Ejemplo n.º 1
def newton_multi_var(functions, x0, tol=0.001):
    """ Calculate one the roots of the simultaneous equations represented by functions
            functions (array of (array of floats->float)): This is a list of functions, each of which takes a vector x
                and outputs a float. For example: if it is wanted to solve the simultaneous equations:
                    x_1 ** 2 + x_1 * x_2 - 10 = 0
                    x_2 + 3 * x_1 * x_2 ** 2 - 57 = 0
                def function1(x):
                    return x[0] ** 2 + x[0] * x[1] - 10
                def function2(x):
                    return x[1] + 3 * x[0] * x[1] ** 2 - 57
                functions = [function1, function2]
                However, the initial guess x0 is an array where the first element is the guess for x_1 and the second
                element is the guess for x_2
            x0 (array of floats): the initial guess
            tol: the tolerance of the estimated error
          (numpy column of floats): the estimated root. the i-th value corresponds to the i-th variable
    f = np.zeros((len(functions), 1))
    J = np.zeros((len(functions), len(x0)))
    x0 = np.array(x0).reshape(len(x0), 1)
    x_new = x0.copy()
    x_old = x0.copy()
    error = x_new - x_new + 1.0 + tol
    while ((np.fabs(error) >= tol).any()):
        for i in range(len(functions)):
            f[i][0] = functions[i](x_old)
            J[i, :] = gradient(functions[i], x_old)
        x_new = np.linalg.solve(J, -f + J @ x_old.reshape(len(x_old), 1))
        error = np.abs(x_new - x_old) / x_new * 100.0
        x_old = x_new
    return x_new
Ejemplo n.º 2
def elliptic_heterogenous(n):
    K = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    y = sym.Symbol('y')
    k = np.eye(2)
    u_exact = x * y * (1 - x) * (1 - y) - 1
    # u_exact = sym.cos(y*math.pi)*sym.cosh(x*math.pi)
    f = -divergence(gradient(u_exact, [x, y]), [x, y])
    f = sym.lambdify([x, y], f)
    u_exact = sym.lambdify([x, y], u_exact)

    T = lambda p: np.array([p[0], p[1]])

    mesh = Mesh(n, n, T, centers_at_bc=True)
    mesh.plot_funtion(f, 'source')

    # k = sym.lambdify([x,y],k)
    # k = mesh.interpolate(k)

    # permability = np.reshape(k,(mesh.midpoints.shape[0],mesh.midpoints.shape[1]),order='F')
    #permability[2:6,14:19] = 0.1

    A = np.zeros((mesh.num_unknowns, mesh.num_unknowns))
    A = compute_matrix(mesh, K, A)
    F = compute_vector(mesh, f, u_exact)
    u = np.linalg.solve(A, F)
    Af = np.zeros((mesh.num_unknowns, mesh.num_unknowns))
    Af = compute_matrix_FEM(mesh, K, Af)
    Ff = compute_vector_FEM(mesh, f, u_exact)
    uf = np.linalg.solve(Af, Ff)
    uf = np.reshape(uf,
                    (mesh.cell_centers.shape[0], mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]))
    uf = np.ravel(uf, order='F')
    mesh.plot_vector(u, 'FVML')
    mesh.plot_vector(uf, 'FEM')

    mesh.plot_funtion(u_exact, 'excact')
    e = u - mesh.interpolate(u_exact)
    mesh.plot_vector(e, 'error')

    # mesh.plot_vector(uf,'FEM')
    mesh.plot_vector(uf - u, 'difference')
    (l2, m) = compute_error(mesh, uf, u_exact)
    print('l2 fem', l2)
    print('max fem', m)
    return compute_error(mesh, u, u_exact)

# (l2,m) = elliptic_heterogenous(10)
# print(l2)
# print(m)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def richards_equation():
    K = p**2
    theta = 1/(1-p)
    f = sym.diff(theta.subs(p,u_exact),t)-divergence(gradient(u_exact + y ,[x,y]),[x,y],K.subs(p,u_exact))
    f = sym.lambdify([x,y,t],f)

    equation = Richards(max_edge = 0.125)
    physics = equation.getPhysics()
    physics['source'] = f
    physics['neumann'] = sym.lambdify([x,y,t],K.subs(p,u_exact)*sym.diff(u_exact,y))
    mass,stiffness,source,error = FEM_solver(equation.geometry, equation.physics)
    B = mass()
    th = np.linspace(0,1,64)

    tau = th[1]-th[0]
    TOL = 0.000005
    L = 3

    u = vectorize(u_exact.subs(t,0),equation.geometry)
    A = stiffness(lambda x:1,u)

    theta = lambda x: 1/(1-x)

    K = lambda x: x**2
    def L_scheme(u_j,u_n,TOL,L,K,tau,f):
        rhs = L*B@u_j+mass(theta,u_n)-mass(theta,u_j)+tau*f
        A = stiffness(K,u_j)
        lhs = L*B+tau*A
        u_j_n = np.linalg.solve(lhs,rhs)
        if np.linalg.norm(u_j_n-u_j)>TOL + TOL*np.linalg.norm(u_j_n):
            return L_scheme(u_j_n,u_n,TOL,L,K,tau,source(i,u_j_n,K))
            return u_j_n

    for i in th[1:]:
        u =  L_scheme(u,u,TOL,L,K,tau,source(i,u,K))
        u_e = vectorize(u_exact.subs(t,i),equation.geometry)

Ejemplo n.º 4
def gradient_descend(func, x_0, tol=0.001, gamma=0.1, beta=0.90):
    """ Estimates the value of the local minimum of the multivariable function func near x_0
        func (array of floats->float): the function that is going to be minimized
        x_0 (array of floats): the initial value/guess
        gamma (float (0, 1]: learning rate
        beta (float [0, 1]): momentum
      (numpy array of floats): the value of the independent variable that is estimated to locally minimizes func
    x_0 = np.array(x_0).reshape(len(x_0), )
    current = x_0.copy()
    error = tol + 1.0
    old_gradient = current * 0
    while error >= tol:
        grad = gradient(func, current)
        current = current - gamma * (beta * old_gradient + (1.0 - beta) * grad)
        old_gradient = grad
        error = norm_euclidean(grad)
    return current
Ejemplo n.º 5
def examples_differentiation():
    print("========== DIFFERENTIATION ==========")
    print("f(x) = x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 + e^(x) * cos(x)")
    print("df/dx at x=5 is 66 - e^5 (cos(5) - sin(5))")
    print("Or about 250.416182")
    print("Some estimates: ")

    def f(x):
        return x ** 3 - x ** 2 + x - 1 + np.exp(x) * np.cos(x)

    print(differentiation.first_derivative_backwards(f, 5.0))
    print(differentiation.first_derivative_centered(f, 5.0))
    print(differentiation.first_derivative_forward(f, 5.0))

    print("The second derivative at x = 5 is 28 - 2e^5 sin(5)")
    print("Or about 312.6339619")
    print(differentiation.second_derivative_backwards(f, 5.0))
    print(differentiation.second_derivative_centered(f, 5.0))
    print(differentiation.second_derivative_forward(f, 5.0))

    print("Third derivative: -2(-3 + e^5 sin(5) + e^5 cos(5))")
    print("About 206.4355598")
    print(differentiation.third_derivative_backward(f, 5.0))
    print(differentiation.third_derivative_centered(f, 5.0))
    print(differentiation.third_derivative_forward(f, 5.0))

    print("Fourth derivative: -4e^5 cos(5)")
    print("About -168.3968049")
    print(differentiation.fourth_derivative_backward(f, 5.0))
    print(differentiation.fourth_derivative_centered(f, 5.0))
    print(differentiation.fourth_derivative_forward(f, 5.0))

    print("\nNow using the API to get the nth derivative:")
    for i in range(1, 5, 1):
        print("Order: ", i)
        print(differentiation.deriv_n(f, 5.0, i, h=0.0008))

    print("\nAlso works with lists: (evaluates derivative at each value from the vector)")
    t = np.linspace(0, 5, 6)
    for i in range(1, 5, 1):
        print("Derivative of order {} on {} is \n{}\n".format(i, t, differentiation.deriv_n(f, t, i)))

    print("\nNow more first order derivatives through various methods: ")
    print("\nRichardson extrapolation: ")
    print(differentiation.richardson_extrapolation(f, 5.0))
    print("\nAlso works with lists: (evaluates derivative at each value from the vector)")
    print(differentiation.richardson_extrapolation(f, t))
    print("\nThe same goes for romberg's method: ")
    print(differentiation.derivative_romberg(f, 5.0))
    print(differentiation.derivative_romberg(f, t))

    print("\nUsing lagrange polynomial: ")
    x = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 100)
    y = f(x)
    print(differentiation.derivative_lagrange_poly(x, y, 5.0))
    print(differentiation.derivative_lagrange_poly(x, y, t))

    print("\nWe can also differentiate multivariable functions")
    print("Let multi(x, y) = x ^ 2 * y")

    def multi(x):
        return x[0] ** 2 * x[1]

    print("We can take partial derivatives")
    print("x = 3.0, y = 2.0")
    print("\nPartial respect to x: ")
    print(differentiation.partialDerivative(multi, [3.0, 2.0], 0))
    print("\nPartial respect to y: ")
    print(differentiation.partialDerivative(multi, [3.0, 2.0], 1))

    print("\nAlso gradients: ")
    print(differentiation.gradient(multi, [3.0, 2.0]))
    print(differentiation.gradient_f(multi)([3.0, 2.0]))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def run_heat(timestep, num_nodes):
    #Construct the data given a solution
    K = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    y = sym.Symbol('y')
    t = sym.Symbol('t')
    u_exact = -0.1 * sym.sin(math.pi * x) * sym.sin(math.pi * y) * t - 1
    # u_exact = -t*x*y*(1-x)*(1-y)
    f = sym.diff(u_exact, t) - divergence(gradient(u_exact, [x, y]), [x, y])
    f = sym.lambdify([x, y, t], f)
    u_exact = sym.lambdify([x, y, t], u_exact)

    #Define the mesh
    def random_perturbation(h, aspect):
        return lambda p: np.array([
            random.uniform(0, h) * random.choice([-1, 1]) + p[0] - 0.5 * p[1],
            (1 / aspect) * random.uniform(0, h) * random.choice([-1, 1]) + p[1]

    T = lambda p: np.array([p[0], p[1]])
    nx = num_nodes
    ny = num_nodes
    mesh = Mesh(nx, ny, T, ghostboundary=True)
    h = np.linalg.norm(mesh.nodes[1, 1, :] - mesh.nodes[0, 0, :])
    print('h ', h)

    #make mass and gravitation matrices
    mass = mass_matrix(mesh)

    def compute_error(mesh, u, u_fabric):
        cx = mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]
        cy = mesh.cell_centers.shape[0]
        u_fabric_vec = u.copy()
        volumes = u.copy()

        for i in range(cy):
            for j in range(cx):
                u_fabric_vec[mesh.meshToVec(i, j)] = u_fabric(
                    mesh.cell_centers[i, j, 0], mesh.cell_centers[i, j, 1])
                volumes[mesh.meshToVec(i, j)] = mesh.volumes[i, j]
        L2err = math.sqrt(
            np.square(u - u_fabric_vec).T @ volumes /
            (np.ones(volumes.shape).T @ volumes))
        maxerr = np.max(np.abs(u - u_fabric_vec))
        return (L2err, maxerr)

    #Time discretization
    time_partition = np.linspace(0, 1, math.ceil(1 / timestep))
    tau = time_partition[1] - time_partition[0]

    u = mesh.interpolate(lambda x, y: u_exact(x, y, 0))

    for t in time_partition[1:]:
        A = np.zeros((mesh.num_unknowns, mesh.num_unknowns))
        lhs = tau * stiffness(mesh, K, A) + mass
        rhs = tau * compute_vector(mesh, lambda x, y: f(x, y, t),
                                   lambda x, y: u_exact(x, y, t)) + mass @ u
        u = np.linalg.solve(lhs, rhs)
        # mesh.plot_vector(u,'numerical solution')
        # mesh.plot_funtion(lambda x,y:u_exact(x,y,t),'exact solution')
        # e = u - mesh.interpolate(lambda x,y: u_exact(x,y,t))
        # mesh.plot_vector(e,'error')
    return compute_error(mesh, u, lambda x, y: u_exact(x, y, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def run_richards(num_nodes):

    #Construct the data given a solution
    K = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    y = sym.Symbol('y')
    t = sym.Symbol('t')
    p = sym.Symbol('p')
    u_exact = -0.1 * sym.sin(math.pi * x) * sym.sin(math.pi * y) * t**2 - 1
    # u_exact = -(t)**2*(x*y*(1-x)*(1-y))**2 - 1
    # u_exact = (t**2*sym.cos(y*math.pi)*sym.cosh(x*math.pi))/12-1
    K = p**2
    theta = 1 / (1 - p)
    # theta = p
    f = sym.diff(theta.subs(p, u_exact), t) - divergence(
        gradient(u_exact, [x, y]), [x, y], K.subs(p, u_exact))
    # f = sym.diff(u_exact,t)-divergence(gradient(u_exact ,[x,y]),[x,y])

    f = sym.lambdify([x, y, t], f)
    u_exact = sym.lambdify([x, y, t], u_exact)

    #Define the mesh
    def random_perturbation(h, aspect):
        return lambda p: np.array([
            random.uniform(0, h) * random.choice([-1, 1]) + p[0] - 0.5 * p[1],
            (1 / aspect) * random.uniform(0, h) * random.choice([-1, 1]) + p[1]

    T = lambda p: np.array([p[0] + 0.5 * p[1], p[1]])
    nx = num_nodes
    ny = num_nodes

    mesh = Mesh(nx, ny, T, ghostboundary=True)

    h = mesh.max_h()
    timestep = h**2  #cfl condition
    print('h ', h)

    #make mass and gravitation matrices
    mass = mass_matrix(mesh, sparse=True)

    #gravitation = gravitation_matrix(mesh)

    def compute_error(mesh, u, u_fabric):
        cx = mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]
        cy = mesh.cell_centers.shape[0]
        u_fabric_vec = u.copy()
        volumes = u.copy()

        for i in range(cy):
            for j in range(cx):
                u_fabric_vec[mesh.meshToVec(i, j)] = u_fabric(
                    mesh.cell_centers[i, j, 0], mesh.cell_centers[i, j, 1])
                volumes[mesh.meshToVec(i, j)] = mesh.volumes[i, j]
        L2err = math.sqrt(
            np.square(u - u_fabric_vec).T @ volumes /
            (np.ones(volumes.shape).T @ volumes))
        maxerr = np.max(np.abs(u - u_fabric_vec))
        return (L2err, maxerr)

    #Time discretization
    time_partition = np.linspace(0, 1, math.ceil(1 / timestep))
    tau = time_partition[1] - time_partition[0]

    L = 0.5
    TOL = 0.000000005

    K = lambda x: x**2

    theta = lambda x: 1 / (1 - x)
    # theta = lambda x:x

    u = mesh.interpolate(lambda x, y: u_exact(x, y, 0))  #Initial condition

    def L_scheme(u_j, u_n, TOL, L, K, tau, F):
        A = np.zeros((mesh.num_unknowns, mesh.num_unknowns))
        rhs = L * mass @ u_j + mass @ theta(u_n) - mass @ theta(u_j) + tau * F
        permability = K(
                u_j, (mesh.cell_centers.shape[0], mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]),
        lhs = tau * stiffness(mesh, np.eye(2), A,
                              k_global=permability) + L * mass
        u_j_n = np.linalg.solve(lhs, rhs)
        # print(np.linalg.norm(u_j_n-u_j))
        if np.linalg.norm(u_j_n - u_j) > TOL + TOL * np.linalg.norm(u_j_n):
            return L_scheme(
                u_j_n, u_n, TOL, L, K, tau,
                compute_vector(mesh, lambda x, y: f(x, y, t),
                               lambda x, y: u_exact(x, y, t)))
            return u_j_n

    # for t in time_partition[1:]:
    #     u =  L_scheme(u,u,TOL,L,K,tau,compute_vector(mesh,lambda x,y: f(x,y,t),lambda x,y:u_exact(x,y,t)))
    #     mesh.plot_vector(u,'numerical solution')
    #     mesh.plot_funtion(lambda x,y: u_exact(x,y,t),'exact solution')
    #     e = u - mesh.interpolate(lambda x,y: u_exact(x,y,t))
    #     mesh.plot_vector(e,'error')
    #     print(t)
    #     (l2,m) = compute_error(mesh,u,lambda x,y:u_exact(x,y,t))
    #     print(l2)
    #     print(m)
    for t in time_partition[1:]:
        source = compute_vector(mesh, lambda x, y: f(x, y, t),
                                lambda x, y: u_exact(x, y, t))
        A = lil_matrix((mesh.num_unknowns, mesh.num_unknowns))
        permability = K(
                (mesh.cell_centers.shape[0], mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]),
        # permability = np.ones((mesh.cell_centers.shape[0],mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]),order='F')
        A = stiffness(mesh, np.eye(2), A, k_global=permability)
        A = csr_matrix(A, dtype=float)
        #A = np.zeros((mesh.num_unknowns,mesh.num_unknowns))
        rhs = tau * source + L * mass @ u
        lhs = tau * A + L * mass
        u_n_i = spsolve(lhs, rhs)
        # u_n_i = np.reshape(u_n_i,(mesh.cell_centers.shape[0],mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]))
        # u_n_i = np.ravel(u_n_i,order='F')
        u_n = u
        while np.linalg.norm(u_n_i - u_n) > TOL + TOL * np.linalg.norm(u_n):
            u_n = u_n_i
            A = lil_matrix((mesh.num_unknowns, mesh.num_unknowns))
            permability = K(
                    (mesh.cell_centers.shape[0], mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]),
            # permability = np.ones((mesh.cell_centers.shape[0],mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]),order='F')

            A = stiffness(mesh, np.eye(2), A, k_global=permability)
            A = csr_matrix(A, dtype=float)
            lhs = tau * A + L * mass
            rhs = -mass @ theta(u_n) + mass @ theta(
                u) + tau * source + L * mass @ u_n
            u_n_i = spsolve(lhs, rhs)
            # u_n_i = np.reshape(u_n_i,(mesh.cell_centers.shape[0],mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]))
            # u_n_i = np.ravel(u_n_i,order='F')
        u = u_n_i
        # mesh.plot_vector(u,'numerical solution')
        # mesh.plot_funtion(lambda x,y: u_exact(x,y,t),'exact solution')
        # e = u - mesh.interpolate(lambda x,y: u_exact(x,y,t))
        # mesh.plot_vector(e,'error')
        # print(t)
        # (l2,m) = compute_error(mesh,u,lambda x,y:u_exact(x,y,t))
        # print(l2)
        # print(m)

    return ((h, timestep), compute_error(mesh, u,
                                         lambda x, y: u_exact(x, y, 1)))
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix,lil_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
import time as time

K = np.array([[1,0],[0,1]])
transform = np.array([[1,0],[0.1,1]])
nx = 12
ny = 12
x = sym.Symbol('x')
y = sym.Symbol('y')
u_fabric = sym.cos(y*math.pi)*sym.cosh(x*math.pi)

#u_fabric = (x*y*(1-x)*(1-y))
source = -divergence(gradient(u_fabric,[x,y]),[x,y],permability_tensor=K)
source = sym.lambdify([x,y],source)
u_lam = sym.lambdify([x,y],u_fabric)

#T = lambda x,y: (0.9*y+0.1)*math.sqrt(x) + (0.9-0.9*y)*x**2
#T = lambda p: np.array([p[0]*0.1*p[1]+p[0],p[1]+p[1]*0.1*p[0]])
T = lambda p: np.array([p[0],p[1]])

def random_perturbation(h):
    return lambda p: np.array([random.uniform(0,h)*random.choice([-1,1]) + p[0] - 0.32*p[1],random.uniform(0,h)*random.choice([-1,1]) + p[1]])

mesh = Mesh(6,6,random_perturbation(1/20))
Ejemplo n.º 9
                                                   cell_centers[i, j, 1])
            vector[meshToVec(i, j)] += mesh.volumes[i, j] * f(
                cell_centers[i, j, 0], cell_centers[i, j, 1])
    return vector

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sympy as sym
    from differentiation import gradient, divergence
    import math
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    y = sym.Symbol('y')
    K = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    u_fabric = sym.cos(y * math.pi) * sym.cosh(x * math.pi)
    source = -divergence(gradient(u_fabric, [x, y]), [x, y],
    source = sym.lambdify([x, y], source)
    u_lam = sym.lambdify([x, y], u_fabric)

    mesh = Mesh(20, 20, lambda p: np.array([p[0], p[1]]))
    A = np.zeros((mesh.num_unknowns, mesh.num_unknowns))
    flux_matrix = {
        'x': np.zeros((mesh.num_unknowns, mesh.num_unknowns)),
        'y': np.zeros((mesh.num_unknowns, mesh.num_unknowns))
    permability = np.ones(
        (mesh.cell_centers.shape[0], mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]))
    permability[2:4, 16:19] = 0.1
    A, fx, fy = compute_matrix(mesh, np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), A,
Ejemplo n.º 10
def elliptic(n):
    K = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    x = sym.Symbol('x')
    y = sym.Symbol('y')
    k = sym.Piecewise((0.1, x < 2 * y), (10, x >= 2 * y))
    # k = (sym.sin(math.pi*x)*sym.sin(math.pi*y))+1.5
    u_exact = -x * y * (1 - x) * (1 - y) - 1
    # u_exact = sym.cos(y*math.pi)*sym.cosh(x*math.pi)
    f = -divergence(gradient(u_exact, [x, y]), [x, y], k)
    f = sym.lambdify([x, y], f)
    u_exact = sym.lambdify([x, y], u_exact)

    T = lambda p: np.array([p[0] - 0.5 * p[1] + 0.4 * p[1]**2, p[1]])

    #T = lambda p: np.array([p[0]-0.5*p[1],p[1]])

    def random_perturbation(h, aspect):
        return lambda p: np.array([
            random.uniform(0, h) * random.choice([-1, 1]) + p[0] - 0.5 * p[1],
            (1 / aspect) * random.uniform(0, h) * random.choice([-1, 1]) + p[1]

    T2 = random_perturbation(1 / (4 * n), 1)
    mesh = Mesh(n, n, T, centers_at_bc=True)
    # mesh.plot_funtion(f,'source')

    k = sym.lambdify([x, y], k)
    k = mesh.interpolate(k)

    problem = k.copy()
    k = np.ones(k.shape[0]) * 0.1
    #k = np.random.random(k.shape[0])*0.001
    #k[1:50:4] = 10
    permability = np.reshape(
        k, (mesh.midpoints.shape[0], mesh.midpoints.shape[1]), order='F')
    #permability[2:6,14:19] = 0.1

    A = np.zeros((mesh.num_unknowns, mesh.num_unknowns))
    A = compute_matrix(mesh, K, A, k_global=permability)

    for i, row in enumerate(A):
        points = len(list(filter(lambda x: abs(x) > 0, row)))
        if points > 7:
            print(points, ' at ', mesh.vecToMesh(i))
            problem[i] = 13

    F = compute_vector(mesh, f, u_exact)
    u = np.linalg.solve(A, F)
    # Af = np.zeros((mesh.num_unknowns,mesh.num_unknowns))
    # Af = compute_matrix_FEM(mesh,K,Af,k_global = permability)
    # Ff = compute_vector_FEM(mesh,f,u_exact)
    # uf = np.linalg.solve(Af,Ff)
    u = np.reshape(u, (mesh.cell_centers.shape[0], mesh.cell_centers.shape[1]))
    u = np.ravel(u, order='F')
    # mesh.plot_vector(u,'FEM')
    # mesh.plot_funtion(u_exact,'excact')
    # e = u-mesh.interpolate(u_exact)
    # mesh.plot_vector(e,'error')

    # mesh.plot_vector(uf,'FEM')
    # mesh.plot_vector(uf-u,'difference')
    return compute_error(mesh, u, u_exact)