Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_user_conflict(dcos_api_session: DcosApiSession) -> None:
    # Note: the empty request body is not the decisive criterion here.
    r = dcos_api_session.put('/acs/api/v1/users/[email protected]', json={})
    assert r.status_code == 201, r.text

    r = dcos_api_session.put('/acs/api/v1/users/[email protected]', json={})
    assert r.status_code == 409, r.text
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_legacy_user_creation_with_empty_json_doc(
        dcos_api_session: DcosApiSession) -> None:
    # Legacy HTTP clients built for dcos-oauth such as the web UI (up to DC/OS
    # 1.12) might insert users in the following way: uid appears to be an email
    # address, and the JSON document in the request body does not provide a
    # `public_key` or a `password` property (indicating local user), or is
    # empty. The legacy web UI would insert users like that and expect those
    # users to be remote users, usable with the legacy OIDC ID Token login
    # method through the 'https://dcos.auth0.com/' provider. This behavior is
    # maintained in Bouncer for backwards compatibility.
    r = dcos_api_session.put('/acs/api/v1/users/[email protected]', json={})
    assert r.status_code == 201, r.text

    # Bouncer annotates the created user (this is new compared to dcos-oauth).
    r = dcos_api_session.get('/acs/api/v1/users/[email protected]')
    assert r.json()['provider_type'] == 'oidc'
    assert r.json()['provider_id'] == 'https://dcos.auth0.com/'
    assert r.json()['is_remote'] is True

    # When the uid however does not appear to be an email address the more sane
    # behavior of Bouncer takes effect: an empty (meaningless) JSON body
    # results in a useful error message.
    r = dcos_api_session.put('/acs/api/v1/users/user1', json={})
    assert r.status_code == 400
    assert 'One of `password` or `public_key` must be provided' in r.text
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_user_put_email_uid_and_description(
        dcos_api_session: DcosApiSession) -> None:
    r = dcos_api_session.put('/acs/api/v1/users/[email protected]',
                             json={'description': 'integration test user'})
    assert r.status_code == 201, r.text

    users = get_users(dcos_api_session)
    assert len(users) > 1
    assert '*****@*****.**' in users
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_user_delete(dcos_api_session: DcosApiSession) -> None:
    r = dcos_api_session.put('/acs/api/v1/users/[email protected]', json={})
    assert r.status_code == 201

    r = dcos_api_session.delete('/acs/api/v1/users/[email protected]')
    assert r.status_code == 204

    users = get_users(dcos_api_session)
    assert '*****@*****.**' not in users
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_user_put_with_legacy_body(dcos_api_session: DcosApiSession) -> None:
    # The UI up to DC/OS 1.12 sends the `creator_uid` and the `cluster_url`
    # properties although they are not used by dcos-oauth. Bouncer supports
    # these two properties for legacy reasons. Note(JP): As a follow-up task we
    # should change the UI to not send these properties anymore, and then remove
    # the properties from Bouncer's UserCreate JSON schema again, ideally within
    # the 1.13 development cycle.
    r = dcos_api_session.put('/acs/api/v1/users/[email protected]',
                                 'creator_uid': '*****@*****.**',
                                 'cluster_url': 'foobar'
    assert r.status_code == 201, r.text
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_user_put_no_email_uid_empty_body(
        dcos_api_session: DcosApiSession) -> None:
    # This test mainly demonstrates a subtle API difference between dcos-oauth
    # (legacy) and Bouncer.
    r = dcos_api_session.put('/acs/api/v1/users/user1')

    # This is the old behavior in dcos-oauth.
    # assert r.status_code == 500
    # assert 'invalid email' in r.text

    # With Bouncer non-email uids are valid, and the request fails as of the
    # missing request body.
    assert r.status_code == 400
    assert 'Request has bad Content-Type or lacks JSON data' in r.text
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_user_put_requires_authentication(
        noauth_api_session: DcosApiSession) -> None:
    r = noauth_api_session.put('/acs/api/v1/users/[email protected]', json={})
    assert r.status_code == 401, r.text