Ejemplo n.º 1
 def put(self, key, value):
     1. Get the highest Rendezvous node for the given key.
     2. Retrieve the DBClient instance reference by the node.
     3. Save the value into DB via client's put(). 
     :param key: a string key.
     :param value: a string key-value pair dictionary to be stored in DB. 
     :return a PutResponse - [email protected]
     NOTE: Both key and value must be the string type.
     # TODO
     highest_node = self.get_node(key)
     server_channel = self.maps[str(highest_node)]
     stub = db_pb2.DBStub(channel=server_channel)
     _data = db_pb2.Data(entry=value)
     req = db_pb2.PutRequest(id=key, data=_data)
     return stub.put(req)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def put(self, key, dataMap):
     _data = db_pb2.Data(entry=dataMap)
     req = db_pb2.PutRequest(id=key, data=_data)
     return self.stub.put(req)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def put(self, kv):
     _data = db_pb2.Data(entry=kv)
     req = db_pb2.PutRequest(data=_data)
     return self.stub.put(req)