def test(): sig = d.bundle(var1 = n.random.normal(2,2,1e5), var2 = n.random.normal(1,1,1e5)) bg = d.bundle(var1 = n.random.normal(0,1,1e4), var2 = n.random.normal(-1,2,1e4)) vars = d.bundle(sig=sig, bg=bg).transpose() weights = d.bundle(sig=n.ones(1e5), bg=n.ones(1e4)) hist1d = d.bundleize(d.factory.hist1d) d.visual() def initfunc(vc,vars,weights,mask): vc.myfig = p.figure() p.figure(vc.myfig.number) h1 = hist1d( vars.var1[mask], n.linspace(-20,20,101), weights[mask]) c = d.bundle(sig="r", bg="k") h1.line(c=c) def updatefunc(vc,vars,weights,mask): vc.myfig.clear() p.figure(vc.myfig.number) h1 = hist1d( vars.var1[mask], n.linspace(-20,20,101), weights[mask]) c = d.bundle(sig="r", bg="k") h1.line(c=c) vc.myfig.canvas.draw() def anyfunc(*args): print args c = VisualCutter(vars,weights, "(vars.var1 > %(var1)s) & (vars.var2 < %(var2)s)", initfunc, updatefunc)
def hist_energy_losses(self, frame, reco_prefix, **kwargs): import dashi as d d.visual() import numpy as n elosses = reco_prefix + 'CascadeEnergyLosses' if frame.Has(elosses): eloss = n.array(frame[elosses]) h = d.histfactory.hist1d(n.log10(eloss), n.linspace(1, 5, 17)) h.line()
def test_plotting(): import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use("agg") import pylab as p d.visual() nbins = 50 bins = n.linspace(-10,10, nbins+1) sample = n.random.normal(2, 0.2, 1e5) weights = n.random.normal(1, 0.3, 1e5) weights[weights < 0] = 0 hist = d.histogram.hist1d(bins) hist.fill(sample, weights) hist.scatter() #mod = hist.leastsq(d.gaussian(), verbose=False) #p.plot(hist.bincenters, mod(hist.bincenters)) #hist.statbox(loc=1) #mod.parbox(loc=2) fname = "/tmp/testfigure.png" p.savefig(fname) assert os.path.exists(fname) os.remove(fname)
def plot_radial_slice(h, spline, slice_=(3, 10, 1), **kwargs): import pylab import dashi dashi.visual() from icecube.photospline.glam.glam import grideval idx = slice_ + (slice(None), ) sub = h[idx] idx = tuple([s - 1 for s in slice_]) + (slice(None), ) coords = [] for i, s in enumerate(idx): axis = h._h_bincenters[i][s] try: len(axis) #axis = numpy.linspace(axis[0], axis[-1], 101) axis = numpy.linspace(0, 250, 1001) # print axis except TypeError: axis = [axis] coords.append(axis) sub.scatter(**kwargs) print(grideval(spline, coords).flatten()) pylab.plot(coords[-1], grideval(spline, coords).flatten(), **kwargs)
#!/usr/bin/env python #========================================================================= # File Name : # Description : # Creation Date : 04-26-2016 # Last Modified : Tue 26 Apr 2016 03:48:09 PM CDT # Created By : James Bourbeau #========================================================================= import sys sys.path.append("$HOME/dashi") import dashi dashi.visual() # This is needed to display plots, don't ask me why import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats import argparse import myGlobals as my import simFunctions_IT as simFunctions from usefulFunctions import checkdir import colormaps as cmaps from geo import loadGeometryTxt from plotFunctions import diverge_map from ShowerLLH_scripts.analysis.load_sim import load_sim def core_res(data,cuts): MC_x = data['MC_x'] MC_y = data['MC_y'] MC_r = np.sqrt(MC_x**2+MC_y**2)[cuts]
""" use of 2d histograms for correlation studies """ import numpy as n import dashi as d import pylab as p d.visual() npoints = 1e5 y = n.random.uniform(0, 10, npoints) x = 2 * y + 3 + n.random.normal(0, 2, npoints) h = d.factory.hist2d((x, y), (n.linspace(0, 30, 101), n.linspace(0, 10, 11)), labels=("x", "y")) p.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) p.subplots_adjust(wspace=.25) # simple imshow of bincontent array p.subplot(221) h.imshow() # profile plots. project on dimension 1 ("y") p.subplot(222) scatterpoints = d.histfuncs.h2profile(h, dim=1) scatterpoints.scatter() # stacked 1d histograms plots # keeping the overall shape of the projected distribution p.subplot(223)
from ssm.core import pchain from ssm.pmodules import * from ssm.core.util_pmodules import Aggregate,SimpleInjector from ssm.pmodules import * from ssm.pmodules import Reader from import CameraImage from pylab import * from scipy import optimize from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy.stats import chisquare from operator import itemgetter from ssm.core import pchain import dashi dashi.visual() #def extract(lst): # return(lst[i][0] for i in range(len(lst))) # def invf(y,a,b,c): return np.nan_to_num(-(b-np.sqrt(b*b -4*a*(c-y)))/(2*a)) current_path = '/home/wolkerst/projects/cta/SSM-analysis' property_path = os.path.join(current_path+'/', "fit_parameters") # ============================================================================= # # Load fit parameters # ============================================================================= with open(property_path , 'rb') as handle: props = pickle.load(handle)
""" an example to illustate the use of d.histfuncs.histratio to compare histograms with each other """ import numpy as n import dashi as d import pylab as p d.visual() # create histograms of two normal distributions, one # having a small extra peak at x=0 # h1 has about 2 times the number of entries as h2 bins = n.linspace(-10,10,101) h1a = d.factory.hist1d(n.random.normal(2.0,2,2e5), bins) h1b = d.factory.hist1d(n.random.normal(0.0,.5,1e4), bins) h1 = h1a+h1b h2 = d.factory.hist1d(n.random.normal(2.0,2,1e5), bins) # first figure: just plot the histograms p.figure(figsize=(8,4)) h1.line(c="r") h1a.line(c="r", linestyle=":") h1b.line(c="r", linestyle=":") h2.line(c="b") p.axvline(0, color="k", linestyle="dashed") h1.statbox(loc=1, edgecolor="r") h2.statbox(loc=2, edgecolor="b") # second figure: # calculate the ratio of the two histograms, i.e.
""" fitting a parabola using dashi.scatterpoints.points2d as a data container """ import dashi as d; d.visual() import numpy as n import pylab as p yerr=10. data = d.scatterpoints.points2d() data.x = n.linspace(-10,10,21) data.y = 2*(data.x-2)**2 - 3 + n.random.normal(0,yerr,len(data.x)) data.yerr = yerr * n.ones(len(data.x)) # initial guess for the error mod = d.poly(2) mod = d.fitting.leastsq(data.x,data.y,mod, chi2values=True) p.figure(figsize=(9,4)) p.subplots_adjust(wspace=.25) p.subplot(121) data.scatter(fmt="ko", ms=3) p.plot(data.x, mod(data.x), "r--") mod.parbox(loc=1) ax = p.subplot(122) p.plot(mod.chi2values[0], mod.chi2values[1], "k-") p.text(0.1,0.9, "$\chi^2/ndof = %.2f/%d$" % (mod.chi2, mod.ndof), transform = ax.transAxes) p.ylabel("chi2 contribution")
import pylab import numpy import dashi; dashi.visual() from utils import load_group, colorize, points fluxlabel = '$d\Phi/dE\,\,[1/(GeV\,m^2 sr\,s)]$' def log_fluxlabel(edges): d = numpy.diff(numpy.log(edges))[0] return '$%.2f \\times d\Phi/d\log10{(E/GeV)}\,\,[1/(m^2 sr\,s)]$' % d def plot_single_energy(histogram_fname, flux, efit, normed=False, log=True): h = load_group(histogram_fname, 'energy')[:,:,1,:,:].project([0,1,3]) if normed: # dP/dE norm = h._h_bincontent.sum(axis=2).reshape(h._h_bincontent.shape[:-1] + (1,)) else: # dPhi/dE norm = numpy.diff(numpy.cos(h._h_binedges[0][::-1])).reshape((h._h_bincontent.shape[0],) + (1,)*(h.ndim-1)) h._h_bincontent /= norm h._h_squaredweights /= norm*norm fig = pylab.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15) di = 5 for color, zi in colorize(list(range(1, 11))): sub = h[zi,di,:] zenith = h._h_bincenters[0][zi-1] ct = numpy.cos(zenith)
def compute_sensitivity(): import pylab import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #or we load some (sig,bg,x) = load_expectations() #Plotting the pdfs for fun ;) #Here we set the number of events in our fake analysis using a #binned shape likelihood N = 7060 llh = setup_llh(sig, bg, x, N, 1) #Since it's a binned likelihood we can histogram the events to #speed up llh evaluations llh.EnableHistogramedEvents() llh.EnablePoissonSampling() #setting up the analysis analysis = MLSandboxPythonAccess.FeldmanCousinsAnalysis(llh = llh, cl = 0.9, #confidence level (not really important yet) ) #Compute rank distributions for different llh parameter xi as set up above #n_threads key argument sets number of threads to use during this step #analysis.ComputeRanks( n_experiments = 10000, #Number of pseudo experiments (trials) # min_xi = 0.0, #lower boundary of likelihood parameter for rank calculation # max_xi = 100.0/N, #upper boundary likelihood parameter for rank calculation # n_steps = 100, #number of steps # n_threads = 6) #since computing the ranks distributions takes a lot of CPU time/resources"ranks_example.dat") ranksobj = MLSandboxPythonAccess.FCRanks() ranksobj.load("ranks_example2.dat") #Pybindings are still missing for the function which makes an ensemble of #pseudo experiments and computes limits, #To determine the median upper limit when assuming bg only #we do it explicitly in python for now. up_lim = list() down_lim = list() analysis.SetFCRanks(ranksobj) analysis.ranks.SetConfidenceLevel(0.9) analysis.Sample(0) #Compute FC limits for this particular experiments (up, down) = analysis.ComputeLimits() import dashi dashi.visual() ranks = ranksobj.get_ranks() bedges = (np.linspace(0,200.0,100),np.linspace(-1,10,100)) rankhist = dashi.histogram.hist2d(binedges = bedges) for k in ranks.keys(): rankhist.fill((np.ones(len(ranks[k]))*float(k)*N,ranks[k] )) xi = np.linspace(0,200.0/N,100) ts = [] critB = [] for x in xi: ts.append(analysis.EvaluateTestsStatistic(x)) critB.append(analysis.ranks.rCB(x)) print(ts) print(critB) plt.figure() rankhist.imshow(log=True) plt.plot(xi*N,critB,'k') #plt.plot(xi*N,ts,'k') analysis.Sample(20.0/N) ts = [] for x in xi: ts.append(analysis.EvaluateTestsStatistic(x)) #plt.plot(xi,ts,'k') plt.colorbar()