Ejemplo n.º 1
def apply_and(proof_step, selected_objects) -> CodeForLean:
    Destruct a property 'P and Q'.
    Here selected_objects is assumed to contain exactly one conjunction

    selected_hypo = selected_objects[0].info["name"]
    h1 = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    h2 = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    code = CodeForLean.from_string(f'cases {selected_hypo} with {h1} {h2}')
        _("Split property {} into {} and {}").format(selected_hypo, h1, h2))
    return code
Ejemplo n.º 2
def destruct_iff_on_hyp(proof_step,
                        selected_objects: [MathObject]) -> CodeForLean:
    Split a property 'P iff Q' into two implications.
    len(selected_objects) should be 1.
    possible_codes = []
    hypo_name = selected_objects[0].info["name"]
    h1 = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    h2 = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    possible_codes.append(f'cases (iff_def.mp {hypo_name}) with {h1} {h2}')
    code = CodeForLean.or_else_from_list(possible_codes)
        _("property {} split into {} and {}").format(hypo_name, h1, h2))
    return code
Ejemplo n.º 3
def construct_or_on_hyp(proof_step,
                        selected_property: [MathObject],
                        user_input: [str] = None) -> CodeForLean:
    Construct a property 'P or Q' from property 'P' or property 'Q'.
    Here we assume selected_object contains 1 or 2 items.
    if not user_input:
        user_input = []
    possible_codes = []
    first_hypo_name = selected_property[0].info["name"]
    hypo = selected_property[0].math_type.to_display()

    if len(selected_property) == 2:
        if not (selected_property[0].math_type.is_prop()
                and selected_property[1].math_type.is_prop()):
            error = _("Selected items are not properties")
            raise WrongUserInput(error)
            second_selected_property = selected_property[1].info["name"]
    elif len(selected_property) == 1:
        if not selected_property[0].math_type.is_prop():
            error = _("Selected item is not a property")
            raise WrongUserInput(error)
        if not user_input:
            raise MissingParametersError(
                title=_("Obtain 'P OR Q'"),
                output=_("Enter the proposition you want to use:"))
            second_selected_property = user_input[0]
            user_input = user_input[1:]

    if not user_input:
        raise MissingParametersError(
            [(_("Left"), f'({hypo}) OR ({second_selected_property})'),
             (_('Right'), f'({second_selected_property}) OR ({hypo})')],
            title=_("Choose side"),
            output=_(f'On which side do you want') + f' {hypo} ?')

    new_hypo_name = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    if user_input[0] == 0:
        possible_codes.append(f'have {new_hypo_name} := '
                              f'@or.inl _ ({second_selected_property}) '
    elif user_input[0] == 1:
        possible_codes.append(f'have {new_hypo_name} := '
                              f'@or.inr ({second_selected_property}) _ '
        raise WrongUserInput("Unexpected error")
    code = CodeForLean.or_else_from_list(possible_codes)
        _('Property {} added to the context').format(new_hypo_name))
    return code
Ejemplo n.º 4
def method_absurdum(proof_step, selected_objects: [MathObject]) -> CodeForLean:
    If no selection, engage in a proof by contradiction.
    if len(selected_objects) == 0:
        new_hypo = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
        code = CodeForLean.from_string(f'by_contradiction {new_hypo}')
        code.add_success_msg(_("Negation of target added to the context"))
        return code
        error = _('Proof by contradiction only applies to target')
    raise WrongUserInput(error)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def action_theorem(proof_step,
                   selected_objects: [MathObject],
                   target_selected: bool = True
    Apply theorem on selected objects or target.

    # test_selection(selected_objects, target_selected)

    # TODO: For an iff statement, use rewriting
    #  test for iff or equality is removed since it works only with
    #  pkl files

    goal = proof_step.goal

    codes = rw_using_statement(goal, selected_objects, theorem)

    h = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    th = theorem.lean_name
    if len(selected_objects) == 0:
        codes = codes.or_else(f'apply {th}',
                              success_msg=_('theorem applied to target'))
        codes = codes.or_else(f'have {h} := @{th}',
                              success_msg=_('theorem added to the context'))
        command = f'have {h} := {th}'
        command_implicit = f'have {h} := @{th}'
        names = [item.info['name'] for item in selected_objects]
        arguments = ' '.join(names)
        # up to 4 implicit arguments
        more_codes = [f'apply {th} {arguments}',
                      f'apply @{th} {arguments}']
        more_codes += [command + arguments,
                       command_implicit + arguments,
                       command + ' _ ' + arguments,
                       command_implicit + ' _ ' + arguments,
                       command + ' _ _ ' + arguments,
                       command_implicit + ' _ _ ' + arguments,
                       command + ' _ _ _ ' + arguments,
                       command_implicit + ' _ _ _ ' + arguments,
                       command + ' _ _ _ _ ' + arguments,
                       command_implicit + ' _ _ _ _ ' + arguments
        more_codes = CodeForLean.or_else_from_list(more_codes)
        context_msg = _('theorem') + ' ' + _('applied to') + ' ' + arguments
        codes = codes.or_else(more_codes)

        codes.add_error_msg(_("unable to apply theorem"))

    return codes
Ejemplo n.º 6
def construct_implicate(proof_step) -> CodeForLean:
    Here the target is assumed to be an implication P ⇒ Q, P is added to the
    context, and the target becomes Q.
    if not proof_step.goal.target.is_implication():
        raise WrongUserInput(error=_("Target is not an implication 'P ⇒ Q'"))
        new_hypo_name = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
        code = CodeForLean.from_string(f'intro {new_hypo_name}')
            _("Property {} added to the context").format(new_hypo_name))
        return code
Ejemplo n.º 7
def apply_or(proof_step, selected_objects: [MathObject],
             user_input: [str]) -> CodeForLean:
    Assuming selected_objects is one disjunction 'P OR Q',
    engage in a proof by cases.

    # if not selected_objects[0].is_or():
    #     raise WrongUserInput(error=_("Selected property is not "
    #                                  "a disjunction 'P OR Q'"))

    selected_hypo = selected_objects[0]
    code = CodeForLean.empty_code()

    left = selected_hypo.math_type.children[0]
    right = selected_hypo.math_type.children[1]
    if not user_input:
        choices = [(_("Left"), left.to_display()),
                   (_("Right"), right.to_display())]
        raise MissingParametersError(InputType.Choice,
                                     title=_("Choose case"),
                                     output=_("Which case to assume first?"))
    else:  # len(user_input) == 1
        if user_input[0] == 1:
            # If user wants the second property first, then first permute
            code = f'rw or.comm at {selected_hypo.info["name"]}'
            code = CodeForLean.from_string(code)
            left, right = right, left

    h1 = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    h2 = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    # Destruct the disjunction
    code = code.and_then(f'cases {selected_hypo.info["name"]} with {h1} {h2}')
    code.add_success_msg(_("Proof by cases"))
    code.add_disjunction(selected_hypo, left, right)
    return code
Ejemplo n.º 8
def method_cbr(proof_step,
               selected_objects: [MathObject],
               user_input: [str] = []) -> CodeForLean:
    Engage in a proof by cases.
    - If selection is empty, then ask the user to choose a property
    - If a disjunction is selected, use this disjunction for the proof by cases
    _ If anything else is selected try to discuss on this property
    (useful only in propositional calculus?)
    In any case, ask the user which case she wants to prove first.

    if len(selected_objects) == 0:
        # NB: user_input[1] contains the needed property
        if len(user_input) == 1:
            raise MissingParametersError(
                 output=_("Enter the property you want to discriminate on:")
            h0 = user_input[1]
            h1 = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
            h2 = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
            code = CodeForLean.from_string(f"cases (classical.em ({h0})) "
                                           f"with {h1} {h2}")
            code.add_success_msg(_("Proof by cases"))
            code.add_disjunction(h0, h1, h2)  # Strings, not MathObject
        prop = selected_objects[0]
        if not prop.is_or():
            error = _("Selected property is not a disjunction")
            raise WrongUserInput(error)
            code = apply_or(proof_step, selected_objects, user_input)

    return code
Ejemplo n.º 9
def apply_implicate_to_hyp(proof_step,
                           selected_objects: [MathObject]) -> CodeForLean:
    Try to apply last selected property on the other ones.
    The last property should be an implication
    (or equivalent to such after unfolding definitions)

    implication = selected_objects[-1]
    new_hypo_name = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    variable_names = [
        variable.info['name'] for variable in selected_objects[:-1]

    return have_new_property(implication, variable_names, new_hypo_name)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def construct_iff_on_hyp(proof_step,
                         selected_objects: [MathObject]) -> CodeForLean:
    Construct property 'P iff Q' from both implications.
    len(selected_objects) should be 2.

    new_hypo_name = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    h1 = selected_objects[0].info["name"]
    h2 = selected_objects[1].info["name"]
    code_string = f'have {new_hypo_name} := iff.intro {h1} {h2}'
    code = CodeForLean.from_string(code_string)
        _("Logical equivalence {} added to the context").format(new_hypo_name))
    return code
Ejemplo n.º 11
def construct_exists_on_hyp(proof_step,
                            selected_objects: [MathObject]) -> CodeForLean:
    Try to construct an existence property from some object and some property
    Here len(l) = 2

    x = selected_objects[0].info["name"]
    hx = selected_objects[1].info["name"]
    if (not selected_objects[0].math_type.is_prop()) \
            and selected_objects[1].math_type.is_prop():
        new_hypo = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
        code_string = f'have {new_hypo} := exists.intro {x} {hx}'
    elif (not selected_objects[1].math_type.is_prop()) \
            and selected_objects[0].math_type.is_prop():
        x, hx = hx, x
        new_hypo = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
        code_string = f'have {new_hypo} := exists.intro {x} {hx}'
        error = _("I cannot build an existential property with this")
        raise WrongUserInput(error)
    code = CodeForLean.from_string(code_string)
    code.add_success_msg(_("get new existential property {}").format(new_hypo))
    return code
Ejemplo n.º 12
def construct_and_hyp(proof_step, selected_objects: [MathObject]) \
                      -> CodeForLean:
    Construct 'P AND Q' from properties P and Q.
    Here selected_objects is assumed to contain exactly two properties.

    h1 = selected_objects[0].info["name"]
    h2 = selected_objects[1].info["name"]
    new_hypo_name = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    code = f'have {new_hypo_name} := and.intro {h1} {h2}'
    code = CodeForLean.from_string(code)
        _("Conjunction {} added to the context").format(new_hypo_name))
    return code
Ejemplo n.º 13
def apply_function(proof_step, selected_objects: [MathObject]):
    Apply l[-1], which is assumed to be a function f, to previous elements of
    l, which can be:
    - an equality
    - an object x (then create the new object f(x) )

    l should have length at least 2

    log.debug('Applying function')
    codes = CodeForLean.empty_code()

    # let us check the input is indeed a function
    function = selected_objects[-1]
    # if function.math_type.node != "FUNCTION":
    #    raise WrongUserInput
    f = function.info["name"]
    Y = selected_objects[-1].math_type.children[1]
    while len(selected_objects) != 1:
        new_h = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
        # if function applied to a property, presumed to be an equality
        if selected_objects[0].math_type.is_prop():
            h = selected_objects[0].info["name"]
            codes = codes.or_else(f'have {new_h} := congr_arg {f} {h}')
            codes.add_success_msg(_("function {} applied to {}").format(f, h))
        # if function applied to element x:
        # create new element y and new equality y=f(x)
            x = selected_objects[0].info["name"]
            y = give_global_name(proof_step =proof_step,
            msg = _("new objet {} added to the context").format(y)
            codes = codes.or_else(f'set {y} := {f} {x} with {new_h}',
        selected_objects = selected_objects[1:]

    return codes
Ejemplo n.º 14
def construct_forall(proof_step) -> CodeForLean:
    Here goal.target is assumed to be a universal property "∀ x:X, ...",
    and variable x is introduced.

    goal = proof_step.goal
    math_object = goal.target.math_type
    math_type = math_object.children[0]
    variable = math_object.children[1]
    body = math_object.children[2]
    hint = variable.display_name  # not optimal
    if math_type.node == "PRODUCT":
        [math_type_1, math_type_2] = math_type.children
        x = give_global_name(proof_step=proof_step, math_type=math_type_1)
        y = give_global_name(proof_step=proof_step, math_type=math_type_2)
        possible_codes = CodeForLean.from_string(f'rintro ⟨ {x}, {y} ⟩')
        name = f"({x},{y})"
        x = give_global_name(proof_step=proof_step,
        possible_codes = CodeForLean.from_string(f'intro {x}')
        name = f"{x}"
        _("Object {} added to the context").format(name))

    if body.is_implication(is_math_type=True):
        # If math_object has the form
        # ∀ x:X, (x R ... ==> ...)
        # where R is some inequality relation
        # then introduce the inequality on top of x
        premise = body.children[0]  # children (2,0)
        if premise.is_inequality(is_math_type=True):
            h = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
            # Add and_then intro h
            possible_codes = possible_codes.and_then(f'intro {h}')

    return possible_codes
Ejemplo n.º 15
def introduce_fun(proof_step, selected_objects: [MathObject]) -> CodeForLean:
    If a hypothesis of form ∀ a ∈ A, ∃ b ∈ B, P(a,b) has been previously
    selected: use the axiom of choice to introduce a new function f : A → B
    and add ∀ a ∈ A, P(a, f(a)) to the properties.

    goal = proof_step.goal

    error = _('select a property "∀ x, ∃ y, P(x,y)" to get a function')
    success = _("function {} and property {} added to the context")
    if len(selected_objects) == 1:
        h = selected_objects[0].info["name"]
        # Finding expected math_type for the new function
        universal_property = selected_objects[0]
        if universal_property.is_for_all():
            source_type = universal_property.math_type.children[0]
            exist_property = universal_property.math_type.children[2]
            if exist_property.is_exists(is_math_type=True):
                target_type = exist_property.children[0]
                math_type = MathObject(node="FUNCTION",
                                       children=[source_type, target_type],

                hf = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
                f = give_global_name(math_type=math_type,
                code = CodeForLean.from_string(f'cases '
                                               f'classical.axiom_of_choice '
                                               f'{h} with {f} {hf}, '
                                               f'dsimp at {hf}, '
                                               f'dsimp at {f}')
                success = success.format(f, hf)
                return code
    raise WrongUserInput(error)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def apply_exists(proof_step, selected_object: [MathObject]) -> CodeForLean:
    Apply a property '∃ x, P(x)' to get an x with property P(x).

    selected_hypo = selected_object[0].math_type
    hypo_name = selected_object[0].info["name"]
    x = give_global_name(proof_step=proof_step,
    new_hypo_name = get_new_hyp(proof_step)

    if selected_hypo.children[2].node == "PROP_∃":
        code = f'rcases {hypo_name} with ' \
                f'⟨ {x}, ⟨ {new_hypo_name}, {hypo_name} ⟩ ⟩'
        code = f'cases {hypo_name} with {x} {new_hypo_name}'
    code = CodeForLean.from_string(code)
    if selected_hypo.node == 'QUANT_∃!':
        # We have to add the "simp" tactic to avoid appearance of lambda expr
        code = code.and_then(f'simp at {new_hypo_name}')
        _("new object {} with property {}").format(x, new_hypo_name))
    return code
Ejemplo n.º 17
def apply_forall(proof_step, l: [MathObject]) -> CodeForLean:
    Try to apply last selected property on the other ones.
    The last property should be a universal property
    (or equivalent to such after unfolding definitions)

    :param l: list of MathObjects of length ≥ 2
    # FIXME: return error msg if user try to apply "forall x:X, P(x)"
    #  to some object of wrong type (e.g. implication)
    #  For the moment "forall x, P->Q" works with "P->Q" and button forall

    goal = proof_step.goal
    universal_property = l[-1]  # The property to be applied
    unsolved_inequality_counter = 0
    # Variable_names will contain the list of variables and proofs of
    # inequalities that will be passed to universal_property
    variable_names = []
    code = CodeForLean.empty_code()
    for potential_var in l[:-1]:
        # TODO: replace by pattern matching
        # Check for "∀x>0" (and variations)
        inequality = inequality_from_pattern_matching(universal_property,
        if inequality:
            math_types = [p.math_type for p in goal.context]
            if inequality in math_types:
                index = math_types.index(inequality)
                inequality_name = goal.context[index].display_name
                inequality_name = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
                unsolved_inequality_counter += 1
                # Add type indication to the variable in inequality
                math_type = inequality.children[1].math_type
                # Variable is not used explicitly, but this affects inequality:
                variable = inequality.children[0]
                variable = add_type_indication(variable, math_type)
                display_inequality = inequality.to_display(is_math_type=False,
                # Code I: state corresponding inequality #
                code = code.and_then(f"have {inequality_name}: "
                code = code.and_then("rotate")

    # Code II: Apply universal_property #
    new_hypo_name = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
    code = code.and_then(
        have_new_property(universal_property, variable_names, new_hypo_name))

    # Code III: try to solve inequalities #     e.g.:
    #   iterate 2 { solve1 {try {norm_num at *}, try {compute_n 10}} <|>
    #               rotate},   rotate,
    more_code = CodeForLean.empty_code()
    if unsolved_inequality_counter:
        code = code.and_then("rotate")  # back to first inequality
        more_code1 = CodeForLean.from_string("norm_num at *")
        more_code1 = more_code1.try_()
        more_code2 = CodeForLean.from_string("compute_n 1")
        more_code2 = more_code2.try_()
        # Try to solve1 inequality by norm_num, maybe followed by compute:
        more_code = more_code1.and_then(more_code2)
        more_code = more_code.single_combinator("solve1")
        # If it fails, rotate to next inequality
        more_code = more_code.or_else("rotate")
        # Do this for all inequalities
        #   more_code = more_code.single_combinator(f"iterate
        #   {unsolved_inequality_counter}") --> replaced by explicit iteration
        code_list = [more_code] * unsolved_inequality_counter
        more_code = CodeForLean.and_then_from_list(code_list)
        # Finally come back to first inequality
        more_code = more_code.and_then("rotate")

        _("Property {} added to the context").format(new_hypo_name))
    return code.and_then(more_code)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def action_new_object(proof_step,
                      selected_objects: [MathObject],
                      user_input: [str] = None,
                      target_selected: bool = True) -> CodeForLean:
    Introduce new object / sub-goal / function

    goal = proof_step.goal

    codes = []
    # Choose between object/sub-goal/function
    if not user_input:
        raise MissingParametersError(InputType.Choice,
                             [(_("Object"), _("Introduce a new object")),
                              (_("Goal"), _("Introduce a new "
                                            "intermediate sub-goal")),
                              (_("Function"), _("Introduce a new "
                             title=_("New object"),
                             output=_("Choose what to introduce:"))
    # Choice = new object
    if user_input[0] == 0:
        if len(user_input) == 1:  # Ask for name
            raise MissingParametersError(InputType.Text,
                                         output=_("Name your object:"))
        if len(user_input) == 2:  # Ask for new object
            raise MissingParametersError(InputType.Text,
                                         output=_("Introduce a new object")
                                         + "(" + _("e.g.")
                                         + "0, {1}, f(2), ...)")
        else:  # Send code
            name = user_input[1]
            new_hypo_name = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
            new_object = user_input[2]
            codes = CodeForLean.from_string(f"let {name} := {new_object}")
            codes = codes.and_then(f"have {new_hypo_name} : {name} = "
            codes = codes.and_then("refl")
            codes.add_success_msg(_("New object {} added to the context").
            if goal.target.is_for_all():
                # User might want to prove a universal property "∀x..."
                # and mistake "new object" for introduction of the relevant x.
                codes.add_error_msg(_("You might try the ∀ button..."))

    # Choice = new sub-goal
    elif user_input[0] == 1:
        if len(user_input) == 1:
            raise MissingParametersError(InputType.Text,
                                         output=_("Introduce new subgoal:"))
            new_hypo_name = get_new_hyp(proof_step)
            codes = CodeForLean.from_string(f"have {new_hypo_name}:"
                                                     f" ({user_input[1]})")
            codes.add_success_msg(_("New target will be added to the context "
                                    "after being proved"))
    # Choice = new function
    elif user_input[0] == 2:
        return introduce_fun(proof_step, selected_objects)
    return codes