc.x_max = mc_shower['xmax'] * u.g / (u.cm**2)
            data.mc.shower_primary_id = mc_shower['primary_id']

            # mc run header data
            data.mcheader.run_array_direction = Angle(
                self.file_.header['direction'] * u.rad)
            mc_run_head = self.file_.mc_run_headers[-1]
            data.mcheader.corsika_version = mc_run_head['shower_prog_vers']
            data.mcheader.simtel_version = mc_run_head['detector_prog_vers']
            data.mcheader.energy_range_min = mc_run_head['E_range'][0] * u.TeV
            data.mcheader.energy_range_max = mc_run_head['E_range'][1] * u.TeV
            data.mcheader.prod_site_B_total = mc_run_head['B_total'] * u.uT
            data.mcheader.prod_site_B_declination = Angle(
                mc_run_head['B_declination'] * u.rad)
            data.mcheader.prod_site_B_inclination = Angle(
                mc_run_head['B_inclination'] * u.rad)
            data.mcheader.prod_site_alt = mc_run_head['obsheight'] * u.m
            data.mcheader.spectral_index = mc_run_head['spectral_index']

            # this should be done in a nicer way to not re-allocate the
            # data each time (right now it's just deleted and garbage
            # collected)
            data.mc.tel.clear()  # clear the previous telescopes

            telescope_events = array_event['telescope_events']
            tracking_positions = array_event['tracking_positions']
            for tel_id, telescope_event in telescope_events.items():
                telescope_description = self.file_.telescope_descriptions[

                data.mc.tel[tel_id].dc_to_pe = array_event[
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].pedestal = array_event[
                adc_samples = telescope_event.get('adc_samples')
                if adc_samples is None:
                    adc_samples = telescope_event['adc_sums'][:, :, np.newaxis]
                data.r0.tel[tel_id].waveform = adc_samples
                data.r0.tel[tel_id].num_samples = adc_samples.shape[-1]
                # We should not calculate stuff in an event source
                # if this is not needed, we calculate it for nothing
                data.r0.tel[tel_id].image = adc_samples.sum(axis=-1)

                pixel_lists = telescope_event['pixel_lists']
                data.r0.tel[tel_id].num_trig_pix = pixel_lists.get(
                    0, {'pixels': 0})['pixels']
                if data.r0.tel[tel_id].num_trig_pix > 0:
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].trig_pix_id = pixel_lists[0][

                pixel_settings = telescope_description['pixel_settings']
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].reference_pulse_shape = pixel_settings[
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].meta['refstep'] = float(
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].time_slice = float(

                n_pixel = data.r0.tel[tel_id].waveform.shape[-2]

                data.mc.tel[tel_id].photo_electron_image = array_event.get(
                    'photoelectrons', {}).get(tel_id)
                if data.mc.tel[tel_id].photo_electron_image is None:
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].photo_electron_image = np.zeros(
                        (n_pixel, ), dtype='i2')

                tracking_position = tracking_positions[tel_id]
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].azimuth_raw = tracking_position[
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].altitude_raw = tracking_position[
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].azimuth_cor = tracking_position.get(
                    'azimuth_cor', 0)
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].altitude_cor = tracking_position.get(
                    'altitude_cor', 0)
            yield data
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def iter_pedestal_events(self, telescope):
        Pedestal event generator. Yields DataContainer instances, filled
        with the read event data.

        telescope: str
            The telescope for which to return events. Can be either "M1" or "M2".



        counter = 0
        telescope = telescope.upper()

        # Data container - is initialized once, and data is replaced within it after each yield
        data = DataContainer()
        data.meta['origin'] = "MAGIC"
        data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
        data.meta['is_simulation'] = False

        # Telescopes with data:
        tels_in_file = ["M1", "M2"]

        if telescope not in tels_in_file:
            raise ValueError("Specified telescope {:s} is not in the allowed list {}".format(telescope, tels_in_file))

        tel_i = tels_in_file.index(telescope)
        tels_with_data = {tel_i + 1, }

        current_run = None

        # Loop over the available data runs
        for run_number in self.run_numbers:

            # Removing the previously read data run from memory
            if current_run is not None:
                if 'data' in current_run:
                    del current_run['data']

            # Setting the new active run
            current_run = self._set_active_run(run_number)

            if telescope == 'M1':
                n_events = current_run['data'].n_pedestal_events_m1
                n_events = current_run['data'].n_pedestal_events_m2

            # Loop over the events
            for event_i in range(n_events):
                # Event and run ids
                event_order_number = current_run['data'].pedestal_ids[telescope][event_i]
                event_id = current_run['data'].event_data[telescope]['stereo_event_number'][event_order_number]
                obs_id = current_run['number']

                # Reading event data
                event_data = current_run['data'].get_pedestal_event_data(event_i, telescope=telescope)

                # Event counter
                data.count = counter

                # Setting up the R0 container
                data.r0.obs_id = obs_id
                data.r0.event_id = event_id

                # Setting up the R1 container
                data.r1.obs_id = obs_id
                data.r1.event_id = event_id

                # Setting up the DL0 container
                data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id
                data.dl0.event_id = event_id

                # Creating the telescope pointing container
                pointing = TelescopePointingContainer()
                pointing.azimuth = np.deg2rad(event_data['pointing_az']) * u.rad
                pointing.altitude = np.deg2rad(90 - event_data['pointing_zd']) * u.rad
                pointing.ra = np.deg2rad(event_data['pointing_ra']) * u.rad
                pointing.dec = np.deg2rad(event_data['pointing_dec']) * u.rad

                # Adding the pointing container to the event data
                data.pointing[tel_i + 1] = pointing

                # Adding event charge and peak positions per pixel
                data.dl1.tel[tel_i + 1].image = event_data['image']
                data.dl1.tel[tel_i + 1].peakpos = event_data['peak_pos']
                # data.dl1.tel[tel_i + 1].badpixels = np.array(
                #     file['dl1/tel' + str(i_tel + 1) + '/badpixels'], dtype=np.bool)

                # Adding the event arrival time
                time_tmp = Time(event_data['mjd'], scale='utc', format='mjd')
                data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_tmp, format='unix', scale='utc', precision=9)

                # Setting the telescopes with data
                data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.trig.tels_with_trigger = tels_with_data

                # Setting the instrument sub-array
                data.inst.subarray = self.magic_subarray

                yield data
                counter += 1

    def _generator(self):
        # HiPeData arranges data per telescope and not by event like simtel
        # We need to first create a dictionary.
        #   key -> EventId, value -> List of event from triggered telescopes
        self.events = _convert_per_events_to_per_telescope(self.run)

        # the container is initialized once, and data is replaced within
        # it after each yield
        counter = 0
        data = DataContainer()
        data.meta['origin'] = "mchdf5v2PixelSlice"

        # some hessio_event_source specific parameters
        data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
        data.meta['max_events'] = self.max_events
		MC data are valid for the whole run
        data.mc.tel.clear()  # clear the previous telescopes
        for telNode in self.run.walk_nodes('/r1', 'Group'):
                tel_id = uint64(telNode.telId.read())
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].dc_to_pe = telNode.tabGain.read()

                pedestal = telNode.pedestal.read()
                pedestal = pedestal["pedestal"]

                data.mc.tel[tel_id].pedestal = pedestal[0]
                    tel_id].reference_pulse_shape = telNode.tabRefShape.read()
            except tables.exceptions.NoSuchNodeError as e:

        tabEvent = self.run.root.simulation.mc_event.read()
        tabEventId = tabEvent["event_id"]

        azimuth = self.run.root.simulation.run_config.col(

        for event_id, event_list in self.events.items():
            if counter == 0:
                # subarray info is only available when an event is loaded,
                # so load it on the first event.
                data.inst.subarray = self._build_subarray_info(self.run)

            obs_id = 0
            tels_with_data = set([info[0] for info in event_list])
            data.count = counter
            data.r0.obs_id = obs_id
            data.r0.event_id = event_id
            data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.r1.obs_id = obs_id
            data.r1.event_id = event_id
            data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id
            data.dl0.event_id = event_id
            data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data

            # handle telescope filtering by taking the intersection of
            # tels_with_data and allowed_tels
            if len(self.allowed_tels) > 0:
                selected = tels_with_data & self.allowed_tels
                if len(selected) == 0:
                    continue  # skip event
                data.r0.tels_with_data = selected
                data.r1.tels_with_data = selected
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = selected

            #data.trig.tels_with_trigger = set(tels_with_data)
            data.trig.tels_with_trigger = array(list(tels_with_data),

            #TODO : replace this by an astropy join
            indexSimu = np.where(tabEventId == event_id)
			time_s, time_ns = file.get_central_event_gps_time()
			data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_s * u.s, time_ns * u.ns, format='unix', scale='utc')
            data.mc.energy = tabEvent["mc_energy"][indexSimu] * u.TeV
            data.mc.alt = Angle(tabEvent["mc_alt"][indexSimu], u.rad)
            data.mc.az = Angle(tabEvent["mc_az"][indexSimu], u.rad)
            data.mc.core_x = tabEvent["mc_core_x"][indexSimu] * u.m
            data.mc.core_y = tabEvent["mc_core_y"][indexSimu] * u.m
            data.mc.h_first_int = tabEvent["mc_h_first_int"][indexSimu] * u.m
            data.mc.x_max = tabEvent["mc_x_max"][indexSimu] * u.g / (u.cm**2)
            data.mc.shower_primary_id = tabEvent["mc_shower_primary_id"][

            data.mcheader.run_array_direction = Angle(azimuth * u.rad)

            # this should be done in a nicer way to not re-allocate the
            # data each time (right now it's just deleted and garbage
            # collected)


            for telescopeId, telescopeIndex, event in event_list:

                telNode = self.run.get_node("/r1", 'Tel_' + str(telescopeId))

                matWaveform = telNode.waveformHi.read(event, event + 1)
                matWaveform = matWaveform["waveformHi"][0]
                matSignalPSHi = matWaveform
                    waveformLo = telNode.waveformLo.read(event, event + 1)
                    waveformLo = waveformLo["waveformLo"][0]

                    matSignalPSLo = waveformLo
                    tabHiLo = np.stack((matSignalPSHi, matSignalPSLo))
                    data.r0.tel[telescopeId].waveform = tabHiLo
                except Exception as e:
                    data.r0.tel[telescopeId].waveform = np.expand_dims(
                        matSignalPSHi, axis=0)

                #data.r0.tel[telescopeId].image= matSignalPSHi.sum(axis=2)
                #data.r0.tel[telescopeId].num_trig_pix = file.get_num_trig_pixels(telescopeId)
                #data.r0.tel[telescopeId].trig_pix_id = file.get_trig_pixels(telescopeId)

            yield data
            counter += 1
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def iter_stereo_events(self):
        Stereo event generator. Yields DataContainer instances, filled
        with the read event data.



        counter = 0

        # Data container - is initialized once, and data is replaced within it after each yield
        data = DataContainer()
        data.meta['origin'] = "MAGIC"
        data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
        data.meta['is_simulation'] = False

        # Telescopes with data:
        tels_in_file = ["m1", "m2"]
        tels_with_data = {1, 2}

        current_run = None

        # Loop over the available data runs
        for run_number in self.run_numbers:

            # Removing the previously read data run from memory
            if current_run is not None:
                if 'data' in current_run:
                    del current_run['data']

            # Setting the new active run
            current_run = self._set_active_run(run_number)

            # Loop over the events
            for event_i in range(current_run['data'].n_stereo_events):
                # Event and run ids
                event_order_number = current_run['data'].stereo_ids[event_i][0]
                event_id = current_run['data'].event_data['M1']['stereo_event_number'][event_order_number]
                obs_id = current_run['number']

                # Reading event data
                event_data = current_run['data'].get_stereo_event_data(event_i)

                # Event counter
                data.count = counter

                # Setting up the R0 container
                data.r0.obs_id = obs_id
                data.r0.event_id = event_id

                # Setting up the R1 container
                data.r1.obs_id = obs_id
                data.r1.event_id = event_id

                # Setting up the DL0 container
                data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id
                data.dl0.event_id = event_id

                # Filling the DL1 container with the event data
                for tel_i, tel_id in enumerate(tels_in_file):
                    # Creating the telescope pointing container
                    pointing = TelescopePointingContainer()
                    pointing.azimuth = np.deg2rad(event_data['pointing_az']) * u.rad
                    pointing.altitude = np.deg2rad(90 - event_data['pointing_zd']) * u.rad
                    pointing.ra = np.deg2rad(event_data['pointing_ra']) * u.rad
                    pointing.dec = np.deg2rad(event_data['pointing_dec']) * u.rad

                    # Adding the pointing container to the event data
                    data.pointing[tel_i + 1] = pointing

                    # Adding event charge and peak positions per pixel
                    data.dl1.tel[tel_i + 1].image = event_data['{:s}_image'.format(tel_id)]
                    data.dl1.tel[tel_i + 1].peakpos = event_data['{:s}_peak_pos'.format(tel_id)]
                    # data.dl1.tel[i_tel + 1].badpixels = np.array(
                    #     file['dl1/tel' + str(i_tel + 1) + '/badpixels'], dtype=np.bool)

                # Adding the event arrival time
                time_tmp = Time(event_data['mjd'], scale='utc', format='mjd')
                data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_tmp, format='unix', scale='utc', precision=9)

                # Setting the telescopes with data
                data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.trig.tels_with_trigger = tels_with_data

                # Setting the instrument sub-array
                data.inst.subarray = self.magic_subarray

                yield data
                counter += 1

Ejemplo n.º 14
    def _generator(self):
        with self.pyhessio.open_hessio(self.input_url) as file:
            # the container is initialized once, and data is replaced within
            # it after each yield
            counter = 0
            eventstream = file.move_to_next_event()
            data = DataContainer()
            data.meta['origin'] = "hessio"

            # some hessio_event_source specific parameters
            data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
            data.meta['max_events'] = self.max_events

            for event_id in eventstream:

                if counter == 0:
                    # subarray info is only available when an event is loaded,
                    # so load it on the first event.
                    data.inst.subarray = self._build_subarray_info(file)

                obs_id = file.get_run_number()
                tels_with_data = set(file.get_teldata_list())
                data.count = counter
                data.r0.obs_id = obs_id
                data.r0.event_id = event_id
                data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.r1.obs_id = obs_id
                data.r1.event_id = event_id
                data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
                data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id
                data.dl0.event_id = event_id
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data

                # handle telescope filtering by taking the intersection of
                # tels_with_data and allowed_tels
                if len(self.allowed_tels) > 0:
                    selected = tels_with_data & self.allowed_tels
                    if len(selected) == 0:
                        continue  # skip event
                    data.r0.tels_with_data = selected
                    data.r1.tels_with_data = selected
                    data.dl0.tels_with_data = selected

                data.trig.tels_with_trigger = (file.
                time_s, time_ns = file.get_central_event_gps_time()
                data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_s * u.s, time_ns * u.ns,
                                          format='unix', scale='utc')
                data.mc.energy = file.get_mc_shower_energy() * u.TeV
                data.mc.alt = Angle(file.get_mc_shower_altitude(), u.rad)
                data.mc.az = Angle(file.get_mc_shower_azimuth(), u.rad)
                data.mc.core_x = file.get_mc_event_xcore() * u.m
                data.mc.core_y = file.get_mc_event_ycore() * u.m
                first_int = file.get_mc_shower_h_first_int() * u.m
                data.mc.h_first_int = first_int
                data.mc.x_max = file.get_mc_shower_xmax() * u.g / (u.cm**2)
                data.mc.shower_primary_id = file.get_mc_shower_primary_id()

                # mc run header data
                data.mcheader.run_array_direction = Angle(
                    file.get_mc_run_array_direction() * u.rad

                # this should be done in a nicer way to not re-allocate the
                # data each time (right now it's just deleted and garbage
                # collected)

                data.mc.tel.clear()  # clear the previous telescopes

                for tel_id in tels_with_data:

                    # event.mc.tel[tel_id] = MCCameraContainer()

                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].dc_to_pe = file.get_calibration(tel_id)
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].pedestal = file.get_pedestal(tel_id)
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].waveform = (file.
                    if data.r0.tel[tel_id].waveform.size == 0:
                        # To handle ASTRI and dst files
                        data.r0.tel[tel_id].waveform = (file.
                                                        get_adc_sum(tel_id)[..., None])
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].image = file.get_adc_sum(tel_id)
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].num_trig_pix = file.get_num_trig_pixels(tel_id)
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].trig_pix_id = file.get_trig_pixels(tel_id)
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].reference_pulse_shape = (file.

                    nsamples = file.get_event_num_samples(tel_id)
                    if nsamples <= 0:
                        nsamples = 1
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].num_samples = nsamples

                    # load the data per telescope/pixel
                    hessio_mc_npe = file.get_mc_number_photon_electron(tel_id)
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].photo_electron_image = hessio_mc_npe
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].meta['refstep'] = (file.
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].time_slice = (file.
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].azimuth_raw = (file.
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].altitude_raw = (file.
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].azimuth_cor = (file.
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].altitude_cor = (file.
                yield data
                counter += 1

    def _generator(self):
        # HiPeData arranges data per telescope and not by event like simtel
        # We need to first create a dictionary.
        #   key -> EventId, value -> List of event from triggered telescopes
        self.events = _convert_per_events_to_per_telescope(self.run)

        # the container is initialized once, and data is replaced within
        # it after each yield
        counter = 0
        data = DataContainer()
        data.meta['origin'] = "hipehdf5"

        # some hessio_event_source specific parameters
        data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
        data.meta['max_events'] = self.max_events
        MC data are valid for the whole run
        data.mc.tel.clear()  # clear the previous telescopes
        for telNode in self.run.walk_nodes('/Tel', 'Group'):
                tel_id = uint64(telNode.telId.read())
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].dc_to_pe = telNode.tabGain.read()
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].pedestal = telNode.tabPed.read()
                    tel_id].reference_pulse_shape = telNode.tabRefShape.read()
            except tables.exceptions.NoSuchNodeError as e:

        corsika = self.run.root.Corsika
        tabEvent = corsika.tabCorsikaEvent.read()
        tabEventId = tabEvent["eventId"]

        runHeader = self.run.root.RunHeader
        azimuth = runHeader.azimuth.read()

        for event_id, event_list in self.events.items():
            if counter == 0:
                # subarray info is only available when an event is loaded,
                # so load it on the first event.
                data.inst.subarray = self._build_subarray_info(self.run)

            obs_id = 0
            tels_with_data = set([info[0] for info in event_list])
            data.count = counter
            data.r0.obs_id = obs_id
            data.r0.event_id = event_id
            data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.r1.obs_id = obs_id
            data.r1.event_id = event_id
            data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id
            data.dl0.event_id = event_id
            data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data

            # handle telescope filtering by taking the intersection of
            # tels_with_data and allowed_tels
            if len(self.allowed_tels) > 0:
                selected = tels_with_data & self.allowed_tels
                if len(selected) == 0:
                    continue  # skip event
                data.r0.tels_with_data = selected
                data.r1.tels_with_data = selected
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = selected

            #data.trig.tels_with_trigger = set(tels_with_data)
            data.trig.tels_with_trigger = array(list(tels_with_data),

            # indexSimu = np.where(tabEventId == 2498406)
            time_s, time_ns = file.get_central_event_gps_time()
            data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_s * u.s, time_ns * u.ns, format='unix', scale='utc')
            data.mc.energy = tabEvent["energy"] * u.TeV
            data.mc.alt = Angle(tabEvent["alt"], u.rad)
            data.mc.az = Angle(tabEvent["az"], u.rad)
            data.mc.core_x = tabEvent["coreX"] * u.m
            data.mc.core_y = tabEvent["coreY"] * u.m
            data.mc.h_first_int = tabEvent["h_first_int"] * u.m
            data.mc.x_max = tabEvent["xmax"] * u.g / (u.cm**2)
            data.mc.shower_primary_id = tabEvent["showerPrimaryId"]

            data.mcheader.run_array_direction = Angle(azimuth * u.rad)

            # this should be done in a nicer way to not re-allocate the
            # data each time (right now it's just deleted and garbage
            # collected)


            for telescopeId, telescopeIndex, event in event_list:

                telNode = self.run.get_node("/Tel",
                                            'Tel_' + str(telescopeIndex))

                matWaveform = telNode.waveform.read(event, event + 1)
                matWaveform = matWaveform["waveform"]

                matSignalPS = matWaveform[0].swapaxes(1, 2)
                data.r0.tel[telescopeId].waveform = matSignalPS

                _, _, n_samples = matSignalPS.shape
                ped = data.mc.tel[telescopeId].pedestal[...,
                                                        np.newaxis] / n_samples
                gain = data.mc.tel[telescopeId].dc_to_pe[..., np.newaxis]
                data.r1.tel[telescopeId].waveform = (matSignalPS - ped) * gain

                #data.r0.tel[telescopeId].image= matSignalPS.sum(axis=2)
                #data.r0.tel[telescopeId].num_trig_pix = file.get_num_trig_pixels(telescopeId)
                #data.r0.tel[telescopeId].trig_pix_id = file.get_trig_pixels(telescopeId)

            yield data
            counter += 1
    for j in A:
        infos_save[i][j] = []
        E_info[i][j] = []

infos_save["o"] = {}
infos_save["o"]["o"] = []
E_info["o"] = {}
E_info["o"]["o"] = []
mc_header = set_mc_header(f.get('mc_header'))
num_tel_active = []
E_Event = []

anzahl = 0
event_id = -1
tel_active_now = 0
event = DataContainer()
event.meta['origin'] = "hessio"
event.inst.subarray = SubarrayDescription("MonteCarloArray")
set_tel_info(event, f.get('tel_info'))
infos_multi = {"img_type": [], "img_index": [], "tel_id": []}
pbar = tqdm(total=len(f_es["tel_id"]))

for i in range(len(f_es["tel_id"])):
    if f_es["event_id"][i] != event_id or i == len(f_es["tel_id"]) - 1:
        if i == len(f_es["tel_id"]) - 1:
            event = set_events_info(event, f_es, i, f_image)
        if anzahl != 0:
            infos_save, E_info = process_event(event, dl1_calibrator,
                                               infos_save, E_info)
        if i != len(f_es["tel_id"]) - 1:
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __generator(self):
        data = DataContainer()
        data.meta['origin'] = 'hessio'
        data.meta['input_url'] = self.input_url
        data.meta['max_events'] = self.max_events

        for counter, array_event in enumerate(self.file_):
            # next lines are just for debugging
            self.array_event = array_event

            event_id = array_event['event_id']
            data.inst.subarray = self._subarray_info

            obs_id = self.file_.header['run']
            tels_with_data = set(array_event['telescope_events'].keys())
            data.count = counter
            data.r0.obs_id = obs_id
            data.r0.event_id = event_id
            data.r0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.r1.obs_id = obs_id
            data.r1.event_id = event_id
            data.r1.tels_with_data = tels_with_data
            data.dl0.obs_id = obs_id
            data.dl0.event_id = event_id
            data.dl0.tels_with_data = tels_with_data

            # handle telescope filtering by taking the intersection of
            # tels_with_data and allowed_tels
            if len(self.allowed_tels) > 0:
                selected = tels_with_data & self.allowed_tels
                if len(selected) == 0:
                    continue  # skip event
                data.r0.tels_with_data = selected
                data.r1.tels_with_data = selected
                data.dl0.tels_with_data = selected

            trigger_information = array_event['trigger_information']
            mc_event = array_event['mc_event']
            mc_shower = array_event['mc_shower']

            data.trig.tels_with_trigger = trigger_information['triggered_telescopes']
            time_s, time_ns = trigger_information['gps_time']
            data.trig.gps_time = Time(time_s * u.s, time_ns * u.ns,
                                      format='unix', scale='utc')

            data.mc.energy = mc_shower['energy'] * u.TeV
            data.mc.alt = Angle(mc_shower['altitude'], u.rad)
            data.mc.az = Angle(mc_shower['azimuth'], u.rad)
            data.mc.core_x = mc_event['xcore'] * u.m
            data.mc.core_y = mc_event['ycore'] * u.m
            first_int = mc_shower['h_first_int'] * u.m
            data.mc.h_first_int = first_int
            data.mc.x_max = mc_shower['xmax'] * u.g / (u.cm**2)
            data.mc.shower_primary_id = mc_shower['primary_id']

            # mc run header data
            data.mcheader.run_array_direction = Angle(
                self.file_.header['direction'] * u.rad
            mc_run_head = self.file_.mc_run_headers[-1]
            data.mcheader.corsika_version = mc_run_head['shower_prog_vers']
            data.mcheader.simtel_version = mc_run_head['detector_prog_vers']
            data.mcheader.energy_range_min = mc_run_head['E_range'][0] * u.TeV
            data.mcheader.energy_range_max = mc_run_head['E_range'][1] * u.TeV
            data.mcheader.prod_site_B_total = mc_run_head['B_total'] * u.uT
            data.mcheader.prod_site_B_declination = Angle(
                mc_run_head['B_declination'] * u.rad)
            data.mcheader.prod_site_B_inclination = Angle(
                mc_run_head['B_inclination'] * u.rad)
            data.mcheader.prod_site_alt = mc_run_head['obsheight'] * u.m
            data.mcheader.spectral_index = mc_run_head['spectral_index']

            # this should be done in a nicer way to not re-allocate the
            # data each time (right now it's just deleted and garbage
            # collected)
            data.mc.tel.clear()  # clear the previous telescopes

            telescope_events = array_event['telescope_events']
            tracking_positions = array_event['tracking_positions']
            for tel_id, telescope_event in telescope_events.items():
                telescope_description = self.file_.telescope_descriptions[tel_id]

                data.mc.tel[tel_id].dc_to_pe = array_event['laser_calibrations'][tel_id]['calib']
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].pedestal = array_event['camera_monitorings'][tel_id]['pedestal']
                adc_samples = telescope_event.get('adc_samples')
                if adc_samples is None:
                    adc_samples = telescope_event['adc_sums'][:, :, np.newaxis]
                data.r0.tel[tel_id].waveform = adc_samples
                data.r0.tel[tel_id].num_samples = adc_samples.shape[-1]
                # We should not calculate stuff in an event source
                # if this is not needed, we calculate it for nothing
                data.r0.tel[tel_id].image = adc_samples.sum(axis=-1)

                pixel_lists = telescope_event['pixel_lists']
                data.r0.tel[tel_id].num_trig_pix = pixel_lists.get(0, {'pixels': 0})['pixels']
                if data.r0.tel[tel_id].num_trig_pix > 0:
                    data.r0.tel[tel_id].trig_pix_id = pixel_lists[0]['pixel_list']

                pixel_settings = telescope_description['pixel_settings']
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].reference_pulse_shape = pixel_settings['refshape'].astype('float64')
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].meta['refstep'] = float(pixel_settings['ref_step'])
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].time_slice = float(pixel_settings['time_slice'])

                n_pixel = data.r0.tel[tel_id].waveform.shape[-2]

                data.mc.tel[tel_id].photo_electron_image = array_event.get(
                    'photoelectrons', {}
                if data.mc.tel[tel_id].photo_electron_image is None:
                    data.mc.tel[tel_id].photo_electron_image = np.zeros((n_pixel, ), dtype='i2')

                tracking_position = tracking_positions[tel_id]
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].azimuth_raw = tracking_position['azimuth_raw']
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].altitude_raw = tracking_position['altitude_raw']
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].azimuth_cor = tracking_position.get('azimuth_cor', 0)
                data.mc.tel[tel_id].altitude_cor = tracking_position.get('altitude_cor', 0)
            yield data