Ejemplo n.º 1
 def Toffsets(self):
     return LabeledVector.transpose(*self.offsets)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def Toffsets(self):
     return [LabeledVector.transpose(*i) for i in zip(*[i.offsets for i in self])]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def collect(exprs, min_storage, ignore_collected):
    Find groups of aliasing expressions.

    We shall introduce the following (loose) terminology:

        * A ``terminal`` is the leaf of a mathematical operation. Terminals
          can be numbers (n), literals (l), or Indexeds (I).
        * ``R`` is the relaxation operator := ``R(n) = n``, ``R(l) = l``,
          ``R(I) = J``, where ``J`` has the same base as ``I`` but with all
          offsets stripped away. For example, ``R(a[i+2,j-1]) = a[i,j]``.
        * A ``relaxed expression`` is an expression in which all of the
          terminals are relaxed.

    Now we define the concept of aliasing. We say that an expression A
    aliases an expression B if:

        * ``R(A) == R(B)``
        * all pairwise Indexeds in A and B access memory locations at a
          fixed constant distance along each Dimension.

    For example, consider the following expressions:

        * a[i+1] + b[i+1]
        * a[i+1] + b[j+1]
        * a[i] + c[i]
        * a[i+2] - b[i+2]
        * a[i+2] + b[i]
        * a[i-1] + b[i-1]

    Out of the expressions above, the following alias to `a[i] + b[i]`:

        * a[i+1] + b[i+1] : same operands and operations, distance along i: 1
        * a[i-1] + b[i-1] : same operands and operations, distance along i: -1

    Whereas the following do not:

        * a[i+1] + b[j+1] : because at least one index differs
        * a[i] + c[i] : because at least one of the operands differs
        * a[i+2] - b[i+2] : because at least one operation differs
        * a[i+2] + b[i] : because the distances along ``i`` differ (+2 and +0)
    # Find the potential aliases
    found = []
    for expr in exprs:
        if expr.lhs.is_Indexed or expr.is_Increment:

        indexeds = retrieve_indexed(expr.rhs)

        bases = []
        offsets = []
        for i in indexeds:
            ii = IterationInstance(i)
            if ii.is_irregular:

            base = []
            offset = []
            for e, ai in zip(ii, ii.aindices):
                if q_constant(e):
                    offset.append((ai, e - ai))

        if indexeds and len(bases) == len(indexeds):
            found.append(Candidate(expr, indexeds, bases, offsets))

    # Create groups of aliasing expressions
    mapper = OrderedDict()
    unseen = list(found)
    while unseen:
        c = unseen.pop(0)
        group = [c]
        for u in list(unseen):
            # Is the arithmetic structure of `c` and `u` equivalent ?
            if not compare_ops(c.expr, u.expr):

            # Is `c` translated w.r.t. `u` ?
            if not c.translated(u):

        group = Group(group)

        # Apply callback to heuristically discard groups
        if ignore_collected(group):

        if min_storage:
            k = group.dimensions_translated
            k = group.dimensions
        mapper.setdefault(k, []).append(group)

    aliases = Aliases()
    for _groups in list(mapper.values()):
        groups = list(_groups)

        while groups:
            # For each Dimension, determine the Minimum Intervals (MI) spanning
            # all of the Groups diameters
            # Example: x's largest_diameter=2  => [x[-2,0], x[-1,1], x[0,2]]
            # Note: Groups that cannot evaluate their diameter are dropped
            mapper = defaultdict(int)
            for g in list(groups):
                        {d: max(mapper[d], v)
                         for d, v in g.diameter.items()})
                except ValueError:
            intervalss = {
                d: make_rotations_table(d, v)
                for d, v in mapper.items()

            # For each Group, find a rotation that is compatible with a given MI
            mapper = {}
            for d, intervals in intervalss.items():
                for interval in list(intervals):
                    found = {
                        g: g.find_rotation_distance(d, interval)
                        for g in groups
                    if all(distance is not None
                           for distance in found.values()):
                        # `interval` is OK !
                        mapper[interval] = found

            if len(mapper) == len(intervalss):

            # Try again with fewer groups
            smallest = len(min(groups, key=len))
            groups = [g for g in groups if len(g) > smallest]

        for g in groups:
            c = g.pivot
            distances = defaultdict(int,
                                    [(i.dim, v[g]) for i, v in mapper.items()])

            # Create the basis alias
            offsets = [
                LabeledVector([(l, v[l] + distances[l]) for l in v.labels])
                for v in c.offsets
            subs = {
                i: i.function[[l + v.fromlabel(l, 0) for l in b]]
                for i, b, v in zip(c.indexeds, c.bases, offsets)
            alias = uxreplace(c.expr, subs)

            # All aliased expressions
            aliaseds = [i.expr for i in g]

            # Distance of each aliased expression from the basis alias
            distances = []
            for i in g:
                distance = [o.distance(v) for o, v in zip(i.offsets, offsets)]
                distance = [(d, set(v))
                            for d, v in LabeledVector.transpose(*distance)]
                    LabeledVector([(d, v.pop()) for d, v in distance]))

            aliases.add(alias, list(mapper), aliaseds, distances)

    return aliases
Ejemplo n.º 4
def collect(extracted, ispace, minstorage):
    Find groups of aliasing expressions.

    We shall introduce the following (loose) terminology:

        * A ``terminal`` is the leaf of a mathematical operation. Terminals
          can be numbers (n), literals (l), or Indexeds (I).
        * ``R`` is the relaxation operator := ``R(n) = n``, ``R(l) = l``,
          ``R(I) = J``, where ``J`` has the same base as ``I`` but with all
          offsets stripped away. For example, ``R(a[i+2,j-1]) = a[i,j]``.
        * A ``relaxed expression`` is an expression in which all of the
          terminals are relaxed.

    Now we define the concept of aliasing. We say that an expression A
    aliases an expression B if:

        * ``R(A) == R(B)``
        * all pairwise Indexeds in A and B access memory locations at a
          fixed constant distance along each Dimension.

    For example, consider the following expressions:

        * a[i+1] + b[i+1]
        * a[i+1] + b[j+1]
        * a[i] + c[i]
        * a[i+2] - b[i+2]
        * a[i+2] + b[i]
        * a[i-1] + b[i-1]

    Out of the expressions above, the following alias to `a[i] + b[i]`:

        * a[i+1] + b[i+1] : same operands and operations, distance along i: 1
        * a[i-1] + b[i-1] : same operands and operations, distance along i: -1

    Whereas the following do not:

        * a[i+1] + b[j+1] : because at least one index differs
        * a[i] + c[i] : because at least one of the operands differs
        * a[i+2] - b[i+2] : because at least one operation differs
        * a[i+2] + b[i] : because the distances along ``i`` differ (+2 and +0)
    # Find the potential aliases
    found = []
    for expr in extracted:
        assert not expr.is_Equality

        indexeds = retrieve_indexed(expr)

        bases = []
        offsets = []
        for i in indexeds:
            ii = IterationInstance(i)
            if ii.is_irregular:

            base = []
            offset = []
            for e, ai in zip(ii, ii.aindices):
                if q_constant(e):
                    offset.append((ai, e - ai))

        if not indexeds or len(bases) == len(indexeds):
            found.append(Candidate(expr, ispace, indexeds, bases, offsets))

    # Create groups of aliasing expressions
    mapper = OrderedDict()
    unseen = list(found)
    while unseen:
        c = unseen.pop(0)
        group = [c]
        for u in list(unseen):
            # Is the arithmetic structure of `c` and `u` equivalent ?
            if not compare_ops(c.expr, u.expr):

            # Is `c` translated w.r.t. `u` ?
            if not c.translated(u):

        group = Group(group)

        if minstorage:
            k = group.dimensions_translated
            k = group.dimensions
        mapper.setdefault(k, []).append(group)

    aliases = AliasList()
    queue = list(mapper.values())
    while queue:
        groups = queue.pop(0)

        while groups:
            # For each Dimension, determine the Minimum Intervals (MI) spanning
            # all of the Groups diameters
            # Example: x's largest_diameter=2  => [x[-2,0], x[-1,1], x[0,2]]
            # Note: Groups that cannot evaluate their diameter are dropped
            mapper = defaultdict(int)
            for g in list(groups):
                        {d: max(mapper[d], v)
                         for d, v in g.diameter.items()})
                except ValueError:
            intervalss = {
                d: make_rotations_table(d, v)
                for d, v in mapper.items()

            # For each Group, find a rotation that is compatible with a given MI
            mapper = {}
            for d, intervals in intervalss.items():
                # Not all groups may access all dimensions
                # Example: `d=t` and groups=[Group(...[t, x]...), Group(...[time, x]...)]
                impacted = [g for g in groups if d in g.dimensions]

                for interval in list(intervals):
                    found = {
                        g: g.find_rotation_distance(d, interval)
                        for g in impacted
                    if all(distance is not None
                           for distance in found.values()):
                        # `interval` is OK !
                        mapper[interval] = found

            if len(mapper) == len(intervalss):

            # Try again with fewer groups
            # Heuristic: first try retaining the larger ones
            smallest = len(min(groups, key=len))
            fallback = groups
            groups, remainder = split(groups, lambda g: len(g) > smallest)
            if groups:
            elif len(remainder) > 1:
                # No luck with the heuristic, e.g. there are two groups
                # and both have same `len`
                groups = [fallback.pop(0)]

        for g in groups:
            c = g.pivot
            distances = defaultdict(int, [(i.dim, v.get(g))
                                          for i, v in mapper.items()])

            # Create the basis alias
            offsets = [
                LabeledVector([(l, v[l] + distances[l]) for l in v.labels])
                for v in c.offsets
            subs = {
                i: i.function[[l + v.fromlabel(l, 0) for l in b]]
                for i, b, v in zip(c.indexeds, c.bases, offsets)
            pivot = uxreplace(c.expr, subs)

            # All aliased expressions
            aliaseds = [extracted[i.expr] for i in g]

            # Distance of each aliased expression from the basis alias
            distances = []
            for i in g:
                distance = [o.distance(v) for o, v in zip(i.offsets, offsets)]
                distance = [(d, set(v))
                            for d, v in LabeledVector.transpose(*distance)]
                    LabeledVector([(d, v.pop()) for d, v in distance]))

            # Compute the alias score
            na = len(aliaseds)
            nr = nredundants(ispace, pivot)
            score = estimate_cost(pivot, True) * ((na - 1) + nr)
            if score > 0:
                aliases.add(pivot, aliaseds, list(mapper), distances, score)

    return aliases