Ejemplo n.º 1
    def internal_put(self, user=None, catalog=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Method for the developer to be able to access the
        endpoint internally and to get back the same results
        as if it was called externally. You can pass in any
        put params as if it was a external call by passing
        them into this method as KWARGS which we then will
        convert over into DATA for the faked put request.

        :user Current user who is making the request
        # create a django http request and fake
        # that this is a put request
        django_request = HttpRequest()
        django_request.method = 'PUT'

        if catalog is not None:
            django_request.catalog = catalog

        # now we convert the django http request
        # into a django rest framework request
        # and pass in the user and the kwargs
        request = InternalRequest(django_request, user)
        request._data = kwargs

        self.request = request

            # pass on the request and args to our put
            # handler and return the results
            return self._handle_put(request, *args)
        except Exception, e:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def internal_get(self, user=None, catalog=None, override_pagination_url=None, override_pagination_query_params=None,
                     *args, **kwargs):
        Method for the developer to be able to access the
        endpoint internally and to get back the same results
        as if it was called externally. You can pass in any
        get params as if it was a external call by passing
        them into this method as KWARGS which we then will
        convert over into url params for the faked GET

        :user Current user who is making the request
        # create a django http request and fake
        # that this is a get request
        django_request = HttpRequest()
        django_request.method = 'GET'
        django_request.GET = kwargs

        if catalog is not None:
            django_request.catalog = catalog

        # now we convert the django http request
        # into a django rest framework request
        # and pass in the user
        request = InternalRequest(django_request, user)

        # set the request internally to the spoofed one we just built
        self.request = request

        # check to see if the requestor wants to override the pagination url
        if override_pagination_url is not None:
                # parse the passed in url
                parsed_url = urlparse(override_pagination_url)

                new_query_string = ''

                for query_string_param in override_pagination_query_params:
                    if query_string_param != 'page':
                        new_query_string += '&{0}={1}'.format(query_string_param,

                # setup the query params that were passed in
                self.OVERRIDDEN_PAGINATION_URL_QUERY_PARAMS = new_query_string
                # build out the actual url minus query params
                self.OVERRIDDEN_PAGINATION_URL = parsed_url.path
            except Exception, e:
                # if by any chance the parse fails we need to revert back to the api urls
                self.OVERRIDDEN_PAGINATION_URL = None
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def internal_delete(self, user=None, catalog=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # create a django http request and fake
        # that this is a DELETE request
        django_request = HttpRequest()
        django_request.method = 'DELETE'

        if catalog is not None:
            django_request.catalog = catalog

        # now we convert the django http request
        # into a django rest framework request
        # and pass in the user and the kwargs
        request = InternalRequest(django_request, user)
        request._data = kwargs

        self.request = request

            # pass on the request and args to our post
            # handler and return the results
            return self._handle_delete(request, *args)
        except Exception, e: