Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_os_dependency(dep):
    Check if dependency is available from OS.
    # - uses rpm -q and dpkg -s --> can be run as non-root!!
    # - fallback on which
    # - should be extended to files later?
    found = None
    cmd = None
    if which('rpm'):
        cmd = "rpm -q %s" % dep
        found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False, force_in_dry_run=True)

    if not found and which('dpkg'):
        cmd = "dpkg -s %s" % dep
        found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False, force_in_dry_run=True)

    if cmd is None:
        # fallback for when os-dependency is a binary/library
        found = which(dep)

        # try locate if it's available
        if not found and which('locate'):
            cmd = 'locate --regexp "/%s$"' % dep
            found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False, force_in_dry_run=True)

    return found
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_which(self):
        """Test which function for locating commands."""
        python = ft.which('python')
        self.assertTrue(python and os.path.exists(python) and os.path.isabs(python))

        path = ft.which('i_really_do_not_expect_a_command_with_a_name_like_this_to_be_available')
        self.assertTrue(path is None)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_os_dependency(dep):
    Check if dependency is available from OS.
    # - uses rpm -q and dpkg -s --> can be run as non-root!!
    # - fallback on which
    # - should be extended to files later?
    cmd = None
    if get_os_name() in ['debian', 'ubuntu']:
        if which('dpkg'):
            cmd = "dpkg -s %s" % dep
        # OK for get_os_name() == redhat, fedora, RHEL, SL, centos
        if which('rpm'):
            cmd = "rpm -q %s" % dep

    found = None
    if cmd is not None:
        found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False)

    if found is None:
        # fallback for when os-dependency is a binary/library
        found = which(dep)

    # try locate if it's available
    if found is None and which('locate'):
        cmd = 'locate --regexp "/%s$"' % dep
        found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False)

    return found
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, mod_paths=None, testing=False):
        Create a ModulesTool object
        @param mod_paths: A list of paths where the modules can be located
        @type mod_paths: list
        # this can/should be set to True during testing
        self.testing = testing

        self.log = fancylogger.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__, fname=False)
        self.mod_paths = None
        if mod_paths is not None:

        # DEPRECATED!
        self._modules = []

        # actual module command (i.e., not the 'module' wrapper function, but the binary)
        self.cmd = self.COMMAND
        env_cmd_path = os.environ.get(self.COMMAND_ENVIRONMENT)

        # only use command path in environment variable if command in not available in $PATH
        if which(self.cmd) is None and env_cmd_path is not None:
            self.log.debug("Set command via environment variable %s: %s", self.COMMAND_ENVIRONMENT, self.cmd)
            self.cmd = env_cmd_path

        # check whether paths obtained via $PATH and $LMOD_CMD are different
        elif which(self.cmd) != env_cmd_path:
                "Different paths found for module command '%s' via which/$PATH and $%s: %s vs %s",

        # make sure the module command was found
        if self.cmd is None:
            raise EasyBuildError("No command set.")
            self.log.debug("Using command %s" % self.cmd)

        # version of modules tool
        self.version = None

        # some initialisation/verification
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for RPMs: rebuild RPMs for relocation if required."""

        # make sure that rpm is available
        if not which('rpm'):
            raise EasyBuildError("Command 'rpm' is required but not available.")

        # determine whether RPMs need to be rebuilt to make relocation work
        cmd = "rpm --version"
        (out, _) = run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False)
        rpmver_re = re.compile("^RPM\s+version\s+(?P<version>[0-9.]+).*")
        res = rpmver_re.match(out)
        self.log.debug("RPM version found: %s" % res.group())

        if res:
            ver = res.groupdict()['version']

            # rebuilding is required on SL6, which implies rpm v4.8 (works fine without rebuilding on SL5)
            if LooseVersion(ver) >= LooseVersion('4.8.0'):
                self.rebuild_rpm = True
                self.log.debug("Enabling rebuild of RPMs to make relocation work...")
            raise EasyBuildError("Checking RPM version failed, so just carrying on with the default behaviour...")

        if self.rebuild_rpm:
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_which(self):
        """Test which function for locating commands."""
        python = ft.which('python')
        self.assertTrue(python and os.path.exists(python) and os.path.isabs(python))

        path = ft.which('i_really_do_not_expect_a_command_with_a_name_like_this_to_be_available')
        self.assertTrue(path is None)

        os.environ['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (self.test_prefix, os.environ['PATH'])
        foo, bar = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'foo'), os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bar')
        ft.adjust_permissions(foo, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IXUSR)
        ft.write_file(bar, '#!/bin/bash')
        ft.adjust_permissions(bar, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IXUSR)
        self.assertEqual(ft.which('foo'), None)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(ft.which('bar'), bar))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def configure_step(self, cmd_prefix=''):
        Configure with Meson.
        # make sure both Meson and Ninja are included as build dependencies
        build_dep_names = [d['name'] for d in self.cfg.builddependencies()]
        for tool in ['Ninja', 'Meson']:
            if tool not in build_dep_names:
                raise EasyBuildError("%s not included as build dependency", tool)
            cmd = tool.lower()
            if not which(cmd):
                raise EasyBuildError("'%s' command not found", cmd)

        if self.cfg.get('separate_build_dir', True):
            builddir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'easybuild_obj')

        # Make sure libdir doesn't get set to lib/x86_64-linux-gnu or something
        # on Debian/Ubuntu multiarch systems and others.
        no_Dlibdir = '-Dlibdir' not in self.cfg['configopts']
        no_libdir = '--libdir' not in self.cfg['configopts']
        if no_Dlibdir and no_libdir:
            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-Dlibdir=lib')

        cmd = "%(preconfigopts)s meson --prefix %(installdir)s %(configopts)s %(sourcedir)s" % {
            'configopts': self.cfg['configopts'],
            'installdir': self.installdir,
            'preconfigopts': self.cfg['preconfigopts'],
            'sourcedir': self.start_dir,
        (out, _) = run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False)
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def symlink_commands(self, paths):
        Create a symlink for each command to binary/script at specified path.

        :param paths: dictionary containing one or mappings, each one specified as a tuple:
                      (<path/to/script>, <list of commands to symlink to the script>)
        symlink_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        # prepend location to symlinks to $PATH
        setvar('PATH', '%s:%s' % (symlink_dir, os.getenv('PATH')))

        for (path, cmds) in paths.values():
            for cmd in cmds:
                cmd_s = os.path.join(symlink_dir, cmd)
                if not os.path.exists(cmd_s):
                        os.symlink(path, cmd_s)
                    except OSError as err:
                        raise EasyBuildError("Failed to symlink %s to %s: %s", path, cmd_s, err)

                cmd_path = which(cmd)
                self.log.debug("which(%s): %s -> %s", cmd, cmd_path, os.path.realpath(cmd_path))

            self.log.info("Commands symlinked to %s via %s: %s", path, symlink_dir, ', '.join(cmds))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def prepare_python(self):
        """Python-specific preperations."""
        # pick 'python' command to use
        python = None

        python_root = get_software_root('Python')
        # keep in mind that Python may be listed as an allowed system dependency,
        # so just checking Python root is not sufficient
        if python_root:
            bin_python = os.path.join(python_root, 'bin', 'python')
            if os.path.exists(bin_python) and os.path.samefile(which('python'), bin_python):
                # if Python is listed as a (build) dependency, use 'python' command provided that way
                python = os.path.join(python_root, 'bin', 'python')
                self.log.debug("Retaining 'python' command for Python dependency: %s", python)

        if python is None:
            # if using system Python, go hunting for a 'python' command that satisfies the requirements
            python = pick_python_cmd(req_maj_ver=self.cfg['req_py_majver'], req_min_ver=self.cfg['req_py_minver'])

        if python:
            self.python_cmd = python
            self.log.info("Python command being used: %s", self.python_cmd)
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to pick Python command to use")

        # set Python lib directories
Ejemplo n.º 10
def check_tool(tool_name, min_tool_version=None):
    This function is a predicate check for the existence of tool_name on the system PATH.
    If min_tool_version is not None, it will check that the version has an equal or higher value.
    tool_path = which(tool_name)
    if not tool_path:
        return False

    print_msg("{0} tool found at {1}".format(tool_name, tool_path))

    if not min_tool_version:
        return True

    version_cmd = "{0} --version".format(tool_name)
    out, ec = run_cmd(version_cmd, simple=False, trace=False, force_in_dry_run=True)
    if ec:
        raise EasyBuildError("Error running '{0}' for tool {1} with output: {2}".format(version_cmd, tool_name, out))
    res = re.search("\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?", out.strip())
    if not res:
        raise EasyBuildError("Error parsing version for tool {0}".format(tool_name))
    tool_version = res.group(0)
    version_ok = LooseVersion(str(min_tool_version)) <= LooseVersion(tool_version)
    if version_ok:
        print_msg("{0} version '{1}' is {2} or higher ... OK".format(tool_name, tool_version, min_tool_version))
    return version_ok
    def configure_step(self, cmd_prefix=''):
        Configure with Meson.
        # make sure both Meson and Ninja are included as build dependencies
        build_dep_names = [d['name'] for d in self.cfg.builddependencies()]
        for tool in ['Ninja', 'Meson']:
            if tool not in build_dep_names:
                raise EasyBuildError("%s not included as build dependency", tool)
            cmd = tool.lower()
            if not which(cmd):
                raise EasyBuildError("'%s' command not found", cmd)

        if self.cfg.get('separate_build_dir', True):
            builddir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'easybuild_obj')

        cmd = "%(preconfigopts)s meson --prefix %(installdir)s %(configopts)s %(sourcedir)s" % {
            'configopts': self.cfg['configopts'],
            'installdir': self.installdir,
            'preconfigopts': self.cfg['preconfigopts'],
            'sourcedir': self.start_dir,
        (out, _) = run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False)
        return out
 def write_wrapper(self, wrapper_dir, compiler, i_mpi_root):
     """Helper function to write a compiler wrapper."""
     wrapper_txt = INTEL_COMPILER_WRAPPER % {
         'compiler_path': which(compiler),
         'intel_mpi_root': i_mpi_root,
         'cpath': os.getenv('CPATH'),
         'intel_license_file': os.getenv('INTEL_LICENSE_FILE', os.getenv('LM_LICENSE_FILE')),
         'wrapper_dir': wrapper_dir,
     wrapper = os.path.join(wrapper_dir, compiler)
     write_file(wrapper, wrapper_txt)
     if self.dry_run:
         self.dry_run_msg("Wrapper for '%s' was put in place: %s", compiler, wrapper)
         adjust_permissions(wrapper, stat.S_IXUSR)
         self.log.info("Using wrapper script for '%s': %s", compiler, which(compiler))
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_lmod_specific(self):
        """Lmod-specific test (skipped unless Lmod is used as modules tool)."""
        lmod_abspath = which(Lmod.COMMAND)
        # only run this test if 'lmod' is available in $PATH
        if lmod_abspath is not None:
            build_options = {
                'allow_modules_tool_mismatch': True,

            # drop any location where 'lmod' or 'spider' can be found from $PATH
            paths = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
            new_paths = []
            for path in paths:
                lmod_cand_path = os.path.join(path, Lmod.COMMAND)
                spider_cand_path = os.path.join(path, 'spider')
                if not os.path.isfile(lmod_cand_path) and not os.path.isfile(spider_cand_path):
            os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(new_paths)

            # make sure $MODULEPATH contains path that provides some modules
            os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'modules'))

            # initialize Lmod modules tool, pass full path to 'lmod' via $LMOD_CMD
            os.environ['LMOD_CMD'] = lmod_abspath
            lmod = Lmod(testing=True)

            # obtain list of availabe modules, should be non-empty
            self.assertTrue(lmod.available(), "List of available modules obtained using Lmod is non-empty")

            # test updating local spider cache (but don't actually update the local cache file!)
            self.assertTrue(lmod.update(), "Updated local Lmod spider cache is non-empty")
Ejemplo n.º 14
def check_pkg_support():
    """Check whether packaging is possible, if required dependencies are available."""
    pkgtool = build_option('package_tool')
    pkgtool_path = which(pkgtool)
    if pkgtool_path:
        _log.info("Selected packaging tool '%s' found at %s", pkgtool, pkgtool_path)

        # rpmbuild is required for generating RPMs with FPM
        if pkgtool == PKG_TOOL_FPM and build_option('package_type') == PKG_TYPE_RPM:
            rpmbuild_path = which('rpmbuild')
            if rpmbuild_path:
                _log.info("Required tool 'rpmbuild' found at %s", rpmbuild_path)
                raise EasyBuildError("rpmbuild is required when generating RPM packages but was not found")

        raise EasyBuildError("Selected packaging tool '%s' not found", pkgtool)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def check_cmd_avail(self):
     """Check whether modules tool command is available."""
     cmd_path = which(self.cmd)
     if cmd_path is not None:
         self.cmd = cmd_path
         self.log.info("Full path for module command is %s, so using it" % self.cmd)
         mod_tool = self.__class__.__name__
         self.log.error("%s modules tool can not be used, '%s' command is not available." % (mod_tool, self.cmd))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def check_os_dependency(dep):
    Check if dependency is available from OS.
    # - uses rpm -q and dpkg -s --> can be run as non-root!!
    # - fallback on which
    # - should be extended to files later?
    found = False
    cmd = None
    os_to_pkg_cmd_map = {
        'centos': RPM,
        'debian': DPKG,
        'redhat': RPM,
        'ubuntu': DPKG,
    pkg_cmd_flag = {
        DPKG: '-s',
        RPM: '-q',
    os_name = get_os_name()
    if os_name in os_to_pkg_cmd_map:
        pkg_cmds = [os_to_pkg_cmd_map[os_name]]
        pkg_cmds = [RPM, DPKG]

    for pkg_cmd in pkg_cmds:
        if which(pkg_cmd):
            cmd = ' '.join([pkg_cmd, pkg_cmd_flag.get(pkg_cmd), dep])
            found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False,
                            force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
            if found:

    if not found:
        # fallback for when os-dependency is a binary/library
        found = which(dep)

        # try locate if it's available
        if not found and which('locate'):
            cmd = 'locate --regexp "/%s$"' % dep
            found = run_cmd(cmd, simple=True, log_all=False, log_ok=False, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False,

    return found
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_system_info():
    """Return a dictionary with system information."""
    python_version = '; '.join(sys.version.split('\n'))
    return {
        'core_count': get_avail_core_count(),
        'cpu_model': get_cpu_model(),
        'cpu_speed': get_cpu_speed(),
        'cpu_vendor': get_cpu_vendor(),
        'gcc_version': get_tool_version('gcc', version_option='-v'),
        'hostname': gethostname(),
        'glibc_version': get_glibc_version(),
        'os_name': get_os_name(),
        'os_type': get_os_type(),
        'os_version': get_os_version(),
        'platform_name': get_platform_name(),
        'python_version': python_version,
        'system_python_path': which('python'),
        'system_gcc_path': which('gcc'),
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for Bazel."""

        binutils_root = get_software_root('binutils')
        gcc_root = get_software_root('GCCcore') or get_software_root('GCC')
        gcc_ver = get_software_version('GCCcore') or get_software_version('GCC')

        # only patch Bazel scripts if binutils & GCC installation prefix could be determined
        if binutils_root and gcc_root:

            res = glob.glob(os.path.join(gcc_root, 'lib', 'gcc', '*', gcc_ver, 'include'))
            if res and len(res) == 1:
                gcc_lib_inc = res[0]
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to pinpoint location of GCC include files: %s", res)

            gcc_lib_inc_fixed = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gcc_lib_inc), 'include-fixed')
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_lib_inc_fixed):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist", gcc_lib_inc_fixed)

            gcc_cplusplus_inc = os.path.join(gcc_root, 'include', 'c++', gcc_ver)
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_cplusplus_inc):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist", gcc_cplusplus_inc)

            # replace hardcoded paths in CROSSTOOL
            regex_subs = [
                (r'-B/usr/bin', '-B%s' % os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
                (r'(cxx_builtin_include_directory:.*)/usr/lib/gcc', r'\1%s' % gcc_lib_inc),
                (r'(cxx_builtin_include_directory:.*)/usr/local/include', r'\1%s' % gcc_lib_inc_fixed),
                (r'(cxx_builtin_include_directory:.*)/usr/include', r'\1%s' % gcc_cplusplus_inc),
            for tool in ['ar', 'cpp', 'dwp', 'gcc', 'ld']:
                path = which(tool)
                if path:
                    regex_subs.append((os.path.join('/usr', 'bin', tool), path))
                    raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine path to '%s'", tool)

            apply_regex_substitutions(os.path.join('tools', 'cpp', 'CROSSTOOL'), regex_subs)

            # replace hardcoded paths in (unix_)cc_configure.bzl
            regex_subs = [
                (r'-B/usr/bin', '-B%s' % os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
                (r'"/usr/bin', '"' + os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
            for conf_bzl in ['cc_configure.bzl', 'unix_cc_configure.bzl']:
                filepath = os.path.join('tools', 'cpp', conf_bzl)
                if os.path.exists(filepath):
                    apply_regex_substitutions(filepath, regex_subs)
            self.log.info("Not patching Bazel build scripts, installation prefix for binutils/GCC not found")

        # enable building in parallel
        env.setvar('EXTRA_BAZEL_ARGS', '--jobs=%d' % self.cfg['parallel'])
Ejemplo n.º 19
def check_pkg_support():
    """Check whether packaging is supported, i.e. whether the required dependencies are available."""
    # packaging support is considered experimental for now (requires using --experimental)
    _log.experimental("Support for packaging installed software.")

    pkgtool = build_option('package_tool')
    pkgtool_path = which(pkgtool)
    if pkgtool_path:
        _log.info("Selected packaging tool '%s' found at %s", pkgtool, pkgtool_path)

        # rpmbuild is required for generating RPMs with FPM
        if pkgtool == PKG_TOOL_FPM and build_option('package_type') == PKG_TYPE_RPM:
            rpmbuild_path = which('rpmbuild')
            if rpmbuild_path:
                _log.info("Required tool 'rpmbuild' found at %s", rpmbuild_path)
                raise EasyBuildError("rpmbuild is required when generating RPM packages with FPM, but was not found")

        raise EasyBuildError("Selected packaging tool '%s' not found", pkgtool)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_system_info():
    """Return a dictionary with system information."""
    python_version = "; ".join(sys.version.split("\n"))
    return {
        "core_count": get_avail_core_count(),
        "total_memory": get_total_memory(),
        "cpu_model": get_cpu_model(),
        "cpu_speed": get_cpu_speed(),
        "cpu_vendor": get_cpu_vendor(),
        "gcc_version": get_tool_version("gcc", version_option="-v"),
        "hostname": gethostname(),
        "glibc_version": get_glibc_version(),
        "os_name": get_os_name(),
        "os_type": get_os_type(),
        "os_version": get_os_version(),
        "platform_name": get_platform_name(),
        "python_version": python_version,
        "system_python_path": which("python"),
        "system_gcc_path": which("gcc"),
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_mock(self):
        """Test the mock module"""
        # ue empty mod_path list, otherwise the install_path is called
        mmt = MockModulesTool(mod_paths=[])

        # the version of the MMT is the commandline option
        self.assertEqual(mmt.version, StrictVersion(MockModulesTool.VERSION_OPTION))

        cmd_abspath = which(MockModulesTool.COMMAND)

        # make sure absolute path of module command is being used
        self.assertEqual(mmt.cmd, cmd_abspath)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_which(self):
        """Test which function for locating commands."""
        python = ft.which('python')
        self.assertTrue(python and os.path.exists(python) and os.path.isabs(python))

        path = ft.which('i_really_do_not_expect_a_command_with_a_name_like_this_to_be_available')
        self.assertTrue(path is None)

        os.environ['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (self.test_prefix, os.environ['PATH'])
        # put a directory 'foo' in place (should be ignored by 'which')
        foo = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'foo')
        ft.adjust_permissions(foo, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IXUSR)
        # put executable file 'bar' in place
        bar = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bar')
        ft.write_file(bar, '#!/bin/bash')
        ft.adjust_permissions(bar, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IXUSR)
        self.assertEqual(ft.which('foo'), None)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(ft.which('bar'), bar))

        # add another location to 'bar', which should only return the first location by default
        barbis = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'more', 'bar')
        ft.write_file(barbis, '#!/bin/bash')
        ft.adjust_permissions(barbis, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IXUSR)
        os.environ['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (os.environ['PATH'], os.path.dirname(barbis))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(ft.which('bar'), bar))

        # test getting *all* locations to specified command
        res = ft.which('bar', retain_all=True)
        self.assertEqual(len(res), 2)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(res[0], bar))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.samefile(res[1], barbis))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def build_singularity_image(def_path):
    """Build Singularity container image by calling out to 'singularity' (requires admin privileges!)."""

    cont_path = container_path()
    def_file = os.path.basename(def_path)

    # use --imagename if specified, otherwise derive based on filename of recipe
    img_name = build_option('container_image_name')
    if img_name is None:
        # definition file Singularity.<app>-<version, container name <app>-<version>.<img|simg>
        img_name = def_file.split('.', 1)[1]

    cmd_opts = ''

    image_format = build_option('container_image_format')

    # squashfs image format (default for Singularity)
    if image_format in [None, CONT_IMAGE_FORMAT_SQUASHFS]:
        img_path = os.path.join(cont_path, img_name + '.simg')

    # ext3 image format, creating as writable container
    elif image_format == CONT_IMAGE_FORMAT_EXT3:
        img_path = os.path.join(cont_path, img_name + '.img')
        cmd_opts = '--writable'

    # sandbox image format, creates as a directory but acts like a container
    elif image_format == CONT_IMAGE_FORMAT_SANDBOX:
        img_path = os.path.join(cont_path, img_name)
        cmd_opts = '--sandbox'

        raise EasyBuildError("Unknown container image format specified for Singularity: %s" % image_format)

    if os.path.exists(img_path):
        if build_option('force'):
            print_msg("WARNING: overwriting existing container image at %s due to --force" % img_path)
            raise EasyBuildError("Container image already exists at %s, not overwriting it without --force", img_path)

    # resolve full path to 'singularity' binary, since it may not be available via $PATH under sudo...
    singularity = which('singularity')
    cmd_env = ''

    singularity_tmpdir = build_option('container_tmpdir')
    if singularity_tmpdir:
        cmd_env += 'SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=%s' % singularity_tmpdir

    cmd = ' '.join(['sudo', cmd_env, singularity, 'build', cmd_opts, img_path, def_path])
    print_msg("Running '%s', you may need to enter your 'sudo' password..." % cmd)
    run_cmd(cmd, stream_output=True)
    print_msg("Singularity image created at %s" % img_path, log=_log)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_lmod_specific(self):
        """Lmod-specific test (skipped unless Lmod is used as modules tool)."""
        lmod_abspath = which(Lmod.COMMAND)
        # only run this test if 'lmod' is available in $PATH
        if lmod_abspath is not None:
            build_options = {
                'allow_modules_tool_mismatch': True,
                'update_modules_tool_cache': True,

            lmod = Lmod(testing=True)
            self.assertEqual(lmod.cmd, os.path.realpath(lmod_abspath))

            # drop any location where 'lmod' or 'spider' can be found from $PATH
            paths = os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
            new_paths = []
            for path in paths:
                lmod_cand_path = os.path.join(path, Lmod.COMMAND)
                spider_cand_path = os.path.join(path, 'spider')
                if not os.path.isfile(lmod_cand_path) and not os.path.isfile(spider_cand_path):
            os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(new_paths)

            # make sure $MODULEPATH contains path that provides some modules
            os.environ['MODULEPATH'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'modules'))

            # initialize Lmod modules tool, pass (fake) full path to 'lmod' via $LMOD_CMD
            fake_path = os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'lmod')
            fake_lmod_txt = '\n'.join([
                'echo "Modules based on Lua: Version %s " >&2' % Lmod.REQ_VERSION,
                'echo "os.environ[\'FOO\'] = \'foo\'"',
            write_file(fake_path, fake_lmod_txt)
            os.chmod(fake_path, stat.S_IRUSR|stat.S_IXUSR)
            os.environ['LMOD_CMD'] = fake_path
            lmod = Lmod(testing=True)
            self.assertEqual(lmod.cmd, os.path.realpath(fake_path))

            # use correct full path for 'lmod' via $LMOD_CMD
            os.environ['LMOD_CMD'] = lmod_abspath
            lmod = Lmod(testing=True)

            # obtain list of availabe modules, should be non-empty
            self.assertTrue(lmod.available(), "List of available modules obtained using Lmod is non-empty")

            # test updating local spider cache (but don't actually update the local cache file!)
            self.assertTrue(lmod.update(), "Updated local Lmod spider cache is non-empty")
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_gc3pie(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using GC3Pie with local config as backend for --job."""
            import gc3libs  # noqa (ignore unused import)
        except ImportError:
            print "GC3Pie not available, skipping test"

        # put GC3Pie config in place to use local host and fork/exec
        resourcedir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie')
        gc3pie_cfgfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie_local.ini')
        gc3pie_cfgtxt = GC3PIE_LOCAL_CONFIGURATION % {
            'resourcedir': resourcedir,
            'time': which('time'),
        write_file(gc3pie_cfgfile, gc3pie_cfgtxt)

        output_dir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'subdir', 'gc3pie_output_dir')
        # purposely pre-create output dir, and put a file in it (to check whether GC3Pie tries to rename the output dir)
        mkdir(output_dir, parents=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(output_dir, 'foo'), 'bar')
        # remove write permissions on parent dir of specified output dir,
        # to check that GC3Pie does not try to rename the (already existing) output directory...
        adjust_permissions(os.path.dirname(output_dir), stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH,
                           add=False, recursive=False)

        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        build_options = {
            'job_backend_config': gc3pie_cfgfile,
            'job_max_walltime': 24,
            'job_output_dir': output_dir,
            'job_polling_interval': 0.2,  # quick polling
            'job_target_resource': 'ebtestlocalhost',
            'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'),
            'silent': True,
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
        init_config(args=['--job-backend=GC3Pie'], build_options=build_options)

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb')
        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool)
        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))))
        test_easyblocks_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'sandbox')
        cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s:%s:$PYTHONPATH eb %%(spec)s -df" % (topdir, test_easyblocks_path)
        build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(cmd, ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False)

        self.assertTrue(os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'modules', 'all', 'toy', '0.0'))
        self.assertTrue(os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'software', 'toy', '0.0', 'bin', 'toy'))
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_end2end_docker_image(self):

        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        toy_ec = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy', 'toy-0.0.eb')

        containerpath = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'containers')
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_CONTAINERPATH'] = containerpath
        # --containerpath must be an existing directory (this is done to avoid misconfiguration)

        args = [
            '-C',  # equivalent with --containerize

        if not which('docker'):
            error_pattern = "docker not found on your system."
            self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, error_pattern, self.run_main, args, raise_error=True)

        # install mocked versions of 'sudo' and 'docker' commands
        docker = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin', 'docker')
        write_file(docker, MOCKED_DOCKER)
        adjust_permissions(docker, stat.S_IXUSR, add=True)

        sudo = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin', 'sudo')
        write_file(sudo, '#!/bin/bash\necho "running command \'$@\' with sudo..."\neval "$@"\n')
        adjust_permissions(sudo, stat.S_IXUSR, add=True)

        os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.pathsep.join([os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin'), os.getenv('PATH')])

        stdout, stderr = self.run_main(args)
        regexs = [
            "^== docker tool found at %s/bin/docker" % self.test_prefix,
            "^== Dockerfile definition file created at %s/containers/Dockerfile\.toy-0.0" % self.test_prefix,
            "^== Running 'sudo docker build -f .* -t .* \.', you may need to enter your 'sudo' password...",
            "^== Docker image created at toy-0.0:latest",
        self.check_regexs(regexs, stdout)

        args.extend(['--force', '--extended-dry-run'])
        stdout, stderr = self.run_main(args)
        self.check_regexs(regexs, stdout)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR, robot_path=None):
    Return a list of absolute paths where the specified subdir can be found, determined by the PYTHONPATH

    paths = []

    # primary search path is robot path
    path_list = []
    if isinstance(robot_path, list):
        path_list = robot_path[:]
    elif robot_path is not None:
        path_list = [robot_path]
    # consider Python search path, e.g. setuptools install path for easyconfigs

    # figure out installation prefix, e.g. distutils install path for easyconfigs
    eb_path = which('eb')
    if eb_path is None:
        _log.warning("'eb' not found in $PATH, failed to determine installation prefix")
        # real location to 'eb' should be <install_prefix>/bin/eb
        eb_path = resolve_path(eb_path)
        install_prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(eb_path))
        _log.debug("Also considering installation prefix %s..." % install_prefix)

    # look for desired subdirs
    for path in path_list:
        path = os.path.join(path, "easybuild", subdir)
        _log.debug("Checking for easybuild/%s at %s" % (subdir, path))
            if os.path.exists(path):
                _log.debug("Added %s to list of paths for easybuild/%s" % (path, subdir))
        except OSError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError(str(err))

    return paths
Ejemplo n.º 28
def check_singularity():
    """Check whether Singularity can be used (if it's needed)."""
    # if we're going to build a container image, we'll need a sufficiently recent version of Singularity available
    # (and otherwise we don't really care if Singularity is not available)

    if build_option('container_build_image'):
        path_to_singularity_cmd = which('singularity')
        if path_to_singularity_cmd:
            print_msg("Singularity tool found at %s" % path_to_singularity_cmd)
            out, ec = run_cmd("singularity --version", simple=False, trace=False, force_in_dry_run=True)
            if ec:
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine Singularity version: %s" % out)
                # singularity version format for 2.3.1 and higher is x.y-dist
                singularity_version = out.strip().split('-')[0]

            if LooseVersion(singularity_version) < LooseVersion('2.4'):
                raise EasyBuildError("Please upgrade singularity instance to version 2.4 or higher")
                print_msg("Singularity version '%s' is 2.4 or higher ... OK" % singularity_version)
            raise EasyBuildError("Singularity not found in your system")
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def prepare_compiler_cache(self, cache_tool):
        Prepare for using specified compiler caching tool (e.g., ccache, f90cache)

        :param cache_tool: name of compiler caching tool to prepare for
        compilers = self.comp_cache_compilers(cache_tool)
        self.log.debug("Using compiler cache tool '%s' for compilers: %s", cache_tool, compilers)

        # set paths that should be used by compiler caching tool
        comp_cache_path = build_option('use_%s' % cache_tool)
        setvar('%s_DIR' % cache_tool.upper(), comp_cache_path)
        setvar('%s_TEMPDIR' % cache_tool.upper(), tempfile.mkdtemp())

        cache_path = which(cache_tool)
        if cache_path is None:
            raise EasyBuildError("%s binary not found in $PATH, required by --use-compiler-cache", cache)
            self.symlink_commands({cache_tool: (cache_path, compilers)})

        self.log.debug("Cached compilers (after preparing for %s): %s", cache_tool, self.cached_compilers)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def check_python_cmd(python_cmd):
        """Check whether specified Python command satisfies requirements."""

        # check whether specified Python command is available
        if os.path.isabs(python_cmd):
            if not os.path.isfile(python_cmd):
                log.debug("Python command '%s' does not exist", python_cmd)
                return False
            python_cmd_path = which(python_cmd)
            if python_cmd_path is None:
                log.debug("Python command '%s' not available through $PATH", python_cmd)
                return False

        if req_maj_ver is not None:
            if req_min_ver is None:
                req_majmin_ver = '%s.0' % req_maj_ver
                req_majmin_ver = '%s.%s' % (req_maj_ver, req_min_ver)

            pycode = 'import sys; print("%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:2])'
            out, _ = run_cmd("%s -c '%s'" % (python_cmd, pycode), simple=False)
            out = out.strip()

            # (strict) check for major version
            maj_ver = out.split('.')[0]
            if maj_ver != str(req_maj_ver):
                log.debug("Major Python version does not match: %s vs %s", maj_ver, req_maj_ver)
                return False

            # check for minimal minor version
            if LooseVersion(out) < LooseVersion(req_majmin_ver):
                log.debug("Minimal requirement for minor Python version not satisfied: %s vs %s", out, req_majmin_ver)
                return False

        # all check passed
        log.debug("All check passed for Python command '%s'!", python_cmd)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for TensorFlow."""

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-bazel-configure')

        # filter out paths from CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH
        package_filter = self.cfg['package_filter']
        for var in ['CPATH', 'LIBRARY_PATH']:
            path = os.getenv(var).split(':')
            filtered_path = [p for fil in package_filter for p in path if fil not in p]
            os.environ[var] = ':'.join(filtered_path)

        # put wrapper for Intel C compiler in place (required to make sure license server is found)
        # cfr. https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/663
        if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
            wrapper_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'bin')

            icc_wrapper_txt = INTEL_COMPILER_WRAPPER % {
                'compiler_path': which('icc'),
                'cpath': os.getenv('CPATH'),
                'intel_license_file': os.getenv('INTEL_LICENSE_FILE', os.getenv('LM_LICENSE_FILE')),
                'wrapper_dir': wrapper_dir,
            icc_wrapper = os.path.join(wrapper_dir, 'icc')
            write_file(icc_wrapper, icc_wrapper_txt)
            env.setvar('PATH', ':'.join([os.path.dirname(icc_wrapper), os.getenv('PATH')]))
            if self.dry_run:
                self.dry_run_msg("Wrapper for 'icc' was put in place: %s", icc_wrapper)
                adjust_permissions(icc_wrapper, stat.S_IXUSR)
                self.log.info("Using wrapper script for 'icc': %s", which('icc'))



        cuda_root = get_software_root('CUDA')
        cudnn_root = get_software_root('cuDNN')
        opencl_root = get_software_root('OpenCL')

        use_mpi = self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', False)

        config_env_vars = {
            'CC_OPT_FLAGS': os.getenv('CXXFLAGS'),
            'MPI_HOME': '',
            'PYTHON_BIN_PATH': self.python_cmd,
            'PYTHON_LIB_PATH': os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir),
            'TF_CUDA_CLANG': '0',
            'TF_ENABLE_XLA': '0',  # XLA JIT support
            'TF_NEED_CUDA': ('0', '1')[bool(cuda_root)],
            'TF_NEED_GCP': '0',  # Google Cloud Platform
            'TF_NEED_GDR': '0',
            'TF_NEED_HDFS': '0',  # Hadoop File System
            'TF_NEED_JEMALLOC': ('0', '1')[self.cfg['with_jemalloc']],
            'TF_NEED_MPI': ('0', '1')[bool(use_mpi)],
            'TF_NEED_OPENCL': ('0', '1')[bool(opencl_root)],
            'TF_NEED_S3': '0',  # Amazon S3 File System
            'TF_NEED_VERBS': '0',
        if cuda_root:
                'CUDA_TOOLKIT_PATH': cuda_root,
                'GCC_HOST_COMPILER_PATH': which(os.getenv('CC')),
                'TF_CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITIES': ','.join(self.cfg['cuda_compute_capabilities']),
                'TF_CUDA_VERSION': get_software_version('CUDA'),
        if cudnn_root:
                'CUDNN_INSTALL_PATH': cudnn_root,
                'TF_CUDNN_VERSION': get_software_version('cuDNN'),

        for (key, val) in sorted(config_env_vars.items()):
            env.setvar(key, val)

        # patch configure.py (called by configure script) to avoid that Bazel abuses $HOME/.cache/bazel
        regex_subs = [(r"(run_shell\(\['bazel')", r"\1, '--output_base=%s'" % tmpdir)]
        apply_regex_substitutions('configure.py', regex_subs)

        cmd = self.cfg['preconfigopts'] + './configure ' + self.cfg['configopts']
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def test_make_module_pythonpackage(self):
        """Test make_module_step of PythonPackage easyblock."""
        app_class = get_easyblock_class('PythonPackage')
        self.writeEC('PythonPackage', name='testpypkg', version='3.14')
        app = app_class(EasyConfig(self.eb_file))

        # install dir should not be there yet
                         "%s should not exist" % app.installdir)

        # create install dir and populate it with subdirs/files
        mkdir(app.installdir, parents=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'bin', 'foo'), 'echo foo!')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'include', 'foo.h'), 'bar')
        write_file(os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib', 'libfoo.a'), 'libfoo')
        pyver = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))
            os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib', 'python%s' % pyver,
                         'site-packages', 'foo.egg'), 'foo egg')
            os.path.join(app.installdir, 'lib64', 'pkgconfig', 'foo.pc'),
            'libfoo: foo')

        # PythonPackage relies on the fact that 'python' points to the right Python version
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        python = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'python')
        write_file(python, '#!/bin/bash\necho $0 $@\n%s "$@"' % sys.executable)
        adjust_permissions(python, stat.S_IXUSR)
        os.environ['PATH'] = '%s:%s' % (tmpdir, os.getenv('PATH', ''))

        from easybuild.tools.filetools import which

        # create module file


        self.assertTrue(TMPDIR in app.installdir)
        self.assertTrue(TMPDIR in app.installdir_mod)

        modtxt = None
        for cand_mod_filename in ['3.14', '3.14.lua']:
            full_modpath = os.path.join(app.installdir_mod, 'testpypkg',
            if os.path.exists(full_modpath):
                modtxt = read_file(full_modpath)

        self.assertFalse(modtxt is None)

        regexs = [
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WCPATH\W.*include"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLD_LIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib"?\W*$', True),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WPATH\W.*bin"?\W*$', True),
            # lib64 doesn't contain any library files, so these are *not* included in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH or $LIBRARY_PATH
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLD_LIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib64', False),
            (r'^prepend.path.*\WLIBRARY_PATH\W.*lib64', False),
        for (pattern, found) in regexs:
            regex = re.compile(pattern, re.M)
            if found:
                assert_msg = "Pattern '%s' found in: %s" % (regex.pattern,
                assert_msg = "Pattern '%s' not found in: %s" % (regex.pattern,

            self.assertEqual(bool(regex.search(modtxt)), found, assert_msg)
    def prepare_step(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Do compiler appropriate prepare step, determine system compiler version and prefix."""
        if self.cfg['generate_standalone_module']:
            if self.cfg['name'] in ['GCC', 'GCCcore']:
                EB_GCC.prepare_step(self, *args, **kwargs)
            elif self.cfg['name'] in ['icc']:
                EB_icc.prepare_step(self, *args, **kwargs)
            elif self.cfg['name'] in ['ifort']:
                EB_ifort.prepare_step(self, *args, **kwargs)
                raise EasyBuildError("I don't know how to do the prepare_step for %s", self.cfg['name'])
            Bundle.prepare_step(self, *args, **kwargs)
        # Determine compiler path (real path, with resolved symlinks)
        compiler_name = self.cfg['name'].lower()
        if compiler_name == 'gcccore':
            compiler_name = 'gcc'
        path_to_compiler = which(compiler_name)
        if path_to_compiler:
            path_to_compiler = resolve_path(path_to_compiler)
            self.log.info("Found path to compiler '%s' (with symlinks resolved): %s", compiler_name, path_to_compiler)
            raise EasyBuildError("%s not found in $PATH", compiler_name)

        # Determine compiler version
        self.compiler_version = extract_compiler_version(compiler_name)

        # Determine installation prefix
        if compiler_name == 'gcc':
            # strip off 'bin/gcc'
            self.compiler_prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path_to_compiler))

        elif compiler_name in ['icc', 'ifort']:
            intelvars_fn = path_to_compiler + 'vars.sh'
            if os.path.isfile(intelvars_fn):
                self.log.debug("Trying to determine compiler install prefix from %s", intelvars_fn)
                intelvars_txt = read_file(intelvars_fn)
                prod_dir_regex = re.compile(r'^PROD_DIR=(.*)$', re.M)
                res = prod_dir_regex.search(intelvars_txt)
                if res:
                    self.compiler_prefix = res.group(1)
                    raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine %s installation prefix from %s",
                                          compiler_name, intelvars_fn)
                # strip off 'bin/intel*/icc'
                self.compiler_prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path_to_compiler)))

            # For versions 2016+ of Intel compilers they changed the installation path so must shave off 2 more
            # directories from result of the above
            if LooseVersion(self.compiler_version) >= LooseVersion('2016'):
                self.compiler_prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(self.compiler_prefix))

            raise EasyBuildError("Unknown system compiler %s" % self.cfg['name'])

        if not os.path.exists(self.compiler_prefix):
            raise EasyBuildError("Path derived for system compiler (%s) does not exist: %s!",
                                 compiler_name, self.compiler_prefix)
        self.log.debug("Derived version/install prefix for system compiler %s: %s, %s",
                       compiler_name, self.compiler_version, self.compiler_prefix)

        # If EasyConfig specified "real" version (not 'system' which means 'derive automatically'), check it
        if self.cfg['version'] == 'system':
            self.log.info("Found specified version '%s', going with derived compiler version '%s'",
                          self.cfg['version'], self.compiler_version)
        elif self.cfg['version'] != self.compiler_version:
            raise EasyBuildError("Specified version (%s) does not match version reported by compiler (%s)" %
                                 (self.cfg['version'], self.compiler_version))
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def prepare_rpath_wrappers(self,
        Put RPATH wrapper script in place for compiler and linker commands

        :param rpath_filter_dirs: extra directories to include in RPATH filter (e.g. build dir, tmpdir, ...)
            "Using wrapper scripts for compiler/linker commands that enforce RPATH linking"

        if get_os_type() == LINUX:
            self.log.info("Putting RPATH wrappers in place...")
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "RPATH linking is currently only supported on Linux")

        wrapper_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), RPATH_WRAPPERS_SUBDIR)

        # must also wrap compilers commands, required e.g. for Clang ('gcc' on OS X)?
        c_comps, fortran_comps = self.compilers()

        rpath_args_py = find_eb_script('rpath_args.py')
        rpath_wrapper_template = find_eb_script('rpath_wrapper_template.sh.in')

        # prepend location to wrappers to $PATH
        setvar('PATH', '%s:%s' % (wrapper_dir, os.getenv('PATH')))

        # figure out list of patterns to use in rpath filter
        rpath_filter = build_option('rpath_filter')
        if rpath_filter is None:
            rpath_filter = ['/lib.*', '/usr.*']
                "No general RPATH filter specified, falling back to default: %s",
        rpath_filter = ','.join(rpath_filter +
                                ['%s.*' % d for d in rpath_filter_dirs or []])
        self.log.debug("Combined RPATH filter: '%s'", rpath_filter)

        rpath_include = ','.join(rpath_include_dirs or [])
        self.log.debug("Combined RPATH include paths: '%s'", rpath_include)

        # create wrappers
        for cmd in nub(c_comps + fortran_comps + ['ld', 'ld.gold', 'ld.bfd']):
            orig_cmd = which(cmd)

            if orig_cmd:
                # bail out early if command already is a wrapped;
                # this may occur when building extensions
                if self.is_rpath_wrapper(orig_cmd):
                        "%s already seems to be an RPATH wrapper script, not wrapping it again!",

                cmd_wrapper = os.path.join(wrapper_dir, cmd)

                # make *very* sure we don't wrap around ourselves and create a fork bomb...
                if os.path.exists(cmd_wrapper) and os.path.exists(
                        orig_cmd) and os.path.samefile(orig_cmd, cmd_wrapper):
                    raise EasyBuildError(
                        "Refusing the create a fork bomb, which(%s) == %s",
                        cmd, orig_cmd)

                # enable debug mode in wrapper script by specifying location for log file
                if build_option('debug'):
                    rpath_wrapper_log = os.path.join(
                        tempfile.gettempdir(), 'rpath_wrapper_%s.log' % cmd)
                    rpath_wrapper_log = '/dev/null'

                # complete template script and put it in place
                cmd_wrapper_txt = read_file(rpath_wrapper_template) % {
                    'orig_cmd': orig_cmd,
                    'python': sys.executable,
                    'rpath_args_py': rpath_args_py,
                    'rpath_filter': rpath_filter,
                    'rpath_include': rpath_include,
                    'rpath_wrapper_log': rpath_wrapper_log,
                write_file(cmd_wrapper, cmd_wrapper_txt)
                adjust_permissions(cmd_wrapper, stat.S_IXUSR)
                self.log.info("Wrapper script for %s: %s (log: %s)", orig_cmd,
                              which(cmd), rpath_wrapper_log)
                    "Not installing RPATH wrapper for non-existing command '%s'",
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def test_end2end_singularity_image(self):
        """End-to-end test for --containerize (recipe + image)."""
        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        toy_ec = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy',

        containerpath = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'containers')
        os.environ['EASYBUILD_CONTAINERPATH'] = containerpath
        # --containerpath must be an existing directory (this is done to avoid misconfiguration)

        test_img = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'test123.img')
        write_file(test_img, '')

        args = [
            '-C',  # equivalent with --containerize
            '--container-config=bootstrap=localimage,from=%s' % test_img,

        if which('singularity') is None:
            error_pattern = "singularity with version 2.4 or higher not found on your system."

        # install mocked versions of 'sudo' and 'singularity' commands
        singularity = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin', 'singularity')
        write_file(singularity, '')  # placeholder
        adjust_permissions(singularity, stat.S_IXUSR, add=True)

        sudo = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin', 'sudo')
            '#!/bin/bash\necho "running command \'$@\' with sudo..."\neval "$@"\n'
        adjust_permissions(sudo, stat.S_IXUSR, add=True)

        os.environ['PATH'] = os.path.pathsep.join(
            [os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'bin'),

        for (version, ext) in [('2.4.0', 'simg'), ('3.1.0', 'sif')]:
            write_file(singularity, MOCKED_SINGULARITY % {'version': version})

            stdout, stderr = self.run_main(args)
            regexs = [
                r"^== singularity tool found at %s/bin/singularity" %
                r"^== singularity version '%s' is 2.4 or higher ... OK" %
                r"^== Singularity definition file created at %s/containers/Singularity\.toy-0.0"
                % self.test_prefix,
                r"^== Running 'sudo\s*\S*/singularity build\s*/.* /.*', you may need to enter your 'sudo' password...",
                r"^== Singularity image created at %s/containers/toy-0.0\.%s" %
                (self.test_prefix, ext),
            self.check_regexs(regexs, stdout)

                                            'toy-0.0.%s' % ext)))

            remove_file(os.path.join(containerpath, 'Singularity.toy-0.0'))

        # check use of --container-image-format & --container-image-name
        write_file(singularity, MOCKED_SINGULARITY % {'version': '2.4.0'})
        stdout, stderr = self.run_main(args)
        regexs = [
            r"^== singularity tool found at %s/bin/singularity" %
            r"^== singularity version '2.4.0' is 2.4 or higher ... OK",
            r"^== Singularity definition file created at %s/containers/Singularity\.foo-bar"
            % self.test_prefix,
            r"^== Running 'sudo\s*\S*/singularity build --writable /.* /.*', you may need to enter .*",
            r"^== Singularity image created at %s/containers/foo-bar\.img$" %
        self.check_regexs(regexs, stdout)

        cont_img = os.path.join(containerpath, 'foo-bar.img')

        remove_file(os.path.join(containerpath, 'Singularity.foo-bar'))

        # test again with container image already existing

        error_pattern = "Container image already exists at %s, not overwriting it without --force" % cont_img

        stdout, stderr = self.run_main(args)
            "WARNING: overwriting existing container image at %s due to --force"
            % cont_img,
        self.check_regexs(regexs, stdout)

        # also check behaviour under --extended-dry-run
        stdout, stderr = self.run_main(args)
        self.check_regexs(regexs, stdout)

        # test use of --container-tmpdir
        args.append('--container-tmpdir=%s' % self.test_prefix)
        stdout, stderr = self.run_main(args)
            -3] = r"^== Running 'sudo\s*SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=%s \S*/singularity build .*" % self.test_prefix
        self.check_regexs(regexs, stdout)
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for GROMACS: set configure options for configure or cmake."""

        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.6'):
            cuda = get_software_root('CUDA')
            if cuda:
                # CUDA with double precision is currently not supported in GROMACS yet
                # If easyconfig explicitly have double_precision=True error out,
                # otherwise warn about it and skip the double precision build
                if self.cfg.get('double_precision'):
                    raise EasyBuildError("Double precision is not available for GPU build. " +
                                         "Please explicitly set \"double_precision = False\" " +
                                         "or remove it in the easyconfig file.")
                if self.double_prec_pattern in self.cfg['configopts']:
                    if self.cfg.get('double_precision') is None:
                        # Only print warning once when trying double precision
                        # build the first time
                        self.cfg['double_precision'] = False
                        self.log.info("Double precision is not available for " +
                                      "GPU build. Skipping the double precision build.")

                    self.log.info("skipping configure step")

                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GPU=ON -DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=%s" % cuda)
                # explicitly disable GPU support if CUDA is not available,
                # to avoid that GROMACS find and uses a system-wide CUDA compiler
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GPU=OFF")

        # check whether PLUMED is loaded as a dependency
        plumed_root = get_software_root('PLUMED')
        if plumed_root:
            # Need to check if PLUMED has an engine for this version
            engine = 'gromacs-%s' % self.version

            (out, _) = run_cmd("plumed-patch -l", log_all=True, simple=False)
            if not re.search(engine, out):
                raise EasyBuildError("There is no support in PLUMED version %s for GROMACS %s: %s",
                                     get_software_version('PLUMED'), self.version, out)

            # PLUMED patching must be done at different stages depending on
            # version of GROMACS. Just prepare first part of cmd here
            plumed_cmd = "plumed-patch -p -e %s" % engine

        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('4.6'):
            self.log.info("Using configure script for configuring GROMACS build.")

            if self.cfg['build_shared_libs']:
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-shared --disable-static")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-static")

            # Use external BLAS and LAPACK
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-external-blas --with-external-lapack")
            env.setvar('LIBS', "%s %s" % (os.environ['LIBLAPACK'], os.environ['LIBS']))

            # Don't use the X window system
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "--without-x")

            # OpenMP is not supported for versions older than 4.5.
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.5'):
                # enable OpenMP support if desired
                if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "--enable-threads")
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "--disable-threads")
            elif self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                raise EasyBuildError("GROMACS version %s does not support OpenMP" % self.version)

            # GSL support
            if get_software_root('GSL'):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "--with-gsl")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "--without-gsl")

            # actually run configure via ancestor (not direct parent)
            self.cfg['configure_cmd'] = "./configure"

            # Now patch GROMACS for PLUMED between configure and build
            if plumed_root:
                run_cmd(plumed_cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)

            if '-DGMX_MPI=ON' in self.cfg['configopts']:
                mpi_numprocs = self.cfg.get('mpi_numprocs', 0)
                if mpi_numprocs == 0:
                    self.log.info("No number of test MPI tasks specified -- using default: %s",
                    mpi_numprocs = self.cfg['parallel']

                elif mpi_numprocs > self.cfg['parallel']:
                    self.log.warning("Number of test MPI tasks (%s) is greater than value for 'parallel': %s",
                                     mpi_numprocs, self.cfg['parallel'])

                mpiexec = self.cfg.get('mpiexec')
                if mpiexec:
                    mpiexec_path = which(mpiexec)
                    if mpiexec_path:
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DMPIEXEC=%s" % mpiexec_path)
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DMPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG=%s" %
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DNUMPROC=%s" % mpi_numprocs)
                    elif self.cfg['runtest']:
                        raise EasyBuildError("'%s' not found in $PATH", mpiexec)
                    raise EasyBuildError("No value found for 'mpiexec'")
                self.log.info("Using %s as MPI executable when testing, with numprocs flag '%s' and %s tasks",
                              mpiexec_path, self.cfg.get('mpiexec_numproc_flag'),

            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('2019'):
                # Building the gmxapi interface requires shared libraries
                self.cfg['build_shared_libs'] = True
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMXAPI=ON")

                if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('2020'):
                    # build Python bindings if Python is loaded as a dependency
                    python_root = get_software_root('Python')
                    if python_root:
                        bin_python = os.path.join(python_root, 'bin', 'python')
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%s" % bin_python)
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_PYTHON_PACKAGE=ON")

            # Now patch GROMACS for PLUMED before cmake
            if plumed_root:
                if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('5.1'):
                    # Use shared or static patch depending on
                    # setting of self.cfg['build_shared_libs']
                    # and adapt cmake flags accordingly as per instructions
                    # from "plumed patch -i"
                    if self.cfg['build_shared_libs']:
                        mode = 'shared'
                        mode = 'static'
                    plumed_cmd = plumed_cmd + ' -m %s' % mode

                run_cmd(plumed_cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)

            # prefer static libraries, if available
            if self.cfg['build_shared_libs']:
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=OFF")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=ON")

            # always specify to use external BLAS/LAPACK
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_EXTERNAL_BLAS=ON -DGMX_EXTERNAL_LAPACK=ON")

            # disable GUI tools
            self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_X11=OFF")

            # convince to build for an older architecture than present on the build node by setting GMX_SIMD CMake flag
            # it does not make sense for Cray, because OPTARCH is defined by the Cray Toolchain
            if self.toolchain.toolchain_family() != toolchain.CRAYPE:
                gmx_simd = self.get_gromacs_arch()
                if gmx_simd:
                    if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('5.0'):
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_CPU_ACCELERATION=%s" % gmx_simd)
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_SIMD=%s" % gmx_simd)

            # set regression test path
            prefix = 'regressiontests'
            if any([src['name'].startswith(prefix) for src in self.src]):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DREGRESSIONTEST_PATH='%%(builddir)s/%s-%%(version)s' " % prefix)

            # enable OpenMP support if desired
            if self.toolchain.options.get('openmp', None):
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_OPENMP=ON")
                self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_OPENMP=OFF")

            imkl_root = get_software_root('imkl')
            if imkl_root:
                # using MKL for FFT, so it will also be used for BLAS/LAPACK
                imkl_include = os.path.join(imkl_root, 'mkl', 'include')
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DGMX_FFT_LIBRARY=mkl -DMKL_INCLUDE_DIR="%s" ' % imkl_include)
                libs = os.getenv('LAPACK_STATIC_LIBS').split(',')
                mkl_libs = [os.path.join(os.getenv('LAPACK_LIB_DIR'), lib) for lib in libs if lib != 'libgfortran.a']
                mkl_libs = ['-Wl,--start-group'] + mkl_libs + ['-Wl,--end-group -lpthread -lm -ldl']
                self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DMKL_LIBRARIES="%s" ' % ';'.join(mkl_libs))
                for libname in ['BLAS', 'LAPACK']:
                    libdir = os.getenv('%s_LIB_DIR' % libname)
                    if self.toolchain.toolchain_family() == toolchain.CRAYPE:
                        libsci_mpi_mp_lib = glob.glob(os.path.join(libdir, 'libsci_*_mpi_mp.a'))
                        if libsci_mpi_mp_lib:
                            self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DGMX_%s_USER=%s' % (libname, libsci_mpi_mp_lib[0]))
                            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to find libsci library to link with for %s", libname)
                        # -DGMX_BLAS_USER & -DGMX_LAPACK_USER require full path to library
                        libs = os.getenv('%s_STATIC_LIBS' % libname).split(',')
                        libpaths = [os.path.join(libdir, lib) for lib in libs if lib != 'libgfortran.a']
                        self.cfg.update('configopts', '-DGMX_%s_USER="******"' % (libname, ';'.join(libpaths)))
                        # if libgfortran.a is listed, make sure it gets linked in too to avoiding linking issues
                        if 'libgfortran.a' in libs:
                            env.setvar('LDFLAGS', "%s -lgfortran -lm" % os.environ.get('LDFLAGS', ''))

            # no more GSL support in GROMACS 5.x, see http://redmine.gromacs.org/issues/1472
            if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('5.0'):
                # enable GSL when it's provided
                if get_software_root('GSL'):
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GSL=ON")
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DGMX_GSL=OFF")

            # include flags for linking to zlib/XZ in $LDFLAGS if they're listed as a dep;
            # this is important for the tests, to correctly link against libxml2
            for dep, link_flag in [('XZ', '-llzma'), ('zlib', '-lz')]:
                root = get_software_root(dep)
                if root:
                    libdir = get_software_libdir(dep)
                    ldflags = os.environ.get('LDFLAGS', '')
                    env.setvar('LDFLAGS', "%s -L%s %s" % (ldflags, os.path.join(root, libdir), link_flag))

            # complete configuration with configure_method of parent
            out = super(EB_GROMACS, self).configure_step()

            # for recent GROMACS versions, make very sure that a decent BLAS, LAPACK and FFT is found and used
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('4.6.5'):
                patterns = [
                    r"Using external FFT library - \S*",
                    r"Looking for dgemm_ - found",
                    r"Looking for cheev_ - found",
                for pattern in patterns:
                    regex = re.compile(pattern, re.M)
                    if not regex.search(out):
                        raise EasyBuildError("Pattern '%s' not found in GROMACS configuration output.", pattern)
Ejemplo n.º 37
    def fixup_hardcoded_paths(self):
        """Patch out hard coded paths to /tmp, compiler and binutils tools"""
        # replace hardcoded /tmp in java build scripts
        regex_subs = [
            (r'`mktemp -d /tmp/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX`',
             '$$(mktemp -d $${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)'),
        filepath = os.path.join('src', 'main', 'java', 'com', 'google',
                                'devtools', 'build', 'lib', 'BUILD')
        if os.path.exists(filepath):
            apply_regex_substitutions(filepath, regex_subs)

        binutils_root = get_software_root('binutils')
        gcc_root = get_software_root('GCCcore') or get_software_root('GCC')
        gcc_ver = get_software_version('GCCcore') or get_software_version(

        # only patch Bazel scripts if binutils & GCC installation prefix could be determined
        if not binutils_root or not gcc_root:
                "Not patching Bazel build scripts, installation prefix for binutils/GCC not found"

        # replace hardcoded paths in (unix_)cc_configure.bzl
        # hard-coded paths in (unix_)cc_configure.bzl were removed in 0.19.0
        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('0.19.0'):
            regex_subs = [
                (r'-B/usr/bin', '-B%s' % os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
                (r'"/usr/bin', '"' + os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
            for conf_bzl in ['cc_configure.bzl', 'unix_cc_configure.bzl']:
                filepath = os.path.join('tools', 'cpp', conf_bzl)
                if os.path.exists(filepath):
                    apply_regex_substitutions(filepath, regex_subs)

        # replace hardcoded paths in CROSSTOOL
        # CROSSTOOL script is no longer there in Bazel 0.24.0
        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('0.24.0'):
            res = glob.glob(
                os.path.join(gcc_root, 'lib', 'gcc', '*', gcc_ver, 'include'))
            if res and len(res) == 1:
                gcc_lib_inc = res[0]
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Failed to pinpoint location of GCC include files: %s",

            gcc_lib_inc_bis = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gcc_lib_inc),
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_lib_inc_bis):
                    "Derived directory %s does not exist, falling back to %s",
                    gcc_lib_inc_bis, gcc_lib_inc)
                gcc_lib_inc_bis = gcc_lib_inc

            gcc_cplusplus_inc = os.path.join(gcc_root, 'include', 'c++',
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_cplusplus_inc):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist",

            regex_subs = [
                (r'-B/usr/bin', '-B%s' % os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
                 r'\1%s' % gcc_lib_inc),
                 r'\1%s' % gcc_lib_inc_bis),
                 r'\1%s' % gcc_cplusplus_inc),
            for tool in ['ar', 'cpp', 'dwp', 'gcc', 'ld']:
                path = which(tool)
                if path:
                    regex_subs.append((os.path.join('/usr', 'bin',
                                                    tool), path))
                    raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine path to '%s'",

                os.path.join('tools', 'cpp', 'CROSSTOOL'), regex_subs)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def pick_python_cmd(req_maj_ver=None, req_min_ver=None):
    Pick 'python' command to use, based on specified version requirements.
    If the major version is specified, it must be an exact match (==).
    If the minor version is specified, it is considered a minimal minor version (>=).

    List of considered 'python' commands (in order)
    * 'python' available through $PATH
    * 'python<major_ver>' available through $PATH
    * 'python<major_ver>.<minor_ver>' available through $PATH
    * Python executable used in current session (sys.executable)
    log = fancylogger.getLogger('pick_python_cmd', fname=False)

    def check_python_cmd(python_cmd):
        """Check whether specified Python command satisfies requirements."""

        # check whether specified Python command is available
        if os.path.isabs(python_cmd):
            if not os.path.isfile(python_cmd):
                log.debug("Python command '%s' does not exist", python_cmd)
                return False
            python_cmd_path = which(python_cmd)
            if python_cmd_path is None:
                log.debug("Python command '%s' not available through $PATH", python_cmd)
                return False

        if req_maj_ver is not None:
            if req_min_ver is None:
                req_majmin_ver = '%s.0' % req_maj_ver
                req_majmin_ver = '%s.%s' % (req_maj_ver, req_min_ver)

            pycode = 'import sys; print("%s.%s" % sys.version_info[:2])'
            out, _ = run_cmd("%s -c '%s'" % (python_cmd, pycode), simple=False)
            out = out.strip()

            # (strict) check for major version
            maj_ver = out.split('.')[0]
            if maj_ver != str(req_maj_ver):
                log.debug("Major Python version does not match: %s vs %s", maj_ver, req_maj_ver)
                return False

            # check for minimal minor version
            if LooseVersion(out) < LooseVersion(req_majmin_ver):
                log.debug("Minimal requirement for minor Python version not satisfied: %s vs %s", out, req_majmin_ver)
                return False

        # all check passed
        log.debug("All check passed for Python command '%s'!", python_cmd)
        return True

    # compose list of 'python' commands to consider
    python_cmds = ['python']
    if req_maj_ver:
        python_cmds.append('python%s' % req_maj_ver)
        if req_min_ver:
            python_cmds.append('python%s.%s' % (req_maj_ver, req_min_ver))
    log.debug("Considering Python commands: %s", ', '.join(python_cmds))

    # try and find a 'python' command that satisfies the requirements
    res = None
    for python_cmd in python_cmds:
        if check_python_cmd(python_cmd):
            log.debug("Python command '%s' satisfies version requirements!", python_cmd)
            if os.path.isabs(python_cmd):
                res = python_cmd
                res = which(python_cmd)
            log.debug("Absolute path to retained Python command: %s", res)
            log.debug("Python command '%s' does not satisfy version requirements (maj: %s, min: %s), moving on",
                      req_maj_ver, req_min_ver, python_cmd)

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def prepare_rpath_wrappers(self, rpath_filter_dirs=None, rpath_include_dirs=None):
        Put RPATH wrapper script in place for compiler and linker commands

        :param rpath_filter_dirs: extra directories to include in RPATH filter (e.g. build dir, tmpdir, ...)
        if get_os_type() == LINUX:
            self.log.info("Putting RPATH wrappers in place...")
            raise EasyBuildError("RPATH linking is currently only supported on Linux")

        if rpath_filter_dirs is None:
            rpath_filter_dirs = []

        # always include filter for 'stubs' library directory,
        # cfr. https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework/issues/2683

        # directory where all wrappers will be placed
        wrappers_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), RPATH_WRAPPERS_SUBDIR)

        # must also wrap compilers commands, required e.g. for Clang ('gcc' on OS X)?
        c_comps, fortran_comps = self.compilers()

        rpath_args_py = find_eb_script('rpath_args.py')
        rpath_wrapper_template = find_eb_script('rpath_wrapper_template.sh.in')

        # figure out list of patterns to use in rpath filter
        rpath_filter = build_option('rpath_filter')
        if rpath_filter is None:
            rpath_filter = ['/lib.*', '/usr.*']
            self.log.debug("No general RPATH filter specified, falling back to default: %s", rpath_filter)
        rpath_filter = ','.join(rpath_filter + ['%s.*' % d for d in rpath_filter_dirs])
        self.log.debug("Combined RPATH filter: '%s'", rpath_filter)

        rpath_include = ','.join(rpath_include_dirs or [])
        self.log.debug("Combined RPATH include paths: '%s'", rpath_include)

        # create wrappers
        for cmd in nub(c_comps + fortran_comps + ['ld', 'ld.gold', 'ld.bfd']):
            orig_cmd = which(cmd)

            if orig_cmd:
                # bail out early if command already is a wrapped;
                # this may occur when building extensions
                if self.is_rpath_wrapper(orig_cmd):
                    self.log.info("%s already seems to be an RPATH wrapper script, not wrapping it again!", orig_cmd)

                # determine location for this wrapper
                # each wrapper is placed in its own subdirectory to enable $PATH filtering per wrapper separately
                # avoid '+' character in directory name (for example with 'g++' command), which can cause trouble
                # (see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/issues/7339)
                wrapper_dir_name = '%s_wrapper' % cmd.replace('+', 'x')
                wrapper_dir = os.path.join(wrappers_dir, wrapper_dir_name)

                cmd_wrapper = os.path.join(wrapper_dir, cmd)

                # make *very* sure we don't wrap around ourselves and create a fork bomb...
                if os.path.exists(cmd_wrapper) and os.path.exists(orig_cmd) and os.path.samefile(orig_cmd, cmd_wrapper):
                    raise EasyBuildError("Refusing the create a fork bomb, which(%s) == %s", cmd, orig_cmd)

                # enable debug mode in wrapper script by specifying location for log file
                if build_option('debug'):
                    rpath_wrapper_log = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'rpath_wrapper_%s.log' % cmd)
                    rpath_wrapper_log = '/dev/null'

                # complete template script and put it in place
                cmd_wrapper_txt = read_file(rpath_wrapper_template) % {
                    'orig_cmd': orig_cmd,
                    'python': sys.executable,
                    'rpath_args_py': rpath_args_py,
                    'rpath_filter': rpath_filter,
                    'rpath_include': rpath_include,
                    'rpath_wrapper_log': rpath_wrapper_log,
                    'wrapper_dir': wrapper_dir,
                write_file(cmd_wrapper, cmd_wrapper_txt)
                adjust_permissions(cmd_wrapper, stat.S_IXUSR)
                self.log.info("Wrapper script for %s: %s (log: %s)", orig_cmd, which(cmd), rpath_wrapper_log)

                # prepend location to this wrapper to $PATH
                setvar('PATH', '%s:%s' % (wrapper_dir, os.getenv('PATH')))
                self.log.debug("Not installing RPATH wrapper for non-existing command '%s'", cmd)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def configure_step(self, srcdir=None, builddir=None):
        """Configure build using cmake"""

        # Set the search paths for CMake
        tc_ipaths = self.toolchain.get_variable("CPPFLAGS", list)
        tc_lpaths = self.toolchain.get_variable("LDFLAGS", list)
        cpaths = os.getenv('CPATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
        lpaths = os.getenv('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)
        include_paths = os.pathsep.join(nub(tc_ipaths + cpaths))
        library_paths = os.pathsep.join(nub(tc_lpaths + lpaths))
        setvar("CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH", include_paths)
        setvar("CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH", library_paths)

        if builddir is None and self.cfg.get('separate_build_dir', False):
            builddir = os.path.join(self.builddir, 'easybuild_obj')

        if builddir:
            mkdir(builddir, parents=True)
            default_srcdir = self.cfg['start_dir']
            default_srcdir = '.'

        if srcdir is None:
            if self.cfg.get('srcdir', None) is not None:
                srcdir = self.cfg['srcdir']
                srcdir = default_srcdir

        options = ['-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s' % self.installdir]
        env_to_options = {
            'CC': 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER',
            'CFLAGS': 'CMAKE_C_FLAGS',
            'CXX': 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER',
            'CXXFLAGS': 'CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS',
            'F90': 'CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER',
            'FFLAGS': 'CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS',
        for env_name, option in env_to_options.items():
            value = os.getenv(env_name)
            if value is not None:
                if option.endswith('_COMPILER') and self.cfg.get(
                        'abs_path_compilers', False):
                    value = which(value)
                        "Using absolute path to compiler command: %s", value)
                options.append("-D%s='%s'" % (option, value))

        if build_option('rpath'):
            # instruct CMake not to fiddle with RPATH when --rpath is used, since it will undo stuff on install...
            # https://github.com/LLNL/spack/blob/0f6a5cd38538e8969d11bd2167f11060b1f53b43/lib/spack/spack/build_environment.py#L416

        # show what CMake is doing by default

        if not self.cfg.get('allow_system_boost', False):
            # don't pick up on system Boost if Boost is included as dependency
            # - specify Boost location via -DBOOST_ROOT
            # - instruct CMake to not search for Boost headers/libraries in other places
            # - disable search for Boost CMake package configuration file
            boost_root = get_software_root('Boost')
            if boost_root:
                    '-DBOOST_ROOT=%s' % boost_root,

        options_string = ' '.join(options)

        if self.cfg.get('configure_cmd') == DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_CMD:
            command = ' '.join([
                self.cfg['preconfigopts'], DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_CMD,
                options_string, self.cfg['configopts'], srcdir
            command = ' '.join([
                self.cfg.get('configure_cmd'), self.cfg['configopts']

        (out, _) = run_cmd(command, log_all=True, simple=False)

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for Bazel."""

        binutils_root = get_software_root('binutils')
        gcc_root = get_software_root('GCCcore') or get_software_root('GCC')
        gcc_ver = get_software_version('GCCcore') or get_software_version(

        # only patch Bazel scripts if binutils & GCC installation prefix could be determined
        if binutils_root and gcc_root:

            res = glob.glob(
                os.path.join(gcc_root, 'lib', 'gcc', '*', gcc_ver, 'include'))
            if res and len(res) == 1:
                gcc_lib_inc = res[0]
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Failed to pinpoint location of GCC include files: %s",

            gcc_lib_inc_fixed = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gcc_lib_inc),
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_lib_inc_fixed):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist",

            gcc_cplusplus_inc = os.path.join(gcc_root, 'include', 'c++',
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_cplusplus_inc):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist",

            # replace hardcoded paths in CROSSTOOL

            # CROSSTOOL script is no longer there in Bazel 0.24.0
            if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('0.24.0'):
                regex_subs = [
                     '-B%s' % os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
                     r'\1%s' % gcc_lib_inc),
                     r'\1%s' % gcc_lib_inc_fixed),
                     r'\1%s' % gcc_cplusplus_inc),
                for tool in ['ar', 'cpp', 'dwp', 'gcc', 'ld']:
                    path = which(tool)
                    if path:
                        regex_subs.append((os.path.join('/usr', 'bin',
                                                        tool), path))
                        raise EasyBuildError(
                            "Failed to determine path to '%s'", tool)

                    os.path.join('tools', 'cpp', 'CROSSTOOL'), regex_subs)

            # replace hardcoded paths in (unix_)cc_configure.bzl
            regex_subs = [
                (r'-B/usr/bin', '-B%s' % os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
                (r'"/usr/bin', '"' + os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')),
            for conf_bzl in ['cc_configure.bzl', 'unix_cc_configure.bzl']:
                filepath = os.path.join('tools', 'cpp', conf_bzl)
                if os.path.exists(filepath):
                    apply_regex_substitutions(filepath, regex_subs)
                "Not patching Bazel build scripts, installation prefix for binutils/GCC not found"

        # enable building in parallel
        bazel_args = '--jobs=%d' % self.cfg['parallel']

        # Bazel provides a JDK by itself for some architectures
        # We want to enforce it using the JDK we provided via modules
        # This is required for Power where Bazel does not have a JDK, but requires it for building itself
        # See https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/10377
        bazel_args += ' --host_javabase=@local_jdk//:jdk'

        env.setvar('EXTRA_BAZEL_ARGS', bazel_args)
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def test_build_easyconfigs_in_parallel_gc3pie(self):
        """Test build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(), using GC3Pie with local config as backend for --job."""
            import gc3libs  # noqa (ignore unused import)
        except ImportError:
            print "GC3Pie not available, skipping test"

        # put GC3Pie config in place to use local host and fork/exec
        resourcedir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie')
        gc3pie_cfgfile = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'gc3pie_local.ini')
        gc3pie_cfgtxt = GC3PIE_LOCAL_CONFIGURATION % {
            'resourcedir': resourcedir,
            'time': which('time'),
        write_file(gc3pie_cfgfile, gc3pie_cfgtxt)

        output_dir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'subdir',
        # purposely pre-create output dir, and put a file in it (to check whether GC3Pie tries to rename the output dir)
        mkdir(output_dir, parents=True)
        write_file(os.path.join(output_dir, 'foo'), 'bar')
        # remove write permissions on parent dir of specified output dir,
        # to check that GC3Pie does not try to rename the (already existing) output directory...
                           stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH,

        topdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

        build_options = {
            'job_backend_config': gc3pie_cfgfile,
            'job_max_walltime': 24,
            'job_output_dir': output_dir,
            'job_polling_interval': 0.2,  # quick polling
            'job_target_resource': 'ebtestlocalhost',
            'robot_path': os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs'),
            'silent': True,
            'valid_module_classes': config.module_classes(),
            'validate': False,
        init_config(args=['--job-backend=GC3Pie'], build_options=build_options)

        ec_file = os.path.join(topdir, 'easyconfigs', 'test_ecs', 't', 'toy',
        easyconfigs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
        ordered_ecs = resolve_dependencies(easyconfigs, self.modtool)
        topdir = os.path.dirname(
        test_easyblocks_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'sandbox')
        cmd = "PYTHONPATH=%s:%s:$PYTHONPATH eb %%(spec)s -df" % (
            topdir, test_easyblocks_path)
        build_easyconfigs_in_parallel(cmd, ordered_ecs, prepare_first=False)

            os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'modules', 'all', 'toy',
            os.path.join(self.test_installpath, 'software', 'toy', '0.0',
                         'bin', 'toy'))
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def build_step(self):
        """Custom build procedure for TensorFlow."""

        # pre-create target installation directory
        mkdir(os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir), parents=True)

        binutils_root = get_software_root('binutils')
        if binutils_root:
            binutils_bin = os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine installation prefix for binutils")

        gcc_root = get_software_root('GCCcore') or get_software_root('GCC')
        if gcc_root:
            gcc_lib64 = os.path.join(gcc_root, 'lib64')
            gcc_ver = get_software_version('GCCcore') or get_software_version('GCC')

            # figure out location of GCC include files
            res = glob.glob(os.path.join(gcc_root, 'lib', 'gcc', '*', gcc_ver, 'include'))
            if res and len(res) == 1:
                gcc_lib_inc = res[0]
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to pinpoint location of GCC include files: %s", res)

            # make sure include-fixed directory is where we expect it to be
            gcc_lib_inc_fixed = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gcc_lib_inc), 'include-fixed')
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_lib_inc_fixed):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist", gcc_lib_inc_fixed)

            # also check on location of include/c++/<gcc version> directory
            gcc_cplusplus_inc = os.path.join(gcc_root, 'include', 'c++', gcc_ver)
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_cplusplus_inc):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist", gcc_cplusplus_inc)
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine installation prefix for GCC")

        inc_paths = [gcc_lib_inc, gcc_lib_inc_fixed, gcc_cplusplus_inc]
        lib_paths = [gcc_lib64]

        cuda_root = get_software_root('CUDA')
        if cuda_root:
            inc_paths.append(os.path.join(cuda_root, 'include'))
            lib_paths.append(os.path.join(cuda_root, 'lib64'))

        # fix hardcoded locations of compilers & tools
        cxx_inc_dir_lines = '\n'.join(r'cxx_builtin_include_directory: "%s"' % resolve_path(p) for p in inc_paths)
        cxx_inc_dir_lines_no_resolv_path = '\n'.join(r'cxx_builtin_include_directory: "%s"' % p for p in inc_paths)
        regex_subs = [
            (r'-B/usr/bin/', '-B%s/ %s' % (binutils_bin, ' '.join('-L%s/' % p for p in lib_paths))),
            (r'(cxx_builtin_include_directory:).*', ''),
            (r'^toolchain {', 'toolchain {\n' + cxx_inc_dir_lines + '\n' + cxx_inc_dir_lines_no_resolv_path),
        for tool in ['ar', 'cpp', 'dwp', 'gcc', 'gcov', 'ld', 'nm', 'objcopy', 'objdump', 'strip']:
            path = which(tool)
            if path:
                regex_subs.append((os.path.join('/usr', 'bin', tool), path))
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine path to '%s'", tool)

        # -fPIE/-pie and -fPIC are not compatible, so patch out hardcoded occurences of -fPIE/-pie if -fPIC is used
        if self.toolchain.options.get('pic', None):
            regex_subs.extend([('-fPIE', '-fPIC'), ('"-pie"', '"-fPIC"')])

        # patch all CROSSTOOL* scripts to fix hardcoding of locations of binutils/GCC binaries
        for path, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.start_dir):
            for filename in filenames:
                if filename.startswith('CROSSTOOL'):
                    full_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
                    self.log.info("Patching %s", full_path)
                    apply_regex_substitutions(full_path, regex_subs)

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-bazel-build')

        # compose "bazel build" command with all its options...
        cmd = [self.cfg['prebuildopts'], 'bazel', '--output_base=%s' % tmpdir, 'build']

        # build with optimization enabled
        # cfr. https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/user-manual.html#flag--compilation_mode

        # select 'opt' config section (this is *not* the same as --compilation_mode=opt!)
        # https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/user-manual.html#flag--config

        # make Bazel print full command line + make it verbose on failures
        # https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/user-manual.html#flag--subcommands
        # https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/user-manual.html#flag--verbose_failures
        cmd.extend(['--subcommands', '--verbose_failures'])

        # limit the number of parallel jobs running simultaneously (useful on KNL)...
        cmd.append('--jobs=%s' % self.cfg['parallel'])

        if self.toolchain.options.get('pic', None):


        if cuda_root:

        # enable mkl-dnn by default, but only if cuDNN is not listed as dependency
        if self.cfg['with_mkl_dnn'] is None and get_software_root('cuDNN') is None:
            self.log.info("Enabling use of mkl-dnn since cuDNN is not listed as dependency")
            self.cfg['with_mkl_dnn'] = True

        # if mkl-dnn is listed as a dependency it is used. Otherwise downloaded if with_mkl_dnn is true
        mkl_root = get_software_root('mkl-dnn')
        if mkl_root:
            cmd.insert(0, "export TF_MKL_DOWNLOAD=0 &&")
            cmd.insert(0, "export TF_MKL_ROOT=%s &&" % mkl_root)
        elif self.cfg['with_mkl_dnn']:
            # this makes TensorFlow use mkl-dnn (cfr. https://github.com/01org/mkl-dnn)
            cmd.insert(0, "export TF_MKL_DOWNLOAD=1 && ")

        # specify target of the build command as last argument

        run_cmd(' '.join(cmd), log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)

        # run generated 'build_pip_package' script to build the .whl
        cmd = "bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package %s" % self.builddir
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def configure_step(self, srcdir=None, builddir=None):
        """Configure build using cmake"""


        if builddir is None and self.cfg.get('separate_build_dir', True):
            builddir = create_unused_dir(self.builddir, 'easybuild_obj')

        if builddir:
            mkdir(builddir, parents=True)
            default_srcdir = self.cfg['start_dir']
            default_srcdir = '.'

        if srcdir is None:
            if self.cfg.get('srcdir', None) is not None:
                # Note that the join returns srcdir if it is absolute
                srcdir = os.path.join(default_srcdir, self.cfg['srcdir'])
                srcdir = default_srcdir

        options = ['-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s' % self.installdir]

        if self.installdir.startswith('/opt') or self.installdir.startswith(
            # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/GNUInstallDirs.html
            localstatedir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'var')
            runstatedir = os.path.join(localstatedir, 'run')
            sysconfdir = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'etc')
            options.append("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LOCALSTATEDIR=%s" % localstatedir)
            options.append("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RUNSTATEDIR=%s" % runstatedir)
            options.append("-DCMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR=%s" % sysconfdir)

        if '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=' in self.cfg['configopts']:
            if self.cfg.get('build_type') is not None:
                    'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set in configopts. Ignoring build_type'
            options.append('-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s' % self.build_type)

        # Add -fPIC flag if necessary
        if self.toolchain.options['pic']:

        if self.cfg['generator']:
            options.append('-G "%s"' % self.cfg['generator'])

        # pass --sysroot value down to CMake,
        # and enable using absolute paths to compiler commands to avoid
        # that CMake picks up compiler from sysroot rather than toolchain compiler...
        sysroot = build_option('sysroot')
        if sysroot:
            options.append('-DCMAKE_SYSROOT=%s' % sysroot)
                "Using absolute path to compiler commands because of alterate sysroot %s",
            self.cfg['abs_path_compilers'] = True

        # Set flag for shared libs if requested
        # Not adding one allows the project to choose a default
        build_shared_libs = self.cfg.get('build_shared_libs')
        if build_shared_libs is not None:
            # Contrary to other options build_shared_libs takes precedence over configopts which may be unexpected.
            # This is to allow self.lib_ext to be determined correctly.
            # Usually you want to remove -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS from configopts and set build_shared_libs to True or False
            # If you need it in configopts don't set build_shared_libs (or explicitely set it to `None` (Default))
            if '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=' in self.cfg['configopts']:
                    'Ignoring BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is set in configopts because build_shared_libs is set'
                'configopts', '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=%s' %
                ('ON' if build_shared_libs else 'OFF'))

        env_to_options = {
            'CC': 'CMAKE_C_COMPILER',
            'CFLAGS': 'CMAKE_C_FLAGS',
            'CXX': 'CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER',
            'CXXFLAGS': 'CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS',
            'F90': 'CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER',
            'FFLAGS': 'CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS',
        for env_name, option in env_to_options.items():
            value = os.getenv(env_name)
            if value is not None:
                if option.endswith('_COMPILER') and self.cfg.get(
                        'abs_path_compilers', False):
                    value = which(value)
                        "Using absolute path to compiler command: %s", value)
                options.append("-D%s='%s'" % (option, value))

        if build_option('rpath'):
            # instruct CMake not to fiddle with RPATH when --rpath is used, since it will undo stuff on install...
            # https://github.com/LLNL/spack/blob/0f6a5cd38538e8969d11bd2167f11060b1f53b43/lib/spack/spack/build_environment.py#L416

        # show what CMake is doing by default

        # disable CMake user package repository

        if not self.cfg.get('allow_system_boost', False):
            # don't pick up on system Boost if Boost is included as dependency
            # - specify Boost location via -DBOOST_ROOT
            # - instruct CMake to not search for Boost headers/libraries in other places
            # - disable search for Boost CMake package configuration file
            boost_root = get_software_root('Boost')
            if boost_root:
                    '-DBOOST_ROOT=%s' % boost_root,

        options_string = ' '.join(options)

        if self.cfg.get('configure_cmd') == DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_CMD:
            command = ' '.join([
                self.cfg['preconfigopts'], DEFAULT_CONFIGURE_CMD,
                options_string, self.cfg['configopts'], srcdir
            command = ' '.join([
                self.cfg.get('configure_cmd'), self.cfg['configopts']

        (out, _) = run_cmd(command, log_all=True, simple=False)

        return out
    def build_image(self, recipe_path):
        """Build container image by calling out to 'sudo singularity build'."""

        cont_path = container_path()
        def_file = os.path.basename(recipe_path)

        # use --imagename if specified, otherwise derive based on filename of recipe
        img_name = self.img_name
        if img_name is None:
            # definition file Singularity.<app>-<version, container name <app>-<version>.<img|simg>
            img_name = def_file.split('.', 1)[1]

        cmd_opts = ''

        image_format = self.image_format

        singularity_version = self.singularity_version()

        # squashfs image format (default for Singularity)
        if image_format in [
            if LooseVersion(singularity_version) > LooseVersion('3.0'):
                ext = '.sif'
                ext = '.simg'
            img_path = os.path.join(cont_path, img_name + ext)

        # ext3 image format, creating as writable container
        elif image_format == CONT_IMAGE_FORMAT_EXT3:
            if LooseVersion(singularity_version) > LooseVersion('3.0'):
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "ext3 image format is only supported with Singularity 2.x (found Singularity %s)",
                img_path = os.path.join(cont_path, img_name + '.img')
                cmd_opts = '--writable'

        # sandbox image format, creates as a directory but acts like a container
        elif image_format == CONT_IMAGE_FORMAT_SANDBOX:
            img_path = os.path.join(cont_path, img_name)
            cmd_opts = '--sandbox'

            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Unknown container image format specified for Singularity: %s"
                % image_format)

        if os.path.exists(img_path):
            if build_option('force'):
                    "WARNING: overwriting existing container image at %s due to --force"
                    % img_path)
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Container image already exists at %s, not overwriting it without --force",

        # resolve full path to 'singularity' binary, since it may not be available via $PATH under sudo...
        singularity = which('singularity')
        cmd_env = ''

        singularity_tmpdir = self.tmpdir
        if singularity_tmpdir:
            cmd_env += 'SINGULARITY_TMPDIR=%s' % singularity_tmpdir

        cmd = ' '.join([
            'sudo', cmd_env, singularity, 'build', cmd_opts, img_path,
            "Running '%s', you may need to enter your 'sudo' password..." %
        run_cmd(cmd, stream_output=True)
        print_msg("Singularity image created at %s" % img_path, log=self.log)
Ejemplo n.º 46
def get_paths_for(subdir=EASYCONFIGS_PKG_SUBDIR, robot_path=None):
    Return a list of absolute paths where the specified subdir can be found, determined by the PYTHONPATH

    paths = []

    # primary search path is robot path
    path_list = []
    if isinstance(robot_path, list):
        path_list = robot_path[:]
    elif robot_path is not None:
        path_list = [robot_path]
    # consider Python search path, e.g. setuptools install path for easyconfigs

    # figure out installation prefix, e.g. distutils install path for easyconfigs

    # prefer using path specified in $EB_SCRIPT_PATH (if defined), which is set by 'eb' wrapper script
    eb_path = os.getenv('EB_SCRIPT_PATH')
    if eb_path is None:
        # try to determine location of 'eb' script via $PATH, as fallback mechanism
        eb_path = which('eb')
        _log.info("Location to 'eb' script (found via $PATH): %s", eb_path)
        _log.info("Found location to 'eb' script via $EB_SCRIPT_PATH: %s",

    if eb_path is None:
        warning_msg = "'eb' not found in $PATH, failed to determine installation prefix!"
        # eb_path is location to 'eb' wrapper script, e.g. <install_prefix>/bin/eb
        # so installation prefix is usually two levels up
        install_prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(eb_path))

        # only consider resolved path to 'eb' script if desired subdir is not found relative to 'eb' script location
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(install_prefix, 'easybuild', subdir)):
                "Also considering installation prefix %s (determined via path to 'eb' script)...",
            _log.info("Not considering %s (no easybuild/%s subdir found)",
                      install_prefix, subdir)

            # also consider fully resolved location to 'eb' wrapper
            # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-framework/pull/2248
            resolved_eb_path = resolve_path(eb_path)
            if eb_path != resolved_eb_path:
                install_prefix = os.path.dirname(
                    "Also considering installation prefix %s (via resolved path to 'eb')...",

    # look for desired subdirs
    for path in path_list:
        path = os.path.join(path, "easybuild", subdir)
        _log.debug("Checking for easybuild/%s at %s" % (subdir, path))
            if os.path.exists(path):
                _log.debug("Added %s to list of paths for easybuild/%s" %
                           (path, subdir))
        except OSError as err:
            raise EasyBuildError(str(err))

    return paths
    def prepare_step(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Load all dependencies, determine system MPI version, prefix and any associated envvars."""

        # Do the bundle prepare step to ensure any deps are loaded (no need to worry about licences for Intel MPI)
        Bundle.prepare_step(self, *args, **kwargs)

        # Prepare additional parameters: determine system MPI version, prefix and any associated envvars.
        mpi_name = self.cfg['name'].lower()

        # Determine MPI wrapper path (real path, with resolved symlinks) to ensure it exists
        if mpi_name == 'impi':
            # For impi the version information is only found in *some* of the wrappers it ships, in particular it is
            # not in mpicc
            mpi_c_wrapper = 'mpiicc'
            path_to_mpi_c_wrapper = which(mpi_c_wrapper)
            if not path_to_mpi_c_wrapper:
                mpi_c_wrapper = 'mpigcc'
                path_to_mpi_c_wrapper = which(mpi_c_wrapper)
                if not path_to_mpi_c_wrapper:
                    raise EasyBuildError("Could not find suitable MPI wrapper to extract version for impi")
            mpi_c_wrapper = 'mpicc'
            path_to_mpi_c_wrapper = which(mpi_c_wrapper)

        if path_to_mpi_c_wrapper:
            path_to_mpi_c_wrapper = resolve_path(path_to_mpi_c_wrapper)
            self.log.info("Found path to MPI implementation '%s' %s compiler (with symlinks resolved): %s",
                          mpi_name, mpi_c_wrapper, path_to_mpi_c_wrapper)
            raise EasyBuildError("%s not found in $PATH", mpi_c_wrapper)

        # Determine MPI version, installation prefix and underlying compiler
        if mpi_name in ('openmpi', 'spectrummpi'):
            # Spectrum MPI is based on Open MPI so is also covered by this logic
            output_of_ompi_info, _ = run_cmd("ompi_info", simple=False)

            # Extract the version of the MPI implementation
            if mpi_name == 'spectrummpi':
                mpi_version_string = 'Spectrum MPI'
                mpi_version_string = 'Open MPI'
            self.mpi_version = self.extract_ompi_setting(mpi_version_string, output_of_ompi_info)

            # Extract the installation prefix
            self.mpi_prefix = self.extract_ompi_setting("Prefix", output_of_ompi_info)

            # Extract any OpenMPI environment variables in the current environment and ensure they are added to the
            # final module
            self.mpi_env_vars = dict((key, value) for key, value in os.environ.items() if key.startswith('OMPI_'))

            # Extract the C compiler used underneath the MPI implementation, check for the definition of OMPI_MPICC
            self.mpi_c_compiler = self.extract_ompi_setting("C compiler", output_of_ompi_info)
        elif mpi_name == 'impi':
            # Extract the version of IntelMPI
            # The prefix in the the mpiicc (or mpigcc) script can be used to extract the explicit version
            contents_of_mpixcc = read_file(path_to_mpi_c_wrapper)
            prefix_regex = re.compile(r'(?<=compilers_and_libraries_)(.*)(?=/linux/mpi)', re.M)

            self.mpi_version = None
            res = prefix_regex.search(contents_of_mpixcc)
            if res:
                self.mpi_version = res.group(1)
                # old iimpi version
                prefix_regex = re.compile(r'^prefix=(.*)$', re.M)
                res = prefix_regex.search(contents_of_mpixcc)
                if res:
                    self.mpi_version = res.group(1).split('/')[-1]

            if self.mpi_version is None:
                raise EasyBuildError("No version found for system Intel MPI")
                self.log.info("Found Intel MPI version %s for system MPI" % self.mpi_version)

            # Extract the installation prefix, if I_MPI_ROOT is defined, let's use that
            i_mpi_root = os.environ.get('I_MPI_ROOT')
            if i_mpi_root:
                self.mpi_prefix = i_mpi_root
                # Else just go up three directories from where mpiicc is found
                # (it's 3 because bin64 is a symlink to intel64/bin and we are assuming 64 bit)
                self.mpi_prefix = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path_to_mpi_c_wrapper)))

            # Extract any IntelMPI environment variables in the current environment and ensure they are added to the
            # final module
            self.mpi_env_vars = {}
            for key, value in os.environ.items():
                i_mpi_key = key.startswith('I_MPI_') or key.startswith('MPICH_')
                mpi_profile_key = key.startswith('MPI') and key.endswith('PROFILE')
                if i_mpi_key or mpi_profile_key:
                    self.mpi_env_vars[key] = value

            # Extract the C compiler used underneath Intel MPI
            compile_info, exit_code = run_cmd("%s -compile-info" % mpi_c_wrapper, simple=False)
            if exit_code == 0:
                self.mpi_c_compiler = compile_info.split(' ', 1)[0]
                raise EasyBuildError("Could not determine C compiler underneath Intel MPI, '%s -compiler-info' "
                                     "returned %s", mpi_c_wrapper, compile_info)

            raise EasyBuildError("Unrecognised system MPI implementation %s", mpi_name)

        # Ensure install path of system MPI actually exists
        if not os.path.exists(self.mpi_prefix):
            raise EasyBuildError("Path derived for system MPI (%s) does not exist: %s!", mpi_name, self.mpi_prefix)

        self.log.debug("Derived version/install prefix for system MPI %s: %s, %s",
                       mpi_name, self.mpi_version, self.mpi_prefix)

        # For the version of the underlying C compiler need to explicitly extract (to be certain)
        self.c_compiler_version = extract_compiler_version(self.mpi_c_compiler)
        self.log.debug("Derived compiler/version for C compiler underneath system MPI %s: %s, %s",
                       mpi_name, self.mpi_c_compiler, self.c_compiler_version)

        # If EasyConfig specified "real" version (not 'system' which means 'derive automatically'), check it
        if self.cfg['version'] == 'system':
            self.log.info("Found specified version '%s', going with derived MPI version '%s'",
                          self.cfg['version'], self.mpi_version)
        elif self.cfg['version'] == self.mpi_version:
            self.log.info("Specified MPI version %s matches found version" % self.mpi_version)
            raise EasyBuildError("Specified version (%s) does not match version reported by MPI (%s)",
                                 self.cfg['version'], self.mpi_version)
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def build_step(self):
        """Custom build procedure for TensorFlow."""

        # pre-create target installation directory
        mkdir(os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir), parents=True)

        binutils_root = get_software_root('binutils')
        if binutils_root:
            binutils_bin = os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin')
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Failed to determine installation prefix for binutils")

        gcc_root = get_software_root('GCCcore') or get_software_root('GCC')
        if gcc_root:
            gcc_lib64 = os.path.join(gcc_root, 'lib64')
            gcc_ver = get_software_version('GCCcore') or get_software_version(

            # figure out location of GCC include files
            res = glob.glob(
                os.path.join(gcc_root, 'lib', 'gcc', '*', gcc_ver, 'include'))
            if res and len(res) == 1:
                gcc_lib_inc = res[0]
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "Failed to pinpoint location of GCC include files: %s",

            # make sure include-fixed directory is where we expect it to be
            gcc_lib_inc_fixed = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(gcc_lib_inc),
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_lib_inc_fixed):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist",

            # also check on location of include/c++/<gcc version> directory
            gcc_cplusplus_inc = os.path.join(gcc_root, 'include', 'c++',
            if not os.path.exists(gcc_cplusplus_inc):
                raise EasyBuildError("Derived directory %s does not exist",
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Failed to determine installation prefix for GCC")

        inc_paths = [gcc_lib_inc, gcc_lib_inc_fixed, gcc_cplusplus_inc]
        lib_paths = [gcc_lib64]

        cuda_root = get_software_root('CUDA')
        if cuda_root:
            inc_paths.append(os.path.join(cuda_root, 'include'))
            lib_paths.append(os.path.join(cuda_root, 'lib64'))

        # fix hardcoded locations of compilers & tools
        cxx_inc_dir_lines = '\n'.join(r'cxx_builtin_include_directory: "%s"' %
                                      resolve_path(p) for p in inc_paths)
        cxx_inc_dir_lines_no_resolv_path = '\n'.join(
            r'cxx_builtin_include_directory: "%s"' % p for p in inc_paths)
        regex_subs = [
             '-B%s/ %s' % (binutils_bin, ' '.join('-L%s/' % p
                                                  for p in lib_paths))),
            (r'(cxx_builtin_include_directory:).*', ''),
            (r'^toolchain {', 'toolchain {\n' + cxx_inc_dir_lines + '\n' +
        for tool in [
                'ar', 'cpp', 'dwp', 'gcc', 'gcov', 'ld', 'nm', 'objcopy',
                'objdump', 'strip'
            path = which(tool)
            if path:
                regex_subs.append((os.path.join('/usr', 'bin', tool), path))
                raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine path to '%s'", tool)

        # -fPIE/-pie and -fPIC are not compatible, so patch out hardcoded occurences of -fPIE/-pie if -fPIC is used
        if self.toolchain.options.get('pic', None):
            regex_subs.extend([('-fPIE', '-fPIC'), ('"-pie"', '"-fPIC"')])

        # patch all CROSSTOOL* scripts to fix hardcoding of locations of binutils/GCC binaries
        for path, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
            for filename in filenames:
                if filename.startswith('CROSSTOOL'):
                    full_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
                    self.log.info("Patching %s", full_path)
                    apply_regex_substitutions(full_path, regex_subs)

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-bazel-build')
        user_root_tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-user_root')

        # compose "bazel build" command with all its options...
        cmd = [
            self.cfg['prebuildopts'], 'bazel',
            '--output_base=%s' % tmpdir,
            '--install_base=%s' % os.path.join(tmpdir, 'inst_base'),
            '--output_user_root=%s' % user_root_tmpdir, 'build'

        # build with optimization enabled
        # cfr. https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/user-manual.html#flag--compilation_mode

        # select 'opt' config section (this is *not* the same as --compilation_mode=opt!)
        # https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/user-manual.html#flag--config

        # make Bazel print full command line + make it verbose on failures
        # https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/user-manual.html#flag--subcommands
        # https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/user-manual.html#flag--verbose_failures
        cmd.extend(['--subcommands', '--verbose_failures'])

        # limit the number of parallel jobs running simultaneously (useful on KNL)...
        cmd.append('--jobs=%s' % self.cfg['parallel'])

        if self.toolchain.options.get('pic', None):

        # include install location of Python packages in $PYTHONPATH,
        # and specify that value of $PYTHONPATH should be passed down into Bazel build environment;
        # this is required to make sure that Python packages included as extensions are found at build time;
        # see also https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/22395
        pythonpath = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', '')
                [os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir), pythonpath]))

        # Also export $EBPYTHONPREFIXES to handle the multi-deps python setup
        # See https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyblocks/pull/1664
        if 'EBPYTHONPREFIXES' in os.environ:

        # use same configuration for both host and target programs, which can speed up the build
        # only done when optarch is enabled, since this implicitely assumes that host and target platform are the same
        # see https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/guide.html#configurations
        if self.toolchain.options.get('optarch'):


        # building TensorFlow v2.0 requires passing --config=v2 to "bazel build" command...
        if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('2.0'):

        if cuda_root:

        # if mkl-dnn is listed as a dependency it is used. Otherwise downloaded if with_mkl_dnn is true
        mkl_root = get_software_root('mkl-dnn')
        if mkl_root:
            cmd.insert(0, "export TF_MKL_DOWNLOAD=0 &&")
            cmd.insert(0, "export TF_MKL_ROOT=%s &&" % mkl_root)
        elif self.cfg['with_mkl_dnn']:
            # this makes TensorFlow use mkl-dnn (cfr. https://github.com/01org/mkl-dnn)
            cmd.insert(0, "export TF_MKL_DOWNLOAD=1 && ")

        # specify target of the build command as last argument

        run_cmd(' '.join(cmd), log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)

        # run generated 'build_pip_package' script to build the .whl
        cmd = "bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package %s" % self.builddir
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Extra initialization: determine system compiler version and prefix."""
        super(SystemCompiler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Determine compiler path (real path, with resolved symlinks)
        compiler_name = self.cfg['name'].lower()
        path_to_compiler = which(compiler_name)
        if path_to_compiler:
            path_to_compiler = os.path.realpath(path_to_compiler)
                "Found path to compiler '%s' (with symlinks resolved): %s",
                compiler_name, path_to_compiler)
            raise EasyBuildError("%s not found in $PATH", compiler_name)

        # Determine compiler version and installation prefix
        if compiler_name == 'gcc':
            out, _ = run_cmd("gcc --version", simple=False)

            # strip off 'bin/gcc'
            self.compiler_prefix = os.path.dirname(

        elif compiler_name in ['icc', 'ifort']:
            out, _ = run_cmd("%s -V" % compiler_name, simple=False)

            intelvars_fn = path_to_compiler + 'vars.sh'
            if os.path.isfile(intelvars_fn):
                    "Trying to determine compiler install prefix from %s",
                intelvars_txt = read_file(intelvars_fn)
                prod_dir_regex = re.compile(r'^PROD_DIR=(.*)$', re.M)
                res = prod_dir_regex.search(intelvars_txt)
                if res:
                    self.compiler_prefix = res.group(1)
                    raise EasyBuildError(
                        "Failed to determine %s installation prefix from %s",
                        compiler_name, intelvars_fn)
                # strip off 'bin/intel*/icc'
                self.compiler_prefix = os.path.dirname(

            raise EasyBuildError("Unknown system compiler %s" %

            "Derived version/install prefix for system compiler %s: %s, %s",
            compiler_name, self.compiler_version, self.compiler_prefix)

        # If EasyConfig specified "real" version (not 'system' which means 'derive automatically'), check it
        if self.cfg['version'] == 'system':
                "Found specified version '%s', going with derived compiler version '%s'",
                self.cfg['version'], self.compiler_version)
        elif self.cfg['version'] != self.compiler_version:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Specified version (%s) does not match version reported by compiler (%s)"
                % (self.cfg['version'], self.compiler_version))

        # fix installdir and module names (may differ because of changes to version)
        mns = ActiveMNS()
        self.cfg.full_mod_name = mns.det_full_module_name(self.cfg)
        self.cfg.short_mod_name = mns.det_short_module_name(self.cfg)
        self.cfg.mod_subdir = mns.det_module_subdir(self.cfg)

        # keep track of original values, for restoring later
        self.orig_version = self.cfg['version']
        self.orig_installdir = self.installdir
Ejemplo n.º 50
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for TensorFlow."""

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-bazel-configure')

        # filter out paths from CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH. This is needed since bazel will pull some dependencies that
        # might conflict with dependencies on the system and/or installed with EB. For example: protobuf
        path_filter = self.cfg['path_filter']
        if path_filter:
                "Filtering $CPATH and $LIBRARY_PATH with path filter %s",
            for var in ['CPATH', 'LIBRARY_PATH']:
                path = os.getenv(var).split(os.pathsep)
                self.log.info("$%s old value was %s" % (var, path))
                filtered_path = os.pathsep.join(
                    [p for fil in path_filter for p in path if fil not in p])
                env.setvar(var, filtered_path)

        wrapper_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'bin')
        use_wrapper = False

        if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
            # put wrappers for Intel C/C++ compilers in place (required to make sure license server is found)
            # cfr. https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/663
            for compiler in ('icc', 'icpc'):
                self.write_wrapper(wrapper_dir, compiler, 'NOT-USED-WITH-ICC')
            use_wrapper = True

        use_mpi = self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', False)
        mpi_home = ''
        if use_mpi:
            impi_root = get_software_root('impi')
            if impi_root:
                # put wrappers for Intel MPI compiler wrappers in place
                # (required to make sure license server and I_MPI_ROOT are found)
                for compiler in (os.getenv('MPICC'), os.getenv('MPICXX')):
                    self.write_wrapper(wrapper_dir, compiler,
                use_wrapper = True
                # set correct value for MPI_HOME
                mpi_home = os.path.join(impi_root, 'intel64')
                self.log.debug("MPI module name: %s",
                mpi_home = get_software_root(self.toolchain.MPI_MODULE_NAME[0])

            self.log.debug("Derived value for MPI_HOME: %s", mpi_home)

        if use_wrapper:



        cuda_root = get_software_root('CUDA')
        cudnn_root = get_software_root('cuDNN')
        opencl_root = get_software_root('OpenCL')
        tensorrt_root = get_software_root('TensorRT')
        nccl_root = get_software_root('NCCL')

        config_env_vars = {
            'CC_OPT_FLAGS': os.getenv('CXXFLAGS'),
            'MPI_HOME': mpi_home,
            'PYTHON_BIN_PATH': self.python_cmd,
            'PYTHON_LIB_PATH': os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir),
            'TF_CUDA_CLANG': '0',
            'TF_ENABLE_XLA': '0',  # XLA JIT support
            'TF_NEED_CUDA': ('0', '1')[bool(cuda_root)],
            'TF_NEED_GCP': '0',  # Google Cloud Platform
            'TF_NEED_GDR': '0',
            'TF_NEED_HDFS': '0',  # Hadoop File System
            'TF_NEED_JEMALLOC': ('0', '1')[self.cfg['with_jemalloc']],
            'TF_NEED_MPI': ('0', '1')[bool(use_mpi)],
            'TF_NEED_OPENCL': ('0', '1')[bool(opencl_root)],
            'TF_NEED_OPENCL_SYCL': '0',
            'TF_NEED_S3': '0',  # Amazon S3 File System
            'TF_NEED_TENSORRT': '0',
            'TF_NEED_VERBS': '0',
            'TF_NEED_AWS': '0',  # Amazon AWS Platform
            'TF_NEED_KAFKA': '0',  # Amazon Kafka Platform
        if cuda_root:
            cuda_version = get_software_version('CUDA')
            cuda_maj_min_ver = '.'.join(cuda_version.split('.')[:2])

            # $GCC_HOST_COMPILER_PATH should be set to path of the actual compiler (not the MPI compiler wrapper)
            if use_mpi:
                compiler_path = which(os.getenv('CC_SEQ'))
                compiler_path = which(os.getenv('CC'))


            # for recent TensorFlow versions, $TF_CUDA_PATHS and $TF_CUBLAS_VERSION must also be set
            if LooseVersion(self.version) >= LooseVersion('1.14'):

                # figure out correct major/minor version for CUBLAS from cublas_api.h
                cublas_api_header_glob_pattern = os.path.join(
                    cuda_root, 'targets', '*', 'include', 'cublas_api.h')
                matches = glob.glob(cublas_api_header_glob_pattern)
                if len(matches) == 1:
                    cublas_api_header_path = matches[0]
                    cublas_api_header_txt = read_file(cublas_api_header_path)
                    raise EasyBuildError(
                        "Failed to isolate path to cublas_api.h: %s", matches)

                cublas_ver_parts = []
                for key in [
                        'CUBLAS_VER_MAJOR', 'CUBLAS_VER_MINOR',
                    regex = re.compile("^#define %s ([0-9]+)" % key, re.M)
                    res = regex.search(cublas_api_header_txt)
                    if res:
                        raise EasyBuildError(
                            "Failed to find pattern '%s' in %s", regex.pattern,


            if cudnn_root:
                cudnn_version = get_software_version('cuDNN')
                cudnn_maj_min_patch_ver = '.'.join(

                raise EasyBuildError(
                    "TensorFlow has a strict dependency on cuDNN if CUDA is enabled"
            if nccl_root:
                nccl_version = get_software_version('NCCL')
                    'NCCL_INSTALL_PATH': nccl_root,
                nccl_version = '1.3'  # Use simple downloadable version
                'TF_NCCL_VERSION': nccl_version,
            if tensorrt_root:
                tensorrt_version = get_software_version('TensorRT')
                    'TF_NEED_TENSORRT': '1',
                    'TENSORRT_INSTALL_PATH': tensorrt_root,
                    'TF_TENSORRT_VERSION': tensorrt_version,

        for (key, val) in sorted(config_env_vars.items()):
            env.setvar(key, val)

        # patch configure.py (called by configure script) to avoid that Bazel abuses $HOME/.cache/bazel
        regex_subs = [(r"(run_shell\(\['bazel')",
                       r"\1, '--output_base=%s', '--install_base=%s'" %
                       (tmpdir, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'inst_base')))]
        apply_regex_substitutions('configure.py', regex_subs)

        # Tell Bazel to not use $HOME/.cache/bazel at all
        # See https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/output_directories.html
        env.setvar('TEST_TMPDIR', os.path.join(tmpdir, 'output_root'))
        cmd = self.cfg['preconfigopts'] + './configure ' + self.cfg[
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Locate the installation files of OpenSSL in the host system"""
        super(EB_OpenSSL_wrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # Libraries packaged in OpenSSL
        openssl_libs = ['libssl', 'libcrypto']
        # list of relevant library extensions per system and version of OpenSSL
        # the first item should be the extension of an installation from source,
        # it will be used in the sanity checks of the component
        openssl_libext = {
            '1.0': {
                LINUX: ('so.1.0.0', 'so.10'),
                DARWIN: ('1.0.dylib', ),
            '1.1': {
                LINUX: ('so.1.1', ),
                DARWIN: ('1.1.dylib', ),

        os_type = get_os_type()
        if self.version in openssl_libext and os_type in openssl_libext[
            # generate matrix of versioned .so filenames
            system_versioned_libs = [[
                '%s.%s' % (lib, ext)
                for ext in openssl_libext[self.version][os_type]
            ] for lib in openssl_libs]
            self.log.info("Matrix of version library names: %s",
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Don't know name of OpenSSL system library for version %s and OS type %s",
                self.version, os_type)

        # by default target the first option of each OpenSSL library,
        # which corresponds to installation from source
        self.target_ssl_libs = [
            lib_name[0] for lib_name in system_versioned_libs
        self.log.info("Target OpenSSL libraries: %s", self.target_ssl_libs)

        # folders containing engines libraries
        openssl_engines = {
            '1.0': 'engines',
            '1.1': 'engines-1.1',
        self.target_ssl_engine = openssl_engines[self.version]

        # Paths to system libraries and headers of OpenSSL
        self.system_ssl = {
            'bin': None,
            'engines': None,
            'include': None,
            'lib': None,

        # early return when we're not wrapping the system OpenSSL installation
        if not self.cfg.get('wrap_system_openssl'):
            self.log.info("Not wrapping system OpenSSL installation!")

        # Check the system libraries of OpenSSL
        # (only needs first library in openssl_libs to find path to libraries)
        for idx, libssl in enumerate(system_versioned_libs[0]):
            self.system_ssl['lib'] = find_library_path(libssl)
            if self.system_ssl['lib']:
                # change target libraries to the ones found in the system
                self.target_ssl_libs = [
                    lib_name[idx] for lib_name in system_versioned_libs
                self.log.info("Target system OpenSSL libraries: %s",

        if self.system_ssl['lib']:
            self.log.info("Found library '%s' in: %s", openssl_libs[0],
                "OpenSSL library '%s' not found, falling back to OpenSSL in EasyBuild",

        # Directory with engine libraries
        if self.system_ssl['lib']:
            lib_dir = os.path.dirname(self.system_ssl['lib'])
            lib_engines_dir = [
                os.path.join(lib_dir, 'openssl', self.target_ssl_engine),
                os.path.join(lib_dir, self.target_ssl_engine),

            for engines_path in lib_engines_dir:
                if os.path.isdir(engines_path):
                    self.system_ssl['engines'] = engines_path
                    self.log.debug("Found OpenSSL engines in: %s",

            if not self.system_ssl['engines']:
                self.system_ssl['lib'] = None
                    "OpenSSL engines not found in host system, falling back to OpenSSL in EasyBuild"

        # Check system include paths for OpenSSL headers
        cmd = "LC_ALL=C gcc -E -Wp,-v -xc /dev/null"
        (out, ec) = run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False, trace=False)

        sys_include_dirs = []
        for match in re.finditer(r'^\s(/[^\0\n]*)+', out, re.MULTILINE):
            "Found the following include directories in host system: %s",
            ', '.join(sys_include_dirs))

        # headers are located in 'include/openssl' by default
        ssl_include_subdirs = [self.name.lower()]
        if self.version == '1.1':
            # but version 1.1 can be installed in 'include/openssl11/openssl' as well, for example in CentOS 7
            # prefer 'include/openssl' as long as the version of headers matches
                os.path.join('openssl11', self.name.lower()))

        ssl_include_dirs = [
            os.path.join(incd, subd) for incd in sys_include_dirs
            for subd in ssl_include_subdirs
        ssl_include_dirs = [
            include for include in ssl_include_dirs if os.path.isdir(include)

        # find location of header files, verify that the headers match our OpenSSL version
        openssl_version_regex = re.compile(
            r"SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER\s\"([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)", re.M)
        for include_dir in ssl_include_dirs:
            opensslv_path = os.path.join(include_dir, 'opensslv.h')
            self.log.debug("Checking OpenSSL version in %s...", opensslv_path)
            if os.path.exists(opensslv_path):
                opensslv = read_file(opensslv_path)
                header_majmin_version = openssl_version_regex.search(opensslv)
                if header_majmin_version:
                    header_majmin_version = header_majmin_version.group(1)
                    if re.match('^' + header_majmin_version, self.version):
                        self.system_ssl['include'] = include_dir
                            "Found OpenSSL headers in host system: %s",
                            "Header major/minor version '%s' doesn't match with %s",
                            header_majmin_version, self.version)
                    self.log.debug("Pattern '%s' not found in %s",
                self.log.info("OpenSSL header file %s not found",

        if not self.system_ssl['include']:
                "OpenSSL headers not found in host system, falling back to OpenSSL in EasyBuild"

        # Check system OpenSSL binary
        if self.version == '1.1':
            # prefer 'openssl11' over 'openssl' with v1.1
            self.system_ssl['bin'] = which('openssl11')

        if not self.system_ssl['bin']:
            self.system_ssl['bin'] = which(self.name.lower())

        if self.system_ssl['bin']:
            self.log.info("System OpenSSL binary found: %s",
            self.log.info("System OpenSSL binary not found!")
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configuration procedure for TensorFlow."""

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-bazel-configure')

        # filter out paths from CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH. This is needed since bazel will pull some dependencies that
        # might conflict with dependencies on the system and/or installed with EB. For example: protobuf
        path_filter = self.cfg['path_filter']
        if path_filter:
            self.log.info("Filtering $CPATH and $LIBRARY_PATH with path filter %s", path_filter)
            for var in ['CPATH', 'LIBRARY_PATH']:
                path = os.getenv(var).split(os.pathsep)
                self.log.info("$%s old value was %s" % (var, path))
                filtered_path = os.pathsep.join([p for fil in path_filter for p in path if fil not in p])
                env.setvar(var, filtered_path)

        wrapper_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'bin')
        use_wrapper = False

        if self.toolchain.comp_family() == toolchain.INTELCOMP:
            # put wrappers for Intel C/C++ compilers in place (required to make sure license server is found)
            # cfr. https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/663
            for compiler in ('icc', 'icpc'):
                self.write_wrapper(wrapper_dir, compiler, 'NOT-USED-WITH-ICC')
            use_wrapper = True

        use_mpi = self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', False)
        mpi_home = ''
        if use_mpi:
            impi_root = get_software_root('impi')
            if impi_root:
                # put wrappers for Intel MPI compiler wrappers in place
                # (required to make sure license server and I_MPI_ROOT are found)
                for compiler in (os.getenv('MPICC'), os.getenv('MPICXX')):
                    self.write_wrapper(wrapper_dir, compiler, os.getenv('I_MPI_ROOT'))
                use_wrapper = True
                # set correct value for MPI_HOME
                mpi_home = os.path.join(impi_root, 'intel64')
                self.log.debug("MPI module name: %s", self.toolchain.MPI_MODULE_NAME[0])
                mpi_home = get_software_root(self.toolchain.MPI_MODULE_NAME[0])

            self.log.debug("Derived value for MPI_HOME: %s", mpi_home)

        if use_wrapper:
            env.setvar('PATH', os.pathsep.join([wrapper_dir, os.getenv('PATH')]))



        cuda_root = get_software_root('CUDA')
        cudnn_root = get_software_root('cuDNN')
        opencl_root = get_software_root('OpenCL')
        tensorrt_root = get_software_root('TensorRT')
        nccl_root = get_software_root('NCCL')

        config_env_vars = {
            'CC_OPT_FLAGS': os.getenv('CXXFLAGS'),
            'MPI_HOME': mpi_home,
            'PYTHON_BIN_PATH': self.python_cmd,
            'PYTHON_LIB_PATH': os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir),
            'TF_CUDA_CLANG': '0',
            'TF_ENABLE_XLA': '0',  # XLA JIT support
            'TF_NEED_CUDA': ('0', '1')[bool(cuda_root)],
            'TF_NEED_GCP': '0',  # Google Cloud Platform
            'TF_NEED_GDR': '0',
            'TF_NEED_HDFS': '0',  # Hadoop File System
            'TF_NEED_JEMALLOC': ('0', '1')[self.cfg['with_jemalloc']],
            'TF_NEED_MPI': ('0', '1')[bool(use_mpi)],
            'TF_NEED_OPENCL': ('0', '1')[bool(opencl_root)],
            'TF_NEED_OPENCL_SYCL': '0',
            'TF_NEED_S3': '0',  # Amazon S3 File System
            'TF_NEED_TENSORRT': '0',
            'TF_NEED_VERBS': '0',
            'TF_NEED_AWS': '0',  # Amazon AWS Platform
            'TF_NEED_KAFKA': '0',  # Amazon Kafka Platform
        if cuda_root:
                'CUDA_TOOLKIT_PATH': cuda_root,
                'GCC_HOST_COMPILER_PATH': which(os.getenv('CC')),
                'TF_CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITIES': ','.join(self.cfg['cuda_compute_capabilities']),
                'TF_CUDA_VERSION': get_software_version('CUDA'),
            if cudnn_root:
                    'CUDNN_INSTALL_PATH': cudnn_root,
                    'TF_CUDNN_VERSION': get_software_version('cuDNN'),
                raise EasyBuildError("TensorFlow has a strict dependency on cuDNN if CUDA is enabled")
            if nccl_root:
                nccl_version = get_software_version('NCCL')
                    'NCCL_INSTALL_PATH': nccl_root,
                nccl_version = '1.3'  # Use simple downloadable version
                'TF_NCCL_VERSION': nccl_version,
            if tensorrt_root:
                tensorrt_version = get_software_version('TensorRT')
                    'TF_NEED_TENSORRT': '1',
                    'TENSORRT_INSTALL_PATH': tensorrt_root,
                    'TF_TENSORRT_VERSION': tensorrt_version,

        for (key, val) in sorted(config_env_vars.items()):
            env.setvar(key, val)

        # patch configure.py (called by configure script) to avoid that Bazel abuses $HOME/.cache/bazel
        regex_subs = [(r"(run_shell\(\['bazel')",
                       r"\1, '--output_base=%s', '--install_base=%s'" % (tmpdir, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'inst_base')))]
        apply_regex_substitutions('configure.py', regex_subs)

        cmd = self.cfg['preconfigopts'] + './configure ' + self.cfg['configopts']
        run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True)
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def install_step(self):
        Custom install step for GROMACS; figure out where libraries were installed to.
        Also, install the MPI version of the executable in a separate step.
        # run 'make install' in parallel since it involves more compilation
        self.cfg.update('installopts', "-j %s" % self.cfg['parallel'])
        super(EB_GROMACS, self).install_step()

        # the GROMACS libraries get installed in different locations (deeper subdirectory), depending on the platform;
        # this is determined by the GNUInstallDirs CMake module;
        # rather than trying to replicate the logic, we just figure out where the library was placed

        if self.toolchain.options.get('dynamic', False):
            self.libext = get_shared_lib_ext()
            self.libext = 'a'

        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('5.0'):
            libname = 'libgmx*.%s' % self.libext
            libname = 'libgromacs*.%s' % self.libext

        for libdir in ['lib', 'lib64']:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.installdir, libdir)):
                for subdir in [libdir, os.path.join(libdir, '*')]:
                    libpaths = glob.glob(
                        os.path.join(self.installdir, subdir, libname))
                    if libpaths:
                        self.lib_subdir = os.path.dirname(
                            libpaths[0])[len(self.installdir) + 1:]
                            "Found lib subdirectory that contains %s: %s",
                            libname, self.lib_subdir)
        if not self.lib_subdir:
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to determine lib subdirectory in %s",

        # Install a version with the MPI suffix
        if self.toolchain.options.get('usempi', None):
            if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('4.6'):

                cmd = "make distclean"
                (out, _) = run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=False)

                    'configopts', "--enable-mpi --program-suffix={0}".format(

                super(EB_GROMACS, self).build_step()

                super(EB_GROMACS, self).install_step()

                self.cfg['configopts'] = re.sub(r'-DGMX_MPI=OFF', r'',

                if self.cfg['mpi_numprocs'] == 0:
                        "No number of test MPI tasks specified -- using default: %s"
                        % self.cfg['parallel'])
                    self.cfg['mpi_numprocs'] = self.cfg['parallel']

                elif self.cfg['mpi_numprocs'] > self.cfg['parallel']:
                        "Number of test MPI tasks (%s) is greater than value for 'parallel': %s",
                        self.cfg['mpi_numprocs'], self.cfg['parallel'])

                                "-DGMX_MPI=ON -DGMX_THREAD_MPI=OFF")

                mpiexec = which(self.cfg['mpiexec'])
                if mpiexec:
                    self.cfg.update('configopts', "-DMPIEXEC=%s" % mpiexec)
                        'configopts', "-DMPIEXEC_NUMPROC_FLAG=%s" %
                                    "-DNUMPROC=%s" % self.cfg['mpi_numprocs'])
                elif self.cfg['runtest']:
                    raise EasyBuildError("'%s' not found in $PATH",

                    "Using %s as MPI executable when testing, with numprocs flag '%s' and %s tasks",
                    self.cfg['mpiexec'], self.cfg['mpiexec_numproc_flag'],

                # clean up obj dir before reconfiguring
                shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'easybuild_obj'))

                # rebuild/test/install with MPI options
                super(EB_GROMACS, self).configure_step()
                super(EB_GROMACS, self).build_step()
                super(EB_GROMACS, self).test_step()
                super(EB_GROMACS, self).install_step()

                    "A full regression test suite is available from the GROMACS web site"
Ejemplo n.º 54
    def configure_step(self):
        """Custom configure step for jaxlib."""

        super(EB_jaxlib, self).configure_step()

        binutils_root = get_software_root('binutils')
        if not binutils_root:
            raise EasyBuildError(
                "Failed to determine installation prefix for binutils")
        config_env_vars = {
            # This is the binutils bin folder: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/39263
            'GCC_HOST_COMPILER_PREFIX': os.path.join(binutils_root, 'bin'),

        # Collect options for the build script
        # Used only by the build script
        options = [
            '--target_cpu_features=default',  # Using copt for optimizations
        # Passed directly to bazel
        bazel_startup_options = [
            '--output_user_root=%s' %
            tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-bazel', dir=self.builddir),
        # Passed to the build command of bazel
        bazel_options = [
            '--jobs=%s' % self.cfg['parallel'],
        if self.toolchain.options.get('debug', None):
            bazel_options.extend(['--strip=never', '--copt="-Og"'])
        # Add optimization flags set by EasyBuild each as a separate option
            ['--copt=%s' % i for i in os.environ['CXXFLAGS'].split(' ')])

        cuda_root = get_software_root('CUDA')
        if cuda_root:
            cudnn_root = get_software_root('cuDNN')
            if not cudnn_root:
                raise EasyBuildError(
                    'For CUDA-enabled builds cuDNN is also required')
            cuda_version = '.'.join(
                get_software_version('CUDA').split('.')[:2])  # maj.minor
            cudnn_version = '.'.join(
                [:3])  # maj.minor.patch
                '--cuda_path=' + cuda_root,
                '--cuda_compute_capabilities=' +
                '--cuda_version=' + cuda_version,
                '--cudnn_path=' + cudnn_root,
                '--cudnn_version=' + cudnn_version,

            nccl_root = get_software_root('NCCL')
            if nccl_root:

            config_env_vars['GCC_HOST_COMPILER_PATH'] = which(os.getenv('CC'))

        # Prepend to buildopts so users can overwrite this
        self.cfg['buildopts'] = ' '.join(options + [
            '--bazel_startup_options="%s"' % i for i in bazel_startup_options
        ] + ['--bazel_options="%s"' % i
             for i in bazel_options] + [self.cfg['buildopts']])

        for key, val in sorted(config_env_vars.items()):
            env.setvar(key, val)

        # Print output of build at the end
            [(r'  shell\(command\)', '  print(shell(command))')])