Ejemplo n.º 1
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # If within 5 tiles of player...
        if ((this.X - world.player.X) ** 2 + (this.Y - world.player.Y) ** 2) <= this.attributes["aggro_range"]:
            if not ("mov_del" in this.attributes["effects"]): # Possibly move to player.
                diffX = this.X - world.player.X # How much it needs to move left to hit player
                diffY = this.Y - world.player.Y # How much it needs to move down to hit player
                if diffX < 0 and (world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]): # Make sure you don't move onto a wall
                    this.X += 1
                if diffX > 0 and (world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]):
                    this.X -= 1
                if diffY < 0 and world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]:
                    this.Y += 1
                if diffY > 0 and world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]:
                    this.Y -= 1
                # Add boundary checking
                if this.X == 0: # Left side
                    this.X += 1
                if this.X == world.WORLD_X - 1: # Right side
                    this.X -= 1
                if this.Y == 0: # Top
                    this.Y += 1
                if this.Y == world.WORLD_Y - 1: # Bottom
                    this.Y -= 1
                this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(this, this.attributes["mov_spd"])
            if (this.attributes["attack"] is None) and ("del_atk" not in this.attributes["effects"]): # Must make a new attack
                this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, this.attributes["atk_spd"])
                atk = attack.circle_attack(this.attributes["damage"], randrange(this.attributes["range_min"], this.attributes["range_max"] + 1), this)
                this.attributes["attack"] = atk

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # Movement code
        if not ("mov_del" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            diffX = this.X - world.player.X # How much it needs to move left to hit player
            diffY = this.Y - world.player.Y # How much it needs to move down to hit player
            if diffX < 0:
                this.X += 1
                this.X -= (not not diffX) # Should give either 1 or 0.
            if diffY < 0:
                this.Y += 1
                this.Y -= (not not diffY)
            # Add boundary checking
            if this.X == 0: # Left side
                this.X += 1
            if this.X == world.WORLD_X - 1: # Right side
                this.X -= 1
            if this.Y == 0: # Top
                this.Y += 1
            if this.Y == world.WORLD_Y - 1: # Bottom
                this.Y -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(this, this.attributes["mov_spd"])
        # Attack code
        this.attributes["to_atk"] -= delta_time
        if this.attributes["to_atk"] <= 0:
            this.attributes["to_atk"] = this.attributes["atk_spd"] - 200 + this.attributes["HP"] # He attacks faster with less HP
            # Find which direction to shoot
            diffX = world.player.X - this.X # How much it needs to move left to hit player
            diffY = world.player.Y - this.Y # How much it needs to move down to hit player
            if diffX < 0:
                diffX = -1
                diffX = int(not not diffX)
            if diffY < 0:
                diffY = -1
                diffY = int(not not diffY)
            world.objects.append(attack.boss_attack(this.X + diffX, this.Y + diffY, diffX, diffY, this.attributes["damage"], this.attributes["range"], 250, this))
        # Update all effects.
        eff_del_list = []
        for eff_name in this.attributes["effects"]:
            eff = this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
            eff.tick(delta_time)  # Tick effect
            if eff.time <= 0:           # Remove effect
        for eff_name in eff_del_list:
            del this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
        del eff_del_list

        if this.attributes["HP"] <= 0:
            world.objects = [world.player] + world.objects
            world.player.X = 10
            world.player.Y = 10
            return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
  def update(this, delta_time):
      # If within 5 tiles of player...
      if ((this.X - world.player.X) ** 2 + (this.Y - world.player.Y) ** 2) <= this.attributes["aggro_range"]:
          if not ("mov_del" in this.attributes["effects"]): # Possibly move to player.
              diffX = this.X - world.player.X # How much it needs to move left to hit player
              diffY = this.Y - world.player.Y # How much it needs to move down to hit player
              if diffX < 0 and (world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]): # Make sure you don't move onto a wall
                  this.X += 1
              if diffX > 0 and (world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]):
                  this.X -= 1
              if diffY < 0 and world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]:
                  this.Y += 1
              if diffY > 0 and world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]:
                  this.Y -= 1
              # Add boundary checking
              if this.X == 0: # Left side
                  this.X += 1
              if this.X == world.WORLD_X - 1: # Right side
                  this.X -= 1
              if this.Y == 0: # Top
                  this.Y += 1
              if this.Y == world.WORLD_Y - 1: # Bottom
                  this.Y -= 1
              this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(this, this.attributes["mov_spd"])
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def update(this, delta_time):
        if "mov_del" not in this.attributes["effects"]:
            # Find nearest player
            locX = this.X  # For quicker checking
            locY = this.Y

            closest_plr = None
            dist = 101  # Only players close enough
            for plr in world.players:
                if (locX - plr.X)**2 + (locY - plr.Y)**2 < dist:
                    closest_plr = plr
                    dist = ((locX - plr.X)**2 + (locY - plr.Y)**2)**.5

            # Now that we have the closest enemy, damage it.
            if closest_plr is not None:
                dist_x = closest_plr.X - locX
                dist_y = closest_plr.Y - locY

                move_x = 0 if dist_x == 0 else dist_x // abs(dist_x)
                move_y = 0 if dist_y == 0 else dist_y // abs(dist_y)

                this.X += move_x
                this.Y += move_y
            this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(
                this, this.attributes["speed"])

Ejemplo n.º 5
 def update(this, delta_time):
     for plr in world.players:
         if world.map[plr.X][plr.Y] == [
                 display.BLUE, display.BLUE, 'W', True
         ] and "water_slow" not in plr.attributes["effects"]:
             plr.attributes["effects"]["water_slow"] = effect.effect(
                 plr, 999, "Slow", {"mov_spd": -100})
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # If within 5 tiles of player...
        if ((this.X - world.player.X)**2 +
            (this.Y - world.player.Y)**2) <= this.attributes["aggro_range"]:
            if not ("mov_del"
                    in this.attributes["effects"]):  # Possibly move to player.
                diffX = this.X - world.player.X  # How much it needs to move left to hit player
                diffY = this.Y - world.player.Y  # How much it needs to move down to hit player
                if diffX < 0 and (world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]
                                  ):  # Make sure you don't move onto a wall
                    this.X += 1
                if diffX > 0 and (world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]):
                    this.X -= 1
                if diffY < 0 and world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]:
                    this.Y += 1
                if diffY > 0 and world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]:
                    this.Y -= 1
                # Add boundary checking
                if this.X == 0:  # Left side
                    this.X += 1
                if this.X == world.WORLD_X - 1:  # Right side
                    this.X -= 1
                if this.Y == 0:  # Top
                    this.Y += 1
                if this.Y == world.WORLD_Y - 1:  # Bottom
                    this.Y -= 1
                this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(
                    this, this.attributes["mov_spd"])

Ejemplo n.º 7
    def update(this, delta_time):
        if "mov_del" not in this.attributes["effects"]:
            # Find nearest player
            locX = this.X # For quicker checking
            locY = this.Y
            closest_plr = None
            dist = 101 # Only players close enough
            for plr in world.players:
                if (locX - plr.X) ** 2 + (locY - plr.Y) ** 2 < dist:
                    closest_plr = plr
                    dist = ((locX - plr.X)**2 + (locY - plr.Y)**2) ** .5

            # Now that we have the closest enemy, damage it.
            if closest_plr is not None:
                dist_x = closest_plr.X - locX
                dist_y = closest_plr.Y - locY

                move_x = 0 if dist_x == 0 else dist_x // abs(dist_x)
                move_y = 0 if dist_y == 0 else dist_y // abs(dist_y)

                this.X += move_x
                this.Y += move_y
            this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(this, this.attributes["speed"])

Ejemplo n.º 8
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # Movement code
        if not ("mov_del" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            diffX = this.X - world.player.X # How much it needs to move left to hit player
            diffY = this.Y - world.player.Y # How much it needs to move down to hit player
            if diffX < 0:
                this.X += 1
                this.X -= (not not diffX) # Should give either 1 or 0.
            if diffY < 0:
                this.Y += 1
                this.Y -= (not not diffY)
            # Add boundary checking
            if this.X == 0: # Left side
                this.X += 1
            if this.X == world.WORLD_X - 1: # Right side
                this.X -= 1
            if this.Y == 0: # Top
                this.Y += 1
            if this.Y == world.WORLD_Y - 1: # Bottom
                this.Y -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(this, this.attributes["mov_spd"])

        if not ("atk_del" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            # Attack!
            world.objects.append(attack.shoot_attack(this.X + 1, this.Y - 1, 1 , -1, this.attributes["damage"], this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
            world.objects.append(attack.shoot_attack(this.X + 1, this.Y    , 1 , 0 , this.attributes["damage"], this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
            world.objects.append(attack.shoot_attack(this.X + 1, this.Y + 1, 1 , 1 , this.attributes["damage"], this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
            world.objects.append(attack.shoot_attack(this.X    , this.Y - 1, 0 , -1, this.attributes["damage"], this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
            world.objects.append(attack.shoot_attack(this.X    , this.Y + 1, 0 , 1 , this.attributes["damage"], this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
            world.objects.append(attack.shoot_attack(this.X - 1, this.Y - 1, -1, -1, this.attributes["damage"], this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
            world.objects.append(attack.shoot_attack(this.X - 1, this.Y    , -1, 0 , this.attributes["damage"], this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
            world.objects.append(attack.shoot_attack(this.X - 1, this.Y + 1, -1, 1 , this.attributes["damage"], this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["atk_del"] = effect.effect(this, this.attributes["atk_spd"])

        if this.attributes["HP"] < this.attributes["lastHP"]:
            diff = this.attributes["lastHP"] - this.attributes["HP"] # Difference in HP between this frame and last frame
            if diff > 10: # Soft damage cap
                diff = 10 + ((diff - 10) ** .75)
            if diff > 50: # Hard damage cap
                diff = 50
            this.attributes["lastHP"] -= diff
            this.attributes["HP"] = this.attributes["lastHP"]
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def collide(this, obj):
     if (not this.team & obj.team) and ("HP" in obj.attributes) and (
             obj.attributes["name"] + "-attack-del"
             not in this.attributes["effects"]):
         # If collides with something, damage it. Wait to damage again for 500ms
         obj.attributes["HP"] -= this.attributes["damage"]
         this.attributes["effects"][obj.attributes["name"] +
                                    "-attack-del"] = effect.effect(
                                        this, 500)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def update(this, delta_time):

        # Attack
        if "atk_del" not in this.attributes["effects"]:
            if this.attributes["go_diag"]:
                world.objects.append(directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y, this.attributes["damage"], this, 1 , 1 , 200, False))
                world.objects.append(directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y, this.attributes["damage"], this, 1 , -1, 200, False))
                world.objects.append(directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y, this.attributes["damage"], this, -1, 1 , 200, False))
                world.objects.append(directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y, this.attributes["damage"], this, -1, -1, 200, False))
                world.objects.append(directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y, this.attributes["damage"], this, 1 , 0 , 100, False))
                world.objects.append(directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y, this.attributes["damage"], this, -1, 0 , 100, False))
                world.objects.append(directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y, this.attributes["damage"], this, 0 , 1 , 100, False))
                world.objects.append(directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y, this.attributes["damage"], this, 0 , -1, 100, False))
            this.attributes["go_diag"] = not this.attributes["go_diag"]
            this.attributes["effects"]["atk_del"] = effect.effect(this, 500)

        # Move
        if "mov_del" not in this.attributes["effects"]:
            if (this.X, this.Y) == this.attributes["going_to"]: # If we're where we want to be, choose new location to go.
                this.attributes["going_to"] = (random.randint(0, world.WORLD_X - 1), random.randint(0, world.WORLD_Y - 1))

                if (this.X, this.Y) == this.attributes["going_to"]: # If we randomized to same coord.
                    this.attributes["going_to"] = (25, 10) # Just move to middle
                    if (this.X, this.Y) == this.attributes["going_to"]: # If it already was in the middle and we randomized middle
                        this.attributes["going_to"] = (15, 7) # Go wherever.

            dist_x = 0
            dist_y = 0
            if this.X == this.attributes["going_to"][0]: # Move on y
                dist_y = this.attributes["going_to"][1] - this.Y
                dist_y = dist_y / abs(dist_y)
                dist_x = this.attributes["going_to"][0] - this.X
                dist_x = dist_x / abs(dist_x)

            # Now we actually move
            world.objects.append(boss_slime.boss_slime(this.X, this.Y, this))
            this.X += int(dist_x)
            this.Y += int(dist_y)
            this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(this, 300)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # If within 5 tiles of player...
        if ((this.X - world.player.X)**2 +
            (this.Y - world.player.Y)**2) <= this.attributes["aggro_range"]:
            if not ("mov_del"
                    in this.attributes["effects"]):  # Possibly move to player.
                diffX = this.X - world.player.X  # How much it needs to move left to hit player
                diffY = this.Y - world.player.Y  # How much it needs to move down to hit player
                if diffX < 0 and (world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]
                                  ):  # Make sure you don't move onto a wall
                    this.X += 1
                if diffX > 0 and (world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]):
                    this.X -= 1
                if diffY < 0 and world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]:
                    this.Y += 1
                if diffY > 0 and world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]:
                    this.Y -= 1
                # Add boundary checking
                if this.X == 0:  # Left side
                    this.X += 1
                if this.X == world.WORLD_X - 1:  # Right side
                    this.X -= 1
                if this.Y == 0:  # Top
                    this.Y += 1
                if this.Y == world.WORLD_Y - 1:  # Bottom
                    this.Y -= 1
                this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(
                    this, this.attributes["mov_spd"])
            if (this.attributes["attack"] is
                    None) and ("del_atk" not in this.attributes["effects"]
                               ):  # Must make a new attack
                this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                    this, this.attributes["atk_spd"])
                atk = attack.circle_attack(
                              this.attributes["range_max"] + 1), this)
                this.attributes["attack"] = atk

Ejemplo n.º 12
    def update(this, delta_time):

        # Move
        this.attributes["theta"] += (delta_time * .002 /
        this.X = int(this.attributes["radius"] *
                     math.cos(this.attributes["theta"]) +
        this.Y = int(this.attributes["radius"] *
                     math.sin(this.attributes["theta"]) +
        if this.X < 0:
            this.X = 0
        if this.X >= world.WORLD_X:
            this.X = world.WORLD_X - 1
        if this.Y < 0:
            this.Y = 0
        if this.Y >= world.WORLD_Y:
            this.Y = world.WORLD_Y - 1

        # Attack
        if "atk_del" not in this.attributes["effects"]:
            closest_player = None
            dist = float("Inf")
            for plr in world.players:  # Find closest player
                if (this.X - plr.X)**2 + (this.Y - plr.Y)**2 < dist:
                    closest_player = plr
                    dist = (this.X - plr.X)**2 + (this.Y - plr.Y)**2
            if closest_player is not None:
                x_dist = this.X - closest_player.X
                y_dist = this.Y - closest_player.Y
                x_mov = 0
                y_mov = 0
                if abs(x_dist) > abs(y_dist):
                    x_mov = -1 if x_dist > 0 else 1
                    y_mov = -1 if y_dist > 0 else 1

                    directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X + x_mov,
                                                    this.Y + y_mov,
                                                    this, x_mov, y_mov, 150,
                                                    True, 10))
            this.attributes["effects"]["atk_del"] = effect.effect(this, 1000)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def update(this, delta_time):
        if "atk_del" not in this.attributes["effects"]:
            closest_player = None
            dist = float("Inf")
            for plr in world.players: # Find closest player
                if (this.X - plr.X) ** 2 + (this.Y - plr.Y) ** 2 < dist:
                    closest_player = plr
                    dist = (this.X - plr.X) ** 2 + (this.Y - plr.Y) ** 2
            if closest_player is not None:
                x_dist = this.X - closest_player.X 
                y_dist = this.Y - closest_player.Y 
                x_mov = 0
                y_mov = 0
                if abs(x_dist) > abs(y_dist):
                    x_mov =  -1 if x_dist > 0 else 1
                    y_mov =  -1 if y_dist > 0 else 1

                world.objects.append(directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y, this.attributes["damage"], this, x_mov, y_mov, 150))
            this.attributes["effects"]["atk_del"] = effect.effect(this, 1000)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def update(this, delta_time):

        # Move
        this.attributes["theta"] += (delta_time * .002 / this.attributes["radius"])   
        this.X = int(this.attributes["radius"] * math.cos(this.attributes["theta"]) + this.attributes["spawner"].X)
        this.Y = int(this.attributes["radius"] * math.sin(this.attributes["theta"]) + this.attributes["spawner"].Y)
        if this.X < 0:
            this.X = 0
        if this.X >= world.WORLD_X:
            this.X = world.WORLD_X - 1
        if this.Y < 0:
            this.Y = 0
        if this.Y >= world.WORLD_Y:
            this.Y = world.WORLD_Y - 1

        # Attack
        if "atk_del" not in this.attributes["effects"]:
            closest_player = None
            dist = float("Inf")
            for plr in world.players: # Find closest player
                if (this.X - plr.X) ** 2 + (this.Y - plr.Y) ** 2 < dist:
                    closest_player = plr
                    dist = (this.X - plr.X) ** 2 + (this.Y - plr.Y) ** 2
            if closest_player is not None:
                x_dist = this.X - closest_player.X 
                y_dist = this.Y - closest_player.Y 
                x_mov = 0
                y_mov = 0
                if abs(x_dist) > abs(y_dist):
                    x_mov =  -1 if x_dist > 0 else 1
                    y_mov =  -1 if y_dist > 0 else 1

                world.objects.append(directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X + x_mov, this.Y + y_mov, this.attributes["damage"], this, x_mov, y_mov, 150, True, 10))
            this.attributes["effects"]["atk_del"] = effect.effect(this, 1000)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def update(this, delta_time):
        if "atk_del" not in this.attributes["effects"]:
            closest_player = None
            dist = float("Inf")
            for plr in world.players:  # Find closest player
                if (this.X - plr.X)**2 + (this.Y - plr.Y)**2 < dist:
                    closest_player = plr
                    dist = (this.X - plr.X)**2 + (this.Y - plr.Y)**2
            if closest_player is not None:
                x_dist = this.X - closest_player.X
                y_dist = this.Y - closest_player.Y
                x_mov = 0
                y_mov = 0
                if abs(x_dist) > abs(y_dist):
                    x_mov = -1 if x_dist > 0 else 1
                    y_mov = -1 if y_dist > 0 else 1

                    directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y,
                                                    this, x_mov, y_mov, 150))
            this.attributes["effects"]["atk_del"] = effect.effect(this, 1000)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def update(this, delta_time):
     for plr in world.players:
         if world.map[plr.X][plr.Y] == [display.BLUE, display.BLUE, 'W', True] and "water_slow" not in plr.attributes["effects"]:
             plr.attributes["effects"]["water_slow"] = effect.effect(plr, 999, "Slow", {"mov_spd" : -100})
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def collide(this, obj):
     if (not this.team & obj.team) and ("HP" in obj.attributes) and (obj.attributes["name"] + "-attack-del" not in this.attributes["effects"]): 
         # If collides with something, damage it. Wait to damage again for 500ms
         obj.attributes["HP"] -= this.attributes["damage"]
         this.attributes["effects"][obj.attributes["name"] + "-attack-del"] = effect.effect(this, 500)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def collide(this, obj):
     if obj.type == "player" and ("del_atk"
                                  not in this.attributes["effects"]):
         obj.attributes["HP"] -= this.attributes["damage"]
         this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
             this, this.attributes["mov_spd"])
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # Reprint top bar status
            8, 0,
            str(int(this.attributes["HP"])) + "/" +
            str(int(this.attributes["maxHP"])) + "  ")
            8, 1,
            str(int(this.attributes["MP"])) + "/" +
            str(int(this.attributes["maxMP"])) + "  ")
        display.printc(10, 2, str(this.attributes["money"]) + "     ")
        display.printc(12, 3, str(this.attributes["level"]))
            5, 4,
                int(0.5 * this.attributes["level"]**2 + 0.5 *
                    this.attributes["level"] + 4 - this.attributes["EXP"])) +
            " to level        ")
        # Check HP diff for flash on hit stuff
        if this.attributes["HP"] < this.attributes["lastHP"]:
            this.attributes["sincehit"] = 0
            this.attributes["sincehit"] += delta_time

        # Check for movement
        if display.keyDown(
                ord('W')) and (not "del_up" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y > 0) and world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]:
                this.Y -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_up"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(
                ord('S')) and (not "del_down" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y < world.WORLD_Y - 1) and world.map[this.X][this.Y +
                this.Y += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_down"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(
                ord('A')) and (not "del_left" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X > 0) and world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]:
                this.X -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_left"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(
                ord('D')) and (not "del_right" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X < world.WORLD_X - 1) and world.map[this.X +
                this.X += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_right"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))

        # Check for spell cast
        if display.keyDown(ord(' ')) and this.attributes["can_cast"]:
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = False
        if not display.keyDown(ord(' ')):
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = True

        # Attacks!
        if (display.keyDown(ord('I'))) and (this.Y != 0) and (
                world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]) and (
                    not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X, this.Y - 1, 0, -1,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if (display.keyDown(ord('J'))) and (this.X != 0) and (
                world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]) and (
                    not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X - 1, this.Y, -1, 0,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if (display.keyDown(ord('K'))) and (this.Y != 19) and (
                world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]) and (
                    not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X, this.Y + 1, 0, 1,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if (display.keyDown(ord('L'))) and (this.X != 49) and (
                world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]) and (
                    not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X + 1, this.Y, 1, 0,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
            # Or with our constants in python, time = 500/(1+2.718^(.01x)), which is a nice logistic formula.

        # Check for item use
        if display.keyDown(
                display.CONST.VK_LSHIFT) and this.attributes["can_item"] and (
                    this.attributes["consumable"].name != "Nothing"):
            this.attributes["can_item"] = False
            this.attributes["consumable"].amount -= 1
            if this.attributes["consumable"].amount == 0:
                del this.attributes["items"][this.attributes["items"].index(
                this.attributes["consumable"] = item.item(
                    "Nothing", "consumable", 0, 1, {
                        "icon": ["   ", "   ", "   "],
                        "color": 0
        if not display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_SHIFT):
            this.attributes["can_item"] = True

        # Update all effects.
        eff_printed = 0
        if display.sidebar_line < 10:  # Must have room to show some effects
            display.printc(50, display.sidebar_line, "Effects:")
            eff_printed = display.sidebar_line
            display.sidebar_line += 1

        eff_del_list = []
        for eff_name in this.attributes["effects"]:
            eff = this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
            eff.tick(delta_time)  # Tick effect
            if eff.time <= 0:  # Remove effect
        for eff_name in eff_del_list:
            del this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
        del eff_del_list

        if eff_printed == display.sidebar_line - 1:
            display.printc(50, display.sidebar_line, " No effects")
            display.sidebar_line += 1

        if this.attributes[
                "HP"] <= 0:  #TODO: Actually have things happen when you die.
            display.printc(33, 9, "+++++++++++++", display.RED)
            display.printc(33, 10, "+ You DIED! +", display.RED)
            display.printc(33, 11, "+++++++++++++", display.RED)
            while display.getch() != -1:  # Wait for key release
            while display.getch() == -1:  # Wait for keypress


        # Finally, update lastHP. Done after effects because we don't want effects to make you constantly red
        this.attributes["lastHP"] = this.attributes["HP"]
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def update(this, delta_time):
        this.attributes["sidebar"] = ""
            if this.attributes["pipe"].poll():
                message = json.loads(this.attributes["pipe"].recv())
                if message["type"] == 'keydown':
                    this.attributes["keys"][message["d"]] = True
                elif message["type"] == 'keyup':
                    this.attributes["keys"][message["d"]] = False
                elif message["type"] == "inv":
                    if message["data"] == "exit":
                        # Just exit inv without doing anything
                        this.attributes["using_inv"] = False
                    else:  # Equip the item!
                        to_equip = this.attributes["items"][message["data"]]
                            this)  # Unequip other item
                            to_equip.type] = to_equip  # Put in equipped slot
                        to_equip.equip(this)  # Equip

                this.attributes["timeout"] = 0
                this.attributes["timeout"] += delta_time
                if this.attributes[
                        "timeout"] > 1000 * 10:  # No ping in last 10s
                    display.log("Timeout: " + this.attributes["name"])
        except Exception as ex:
        if this.attributes["esc_menu"] is not None:
            opt = this.attributes["esc_menu"].update()

            if opt is not None:  # They chose an option
                if this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] == "main":
                    if opt == 0:
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = None
                    elif opt == 1:
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = None
                        this.attributes["using_inv"] = True
                        this.attributes["keys"] = bytearray(display.NUM_KEYS)
                    elif opt == 2:
                        options = []  # All options to go in the menu.
                        spell_list = this.attributes[
                            "spells"]  # The spell corresponding to the option
                        for spl in spell_list:  # Find all items
                            options.append(spl.name + "(" + str(spl.amount) +
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu(
                            "Set to what?", this, "Back", *options)
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                        this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "spell"
                    elif opt == 3:
                        options = []  # All options to go in the menu.
                        spell_list = this.attributes[
                            "spells"]  # The spell corresponding to the option
                        for spl in spell_list:  # Find all items
                            options.append(spl.name + "(" + str(spl.amount) +
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu(
                            "Switch what spell?", this, "Back", *options)
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                        this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "sorder1"
                    elif opt == 4:
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = None
                elif this.attributes[
                        "esc_menu_type"] == "set":  # Let them set an item
                    if opt != 0:
                        itm = this.attributes["set_list"][
                            opt - 1]  # Find chosen item
                        if itm in this.attributes[
                                "items"]:  # If they have the item
                                    this)  # Unequip other item
                                "set_name"]] = itm  # Put in equipped slot
                            itm.equip(this)  # Equip
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu(
                        "Inventory\nMax HP: \\frRed\n\\fwMax MP: \\fbBlue\n\\fwMovement Speed: \\fgGreen\n\\fwAttack Speed: White\nMagic Power: \\fcCyan\n\\fwStrength: \\fmMagenta\n\\fwLuck: \\fyYellow\\fw",
                        this, "Back", "Set Consumable", "Set Weapon",
                        "Set Hat", "Set Shirt", "Set Pants", "Set Ring")
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                    this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "inv"

                elif this.attributes[
                        "esc_menu_type"] == "spell":  # Let them set a spell
                    if opt != 0:
                        this.attributes["spell"] = opt - 1
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu(
                        "Options:", this, "Close Menu", "Inventory", "Spells",
                        "Switch Spell Order", "Exit Server")
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                    this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "main"

                elif this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] == "sorder1":
                    if opt != 0:
                            "spell_switch"] = opt - 1  # First switch option.
                        options = []  # All options to go in the menu.
                        spell_list = this.attributes[
                            "spells"]  # The spell corresponding to the option
                        for spl in spell_list:  # Find all items
                            options.append(spl.name + "(" + str(spl.amount) +
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu(
                            "Switch with what?", this, *options)
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                        this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "sorder2"
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu(
                            "Options:", this, "Close Menu", "Inventory",
                            "Spells", "Switch Spell Order", "Exit Server")
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                        this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "main"
                elif this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] == "sorder2":
                    # Switch spells
                        this.attributes["spell_switch"]], this.attributes[
                            "spells"][opt] = this.attributes["spells"][
                                opt], this.attributes["spells"][
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu(
                        "Options:", this, "Close Menu", "Inventory", "Spells",
                        "Switch Spell Order", "Exit Server")
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                    this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "main"
        # Open ESC menu if needed.
        if this.attributes["keys"][
                display.KEY_ESC] and this.attributes["esc_menu"] is None:
            this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu("Options:", this,
                                                       "Close Menu",
                                                       "Inventory", "Spells",
                                                       "Switch Spell Order",
                                                       "Exit Server")
            this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
            this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "main"

        # Inventory screen
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_INVENTORY]:
            this.attributes["using_inv"] = True
            this.attributes["keys"] = bytearray(display.NUM_KEYS)
        # Check HP diff for flash on hit stuff
        if this.attributes["HP"] < this.attributes["lastHP"]:
            this.attributes["sincehit"] = 0
            this.attributes["sincehit"] += delta_time

        # Check for movement. TODO: maybe add speed multiplier?
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_MOV_UP] and (
                not "del_up" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y > 0) and world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]:
                this.Y -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_up"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_MOV_DOWN] and (
                not "del_down" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y < world.WORLD_Y - 1) and world.map[this.X][this.Y +
                this.Y += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_down"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_MOV_LEFT] and (
                not "del_left" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X > 0) and world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]:
                this.X -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_left"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_MOV_RIGHT] and (
                not "del_right" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X < world.WORLD_X - 1) and world.map[this.X +
                this.X += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_right"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["mov_spd"])))

        # Check for spell cast
        if this.attributes["keys"][
                display.KEY_SPELL] and this.attributes["can_cast"]:
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = False
        if not this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_SPELL]:
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = True

        # Check for spell cycle
        if this.attributes["keys"][
                display.KEY_LASTSPELL] and this.attributes["can_spell_cycle"]:
            if this.attributes[
                    "spell"] == 0:  # Cycle to end of list if at start
                this.attributes["spell"] = len(this.attributes["spells"])
            this.attributes["spell"] -= 1  # Cycle backwards
            this.attributes["can_spell_cycle"] = False
        if this.attributes["keys"][
                display.KEY_NEXTSPELL] and this.attributes["can_spell_cycle"]:
            this.attributes["spell"] += 1
            if this.attributes["spell"] >= len(
            ):  # If at end of list, cycle to start
                this.attributes["spell"] = 0
            this.attributes["can_spell_cycle"] = False
        if not (this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_LASTSPELL]
                or this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_NEXTSPELL]):
            this.attributes["can_spell_cycle"] = True

        # Attacks! TODO: maybe add speed multiplier? So you can have really slow weapons.
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ATK_UP] and (
                not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X, this.Y, 0, -1,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ATK_LEFT] and (
                not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X, this.Y, -1, 0,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ATK_DOWN] and (
                not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X, this.Y, 0, 1,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ATK_RIGHT] and (
                not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
                    this.X, this.Y, 1, 0,
                    (this.attributes["strength"] *
                     this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2),
                    this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(
                this, 500 / (1 + 2.718**(.01 * this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
            # Or with our constants in python, time = 500/(1+2.718^(.01x)), which is a nice logistic formula.

        # Check for item use
        if this.attributes["keys"][
                display.KEY_ITEM] and this.attributes["can_item"] and (
                    this.attributes["consumable"].name != "Nothing"):
            this.attributes["can_item"] = False
            this.attributes["consumable"].amount -= 1
            if this.attributes["consumable"].amount <= 0:
                del this.attributes["items"][this.attributes["items"].index(
                this.attributes["consumable"] = no_item.no_consumable()
        if not this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ITEM]:
            this.attributes["can_item"] = True

        # Update all effects.
        this.attributes["sidebar"] += "Effects:\n"
        sidebar_len = this.attributes["sidebar"].count('\n')

        eff_del_list = []
        for eff_name in this.attributes["effects"]:
            eff = this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
            eff.tick(delta_time)  # Tick effect
            if eff.time <= 0:  # Remove effect
        for eff_name in eff_del_list:
            del this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
        del eff_del_list

        # Reset lastHP, done after effect updating so damaging effects don't force you red.
        this.attributes["lastHP"] = this.attributes["HP"]

        if this.attributes["sidebar"].count('\n') == sidebar_len:
            this.attributes["sidebar"] += " No effects\n"

        if this.attributes["HP"] <= 0:  # Dead
            # Remove all effects in case they were on fire for 100hrs or something.
            # Repeatedly dying to that wouldn't be fun.
            # I guess this also adds a slight death penalty if you had a useful effect up.
            for eff_name, eff in this.attributes["effects"].items():

            this.attributes["HP"] = this.attributes["maxHP"]  # Recover HP, MP
            this.attributes["MP"] = this.attributes["maxMP"]
            this.X = this.attributes["respawnX"]  # Return to last saved place
            this.Y = this.attributes["respawnY"]
                (this.attributes["respawnMap"], this))  # At last saved map...
            world.to_del_plr.append(this)  # Exit from this map.
            display.log("Player died" + this.attributes["name"])
Ejemplo n.º 21
def luckboost(player):
    if "lucky_day" in player.attributes["effects"]:
        player.attributes["effects"]["lucky_day"].time += 15000
        player.attributes["effects"]["lucky_day"] = effect.effect(
            player, 15000, "Extra Lucky", {"luck": 10})
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def update(this, delta_time):
        this.attributes["sidebar"] = ""
            if this.attributes["pipe"].poll():
                message = json.loads(this.attributes["pipe"].recv())
                if message["type"] == 'keydown':
                    this.attributes["keys"][message["d"]] = True
                elif message["type"]== 'keyup':
                    this.attributes["keys"][message["d"]] = False
                elif message["type"] == "inv":
                    if message["data"] == "exit":
                        # Just exit inv without doing anything
                        this.attributes["using_inv"] = False
                    else: # Equip the item!
                        to_equip = this.attributes["items"][message["data"]]
                        this.attributes[to_equip.type].unequip(this)  # Unequip other item
                        this.attributes[to_equip.type] = to_equip     # Put in equipped slot
                        to_equip.equip(this)                          # Equip

                this.attributes["timeout"] = 0
                this.attributes["timeout"] += delta_time
                if this.attributes["timeout"] > 1000 * 10: # No ping in last 10s
                    display.log("Timeout: " + this.attributes["name"])
        except Exception as ex:
        if this.attributes["esc_menu"] is not None:
            opt = this.attributes["esc_menu"].update()

            if opt is not None: # They chose an option
                if this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] == "main":
                    if opt == 0:
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = None
                    elif opt == 1:
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = None
                        this.attributes["using_inv"] = True
                        this.attributes["keys"] = bytearray(display.NUM_KEYS)
                    elif opt == 2:
                        options = [] # All options to go in the menu.
                        spell_list = this.attributes["spells"] # The spell corresponding to the option
                        for spl in spell_list:    # Find all items
                            options.append(spl.name + "(" + str(spl.amount) + ")")
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu("Set to what?", this, "Back", *options)
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                        this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "spell"
                    elif opt == 3:
                        options = [] # All options to go in the menu.
                        spell_list = this.attributes["spells"] # The spell corresponding to the option
                        for spl in spell_list:    # Find all items
                            options.append(spl.name + "(" + str(spl.amount) + ")")
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu("Switch what spell?", this, "Back", *options)
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                        this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "sorder1"
                    elif opt == 4:
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = None
                elif this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] == "set": # Let them set an item
                    if opt != 0:
                        itm = this.attributes["set_list"][opt - 1]                  # Find chosen item
                        if itm in this.attributes["items"]:     # If they have the item
                            this.attributes[this.attributes["set_name"]].unequip(this)  # Unequip other item
                            this.attributes[this.attributes["set_name"]] = itm          # Put in equipped slot
                            itm.equip(this)                                             # Equip
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu("Inventory\nMax HP: \\frRed\n\\fwMax MP: \\fbBlue\n\\fwMovement Speed: \\fgGreen\n\\fwAttack Speed: White\nMagic Power: \\fcCyan\n\\fwStrength: \\fmMagenta\n\\fwLuck: \\fyYellow\\fw", this, "Back", "Set Consumable", "Set Weapon", "Set Hat", "Set Shirt", "Set Pants", "Set Ring")
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                    this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "inv"

                elif this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] == "spell": # Let them set a spell
                    if opt != 0:
                        this.attributes["spell"] = opt - 1
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu("Options:", this, "Close Menu", "Inventory", "Spells", "Switch Spell Order", "Exit Server")
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                    this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "main"

                elif this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] == "sorder1":
                    if opt != 0:
                        this.attributes["spell_switch"] = opt - 1 # First switch option.
                        options = [] # All options to go in the menu.
                        spell_list = this.attributes["spells"] # The spell corresponding to the option
                        for spl in spell_list:    # Find all items
                            options.append(spl.name + "(" + str(spl.amount) + ")")
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu("Switch with what?", this, *options)
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                        this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "sorder2"
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu("Options:", this, "Close Menu", "Inventory", "Spells", "Switch Spell Order", "Exit Server")
                        this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                        this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "main"
                elif this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] == "sorder2":
                    # Switch spells
                    this.attributes["spells"][this.attributes["spell_switch"]], this.attributes["spells"][opt] = this.attributes["spells"][opt], this.attributes["spells"][this.attributes["spell_switch"]]
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu("Options:", this, "Close Menu", "Inventory", "Spells", "Switch Spell Order", "Exit Server")
                    this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
                    this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "main"
        # Open ESC menu if needed.
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ESC] and this.attributes["esc_menu"] is None:
            this.attributes["esc_menu"] = display.menu("Options:", this, "Close Menu", "Inventory", "Spells", "Switch Spell Order","Exit Server")
            this.attributes["esc_menu"].is_esc_menu = True
            this.attributes["esc_menu_type"] = "main"

        # Inventory screen
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_INVENTORY]:
            this.attributes["using_inv"] = True
            this.attributes["keys"] = bytearray(display.NUM_KEYS)
        # Check HP diff for flash on hit stuff
        if this.attributes["HP"] < this.attributes["lastHP"]:
            this.attributes["sincehit"] = 0
            this.attributes["sincehit"] += delta_time

        # Check for movement. TODO: maybe add speed multiplier?
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_MOV_UP] and (not "del_up" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y > 0) and world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]:
                this.Y -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_up"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_MOV_DOWN] and (not "del_down" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y < world.WORLD_Y - 1) and world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]:
                this.Y += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_down"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_MOV_LEFT] and (not "del_left" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X > 0) and world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]:
                this.X -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_left"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_MOV_RIGHT] and (not "del_right" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X < world.WORLD_X - 1) and world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]:
                this.X += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_right"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))

        # Check for spell cast
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_SPELL] and this.attributes["can_cast"]:
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = False
        if not this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_SPELL]:
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = True

        # Check for spell cycle
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_LASTSPELL] and this.attributes["can_spell_cycle"]:
            if this.attributes["spell"] == 0: # Cycle to end of list if at start
                this.attributes["spell"] = len(this.attributes["spells"])
            this.attributes["spell"] -= 1     # Cycle backwards
            this.attributes["can_spell_cycle"] = False
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_NEXTSPELL] and this.attributes["can_spell_cycle"]:
            this.attributes["spell"] += 1
            if this.attributes["spell"] >= len(this.attributes["spells"]): # If at end of list, cycle to start
                this.attributes["spell"] = 0
            this.attributes["can_spell_cycle"] = False
        if not (this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_LASTSPELL] or this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_NEXTSPELL]):
            this.attributes["can_spell_cycle"] = True

        # Attacks! TODO: maybe add speed multiplier? So you can have really slow weapons.
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ATK_UP] and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X, this.Y, 0, -1, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ATK_LEFT] and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X, this.Y, -1, 0, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ATK_DOWN] and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X, this.Y, 0, 1, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))

        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ATK_RIGHT] and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X, this.Y, 1, 0, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
            # Or with our constants in python, time = 500/(1+2.718^(.01x)), which is a nice logistic formula.

        # Check for item use
        if this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ITEM] and this.attributes["can_item"] and (this.attributes["consumable"].name != "Nothing"):
            this.attributes["can_item"] = False
            this.attributes["consumable"].amount -= 1
            if this.attributes["consumable"].amount <= 0:
                del this.attributes["items"][this.attributes["items"].index(this.attributes["consumable"])]
                this.attributes["consumable"] = no_item.no_consumable()
        if not this.attributes["keys"][display.KEY_ITEM]:
            this.attributes["can_item"] = True

        # Update all effects.
        this.attributes["sidebar"] += "Effects:\n"
        sidebar_len = this.attributes["sidebar"].count('\n')

        eff_del_list = []
        for eff_name in this.attributes["effects"]:
            eff = this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
            eff.tick(delta_time)  # Tick effect
            if eff.time <= 0:           # Remove effect
        for eff_name in eff_del_list:
            del this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
        del eff_del_list

        # Reset lastHP, done after effect updating so damaging effects don't force you red.
        this.attributes["lastHP"] = this.attributes["HP"]

        if this.attributes["sidebar"].count('\n') == sidebar_len:
            this.attributes["sidebar"] += " No effects\n"

        if this.attributes["HP"] <= 0: # Dead
            # Remove all effects in case they were on fire for 100hrs or something.
            # Repeatedly dying to that wouldn't be fun.
            # I guess this also adds a slight death penalty if you had a useful effect up.
            for eff_name, eff in this.attributes["effects"].items():

            this.attributes["HP"] = this.attributes["maxHP"]                    # Recover HP, MP
            this.attributes["MP"] = this.attributes["maxMP"]
            this.X = this.attributes["respawnX"]                                # Return to last saved place
            this.Y = this.attributes["respawnY"]
            world.move_requests.append((this.attributes["respawnMap"], this))   # At last saved map...
            world.to_del_plr.append(this)                                       # Exit from this map.
            display.log("Player died" + this.attributes["name"])
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def update(this, delta_time):

        # Attack
        if "atk_del" not in this.attributes["effects"]:
            if this.attributes["go_diag"]:
                    directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y,
                                                    this, 1, 1, 200, False))
                    directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y,
                                                    this, 1, -1, 200, False))
                    directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y,
                                                    this, -1, 1, 200, False))
                    directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y,
                                                    this, -1, -1, 200, False))
                    directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y,
                                                    this, 1, 0, 100, False))
                    directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y,
                                                    this, -1, 0, 100, False))
                    directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y,
                                                    this, 0, 1, 100, False))
                    directed_attack.directed_attack(this.X, this.Y,
                                                    this, 0, -1, 100, False))
            this.attributes["go_diag"] = not this.attributes["go_diag"]
            this.attributes["effects"]["atk_del"] = effect.effect(this, 500)

        # Move
        if "mov_del" not in this.attributes["effects"]:
            if (this.X, this.Y) == this.attributes[
                    "going_to"]:  # If we're where we want to be, choose new location to go.
                this.attributes["going_to"] = (random.randint(
                    world.WORLD_X - 1), random.randint(0, world.WORLD_Y - 1))

                if (this.X, this.Y) == this.attributes[
                        "going_to"]:  # If we randomized to same coord.
                    this.attributes["going_to"] = (25, 10
                                                   )  # Just move to middle
                    if (this.X, this.Y) == this.attributes[
                            "going_to"]:  # If it already was in the middle and we randomized middle
                        this.attributes["going_to"] = (15, 7)  # Go wherever.

            dist_x = 0
            dist_y = 0
            if this.X == this.attributes["going_to"][0]:  # Move on y
                dist_y = this.attributes["going_to"][1] - this.Y
                dist_y = dist_y / abs(dist_y)
                dist_x = this.attributes["going_to"][0] - this.X
                dist_x = dist_x / abs(dist_x)

            # Now we actually move
            world.objects.append(boss_slime.boss_slime(this.X, this.Y, this))
            this.X += int(dist_x)
            this.Y += int(dist_y)
            this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(this, 300)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # Reprint top bar status
        display.printc(8, 0, str(int(this.attributes["HP"])) + "/" + str(int(this.attributes["maxHP"])) + "  ")
        display.printc(8, 1, str(int(this.attributes["MP"])) + "/" + str(int(this.attributes["maxMP"])) + "  ")
        display.printc(10, 2, str(this.attributes["money"]) + "     ")
        display.printc(12, 3, str(this.attributes["level"]))
        display.printc(5, 4, str(int(0.5*this.attributes["level"]**2 + 0.5*this.attributes["level"] + 4 - this.attributes["EXP"])) + " to level        ")
        # Check HP diff for flash on hit stuff
        if this.attributes["HP"] < this.attributes["lastHP"]:
            this.attributes["sincehit"] = 0
            this.attributes["sincehit"] += delta_time
        # Check for movement
        if display.keyDown(ord('W')) and (not "del_up" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y > 0) and world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]:
                this.Y -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_up"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(ord('S')) and (not "del_down" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.Y < world.WORLD_Y - 1) and world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]:
                this.Y += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_down"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(ord('A')) and (not "del_left" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X > 0) and world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]:
                this.X -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_left"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))
        if display.keyDown(ord('D')) and (not "del_right" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            if (this.X < world.WORLD_X - 1) and world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]:
                this.X += 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_right"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["mov_spd"])))

        # Check for spell cast
        if display.keyDown(ord(' ')) and this.attributes["can_cast"]:
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = False
        if not display.keyDown(ord(' ')):
            this.attributes["can_cast"] = True

        # Attacks!
        if (display.keyDown(ord('I'))) and (this.Y != 0) and (world.map[this.X][this.Y - 1][3]) and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X, this.Y - 1, 0, -1, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
        if (display.keyDown(ord('J'))) and (this.X != 0) and (world.map[this.X - 1][this.Y][3]) and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X - 1, this.Y, -1, 0, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
        if (display.keyDown(ord('K'))) and (this.Y != 19) and (world.map[this.X][this.Y + 1][3]) and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X, this.Y + 1, 0, 1, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
        if (display.keyDown(ord('L'))) and (this.X != 49) and (world.map[this.X + 1][this.Y][3]) and (not "del_atk" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            world.objects.append(attack.attack(this.X + 1, this.Y, 1, 0, (this.attributes["strength"] * this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["damage"] // 2), this.attributes["weapon"].attributes["range"], 100, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, 500/(1+2.718**(.01*this.attributes["atk_spd"])))
            # Or with our constants in python, time = 500/(1+2.718^(.01x)), which is a nice logistic formula.
        # Check for item use
        if display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_LSHIFT) and this.attributes["can_item"] and (this.attributes["consumable"].name != "Nothing"):
            this.attributes["can_item"] = False
            this.attributes["consumable"].amount -= 1
            if this.attributes["consumable"].amount == 0:
                del this.attributes["items"][this.attributes["items"].index(this.attributes["consumable"])]
                this.attributes["consumable"] = item.item("Nothing", "consumable", 0, 1, {"icon" : ["   ", "   ", "   "], "color" : 0})
        if not display.keyDown(display.CONST.VK_SHIFT):
            this.attributes["can_item"] = True
        # Update all effects.
        eff_printed = 0
        if display.sidebar_line < 10:   # Must have room to show some effects
            display.printc(50, display.sidebar_line, "Effects:")
            eff_printed = display.sidebar_line
            display.sidebar_line += 1

        eff_del_list = []
        for eff_name in this.attributes["effects"]:
            eff = this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
            eff.tick(delta_time)  # Tick effect
            if eff.time <= 0:           # Remove effect
        for eff_name in eff_del_list:
            del this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
        del eff_del_list

        if eff_printed == display.sidebar_line - 1:
            display.printc(50, display.sidebar_line, " No effects")
            display.sidebar_line += 1

        if this.attributes["HP"] <= 0: #TODO: Actually have things happen when you die.
            display.printc(33, 9,  "+++++++++++++", display.RED)
            display.printc(33, 10, "+ You DIED! +", display.RED)
            display.printc(33, 11, "+++++++++++++", display.RED)
            while display.getch() != -1: # Wait for key release
            while display.getch() == -1: # Wait for keypress

        # Finally, update lastHP. Done after effects because we don't want effects to make you constantly red
        this.attributes["lastHP"] = this.attributes["HP"]
Ejemplo n.º 25
def luckboost(player):
    if "lucky_day" in player.attributes["effects"]:
        player.attributes["effects"]["lucky_day"].time += 15000
        player.attributes["effects"]["lucky_day"] = effect.effect(player, 15000, "Extra Lucky", {"luck" : 10})
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def use(this, owner):
     owner.attributes["effects"]["tutbosseff"] = effect.effect(owner, 10000, "Ugh")
     this.amount += 1
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # Movement code
        if not ("mov_del" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            diffX = this.X - world.player.X  # How much it needs to move left to hit player
            diffY = this.Y - world.player.Y  # How much it needs to move down to hit player
            if diffX < 0:
                this.X += 1
                this.X -= (not not diffX)  # Should give either 1 or 0.
            if diffY < 0:
                this.Y += 1
                this.Y -= (not not diffY)
            # Add boundary checking
            if this.X == 0:  # Left side
                this.X += 1
            if this.X == world.WORLD_X - 1:  # Right side
                this.X -= 1
            if this.Y == 0:  # Top
                this.Y += 1
            if this.Y == world.WORLD_Y - 1:  # Bottom
                this.Y -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(
                this, this.attributes["mov_spd"])
        # Attack code
        this.attributes["to_atk"] -= delta_time
        if this.attributes["to_atk"] <= 0:
                "to_atk"] = this.attributes["atk_spd"] - 200 + this.attributes[
                    "HP"]  # He attacks faster with less HP
            # Find which direction to shoot
            diffX = world.player.X - this.X  # How much it needs to move left to hit player
            diffY = world.player.Y - this.Y  # How much it needs to move down to hit player
            if diffX < 0:
                diffX = -1
                diffX = int(not not diffX)
            if diffY < 0:
                diffY = -1
                diffY = int(not not diffY)
                attack.boss_attack(this.X + diffX, this.Y + diffY, diffX,
                                   diffY, this.attributes["damage"],
                                   this.attributes["range"], 250, this))

        # Update all effects.
        eff_del_list = []
        for eff_name in this.attributes["effects"]:
            eff = this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
            eff.tick(delta_time)  # Tick effect
            if eff.time <= 0:  # Remove effect
        for eff_name in eff_del_list:
            del this.attributes["effects"][eff_name]
        del eff_del_list

        if this.attributes["HP"] <= 0:
            world.objects = [world.player] + world.objects
            world.player.X = 10
            world.player.Y = 10
            return True
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def update(this, delta_time):
        # Movement code
        if not ("mov_del" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            diffX = this.X - world.player.X  # How much it needs to move left to hit player
            diffY = this.Y - world.player.Y  # How much it needs to move down to hit player
            if diffX < 0:
                this.X += 1
                this.X -= (not not diffX)  # Should give either 1 or 0.
            if diffY < 0:
                this.Y += 1
                this.Y -= (not not diffY)
            # Add boundary checking
            if this.X == 0:  # Left side
                this.X += 1
            if this.X == world.WORLD_X - 1:  # Right side
                this.X -= 1
            if this.Y == 0:  # Top
                this.Y += 1
            if this.Y == world.WORLD_Y - 1:  # Bottom
                this.Y -= 1
            this.attributes["effects"]["mov_del"] = effect.effect(
                this, this.attributes["mov_spd"])

        if not ("atk_del" in this.attributes["effects"]):
            # Attack!
                attack.shoot_attack(this.X + 1, this.Y - 1, 1, -1,
                                    this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
                attack.shoot_attack(this.X + 1, this.Y, 1, 0,
                                    this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
                attack.shoot_attack(this.X + 1, this.Y + 1, 1, 1,
                                    this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
                attack.shoot_attack(this.X, this.Y - 1, 0, -1,
                                    this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
                attack.shoot_attack(this.X, this.Y + 1, 0, 1,
                                    this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
                attack.shoot_attack(this.X - 1, this.Y - 1, -1, -1,
                                    this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
                attack.shoot_attack(this.X - 1, this.Y, -1, 0,
                                    this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
                attack.shoot_attack(this.X - 1, this.Y + 1, -1, 1,
                                    this.attributes["range"], 300, this))
            this.attributes["effects"]["atk_del"] = effect.effect(
                this, this.attributes["atk_spd"])

        if this.attributes["HP"] < this.attributes["lastHP"]:
            diff = this.attributes["lastHP"] - this.attributes[
                "HP"]  # Difference in HP between this frame and last frame
            if diff > 10:  # Soft damage cap
                diff = 10 + ((diff - 10)**.75)
            if diff > 50:  # Hard damage cap
                diff = 50
            this.attributes["lastHP"] -= diff
            this.attributes["HP"] = this.attributes["lastHP"]
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def collide(this, obj):
     if obj.type == "player" and ("del_atk" not in this.attributes["effects"]):
         obj.attributes["HP"] -= this.attributes["damage"]
         this.attributes["effects"]["del_atk"] = effect.effect(this, this.attributes["atk_spd"])
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def use(this, owner):
     owner.attributes["effects"]["tutbosseff"] = effect.effect(
         owner, 10000, "Ugh")
     this.amount += 1