Ejemplo n.º 1
def _parse_results( args ):
	# discover the commit
	commit = 'HEAD'
	if args.commit is not None:
		logger.debug( "Loading result from committish `%s`" % args.commit )
		commit = args.commit

	# discover the tests and the targets
	# to load results for
	tests = argparser.discover_tests( args )
	targets = argparser.discover_targets( args )

	# load the test results
	manager = ResultManager()
	manager.load_results( commit=commit, tests=tests, targets=targets )

	return manager
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _parse_results(args):
    # discover the commit
    commit = 'HEAD'
    if args.commit is not None:
        logger.debug("Loading result from committish `%s`" % args.commit)
        commit = args.commit

    # discover the tests and the targets
    # to load results for
    tests = argparser.discover_tests(args)
    targets = argparser.discover_targets(args)

    # load the test results
    manager = ResultManager()
    manager.load_results(commit=commit, tests=tests, targets=targets)

    return manager
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run( args ):
	# discover the tests and targets we need to run
	targets = argparser.discover_targets( args )
	tests = argparser.discover_tests( args )

	# run every target
	# this way we make sure the configuration is set correctly
	# during the whole execution of the program
	for i, t in enumerate( targets, 1 ):
		config.set_target( t )

		# create the runner
		runner = Runner()
		for test in tests:
			runner.add_test( test )

		logger.info( "Running tests for target `%s` [%d/%d]" % ( t, i, len( targets )))
		logger.info( 80*"=" )

		runner.run( store=(not args.dryrun), target=t, commit=args.commit )