Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _logic_xor(self, val, fact, dic):
        """ handle the logic XOR in the condition of the expression """

        ival = [int(val[0]), int(val[1])]

        if ival[0] == td.v_undef and ival[1] == td.v_undef:
            return td.v_undef

        if ival[0] == ival[1]:
            return td.v_false

        if ival[0] != ival[1] and td.v_undef not in ival:
            return td.v_true

        if td.v_true in ival:
            fact_false = fact[1] if ival[0] is td.v_true else fact[0]

            if fact_false[0].isupper():
                if (fact_false not in [elt for elt in dic
                                       if dic[elt][1] is not td.q_unused]):
                    rlt = modify_dict(fact_false, td.v_false, dic, fact_false)
                    rlt = modify_dict(fact_false, td.v_undef, dic, fact_false)
                    return td.v_undef if rlt is None else rlt
                return rlt if rlt is not None else td.v_true

            return td.v_true

        return td.v_undef
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _recu_solver(self, dic, r_rpn_cpy, wanted, query, symb):
        """ recursive function to call the correct operator function """

        r_rpn_lst = []

        if get_first_index(td.Symbols, r_rpn_cpy) is not -1:
            r_rpn_lst = self._split_r_rpn(r_rpn_cpy)

        elif r_rpn_cpy[0].isupper():
            ret = modify_dict(r_rpn_cpy[0], wanted, dic, query, symb)
            cust_ret(ret) if ret is not None else None

            return get_value_from_dict(r_rpn_cpy[0], dic)

        func_tbl = {
            '^': self._logic_xor,
            '|': self._logic_or,
            '+': self._logic_and,
            '!': self._logic_not

        if r_rpn_cpy[0] in '^|+!':
            rlt = func_tbl[r_rpn_cpy[0]](dic, r_rpn_lst, wanted, query, symb)

            rlt = get_value_from_dict(r_rpn_cpy[0], dic)

        return rlt
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _logic_and(self, dic, r_rpn_lst, wanted, query, symb):
        """ handle the logic AND in the conclusion of the expression """

        val = fact_to_value(r_rpn_lst[1:], dic)
        if ((wanted is td.v_true and td.v_false in val)
                or (wanted is td.v_false and val.count(td.v_true) == 2)):

            if query in r_rpn_lst:
                not_wanted = (td.v_true if wanted is td.v_false else td.v_false
                              if wanted is td.v_true else td.v_undef)

                tmp = ''.join(elt for i, elt in enumerate(r_rpn_lst[1:])
                              if val[i] is not_wanted)

                bug = set([elt for elt in tmp if elt.isupper()])

                ret = modify_dict(bug, td.v_bugged, dic, query, symb)

                und = set(
                    [elt for elt in tmp if elt.isupper() and elt not in bug])

                ret = modify_dict(und, td.v_undef, dic, query, symb)

                return -2

        for i, elt in enumerate(r_rpn_lst[1:]):
            if len(elt) > 1:
                other_val = val[0 if i == 1 else 1]

                to_give = td.v_undef
                if wanted is td.v_true:
                    to_give = wanted
                elif wanted is td.v_false and other_val is td.v_true:
                    to_give = td.v_false

                val[i] = self._recu_solver(dic, elt, to_give, query, symb)

                value = (td.v_true if wanted is td.v_true else
                         td.v_false if wanted is td.v_false and
                         val[0 if i == 1 else 1] is td.v_true else td.v_undef)
                ret = modify_dict(elt, value, dic, query, symb)
                cust_ret(ret) if ret is not None else None
        return (td.v_false if val.count(td.v_false) > 0 else
                td.v_undef if val.count(td.v_undef) > 0 else td.v_true)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _logic_or(self, dic, r_rpn_lst, wanted, query, symb):
        """ handle the logic OR in the conclusion of the expression """

        val = fact_to_value(r_rpn_lst[1:], dic)
        if ((wanted is td.v_false and td.v_true in val)
                or (wanted is td.v_true and val.count(td.v_false) == 2)):
            if query in r_rpn_lst:
                elts = []
                for elt in list(r_rpn_lst[1:]):
                    for letter in elt:
                        if letter.isupper():
                            elts += letter

                ret = modify_dict(elts, td.v_bugged, dic, query, symb)

                return -2

        i = 1
        while i < 3:
            to_give = td.v_undef
            if wanted is not td.v_undef:
                other_val = val[0 if i == 2 else 1]
                to_give = (td.v_true if wanted is td.v_true
                           and other_val is td.v_false else
                           td.v_false if wanted is td.v_false else td.v_undef)

            if len(r_rpn_lst[i]) > 1:
                tmp = self._recu_solver(dic, r_rpn_lst[i], to_give, query,

            if len(r_rpn_lst[i]) == 1 and r_rpn_lst[i].isupper():
                ret = modify_dict(r_rpn_lst[i], to_give, dic, query, symb)
                cust_ret(ret) if ret is not None else None
                tmp = dic[r_rpn_lst[i]][0]

            if tmp != val[i - 1]:
                val[i - 1] = tmp
                i = 0

            i += 1

        return (wanted if val.count(wanted) == 2 or
                (val.count(wanted) == 1 and wanted is td.v_true) else
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _logic_not(self, dic, r_rpn_lst, wanted, query, symb):
        """ handle the logic NOT in the conclusion of the expression """

        inv_rlt = self._not(wanted) if wanted < 2 else td.v_undef

        if len(r_rpn_lst[1]) > 1:
            val = self._recu_solver(dic, r_rpn_lst[1], inv_rlt, query, symb)
            val = (td.v_true if val == td.v_false else
                   td.v_false if val == td.v_true else val)

        elif r_rpn_lst[1].isupper():

            if dic[r_rpn_lst[1]][2] >= symb:
                val = (dic[r_rpn_lst[1]][0]
                       if dic[r_rpn_lst[1]][0] is not td.v_undef else inv_rlt)

                ret = modify_dict(r_rpn_lst[1], val, dic, query, symb)
                cust_ret(ret) if ret is not None else None

                val = (td.v_true if val is td.v_false else
                       td.v_false if val is td.v_true else td.v_undef)

                ret = modify_dict(r_rpn_lst[1], inv_rlt, dic, query, symb)
                cust_ret(ret) if ret is not None else None
                val = wanted

            val = r_rpn_lst[1]

        if (int(val) != int(wanted) and wanted is not td.v_undef
                and int(val) >= 0 and int(val) is not td.v_undef
                and (len(r_rpn_lst[1]) > 1 or dic[r_rpn_lst[1]][2] <= symb)):

            elts = set([elt for elt in ''.join(r_rpn_lst[1]) if elt.isupper()])
            ret = modify_dict(elts, td.v_bugged, dic, query, symb)
            return -2

        return val
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _logic_xor(self, dic, r_rpn_lst, wanted, query, symb):
        """ handle the logic XOR in the conclusion of the expression """

        val = fact_to_value(r_rpn_lst[1:], dic)

        if (-1 not in val and 2 not in val
                and ((wanted is td.v_true and val[0] == val[1]) or
                     (wanted is td.v_false and val[0] != val[1]))):

            if query in r_rpn_lst:
                elts = []
                for elt in list(r_rpn_lst[1:]):
                    for letter in elt:
                        if letter.isupper():
                            elts += letter

                ret = modify_dict(elts, td.v_bugged, dic, query, symb)

                return -2

        i = 1
        while i < 3:
            to_give = td.v_undef
            if wanted is not td.v_undef:
                other_val = val[0 if i == 2 else 1]

                if other_val == td.v_undef and other_val == -1:
                    to_give = td.v_undef
                elif wanted == other_val and other_val != -1:
                    to_give = td.v_false
                elif val.count(-1) == 0 and other_val is not td.v_undef:
                    to_give = td.v_true

                wanted == (other_val and -1 not in val, val.count(-1) != 2
                           and -1 not in val)

            if len(r_rpn_lst[i]) > 1:
                tmp = self._recu_solver(dic, r_rpn_lst[i], to_give, query,

            elif r_rpn_lst[i].isupper():
                ret = modify_dict(r_rpn_lst[i], to_give, dic, query, symb)
                cust_ret(ret) if ret is not None else None
                tmp = to_give

            if tmp != val[i - 1]:
                val[i - 1] = tmp
                i = 0

            i += 1

        if (val.count(td.v_undef) == 0
                and ((wanted is td.v_true and val[0] != val[1]) or
                     (wanted is td.v_false and val[0] == val[1]))):
            return wanted

        elif (val.count(td.v_undef) == 0
              and ((wanted is td.v_true and val[0] == val[1]) or
                   (wanted is td.v_false and val[0] != val[1]))):

            elts = set([elt for elt in list(r_rpn_lst[1:]) if elt.isupper()])
            ret = modify_dict(elts, td.v_bugged, dic, query, symb)

            return -2

        elif (val.count(td.v_undef) == 1 and len(r_rpn_lst[1]) == 1
              and len(r_rpn_lst[2]) == 1):
            to_give = (td.v_true if
                       (wanted is td.v_true and td.v_false in val) or
                       (wanted is td.v_false and td.v_true in val) else

            ret = modify_dict(r_rpn_lst[1 + val.index(td.v_undef)], to_give,
                              dic, query, symb)

            return wanted if ret is None else ret

        return td.v_undef