Ejemplo n.º 1
 def validate(self):
     """ Validate the alarm configuration.
     className = self.__RootObject.__class__.__name__
     if not className in self.SUPPORTED_ROOT_TYPES:
         abort('%s object not supported by alarm %s' %\
               (className, self.name()))
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def validate(self):
     """ Validate the alarm configuration.
     className = self.__RootObject.__class__.__name__
     if not className in self.SUPPORTED_ROOT_TYPES:
         abort('%s object not supported by alarm %s' %\
               (className, self.name()))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def e3analyzer2(binFilePath, suffix = None, opts = '-b -r -c'):
    """ Run the official EEE analyzer.

    Mind we are not doing anything, at this level, to make sure that you do
    have the right eee_calib.txt file---it is really your responsibility
    to do it.
    chrono = E3Chrono()
    if not os.path.exists(binFilePath):
        abort('Could not find %s, giving up...' % binFilePath)
    if not binFilePath.endswith('.bin'):
        abort('%s not a .bin file, giving up...' % binFilePath)
    logger.info('Processing run data file %s...' % binFilePath)
    binFileName = os.path.basename(binFilePath)
    copyFilePath = os.path.join(E3PIPE_TEMP, binFileName)
    __utils__.cp(binFilePath, copyFilePath)
#    __e3analyzer2(copyFilePath, opts)
    __e3analyzer2(binFilePath, opts)
    logger.info('Run processed in %.3f s.' % chrono.stop())
    baseFilePath = copyFilePath.replace('.bin', '')
    if suffix is not None:
        for extension in E3_ANALYZER_NEW_OUTPUTS:
            src = '%s%s' % (baseFilePath, extension)
            dest = '%s_%s%s' % (baseFilePath, suffix, extension)
            __utils__.mv(src, dest)
        baseFilePath = '%s_%s' % (baseFilePath, suffix)
    logger.info('Returning base path: "%s"...' % baseFilePath)
    return baseFilePath
Ejemplo n.º 4
def uniqueRunId(station, date, runId):
    """ Turn a triplet (station, date, runId) into a unique ID.
        stationId = E3_STATION_DICT[station]
    except KeyError:
        abort('Unknown station: %s' % station)
    dateId = (date - E3_DATE_REFERENCE).days
    return stationId * STATION_MULTIPLIER + dateId * DATE_MULTIPLIER + runId
Ejemplo n.º 5
def uniqueRunId(station, date, runId):
    """ Turn a triplet (station, date, runId) into a unique ID.
        stationId = E3_STATION_DICT[station]
    except KeyError:
        abort('Unknown station: %s' % station)
    dateId = (date - E3_DATE_REFERENCE).days
    return stationId*STATION_MULTIPLIER + dateId*DATE_MULTIPLIER + runId
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, filePath, extension = None):
     if not os.path.exists(filePath):
         abort('Could not find input file %s' % filePath)
     if extension is not None and not filePath.endswith(extension):
         abort('Wrong file extension for input file %s (%s expected)' %\
               (filePath, extension))
     logger.info('Opening input file %s...' % filePath)
     file.__init__(self, filePath)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, filePath, extension=None):
     if not os.path.exists(filePath):
         abort('Could not find input file %s' % filePath)
     if extension is not None and not filePath.endswith(extension):
         abort('Wrong file extension for input file %s (%s expected)' %\
               (filePath, extension))
     logger.info('Opening input file %s...' % filePath)
     file.__init__(self, filePath)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def Add(self, filePath):
     """ Add a file to the chain.
     Note that we are doing some basic check, here, in order to try
     and prevent simple issues.
     if not '*' in filePath:
         if not os.path.exists(filePath):
             abort('Could not find input file %s' % filePath)
         if not filePath.endswith(E3RootFileBase.EXTENSION):
             abort('Wrong file extension for input file %s (%s expected)' %\
                   (filePath, E3RootFileBase.EXTENSION))
     logger.info('Adding %s...' % filePath)
     ROOT.TChain.Add(self, filePath)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def Add(self, filePath):
     """ Add a file to the chain.
     Note that we are doing some basic check, here, in order to try
     and prevent simple issues.
     if not '*' in filePath:
         if not os.path.exists(filePath):
             abort('Could not find input file %s' % filePath)
         if not filePath.endswith(E3RootFileBase.EXTENSION):
             abort('Wrong file extension for input file %s (%s expected)' %\
                   (filePath, E3RootFileBase.EXTENSION))
     logger.info('Adding %s...' % filePath)
     ROOT.TChain.Add(self, filePath)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     """ Constructor.
     if not os.path.exists(self.CFG_FILE_PATH):
         abort('Could not find configuration file %s' % self.CFG_FILE_PATH)
     logger.info('Reading db configuration file %s...' % self.CFG_FILE_PATH)
     parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
         host = parser.get('General', 'host')
         user = parser.get('General', 'user')
         dbname = parser.get('General', 'dbname')
         pwd = parser.get('General', 'pwd')
     except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, e:
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self):
     """ Constructor.
     if not os.path.exists(self.CFG_FILE_PATH):
         abort('Could not find configuration file %s' % self.CFG_FILE_PATH)
     logger.info('Reading db configuration file %s...' % self.CFG_FILE_PATH)
     parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
         host = parser.get('General', 'host')
         user = parser.get('General', 'user')
         dbname = parser.get('General', 'dbname')
         pwd = parser.get('General', 'pwd')
     except ConfigParser.NoOptionError, e:
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, filePath):
     if not os.path.exists(filePath):
         abort('Could not find input file %s' % filePath)
     if not filePath.endswith(E3RootFileBase.EXTENSION):
         abort('Wrong file extension for input file %s (%s expected)' %\
               (filePath, E3RootFileBase.EXTENSION))
     logger.info('Opening input file %s...' % filePath)
     ROOT.TFile.__init__(self, filePath)
     logger.info('Creator: %s' % self.creator())
     logger.info('Version: %s' % self.version())
     logger.info('Creation time: %s' % self.creationTime())
     logger.info('Date: %s' % self.date())
     logger.info('Station: %s' % self.station())
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self, filePath):
     if not os.path.exists(filePath):
         abort('Could not find input file %s' % filePath)
     if not filePath.endswith(E3RootFileBase.EXTENSION):
         abort('Wrong file extension for input file %s (%s expected)' %\
               (filePath, E3RootFileBase.EXTENSION))
     logger.info('Opening input file %s...' % filePath)
     ROOT.TFile.__init__(self, filePath)
     logger.info('Creator: %s' % self.creator())
     logger.info('Version: %s' % self.version())
     logger.info('Creation time: %s' % self.creationTime())
     logger.info('Date: %s' % self.date())
     logger.info('Station: %s' % self.station())
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self, filePath, creator = 'e3pipe', date = None,
              station = None):
     if not filePath.endswith(E3RootFileBase.EXTENSION):
         abort('Please root the %s extension for ROOT files' %\
     logger.info('Opening output file %s...' % filePath)
     ROOT.TFile.__init__(self, filePath, 'RECREATE')
     writeString(E3RootFileBase.CREATOR_KEY, creator)
     writeString(E3RootFileBase.VERSION_KEY, TAG)
     writeString(E3RootFileBase.CREATION_TIME_KEY, time.asctime())
     if date is not None:
         writeString(E3RootFileBase.DATE_KEY, date)
     if station is not None:
         writeString(E3RootFileBase.STATION_KEY, station)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def e3mergeFiles(outputFilePath, *fileList, **kwargs):
    """ Merge a series of DST ROOT files.
    if kwargs.get('sort', True):
        logger.info('Sorting file list...')
        fileList = list(fileList)
    if len(fileList) < 2:
        abort('No files to merge')
    outputFile = E3OutputRootFile(outputFilePath, 'e3merge', kwargs['date'],
    if kwargs.get('mergeHeader', True):
        header = E3DstHeaderChain(*fileList)
        branches = kwargs.get('headerBranches', None)
        if branches is not None:
        _header = header.CloneTree()
    if kwargs.get('mergeEvents', True):
        events = E3DstEventChain(*fileList)
        branches = kwargs.get('eventBranches', None)
        if branches is not None:
        _events = events.CloneTree()
    if kwargs.get('mergeTrending', True):
        trending = E3DstTrendingChain(*fileList)
        branches = kwargs.get('trendingBranches', None)
        if branches is not None:
        _trending = trending.CloneTree()
    if kwargs.get('mergeWeather', True):
        weather = E3DstWeatherChain(*fileList)
        branches = kwargs.get('trendingBranches', None)
        if branches is not None:
        _weather = weather.CloneTree()
    return outputFilePath
Ejemplo n.º 16
def e3mergeFiles(outputFilePath, *fileList, **kwargs):
    """ Merge a series of DST ROOT files.
    if kwargs.get('sort', True):
        logger.info('Sorting file list...')
        fileList = list(fileList)
    if len(fileList) < 2:
        abort('No files to merge')
    outputFile = E3OutputRootFile(outputFilePath, 'e3merge', kwargs['date'],
    if kwargs.get('mergeHeader', True):
        header = E3DstHeaderChain(*fileList)
        branches = kwargs.get('headerBranches', None)
        if branches is not None:
        _header = header.CloneTree()
    if kwargs.get('mergeEvents', True):
        events = E3DstEventChain(*fileList)
        branches = kwargs.get('eventBranches', None)
        if branches is not None:
        _events = events.CloneTree()
    if kwargs.get('mergeTrending', True):
        trending = E3DstTrendingChain(*fileList)
        branches = kwargs.get('trendingBranches', None)
        if branches is not None:
        _trending = trending.CloneTree()
    if kwargs.get('mergeWeather', True):
        weather = E3DstWeatherChain(*fileList)
        branches = kwargs.get('trendingBranches', None)
        if branches is not None:
        _weather = weather.CloneTree()
    return outputFilePath
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(self, filePath):
     """ Constructor.
     if not filePath.endswith('.bin'):
         abort('%s does not look like a raw binary file' % filePath)
     self['RawFilePath'] = filePath
     self['RawDirName'], self['RawFileName'] = os.path.split(filePath)
     data = splitFilePath(filePath)
     self['Station'] = data[0]
     year, month, day = [int(item) for item in data[1:4]]
     self['RunString'] = data[4]
     self['RunNumber'] = int(self.RunString)
     self['Date'] = datetime.date(year, month, day)
     self['DateString'] = date2str(self.Date)
     self['DstFilePath'] = self.__dstFilePath()
     self['CalibFilePath'] = self.__calibFilePath()
     self['DqmFolderPath'] = self.__dqmFolderPath()
     self['LogFilePath'] = self.__logFilePath()
     self['LockFilePath'] = self.__lockFilePath()
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self, filePath):
     """ Constructor.
     if not filePath.endswith('.bin'):
         abort('%s does not look like a raw binary file' % filePath)
     self['RawFilePath'] = filePath
     self['RawDirName'], self['RawFileName'] = os.path.split(filePath)
     data = splitFilePath(filePath)
     self['Station'] = data[0]
     year, month, day = [int(item) for item in data[1:4]]
     self['RunString'] = data[4]
     self['RunNumber'] = int(self.RunString)
     self['Date'] = datetime.date(year, month, day)
     self['DateString'] = date2str(self.Date)
     self['DstFilePath'] = self.__dstFilePath()
     self['CalibFilePath'] = self.__calibFilePath()
     self['DqmFolderPath'] = self.__dqmFolderPath()
     self['LogFilePath'] = self.__logFilePath()
     self['LockFilePath'] = self.__lockFilePath()
Ejemplo n.º 19
def e3analyzer(binFilePath, suffix = None):
    """ Run the official EEE analyzer.

    Mind we are not doing anything, at this level, to make sure that you do
    have the right eee_calib.txt file---it is really your responsibility
    to do it.
    chrono = E3Chrono()
    if not os.path.exists(binFilePath):
        abort('Could not find %s, giving up...' % binFilePath)
    if not binFilePath.endswith('.bin'):
        abort('%s not a .bin file, giving up...' % binFilePath)
    logger.info('Processing run data file %s...' % binFilePath)
    binFileName = os.path.basename(binFilePath)
    copyFilePath = os.path.join(E3PIPE_TEMP, binFileName)
    __utils__.cp(binFilePath, copyFilePath)
    # Here we need a bit of extra attention about whether we are analyzing data
    # from Pisa or any other station.
    station = splitFilePath(copyFilePath)[0]
    if station == 'PISA-01':
    # End of the hack for the Pisa custom DAQ.
    logger.info('Run processed in %.3f s.' % chrono.stop())
    baseFilePath = copyFilePath.replace('.bin', '')
    if suffix is not None:
        for extension in E3_ANALYZER_OUTPUTS:
            src = '%s%s' % (baseFilePath, extension)
            dest = '%s_%s%s' % (baseFilePath, suffix, extension)
            __utils__.mv(src, dest)
        baseFilePath = '%s_%s' % (baseFilePath, suffix)
    logger.info('Returning base path: "%s"...' % baseFilePath)
    return baseFilePath
Ejemplo n.º 20
def e3analyzer(binFilePath, suffix=None):
    """ Run the official EEE analyzer.

    Mind we are not doing anything, at this level, to make sure that you do
    have the right eee_calib.txt file---it is really your responsibility
    to do it.
    chrono = E3Chrono()
    if not os.path.exists(binFilePath):
        abort('Could not find %s, giving up...' % binFilePath)
    if not binFilePath.endswith('.bin'):
        abort('%s not a .bin file, giving up...' % binFilePath)
    logger.info('Processing run data file %s...' % binFilePath)
    binFileName = os.path.basename(binFilePath)
    copyFilePath = os.path.join(E3PIPE_TEMP, binFileName)
    __utils__.cp(binFilePath, copyFilePath)
    # Here we need a bit of extra attention about whether we are analyzing data
    # from Pisa or any other station.
    station = splitFilePath(copyFilePath)[0]
    if station == 'PISA-01':
    # End of the hack for the Pisa custom DAQ.
    logger.info('Run processed in %.3f s.' % chrono.stop())
    baseFilePath = copyFilePath.replace('.bin', '')
    if suffix is not None:
        for extension in E3_ANALYZER_OUTPUTS:
            src = '%s%s' % (baseFilePath, extension)
            dest = '%s_%s%s' % (baseFilePath, suffix, extension)
            __utils__.mv(src, dest)
        baseFilePath = '%s_%s' % (baseFilePath, suffix)
    logger.info('Returning base path: "%s"...' % baseFilePath)
    return baseFilePath
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def __validate(self):
     """ Validate the limits (i.e. make sure that the min and max
     values are consistent and that the warning margins are smaller than
     the error margins.)
     if self.WarningMin > self.WarningMax:
         abort('Warning min (%s) higher than warning max (%s).' %\
               (self.WarningMin, self.WarningMax))
     if self.ErrorMin > self.ErrorMax:
         abort('Error min (%s) higher than error max (%s).' %\
               (self.ErrorMin, self.ErrorMax))
     if self.WarningMin < self.ErrorMin:
         abort('Warning min (%s) lower than error min (%s).' %\
               (self.WarningMin, self.ErrorMin))
     if self.WarningMax > self.ErrorMax:
         abort('Warning max (%s) is higher than error max (%s).' %\
               (self.WarningMax, self.ErrorMax))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def e3dst(baseFilePath):
    """ Parse all the output text files from the analyzer and build the
    actual DST in ROOT format.
    chrono = E3Chrono()
    logger.info('Collecting input files for the DST...')
    outFile = E3AnalyzerOutFile('%s.out' % baseFilePath)
    sumFile = E3AnalyzerSumFile('%s.sum' % baseFilePath)
    dstFilePath = '%s_dst.root' % baseFilePath
    uniqueId = uniqueRunIdFromFilePath(baseFilePath)
    station, year, month, day, runId = splitFilePath(baseFilePath)
    date = datetime.date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
    logger.info('Unique run ID is %s.' % uniqueId)
    logger.info('Opening output ROOT file %s...' % dstFilePath)
    rootFile = E3OutputRootFile(dstFilePath, 'e3dst', date2str(date), station)
    logger.info('Initializing event tree...')
    eventTree = E3DstEventTree()
    logger.info('Filling event tree...')
    for row in outFile:
    eventStat = outFile.eventStat()
    tmin = outFile.minTimestamp()
    tmax = outFile.maxTimestamp()
    # If we have less than two good events there is nothing we could
    # possibly do, here.
    # Close all files and remove the output dst ROOT file so that
    # we know the run has not been processed.
    if eventStat['hits'] < 2:
        logger.info('Closing all files...')
        logger.info('No events with hits, processing terminated after %.3f s.' %\
    logger.info('Event stats: %s' % eventStat)
    logger.info('Range of timestamps in the output files: %.3f--%.3f' %\
                (tmin, tmax))
    duration = tmax - tmin
    logger.info('Corresponding run duration: %.3f s' % duration)
    if duration > MAX_RUN_DURATION:
        logger.error('Run looks way too long, something must be wrong.')
    logger.info('Done, %d event(s) filled in.' % eventTree.GetEntries())
    if eventTree.GetEntries() == 0:
        abort('No events found (maybe an issue with eee_calib.txt?)')
    logger.info('Creating monitoring plots...')
    logger.info('Initializing weather tree...')
    weatherTree = E3DstWeatherTree()
    binFile = E3BinFile('%s.bin' % baseFilePath)
    weatherRecord = binFile.weatherStationRecord()
    if weatherRecord is not None:
        logger.info('Filling weather tree...')
    logger.info('Creating trending data products...')
    trendingTree = eventTree.doTrending(TRENDING_TIME_BIN, tmin, tmax,
    logger.info('Writing trending tree...')
    logger.info('Writing monitoring/trending plots...')
    for plot in eventTree.plots():
    logger.info('Initializing header tree...')
    headerTree = E3DstHeaderTree()
    logger.info('Filling header tree...')
    data = sumFile.data()
    # Mind we need to add a few things "by hand", here, as not all the
    # information that we want in the header is really coming from the
    # sum file.
    data['RunNumber'] = row['RunNumber']
    data['RunStart'] = tmin
    data['RunStop'] = tmax
    data['RunDuration'] = tmax - tmin
    data['NumHitEvents'] = eventStat['hits']
    data['NumTrackEvents'] = eventStat['track']
    data['NumNoHitsEvents'] = eventStat['no_hits']
    data['NumNoHitEvents'] = eventStat['no_hit']
    data['NumMalformedEvents'] = eventStat['malformed']
    data['NumBackwardEvents'] = eventStat['backward']
    logger.info('Creating histograms...')
    for key in ['HitMultBot', 'HitMultMid', 'HitMultTop',
                'ClusterMultBot', 'ClusterMultMid', 'ClusterMultTop']:
        h = data2hist(data, key, xmax = 15.5)
    for key in ['HitMultTotal', 'ClusterMultTotal']:
        h = data2hist(data, key, xmax = 35.5)
    logger.info('Closing all files...')
    logger.info('DST created in %.3f s.' % chrono.stop())
    logger.info('Returning DST path: %s...' % dstFilePath)
    return dstFilePath
Ejemplo n.º 23
# Import the necessary stuff.
from e3pipe.tasks.e3report import e3report

if len(args):
    parser.error('This app only takes options.')
if opts.statfile is None:
    parser.error('Please select an input file (e3report.py -F file)')

# And now we are ready to go.
if opts.end is None:
    import datetime
    end = datetime.date.today()
    from e3pipe.dst.__time__ import str2date
    end = str2date(opts.end)

import os
if not os.path.isfile(opts.statfile):
    abort('Could not find input file %s' % opts.statfile)
stations = [line.split()[0] for line in open(opts.statfile)]

import e3pipe.__utils__ as __utils__

for station in stations:
    logger.info('Creating report for %s...' % station)
    _cmd = 'e3report.py -s %s -E %s -N %d -o %s' %\
        (station, end, opts.span, opts.out)
    exitCode = __utils__.cmd(_cmd)

Ejemplo n.º 24
def e3trending2(dstFilePath):
    """ Parse a DST root file produced by the new analyzer and add the bits that
    are missing for the DQM (e.g., the trending).
    chrono = E3Chrono()
    #uniqueId = uniqueRunIdFromFilePath(baseFilePath)
    #station, year, month, day, runId = splitFilePath(baseFilePath)
    #date = datetime.date(int(year), int(month), int(day))
    #logger.info('Unique run ID is %s.' % uniqueId)
    logger.info('Opening output ROOT file %s...' % dstFilePath)
    rootFile = E3OutputRootFile(dstFilePath, 'e3dst', date2str(date), station)
    logger.info('Initializing event tree...')
    eventTree = E3DstEventTree()
    #logger.info('Filling event tree...')
    #for row in outFile:
    #    eventTree.fillRow(row)
    #eventStat = outFile.eventStat()
    #tmin = outFile.minTimestamp()
    #tmax = outFile.maxTimestamp()
    # If we have less than two good events there is nothing we could
    # possibly do, here.
    # Close all files and remove the output dst ROOT file so that
    # we know the run has not been processed.
    #if eventStat['hits'] < 2:
    #    logger.info('Closing all files...')
    #    rootFile.Close()
    #    outFile.close()
    #    sumFile.close()
    #    __utils__.rm(dstFilePath)
    #    logger.info('No events with hits, processing terminated after %.3f s.' %\
    #                chrono.stop())
    #    sys.exit(E3PIPE_EXIT_CODE_NO_HITS_EVENTS)
    #logger.info('Event stats: %s' % eventStat)
    #logger.info('Range of timestamps in the output files: %.3f--%.3f' %\
    #            (tmin, tmax))
    #duration = tmax - tmin
    #logger.info('Corresponding run duration: %.3f s' % duration)
    #if duration > MAX_RUN_DURATION:
    #    logger.error('Run looks way too long, something must be wrong.')
    #    sys.exit(E3PIPE_EXIT_CODE_RUN_TOO_LONG)
    logger.info('Done, %d event(s) filled in.' % eventTree.GetEntries())
    if eventTree.GetEntries() == 0:
        abort('No events found (maybe an issue with eee_calib.txt?)')
    logger.info('Creating monitoring plots...')
    #logger.info('Initializing weather tree...')
    #weatherTree = E3DstWeatherTree()
    #binFile = E3BinFile('%s.bin' % baseFilePath)
    #weatherRecord = binFile.weatherStationRecord()
    #if weatherRecord is not None:
    #    logger.info('Filling weather tree...')
    #    weatherTree.fillRow(weatherRecord.data())
    #logger.info('Creating trending data products...')
    #trendingTree = eventTree.doTrending(TRENDING_TIME_BIN, tmin, tmax,
    #                                    weatherRecord)
    #logger.info('Writing trending tree...')
    #logger.info('Writing monitoring/trending plots...')
    #for plot in eventTree.plots():
    #    plot.Write()
    #logger.info('Initializing header tree...')
    #headerTree = E3DstHeaderTree()
    #logger.info('Filling header tree...')
    #data = sumFile.data()
    # Mind we need to add a few things "by hand", here, as not all the
    # information that we want in the header is really coming from the
    # sum file.
    #data['RunNumber'] = row['RunNumber']
    #data['RunStart'] = tmin
    #data['RunStop'] = tmax
    #data['RunDuration'] = tmax - tmin
    #data['NumHitEvents'] = eventStat['hits']
    #data['NumTrackEvents'] = eventStat['track']
    #data['NumNoHitsEvents'] = eventStat['no_hits']
    #data['NumNoHitEvents'] = eventStat['no_hit']
    #data['NumMalformedEvents'] = eventStat['malformed']
    #data['NumBackwardEvents'] = eventStat['backward']
    #logger.info('Creating histograms...')
    #for key in ['HitMultBot', 'HitMultMid', 'HitMultTop',
    #            'ClusterMultBot', 'ClusterMultMid', 'ClusterMultTop']:
    #    h = data2hist(data, key, xmax = 15.5)
    #    h.Write()
    #for key in ['HitMultTotal', 'ClusterMultTotal']:
    #    h = data2hist(data, key, xmax = 35.5)
    #    h.Write()
    #logger.info('Closing all files...')
    logger.info('DST created in %.3f s.' % chrono.stop())
    logger.info('Returning DST path: %s...' % dstFilePath)
    return dstFilePath