def regularized_fine(lenses,

    fine_depths = dict()
    fine_depths_interp = dict()
    fine_depths_val = dict()
    wta_depths = dict()
    wta_depths_interp = dict()
    wta_depths_val = dict()

    confidence = dict()

    for i, l in enumerate(fine_costs):

        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print("Processing lens {0}".format(i))
        lens = lenses[l]

        # prepare the cost shape: disparity axis is third axis (index [2] instead of [0])
        F = np.flipud(np.rot90(fine_costs[l].T))

        # the regularized cost volume
        sgm_cost = rtxsgm.sgm(lenses[l].img, F, lens.mask, penalty1, penalty2,
                              False, max_cost)
        # plain minima
        fine_depths[l] = np.argmin(sgm_cost, axis=2)

        # interpolated minima and values
        fine_depths_interp[l], fine_depths_val[l] = rtxdisp.cost_minima_interp(
            sgm_cost, disp)

        if i % 1000 == 0:
            print("max interp: {0}".format(np.amax(fine_depths_interp[l])))
        # confidence measure used in "Real-Time Visibility-Based Fusion of Depth Maps"
        # substract 1 at the end since the "real" optimium is included in the vectorized operations

        #confidence[l][fine_depths_val[l] > min_thresh] = 0.0

        # plain winner takes all minima
        wta_depths[l] = np.argmin(F, axis=2)

        # interpolated minima and values from the unregularized cost volume
        wta_depths_interp[l], wta_depths_val[l] = rtxdisp.cost_minima_interp(
            F, disp)

        confidence[l] = np.sum(np.exp(-(
            (sgm_cost - fine_depths_val[l][:, :, None])**2) / conf_sigma),
                               axis=2) - 1

        #TODO: calculate wta confidence, scale the sigma accordingly
        #confidence[l] = np.sum(np.exp(-((F - wta_depths_val[l][:, :, None])**2) / conf_sigma), axis=2) - 1

        # avoid overflow in division
        ind = confidence[l] > eps
        confidence[l][confidence[l] <= 0] = 0.0
        confidence[l][ind] = 1.0 / confidence[l][ind]

    return fine_depths, fine_depths_interp, fine_depths_val, wta_depths, wta_depths_interp, wta_depths_val, confidence
def regularized_fine(lenses, fine_costs, disp, penalty1, penalty2, max_cost, conf_tec='mlm', conf_sigma=0.3, min_thresh=2.0, eps=0.0000001):

    fine_depths = dict()
    fine_depths_interp = dict()
    fine_depths_val = dict()
    wta_depths = dict()
    wta_depths_interp = dict()
    wta_depths_val = dict()
    num_lenses = len(lenses)
    confidence = dict()
    for i, l in enumerate(fine_costs):
        if i%1000==0:
            print("Regularization: Processing lens {0}/{1}".format(i, num_lenses))
        lens = lenses[l]

        # prepare the cost shape: disparity axis is third axis (index [2] instead of [0])
        F = np.flipud(np.rot90(fine_costs[l].T))

        # the regularized cost volume
        sgm_cost = rtxsgm.sgm(lenses[l].img, F, lens.mask, penalty1, penalty2, False, max_cost)
        # plain minima
        fine_depths[l] = np.argmin(sgm_cost, axis=2)
        # interpolated minima and values
        #fine_depths_interp[l], fine_depths_val[l] = rtxdisp.cost_minima_interp(sgm_cost, disp)

        # cost should be C-Contiguous
        sgm_cost_c = sgm_cost.copy(order='C')
        # also in int32
        sgm_cost_c_int = (sgm_cost_c  * 1000).astype(np.int32)
        # number of disparities
        n_disps = F.shape[2]

        cut = 'unary'
        if cut == 'potts':
            # potts model
            depth_cut = cut_simple(sgm_cost_c_int, -5 * np.eye(sgm_cost.shape[2], dtype=np.int32))
        elif cut == 'unary':
            # unary model
            x, y = np.ogrid[:n_disps, :n_disps]
            one_d_topology = np.abs(x - y).astype(np.int32).copy("C")
            depth_cut = cut_simple(sgm_cost_c_int, 5 * one_d_topology)
            print("No cut recognised. Do you wish to use potts or unary model?")

        fine_depths_interp[l] = depth_cut

        #if i%1000==0:
        #    print("max interp: {0}".format(np.amax(fine_depths_interp[l])))

        # plain winner takes all minima
        wta_depths[l] = np.argmin(F, axis=2)
        # interpolated minima and values from the unregularized cost volume
        wta_depths_interp[l], wta_depths_val[l] = rtxdisp.cost_minima_interp(F, disp)

        fine_depths_val[l] = wta_depths_val[l]
        minimum_costs = np.min(sgm_cost, axis=2)

        if conf_tec == 'oev':
            # TODO max does not work on arrays
            num_denom = 0
            dmax = np.max(sgm_cost)
            dmin = np.min(sgm_cost)
            denom_denom = max(sgm_cost - minimum_costs[:,:,None], 1)
            for n in range(0, sgm_cost.shape[2]):
                index_map = np.ones((sgm_cost.shape[0], sgm_cost.shape[1])) * n
                tmp_num = np.pow(max(min(index_map - fine_depths[l], (dmax - dmin)/3), 0), 2)
                num_denom += tmp_num / denom_denom[:,:,n]
            confidence[l] = 1 / num_denom
        elif conf_tec == 'rtvbf':
            confidence[l] = np.sum(np.exp(-((sgm_cost - fine_depths_val[l][:, :, None])**2) / conf_sigma), axis=2) - 1
            # confidence measure used in "Real-Time Visibility-Based Fusion of Depth Maps"
            # substract 1 at the end since the "real" optimium is included in the vectorized operations

            # confidence[l][fine_depths_val[l] > min_thresh] = 0.0
            #TODO: calculate wta confidence, scale the sigma accordingly
            #confidence[l] = np.sum(np.exp(-((F - wta_depths_val[l][:, :, None])**2) / conf_sigma), axis=2) - 1
            # avoid overflow in division
            ind = confidence[l] > eps
            confidence[l][confidence[l] <= 0] = 0.0
            confidence[l][ind] = 1.0 / confidence[l][ind]
            # TODO
            # check overflow in exp 
            # and division for zero
            #conf_tec == 'mlm':
            exp_cost = np.exp(-minimum_costs/(2*np.power(conf_sigma,2)))
            denom_cost = np.sum(np.exp(-sgm_cost/(2*np.power(conf_sigma,2))), axis=2)
            #zeros = denom_cost == 0
            #denom_cost = denom_cost + zeros * np.max(denom_cost)
            confidence_map = exp_cost / denom_cost
            confidence_map[np.isnan(confidence_map)] = 0
            confidence[l] = confidence_map

    return fine_depths, fine_depths_interp, fine_depths_val, wta_depths, wta_depths_interp, wta_depths_val, confidence
                                                view, filt_size)
        cost_volume[:, :,
                    i] = filter_cost_volume_slice(cost_volume_slice,

    if args.sgm:
        print("Applying semi-global matching to refine cost volume..")
        F = np.flipud(np.rot90(cost_volume.T))
        # the regularized cost volume
        imgI = filt.rgb2gray(view)
        mask = np.ones_like(imgI)
        cost_volume = rtxsgm.sgm(imgI, cost_volume, mask, penalty1, penalty2,
                                 False, max_cost)

    confidence_map = est_conf_map(cost_volume, conf_sigma)
    good_pixels_map = confidence_map > (np.mean(confidence_map) -
                                        std_allow * np.std(confidence_map))

    print("Extracting disparity..")

    # here we want to allineate disparities, so we use the patch size as common factor
    # RENDERING FROM DISP: ps = disp * info['dmax']
    # RENDERING FOCAL STACK: ps = fp * calib.lens_diameter / 2
    # ps = ps --> disp = (fp * calib.lens_diameter) / (2 * info['dmax'])
    # there is a 0.5 factor somewhere that I lost
    # calib is calibs[0]
Ejemplo n.º 4
def regularized_fine(lenses, fine_costs, disp, penalty1, penalty2, max_cost, conf_tec='mlm', conf_sigma=0.3, min_thresh=2.0, eps=0.0000001):

    fine_depths = dict()
    fine_depths_interp = dict()
    fine_depths_val = dict()
    wta_depths = dict()
    wta_depths_interp = dict()
    wta_depths_val = dict()
    num_lenses = len(lenses)
    confidence = dict()
    for i, l in enumerate(fine_costs):
        if i%100==0:
            print("Regularization: Processing lens {:05d}/{:05d}".format(i, num_lenses), end="\r", flush=True)
        lens = lenses[l]

        # prepare the cost shape: disparity axis is third axis (index [2] instead of [0])
        F = np.flipud(np.rot90(fine_costs[l].T))

        # the regularized cost volume
        sgm_cost = rtxsgm.sgm(lenses[l].img, F, lens.mask, penalty1, penalty2, False, max_cost)
        # plain minima
        fine_depths[l] = np.argmin(sgm_cost, axis=2)
        # interpolated minima and values
        fine_depths_interp[l], fine_depths_val[l] = rtxdisp.cost_minima_interp(sgm_cost, disp)

        #if i%1000==0:
        #    print("max interp: {0}".format(np.amax(fine_depths_interp[l])))

        # plain winner takes all minima
        wta_depths[l] = np.argmin(F, axis=2)
        # interpolated minima and values from the unregularized cost volume
        wta_depths_interp[l], wta_depths_val[l] = rtxdisp.cost_minima_interp(F, disp)

        fine_depths_val[l] = wta_depths_val[l]
        minimum_costs = np.min(sgm_cost, axis=2)

        if conf_tec == 'oev':
            # TODO max does not work on arrays
            num_denom = 0
            dmax = np.max(sgm_cost)
            dmin = np.min(sgm_cost)
            denom_denom = max(sgm_cost - minimum_costs[:,:,None], 1)
            for n in range(0, sgm_cost.shape[2]):
                index_map = np.ones((sgm_cost.shape[0], sgm_cost.shape[1])) * n
                tmp_num = np.pow(max(min(index_map - fine_depths[l], (dmax - dmin)/3), 0), 2)
                num_denom += tmp_num / denom_denom[:,:,n]
            confidence[l] = 1 / num_denom
        elif conf_tec == 'rtvbf':
            confidence[l] = np.sum(np.exp(-((sgm_cost - fine_depths_val[l][:, :, None])**2) / conf_sigma), axis=2) - 1
            # confidence measure used in "Real-Time Visibility-Based Fusion of Depth Maps"
            # substract 1 at the end since the "real" optimium is included in the vectorized operations

            # confidence[l][fine_depths_val[l] > min_thresh] = 0.0
            #TODO: calculate wta confidence, scale the sigma accordingly
            #confidence[l] = np.sum(np.exp(-((F - wta_depths_val[l][:, :, None])**2) / conf_sigma), axis=2) - 1
            # avoid overflow in division
            ind = confidence[l] > eps
            confidence[l][confidence[l] <= 0] = 0.0
            confidence[l][ind] = 1.0 / confidence[l][ind]
            # TODO
            # check overflow in exp 
            # and division for zero
            #conf_tec == 'mlm':
            exp_cost = np.exp(-minimum_costs/(2*np.power(conf_sigma,2)))
            denom_cost = np.sum(np.exp(-sgm_cost/(2*np.power(conf_sigma,2))), axis=2)
            #zeros = denom_cost == 0
            #denom_cost = denom_cost + zeros * np.max(denom_cost)
            confidence_map = exp_cost / denom_cost
            confidence_map[np.isnan(confidence_map)] = 0
            confidence[l] = confidence_map

    return fine_depths, fine_depths_interp, fine_depths_val, wta_depths, wta_depths_interp, wta_depths_val, confidence