Ejemplo n.º 1
    def tst_with_no_points(self):

        from dials.model.data import PixelList, PixelListLabeller
        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        size = (500, 500)
        sf = 0
        labeller = PixelListLabeller()

        count = 0
        mask_list = []
        for i in range(3):
            image = flex.random_int_gaussian_distribution(
                size[0] * size[1], 100, 5)
            mask = flex.bool(size[0] * size[0], False)
            pl = PixelList(sf + i, image, mask)
            count += len(mask.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d()))

        coords = labeller.coords()
        labels1 = labeller.labels_2d()
        labels2 = labeller.labels_2d()

        assert len(coords) == 0
        assert len(labels1) == 0
        assert len(labels2) == 0

        print 'OK'
def refls_from_sims(panel_imgs, detector, beam, thresh=0, filter=None, **kwargs ):
    gets a reflection table from simulated panels
    :param panel_imgs: list of numpy arrays , each array is a simulated panel image
    :param detector: dxtbx detector, can have multiple nodes
    :param beam: dxtbx beam
    :param thresh: threshol
    :param filter:
    :param kwargs:
    :return: reflection table, with id coloumn set to 0
    pxlst_labs = []
    for i in range(len(detector)):
        plab = PixelListLabeller()
        img = panel_imgs[i]
        if filter is not None:
            mask = filter(img, **kwargs) > thresh
            mask = img > thresh
        pl = PixelList(0, flex.double(img), flex.bool(mask))

        pxlst_labs.append( plab)

    pixlst_to_reftbl = PixelListToReflectionTable(

    dblock = datablock_from_numpyarrays( panel_imgs, detector, beam)
    iset = dblock.extract_imagesets()[0]
    refls = pixlst_to_reftbl(iset, pxlst_labs)[0]
    refls['id'] = flex.int(len(refls),0)
    return refls
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def find_spots(self, min_spot_size=2, max_spot_size=100):
        from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.threshold import XDSThresholdStrategy
        from dials.model.data import PixelList
        from dials.model.data import PixelListLabeller

        image = self.raw_data
        mask = self.imageset.get_mask(0)[0]

        threshold_image = XDSThresholdStrategy()

        threshold_mask = threshold_image(image, mask)
        plist = PixelList(0, image, threshold_mask)

        pixel_labeller = PixelListLabeller()

        creator = flex.PixelListShoeboxCreator(pixel_labeller, 0, 0, True,
                                               min_spot_size, max_spot_size,
        shoeboxes = creator.result()

        # turns out we need to manually filter the list to get a sensible answer
        size = creator.spot_size()
        big = size > max_spot_size
        small = size < min_spot_size
        bad = big | small
        shoeboxes = shoeboxes.select(~bad)

        centroid = shoeboxes.centroid_valid()
        intensity = shoeboxes.summed_intensity()
        observed = flex.observation(shoeboxes.panels(), centroid, intensity)

        reflections = flex.reflection_table(observed, shoeboxes)
        return reflections
Ejemplo n.º 4
def find_spots(image, mask, min_spot_size=1, max_spot_size=1000):
    from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.threshold import XDSThresholdStrategy
    from dials.model.data import PixelList
    from dials.model.data import PixelListLabeller

    threshold_image = XDSThresholdStrategy()

    threshold_mask = threshold_image(image, mask)
    plist = PixelList(0, image, threshold_mask)

    pixel_labeller = PixelListLabeller()


    creator = flex.PixelListShoeboxCreator(
        0,  # panel
        0,  # zrange
        True,  # twod
        min_spot_size,  # min_pixels
        max_spot_size,  # max_pixels
    shoeboxes = creator.result()

    centroid = shoeboxes.centroid_valid()
    intensity = shoeboxes.summed_intensity()
    observed = flex.observation(shoeboxes.panels(), centroid, intensity)

    return flex.reflection_table(observed, shoeboxes)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def find_spots(self, min_spot_size=2, max_spot_size=100):
        Find the strong spots on the image

        from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.threshold import DispersionThresholdStrategy
        from dials.model.data import PixelList
        from dials.model.data import PixelListLabeller
        from dials.array_family import flex

        print("-" * 80)
        print(" Finding strong spots")
        print("-" * 80)

        # Instantiate the threshold function
        threshold = DispersionThresholdStrategy()

        # Get the raw data and image mask
        image = self.experiment.imageset.get_raw_data(0)[0]
        mask = self.experiment.imageset.get_mask(0)[0]

        # Threshold the image and create the pixel labeller
        threshold_mask = threshold(image, mask)
        pixel_labeller = PixelListLabeller()
        pixel_labeller.add(PixelList(0, image, threshold_mask))

        # Create the shoebox list from the pixel list
        creator = flex.PixelListShoeboxCreator(
            0,  # Panel number
            0,  # Z start
            True,  # 2D
            self.params.spot_finding.min_spot_size,  # Min Pixels
            self.params.spot_finding.max_spot_size,  # Max Pixels
        )  # Find hot pixels
        shoeboxes = creator.result()

        # Filter the list to remove large and small spots
        size = creator.spot_size()
        large = size > self.params.spot_finding.max_spot_size
        small = size < self.params.spot_finding.min_spot_size
        bad = large | small
        shoeboxes = shoeboxes.select(~bad)
        print("Discarding %d spots with < %d pixels" %
              (small.count(True), self.params.spot_finding.min_spot_size))
        print("Discarding %d spots with > %d pixels" %
              (large.count(True), self.params.spot_finding.max_spot_size))

        # Extract the strong spot information
        centroid = shoeboxes.centroid_valid()
        intensity = shoeboxes.summed_intensity()
        observed = flex.observation(shoeboxes.panels(), centroid, intensity)

        # Create the reflection list
        self.reflections = flex.reflection_table(observed, shoeboxes)
        print("Using %d strong spots" % len(self.reflections))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def tst_pickle(self):

        from dials.model.data import PixelList
        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        from random import randint
        size = (100, 100)
        sf = 10
        image = flex.double(flex.grid(size))
        mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(size))
        for i in range(len(image)):
            image[i] = randint(0, 100)
            mask[i] = bool(randint(0, 1))
        pl = PixelList(sf, image, mask)
        assert (pl.size() == size)
        assert (pl.frame() == sf)

        import cPickle as pickle

        obj = pickle.dumps(pl)
        pl2 = pickle.loads(obj)

        assert (pl2.size() == size)
        assert (pl2.frame() == sf)
        assert (len(pl2) == len(pl))
        assert (pl2.index().all_eq(pl.index()))
        assert (pl2.value().all_eq(pl.value()))

        print 'OK'
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def tst_labels_3d(self):
        from dials.model.data import PixelList, PixelListLabeller
        from scitbx.array_family import flex
        size = (500, 500)
        sf = 0
        labeller = PixelListLabeller()

        count = 0
        mask_list = []
        for i in range(3):
            image = flex.random_int_gaussian_distribution(
                size[0] * size[1], 100, 5)
            mask = flex.random_bool(size[0] * size[1], 0.5)
            pl = PixelList(sf + i, image, mask)
            count += len(mask.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d()))

        coords = labeller.coords()
        labels = labeller.labels_3d()

        # Create a map of labels
        label_map = flex.int(flex.grid(3, size[0], size[1]))
        for c, l in zip(coords, labels):
            label_map[c] = l

        # Ensure all labels are correct
        vi = 0
        for k in range(3):
            for j in range(size[0]):
                for i in range(size[1]):
                    if mask_list[k][j, i]:

                        l1 = labels[vi]
                        if k > 0 and mask_list[k - 1][j, i]:
                            l2 = label_map[k - 1, j, i]
                            assert (l2 == l1)
                        if j > 0 and mask_list[k][j - 1, i]:
                            l2 = label_map[k, j - 1, i]
                            assert (l2 == l1)
                        if i > 0 and mask_list[k][j, i - 1]:
                            l2 = label_map[k, j, i - 1]
                            assert (l2 == l1)
                        vi += 1

        # Test passed
        print 'OK'
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_add_image():
    from dials.model.data import PixelList, PixelListLabeller
    from scitbx.array_family import flex
    size = (2000, 2000)
    sf = 10
    labeller = PixelListLabeller()

    count = 0
    for i in range(3):
        image = flex.random_int_gaussian_distribution(size[0] * size[1], 100,
        mask = flex.random_bool(size[0] * size[1], 0.5)
        pl = PixelList(sf + i, image, mask)
        count += len(mask.as_1d().select(mask.as_1d()))
    assert len(labeller.values()) == count
Ejemplo n.º 9
def find_spots(image):
    from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.threshold import DispersionThresholdStrategy
    from dials.model.data import PixelList
    from dials.model.data import PixelListLabeller

    thresholder = DispersionThresholdStrategy(gain=1)
    mask = image.as_1d() >= 0  # flex.bool(image.size(), True)

    threshold_mask = thresholder(image, mask=mask)
    plist = PixelList(0, image, threshold_mask)

    pixel_labeller = PixelListLabeller()

    creator = flex.PixelListShoeboxCreator(pixel_labeller, 0, 0, True, 2, 100,
    shoeboxes = creator.result()
    return shoeboxes
Ejemplo n.º 10
def image_to_shoeboxes(image):
    """For a given image, find spots 2 - 100 pixels im size, assuming a gain
    of 1, return the list of spot shoeboxes. Also assumes valid intensities in
    range 0...N."""

    thresholder = DispersionThresholdStrategy(gain=1)

    mask = image.as_1d() >= 0

    threshold_mask = thresholder(image, mask=mask)
    plist = PixelList(0, image, threshold_mask)

    pixel_labeller = PixelListLabeller()

    creator = flex.PixelListShoeboxCreator(pixel_labeller, 0, 0, True, 2, 100,
    shoeboxes = creator.result()
    return shoeboxes
Ejemplo n.º 11
def find(greyscale_flex, params, mask=None):
    '''Find stars on input greyscale flex image.'''

    from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.threshold import \
    from dials.model.data import PixelList
    from dials.model.data import PixelListLabeller
    from dials.array_family import flex

    thresholder = DispersionThresholdStrategy(gain=params.gain)
    if not mask:
        mask = flex.bool(greyscale_flex.size(), True)

    threshold_mask = thresholder(greyscale_flex, mask=mask)
    plist = PixelList(0, greyscale_flex, threshold_mask)

    pixel_labeller = PixelListLabeller()

    creator = flex.PixelListShoeboxCreator(pixel_labeller, 0, 0, True,
                                           params.min_size, params.max_size,
    shoeboxes = creator.result()

    # remove nonsense
    size = creator.spot_size()
    big = size > params.max_size
    small = size < params.min_size
    bad = big | small
    shoeboxes = shoeboxes.select(~bad)

    centroid = shoeboxes.centroid_valid()
    intensity = shoeboxes.summed_intensity()
    observed = flex.observation(shoeboxes.panels(), centroid, intensity)

    stars = flex.reflection_table(observed, shoeboxes)
    return stars
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __call__(self, index):
        Extract strong pixels from an image

        :param index: The index of the image
        from dials.model.data import PixelList
        from dxtbx.imageset import ImageSequence

        # Parallel reading of HDF5 from the same handle is not allowed. Python
        # multiprocessing is a bit messed up and used fork on linux so need to
        # close and reopen file.
        if self.first:
            if self.imageset.reader().is_single_file_reader():
            self.first = False

        # Get the frame number
        if isinstance(self.imageset, ImageSequence):
            frame = self.imageset.get_array_range()[0] + index
            ind = self.imageset.indices()
            if len(ind) > 1:
                assert all(i1 + 1 == i2
                           for i1, i2 in zip(ind[0:-1], ind[1:-1]))
            frame = ind[index]

        # Create the list of pixel lists
        pixel_list = []

        # Get the image and mask
        image = self.imageset.get_corrected_data(index)
        mask = self.imageset.get_mask(index)

        # Set the mask
        if self.mask is not None:
            assert len(self.mask) == len(mask)
            mask = tuple(m1 & m2 for m1, m2 in zip(mask, self.mask))

        logger.debug("Number of masked pixels for image %i: %i" %
                     (index, sum(m.count(False) for m in mask)))

        # Add the images to the pixel lists
        num_strong = 0
        average_background = 0
        for im, mk in zip(image, mask):
            if self.region_of_interest is not None:
                x0, x1, y0, y1 = self.region_of_interest
                height, width = im.all()
                assert x0 < x1, "x0 < x1"
                assert y0 < y1, "y0 < y1"
                assert x0 >= 0, "x0 >= 0"
                assert y0 >= 0, "y0 >= 0"
                assert x1 <= width, "x1 <= width"
                assert y1 <= height, "y1 <= height"
                im_roi = im[y0:y1, x0:x1]
                mk_roi = mk[y0:y1, x0:x1]
                tm_roi = self.threshold_function.compute_threshold(
                    im_roi, mk_roi)
                threshold_mask = flex.bool(im.accessor(), False)
                threshold_mask[y0:y1, x0:x1] = tm_roi
                threshold_mask = self.threshold_function.compute_threshold(
                    im, mk)

            # Add the pixel list
            plist = PixelList(frame, im, threshold_mask)

            # Get average background
            if self.compute_mean_background:
                background = im.as_1d().select((mk & ~threshold_mask).as_1d())
                average_background += flex.mean(background)

            # Add to the spot count
            num_strong += len(plist)

        # Make average background
        average_background /= len(image)

        # Check total number of strong pixels
        if self.max_strong_pixel_fraction < 1:
            num_image = 0
            for im in image:
                num_image += len(im)
            max_strong = int(
                math.ceil(self.max_strong_pixel_fraction * num_image))
            if num_strong > max_strong:
                raise RuntimeError("""
          The number of strong pixels found (%d) is greater than the
          maximum allowed (%d). Try changing spot finding parameters
        """ % (num_strong, max_strong))

        # Print some info
        if self.compute_mean_background:
                "Found %d strong pixels on image %d with average background %f"
                % (num_strong, frame + 1, average_background))
            logger.info("Found %d strong pixels on image %d" %
                        (num_strong, frame + 1))

        # Return the result
        return Result(pixel_list)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def refls_from_sims(panel_imgs,
    This class is for converting the centroids in the noiseless simtbx images
    to a multi panel reflection table

    TODO: bring up poor documentation and consider asking the dials team
    to make a push to beter document for the sake of developers
    This function took 3 hours to figure out how to do...

    :param panel_imgs: list or 3D array of detector panel simulations
        currently supports CSPAD only (194x185 shaped panels)
    :param detector: dxtbx  detector model of a caspad
    :param beam:  dxtxb beam model
    :param thresh: threshol intensity for labeling centroids
    :param filter: optional filter to apply to images before
        labeling threshold, typically one of scipy.ndimage's filters
    :param pids: panel IDS , else assumes panel_imgs is same length as detector
    :param kwargs: kwargs to pass along to the optional filter
    :return: a reflection table of spot centroids
    from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.factory import FilterRunner
    from dials.model.data import PixelListLabeller, PixelList
    from dials.algorithms.spot_finding.finder import PixelListToReflectionTable
    from cxid9114 import utils

    if panel_ids is None:
        panel_ids = np.arange(len(detector))
    pxlst_labs = []
    for i, pid in enumerate(panel_ids):
        plab = PixelListLabeller()
        img = panel_imgs[i]
        if filter is not None:
            mask = filter(img, **kwargs) > thresh
            mask = img > thresh
        img_sz = detector[pid].get_image_size()
        flex_img = flex.double(img)

        flex_mask = flex.bool(mask)
        pl = PixelList(0, flex.double(img), flex.bool(mask))


    pixlst_to_reftbl = PixelListToReflectionTable(
        max_spot_size=194 * 184,
        filter_spots=FilterRunner(),  # must use a dummie filter runner!

    dblock = utils.datablock_from_numpyarrays(panel_imgs, detector, beam)
    iset = dblock.extract_imagesets()[0]
    refls = pixlst_to_reftbl(iset, pxlst_labs)[0]

    return refls
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __call__(self, index):
        Extract strong pixels from an image

        :param index: The index of the image
        # Get the frame number
        if isinstance(self.imageset, ImageSequence):
            frame = self.imageset.get_array_range()[0] + index
            ind = self.imageset.indices()
            if len(ind) > 1:
                assert all(i1 + 1 == i2
                           for i1, i2 in zip(ind[0:-1], ind[1:-1]))
            frame = ind[index]

        # Create the list of pixel lists
        pixel_list = []

        # Get the image and mask
        image = self.imageset.get_corrected_data(index)
        mask = self.imageset.get_mask(index)

        # Set the mask
        if self.mask is not None:
            assert len(self.mask) == len(mask)
            mask = tuple(m1 & m2 for m1, m2 in zip(mask, self.mask))

            "Number of masked pixels for image %i: %i",
            sum(m.count(False) for m in mask),

        # Add the images to the pixel lists
        num_strong = 0
        average_background = 0
        for im, mk in zip(image, mask):
            if self.region_of_interest is not None:
                x0, x1, y0, y1 = self.region_of_interest
                height, width = im.all()
                assert x0 < x1, "x0 < x1"
                assert y0 < y1, "y0 < y1"
                assert x0 >= 0, "x0 >= 0"
                assert y0 >= 0, "y0 >= 0"
                assert x1 <= width, "x1 <= width"
                assert y1 <= height, "y1 <= height"
                im_roi = im[y0:y1, x0:x1]
                mk_roi = mk[y0:y1, x0:x1]
                tm_roi = self.threshold_function.compute_threshold(
                    im_roi, mk_roi)
                threshold_mask = flex.bool(im.accessor(), False)
                threshold_mask[y0:y1, x0:x1] = tm_roi
                threshold_mask = self.threshold_function.compute_threshold(
                    im, mk)

            # Add the pixel list
            plist = PixelList(frame, im, threshold_mask)

            # Get average background
            if self.compute_mean_background:
                background = im.as_1d().select((mk & ~threshold_mask).as_1d())
                average_background += flex.mean(background)

            # Add to the spot count
            num_strong += len(plist)

        # Make average background
        average_background /= len(image)

        # Check total number of strong pixels
        if self.max_strong_pixel_fraction < 1:
            num_image = 0
            for im in image:
                num_image += len(im)
            max_strong = int(
                math.ceil(self.max_strong_pixel_fraction * num_image))
            if num_strong > max_strong:
                raise RuntimeError(f"""
          The number of strong pixels found ({num_strong}) is greater than the
          maximum allowed ({max_strong}). Try changing spot finding parameters

        # Print some info
        if self.compute_mean_background:
                "Found %d strong pixels on image %d with average background %f",
                frame + 1,
            logger.info("Found %d strong pixels on image %d", num_strong,
                        frame + 1)

        # Return the result
        return pixel_list
Ejemplo n.º 15
#size2 = (maxz2 - minz2 + 1, maxy2 - miny2 + 1, maxx2 - minx2 + 1)

#from scitbx.array_family import flex
#a1 = flex.int(flex.grid(size1), 0)
#a2 = flex.int(flex.grid(size2), 0)

#for c in c3:
#    z = c[0] - minz1
#    y = c[1] - miny1
#    x = c[2] - minx1
#    a1[z, y, x] = 1
#for c in c4:
#    z = c[0] - minz2
#    y = c[1] - miny2
#    x = c[2] - minx2
#    a2[z, y, x] = 1
#    if z == 10:
#      print c
#a1 = a1.as_numpy_array()
#a2 = a2.as_numpy_array()

#print a1
#print a2
#print a1.shape, a2.shape

from dials.model.data import PixelList
pl = PixelList((2527, 2463), (0, 500), v2, c2)
print max(pl.labels_3d())
Ejemplo n.º 16
# from scitbx.array_family import flex
# a1 = flex.int(flex.grid(size1), 0)
# a2 = flex.int(flex.grid(size2), 0)

# for c in c3:
#    z = c[0] - minz1
#    y = c[1] - miny1
#    x = c[2] - minx1
#    a1[z, y, x] = 1
# for c in c4:
#    z = c[0] - minz2
#    y = c[1] - miny2
#    x = c[2] - minx2
#    a2[z, y, x] = 1
#    if z == 10:
#      print c
# a1 = a1.as_numpy_array()
# a2 = a2.as_numpy_array()

# print a1
# print a2
# print a1.shape, a2.shape

from dials.model.data import PixelList

pl = PixelList((2527, 2463), (0, 500), v2, c2)