Ejemplo n.º 1
    val = loader.construct_scalar(node)
    return env[val]

def load_clients(stream):
    Loads client configurations from a YAML document stream.

    :param stream: YAML stream.
    :type stream: file
    :return: A dictionary of client configuration objects.
    :rtype: dict[unicode, dockerfabric.apiclient.DockerClientConfiguration]
    return _load_clients(stream, configuration_class=DockerClientConfiguration)

def load_clients_file(filename):
    Loads client configurations from a YAML file.

    :param filename: YAML file name.
    :type filename: unicode
    :return: A dictionary of client configuration objects.
    :rtype: dict[unicode, dockerfabric.apiclient.DockerClientConfiguration]
    return _load_clients_file(filename, configuration_class=DockerClientConfiguration)

yaml.add_constructor('!env_lazy', expand_env_lazy, yaml.SafeLoader)
yaml.add_constructor('!env', expand_env, yaml.SafeLoader)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    Substitutes a variable read from a YAML node with a MsgPack ExtType value referring to data stored in a pillar.

    :param loader: YAML loader.
    :type loader: yaml.loader.SafeLoader
    :param node: Document node.
    :type node: ScalarNode
    :return: Corresponding value stored in the pillar.
    :rtype: msgpack.ExtType
    val = loader.construct_scalar(node)
    return ExtType(_ext_types['pillar'], val.encode('utf-8'))

def expand_grain_lazy(loader, node):
    Substitutes a variable read from a YAML node with a MsgPack ExtType value referring to data stored in a grain.

    :param loader: YAML loader.
    :type loader: yaml.loader.SafeLoader
    :param node: Document node.
    :type node: ScalarNode
    :return: Corresponding value stored in the grain.
    :rtype: msgpack.ExtType
    val = loader.construct_scalar(node)
    return ExtType(_ext_types['grain'], val.encode('utf-8'))

yaml.add_constructor('!pillar', expand_pillar_lazy, SaltYamlSafeLoader)
yaml.add_constructor('!grain', expand_pillar_lazy, SaltYamlSafeLoader)