Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, inputFileName, namespace='molecular_function'):
        """Constructor, reads and parses the ontology OBO file."""
        debug("Reading ontology file %s... " % inputFileName)
        self.root = None
        self.namespace = namespace
        ontology = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
        self.inputFileName = Path(inputFileName)
        with self.inputFileName.open() as go:
            terms = groupby(go.read().splitlines(), lambda x: x != '')

            for b, term in terms:
                term = list(term)
                if not b or term[0] != '[Term]': continue
                nonlists = ('id', 'def', 'name', 'namespace', 'is_obsolete')
                # Do some deciphering here...
                term = defaultdict(
                    [(a, [y[1]
                          for y in b][0 if a in nonlists else slice(None)])
                     for a, b in groupby([x.split(': ', 1)
                                          for x in term[1:]], lambda x: x[0])])

                # Filter terms by namespace, discard obsolete terms
                if term['namespace'] != namespace or term[
                        'is_obsolete'] == 'true':

                # Decide root node
                if term['name'] == namespace:
                    assert self.root is None
                    self.root = term['id']

                # Save the term to ontology
                ontology[term['id']]['name'] = term['name'].replace(
                    '_', ' ')  # FIXME KDYBY BLBLO, ODEBRAT replace
                for ref in term['is_a']:
                    refid, refname = ref.split(' ! ')
                # This is used by Bayes nets
                ontology[term['id']]['node'] = defaultdict(
                    dict)  # fold : clfName : node
                ontology[term['id']]['clf'] = defaultdict(
                    dict)  # fold : clfName : Classifier

        self.ontology = {**ontology}

        self.associations = None
        self.geneFactory = GeneFactory()
        debug("Initialized ontology for file %s... " % inputFileName)