Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _mutate(self):
     weight_mask = cp.random.normal(
         size=(self.weights.shape), dtype='single') * .05 * cp.tile(
             cp.triu(cp.ones(shape=(self.total, self.total), dtype='bool_'),
                     1), (self.pop_size, 1, 1)) * (cp.random.uniform(
                         size=(self.weights.shape), dtype='single') <
                                                   .2) * (self.weights != 0)
     new_weights_mask = cp.random.normal(
         size=(self.weights.shape), dtype='single') * .05 * cp.tile(
             cp.triu(cp.ones(shape=(self.total, self.total), dtype='bool_'),
                     1), (self.pop_size, 1, 1)) * (cp.random.uniform(
                         dtype='single') < .05) * (self.weights == 0)
     self.weights += weight_mask + new_weights_mask
     self.weights *= (cp.random.uniform(size=self.weights.shape,
                                        dtype='single') < 1)
     self.weights[:, :self.inputs, :self.inputs] = 0
     self.weights[:, -self.outputs:, -self.outputs:] = cp.tile(
                 cp.ones(shape=(self.outputs, self.outputs),
                         dtype='bool_'))), (self.pop_size, 1, 1))
     self.biases += cp.random.normal(
         size=self.biases.shape, dtype='single') * .05 * (cp.random.normal(
             size=self.biases.shape, dtype='single') < .2)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_lu_factor_reconstruction(self, dtype):
     m, n = self.shape
     A = testing.shaped_random(self.shape, cupy, dtype=dtype)
     lu, piv = cupyx.scipy.linalg.lu_factor(A)
     # extract ``L`` and ``U`` from ``lu``
     L = cupy.tril(lu, k=-1)
     cupy.fill_diagonal(L, 1.)
     L = L[:, :m]
     U = cupy.triu(lu)
     U = U[:n, :]
     # check output shapes
     assert lu.shape == (m, n)
     assert L.shape == (m, min(m, n))
     assert U.shape == (min(m, n), n)
     assert piv.shape == (min(m, n),)
     # apply pivot (on CPU since slaswp is not available in cupy)
     piv = cupy.asnumpy(piv)
     rows = numpy.arange(m)
     for i, row in enumerate(piv):
         if i != row:
             rows[i], rows[row] = rows[row], rows[i]
     PA = A[rows]
     # check that reconstruction is close to original
     LU = L.dot(U)
     cupy.testing.assert_allclose(LU, PA, atol=1e-5)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def forward(self,
        if input_masks is not None:
            input_masks = F.expand_dims(input_masks, -2)

        mask_shape = list(output_units.shape)
        mask_shape[-1] = mask_shape[-2]
        mask = xp.triu(xp.ones(mask_shape, dtype=xp.bool), k=1)

        if output_masks is not None:
            output_masks = F.expand_dims(output_masks, -2)
            mask = xp.logical_or(mask, output_masks.array)

        x1 = F.dropout(
            self.mmha(output_units, output_units, output_units, mask=mask),
        x2 = self.lnorm1(output_units + x1)
        x3 = F.dropout(
            self.mha(x2, input_encodings, input_encodings, mask=input_masks),
        x4 = self.lnorm2(x2 + x3)
        x5 = F.dropout(self.ff(x4), self.p_drop)
        x6 = self.lnorm3(x4 + x5)
        return x6
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_csrilu02(self, dtype):
     dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype)
     a_ref = self._make_matrix(dtype)
     a = sparse.csr_matrix(a_ref)
     cusparse.csrilu02(a, level_info=self.level_info)
     a = a.todense()
     al = cupy.tril(a, k=-1)
     al = al + cupy.diag(cupy.ones((self.n, ), dtype=dtype.char.lower()))
     au = cupy.triu(a)
     a = al @ au
     tol = self._tol[dtype.char.lower()]
     cupy.testing.assert_allclose(a, a_ref, atol=tol, rtol=tol)
    def __call__(self, f_atoms, f_bonds, super_node_x, action, pair_label,
                 mask_pair_select, batch_size, atom_selected):
        loss = 0.0
        mask_selection = cp.ones((batch_size, self.topK, self.topK))
        mask_selection = cp.triu(mask_selection, 1)
        mask_selection = mask_selection.reshape(batch_size,
                                                self.topK * self.topK)
        for step in range(action.shape[1] - 1):
            h = self.ggnngwm(f_atoms, f_bonds, super_node_x)
            f = cp.zeros(
                (batch_size, self.topK, self.out_dim)).astype('float32')
            for i in range(batch_size):
                f[i] = h[i][atom_selected[i]].array
            f = functions.broadcast_to(functions.expand_dims(f, axis=2),
                                       (batch_size, self.topK, self.topK, self.out_dim)) + \
                functions.broadcast_to(functions.expand_dims(f, axis=1),
                                       (batch_size, self.topK, self.topK, self.out_dim))
            f = self.mlp(
                f.reshape(batch_size, self.topK * self.topK,
                          self.out_dim))[:, :, 0]
            l = pair_label[:, step, :, :].reshape(batch_size,
                                                  self.topK * self.topK)
            l = l * mask_selection

            m = mask_pair_select.reshape(
                batch_size, self.topK * self.topK) * mask_selection
            loss += softmax_cross_entropy_with_mask(f, l, m, batch_size)

            # execute one action in random order during each epoch
            action_step = action[:, step, :]
            mask_selection[cp.arange(batch_size), action_step[:, -1]] = 0

            for i in range(batch_size):
                a = action_step[i]
                if a[0] < 0:
                    f_bonds[i, :4, a[0], a[1]] = 0.0
                    f_bonds[i, :4, a[1], a[0]] = 0.0
                    f_bonds[i, 4, a[0], a[1]] = 1.0
                    f_bonds[i, 4, a[1], a[0]] = 1.0
                    if a[2] + 1 != 0:
                        f_bonds[i, a[2], a[0], a[1]] = 1.0
                        f_bonds[i, a[2], a[1], a[0]] = 1.0

        return loss
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _initialize_nets(self):
     self.weights = cp.random.normal(
         size=(self.pop_size, self.total, self.total),
         dtype='single') * cp.tile(
             cp.triu(cp.ones(shape=(self.total, self.total), dtype='bool_'),
                     1), (self.pop_size, 1, 1)) * (cp.random.uniform(
                         size=(self.pop_size, self.total, self.total),
                         dtype='single') < .5)
     self.weights[:, :, self.inputs:] *= cp.sqrt(4 / cp.minimum(
         cp.arange(self.inputs, self.total), self.inputs + self.hidden))
     self.weights[:, :self.inputs, :self.inputs] = 0
     self.weights[:, -self.outputs:, -self.outputs:] = cp.tile(
                 cp.ones(shape=(self.outputs, self.outputs),
                         dtype='bool_'))), (self.pop_size, 1, 1))
     self.biases = cp.random.normal(
         size=(self.pop_size, 1, self.hidden + self.outputs),
         dtype='single') * .5
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def time_triu_l10x10(self):
Ejemplo n.º 8
        raise ValueError("x must be at least 2-dimensional for tril")
    return Array._new(np.tril(x._array, k=k))

def triu(x: Array, /, *, k: int = 0) -> Array:
    Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.triu <numpy.triu>`.

    See its docstring for more information.
    from ._array_object import Array

    if x.ndim < 2:
        # Note: Unlike np.triu, x must be at least 2-D
        raise ValueError("x must be at least 2-dimensional for triu")
    return Array._new(np.triu(x._array, k=k))

def zeros(
    shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]],
    dtype: Optional[Dtype] = None,
    device: Optional[Device] = None,
) -> Array:
    Array API compatible wrapper for :py:func:`np.zeros <numpy.zeros>`.

    See its docstring for more information.
    from ._array_object import Array
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_each_channel_with_asymmetric_kernel():
    mask = cp.triu(cp.ones(COLOR_IMAGE.shape[:2], dtype=np.bool_))
    mask_each(COLOR_IMAGE, mask)