Ejemplo n.º 1
    def spec_data_rebin(self):
        di, ti = self.centre
        tside = int(250 * 1.)
        dside = 300
        delta_t = self.data.delta_t
        delta_dm = self.data.delta_dm
        ntime = self.data.spec_data.shape[1]
        nfreq = self.data.nfreq

        freq = self.data.freq
        max_freq = np.max(freq)

        the_dm = self.data.dm[di]

        disp_ind = self.data.disp_ind

        spec_data_delay = np.zeros((nfreq, tside), dtype=float)
        for ii in range(nfreq):
            delay_ind = int(round((disp_delay(freq[ii], the_dm, disp_ind)
                                   - disp_delay(max_freq, the_dm, disp_ind)) / delta_t))
            start_i =  ti - tside // 2 + delay_ind
            stop_i = start_i + tside
            start_o = 0
            stop_o = tside
            if start_i < 0:
                start_o = -start_i
                start_i = 0
            if stop_i > ntime:
                stop_o += (ntime - stop_i)
                stop_i = ntime
            if (stop_i > start_i) and (stop_o > start_o):
                spec_data_delay[ii,start_o:stop_o] = self.data.spec_data[ii,

        rebin_factor_freq = 64
        rebin_factor_time = 1
        spec_data_delay.shape = (
                nfreq // rebin_factor_freq,
                tside // rebin_factor_time,
        spec_data_rebin = np.mean(np.mean(spec_data_delay, 3), 1)
        return spec_data_rebin
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def plot_spec(self):
        di, ti = self.centre
        delta_t = self.data.delta_t
        delta_dm = self.data.delta_dm
        ntime = self.data.spec_data.shape[1]
        nfreq = self.data.nfreq

        freq = self.data.freq
        max_freq = np.max(freq)

        the_dm = self.data.dm[di]
        duration = self._duration

        spectrum = np.zeros(nfreq, dtype=float)

        disp_ind = self.data.disp_ind

        for ii in range(nfreq):
            f = freq[ii]
            delay_ind = int(round((disp_delay(freq[ii], the_dm, disp_ind)
                                   - disp_delay(max_freq, the_dm, disp_ind)) / delta_t))
            # Jon's centre index seems to be the last bin in the window.
            start = ti + delay_ind - duration + 1
            stop = start + duration
            spectrum[ii] = np.mean(self.data.spec_data[ii,start:stop])

        self.fluence = sum(spectrum)

        colors = ['blue','red','darkgreen','orange']
        rebin_factors = [ 4**ii for ii in range(4) ]

        for ii, rfact in enumerate(rebin_factors):
            spectrum_r = np.reshape(spectrum, (nfreq // rfact, rfact))
                np.mean(spectrum_r, 1),
                colors[ii % len(colors)],
        plt.xlabel("Frequency (MHz)")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def plot_spec(self):
        di, ti = self.centre
        delta_t = self.data.delta_t
        delta_dm = self.data.delta_dm
        ntime = self.data.spec_data.shape[1]
        nfreq = self.data.nfreq

        freq = self.data.freq
        max_freq = np.max(freq)

        the_dm = self.data.dm[di]
        duration = self._duration

        spectrum = np.zeros(nfreq, dtype=float)

        disp_ind = self.data.disp_ind

        for ii in range(nfreq):
            f = freq[ii]
            delay_ind = int(round((disp_delay(freq[ii], the_dm, disp_ind)
                                   - disp_delay(max_freq, the_dm, disp_ind)) / delta_t))
            # Jon's centre index seems to be the last bin in the window.
            start = ti + delay_ind - duration + 1
            stop = start + duration
            spectrum[ii] = np.mean(self.data.spec_data[ii,start:stop])

        self.fluence = sum(spectrum)

        colors = ['blue','red','darkgreen','orange']
        rebin_factors = [ 4**ii for ii in range(4) ]

        for ii, rfact in enumerate(rebin_factors):
            spectrum_r = np.reshape(spectrum, (nfreq // rfact, rfact))
                np.mean(spectrum_r, 1),
                colors[ii % len(colors)],
        plt.xlabel("Frequency (MHz)")
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def inject_events(self, t0, data):
        """Assumes that subsequent calls always happen with later t0,
        although blocks may overlap."""

        ntime = data.shape[1]
        time = np.arange(ntime) * self._delta_t + t0
        f_max = max(self._freq)
        f_min = min(self._freq)
        f_mean = np.mean(self._freq)

        overlap_events = [
            e for e in self._simulated_events if e.arrival_time(f_min) > t0

        new_events = []
        mu = self._rate * self._delta_t
        events_per_bin = nprand.poisson(mu, ntime)
        events_per_bin[time <= self._last_time_processed] = 0
        event_inds, = np.where(events_per_bin)
        for ind in event_inds:
            for ii in range(events_per_bin[ind]):
                dm, fluence, width, spec_ind, disp_ind = \
                msg = ("Injecting simulated event at time = %5.2f, DM = %6.1f,"
                       " fluence = %f, width = %f, spec_ind = %3.1f, disp_ind"
                       " = %3.1f.")
                    msg % (time[ind], dm, fluence, width, spec_ind, disp_ind))
                t = disp_delay(f_min, dm, disp_ind)
                t = t - disp_delay(f_mean, dm, disp_ind)
                t = t + time[ind]
                e = Event(t, f_mean, dm, fluence, width, spec_ind, disp_ind)

        for e in overlap_events + new_events:
            e.add_to_data(t0, self._delta_t, self._freq, data)

        self._simulated_events = self._simulated_events + new_events
        self._last_time_processed = time[-1]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def inject_events(self, t0, data):
        """Assumes that subsequent calls always happen with later t0,
        although blocks may overlap."""

        ntime = data.shape[1]
        time = np.arange(ntime) * self._delta_t + t0
        f_max = max(self._freq)
        f_min = min(self._freq)
        f_mean = np.mean(self._freq)

        overlap_events = [e for e in self._simulated_events if e.arrival_time(f_min) > t0]

        new_events = []
        mu = self._rate * self._delta_t
        events_per_bin = nprand.poisson(mu, ntime)
        events_per_bin[time <= self._last_time_processed] = 0
        event_inds, = np.where(events_per_bin)
        for ind in event_inds:
            for ii in range(events_per_bin[ind]):
                dm, fluence, width, spec_ind, disp_ind = self.draw_event_parameters()
                msg = (
                    "Injecting simulated event at time = %5.2f, DM = %6.1f,"
                    " fluence = %f, width = %f, spec_ind = %3.1f, disp_ind"
                    " = %3.1f."
                logger.info(msg % (time[ind], dm, fluence, width, spec_ind, disp_ind))
                t = disp_delay(f_min, dm, disp_ind)
                t = t - disp_delay(f_mean, dm, disp_ind)
                t = t + time[ind]
                e = Event(t, f_mean, dm, fluence, width, spec_ind, disp_ind)

        for e in overlap_events + new_events:
            e.add_to_data(t0, self._delta_t, self._freq, data)

        self._simulated_events = self._simulated_events + new_events
        self._last_time_processed = time[-1]
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def arrival_time(self, f):
     t = disp_delay(f, self._dm, self._disp_ind)
     t = t - disp_delay(self._f_ref, self._dm, self._disp_ind)
     return self._t_ref + t
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def plot_freq(self):
        di, ti = self.centre
        tside = int(250 * 1.)
        dside = 300
        delta_t = self.data.delta_t
        delta_dm = self.data.delta_dm
        ntime = self.data.spec_data.shape[1]
        nfreq = self.data.nfreq

        freq = self.data.freq
        max_freq = np.max(freq)

        the_dm = self.data.dm[di]

        disp_ind = self.data.disp_ind

        spec_data_delay = np.zeros((nfreq, tside), dtype=float)
        for ii in range(nfreq):
            delay_ind = int(round((disp_delay(freq[ii], the_dm, disp_ind)
                                   - disp_delay(max_freq, the_dm, disp_ind)) / delta_t))
            start_i =  ti - tside // 2 + delay_ind
            stop_i = start_i + tside
            start_o = 0
            stop_o = tside
            if start_i < 0:
                start_o = -start_i
                start_i = 0
            if stop_i > ntime:
                stop_o -= (ntime - stop_i)
                stop_i = ntime
            spec_data_delay[ii,start_o:stop_o] = self.data.spec_data[ii,

        rebin_factor_freq = 64
        rebin_factor_time = 1
        spec_data_delay.shape = (
                nfreq // rebin_factor_freq,
                tside // rebin_factor_time,
        spec_data_rebin = np.mean(np.mean(spec_data_delay, 3), 1)

        image_mean = np.mean(spec_data_rebin)
        image_std = np.std(spec_data_rebin)
        vmin = image_mean - 1 * image_std
        vmax = image_mean + 5 * image_std

        tstart = (ti - tside // 2) * delta_t
        tstop = tstart + tside * delta_t

                extent=[tstart, tstop, freq[-1], freq[0]],
                cmap = cm.Blues
        plt.xlabel("time (s)")
        plt.ylabel("Frequency (MHz)")
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def plot_freq(self):
        di, ti = self.centre
        tside = int(250 * 1.)
        dside = 300
        delta_t = self.data.delta_t
        delta_dm = self.data.delta_dm
        ntime = self.data.spec_data.shape[1]
        nfreq = self.data.nfreq

        freq = self.data.freq
        max_freq = np.max(freq)

        the_dm = self.data.dm[di]

        disp_ind = self.data.disp_ind

        spec_data_delay = np.zeros((nfreq, tside), dtype=float)
        for ii in range(nfreq):
            delay_ind = int(round((disp_delay(freq[ii], the_dm, disp_ind)
                                   - disp_delay(max_freq, the_dm, disp_ind)) / delta_t))
            start_i =  ti - tside // 2 + delay_ind
            stop_i = start_i + tside
            start_o = 0
            stop_o = tside
            if start_i < 0:
                start_o = -start_i
                start_i = 0
            if stop_i > ntime:
                stop_o += (ntime - stop_i)
                stop_i = ntime
            if (stop_i > start_i) and (stop_o > start_o):
                spec_data_delay[ii,start_o:stop_o] = self.data.spec_data[ii,

        rebin_factor_freq = 64
        rebin_factor_time = 1
        spec_data_delay.shape = (
                nfreq // rebin_factor_freq,
                tside // rebin_factor_time,
        spec_data_rebin = np.mean(np.mean(spec_data_delay, 3), 1)

        image_mean = np.mean(spec_data_rebin)
        image_std = np.std(spec_data_rebin)
        vmin = image_mean - 1 * image_std
        vmax = image_mean + 5 * image_std

        tstart = (ti - tside // 2) * delta_t
        tstop = tstart + tside * delta_t

                extent=[tstart, tstop, freq[-1], freq[0]],
                cmap = cm.Blues
        plt.xlabel("time (s)")
        plt.ylabel("Frequency (MHz)")
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def arrival_time(self, f):
     t = disp_delay(f, self._dm, self._disp_ind)
     t = t - disp_delay(self._f_ref, self._dm, self._disp_ind)
     return self._t_ref + t