Ejemplo n.º 1
def dynamic_height_1d(Tb, Sb, dT, dS):
    # INPUT: background Tb and Sb
    #        departure from background: dT, dS
    # OUTPUT: Dynamic height departure from background
    ogrid = ModelGrid(fname='../wrkdir/grid_spec.nc')
    p = np.ones(np.shape(Sb))
    h = np.ones(np.shape(Sb))
    for index in range(0, np.shape(p)[0]):
        p[index] = ogrid.zt[index]
        if (index == 0):
            h[index] = ogrid.zb[index]  #-eta
            h[index] = abs(ogrid.zb[index] - ogrid.zb[index - 1])
    print 'compute rho'
    rho_b = eos.density(Sb, Tb, p)
    rho_a = eos.density(Sb + dS, Tb + dT, p)
    rho_a_halo = eos.density(Sb + dS, Tb, p)
    rho_a_thermo = eos.density(Sb, Tb + dT, p)

    dh = -np.nansum(h * (rho_a - rho_b) / rho_b, axis=0)
    dh_halo = -np.nansum(h * (rho_a_halo - rho_b) / rho_b, axis=0)
    dh_thermo = -np.nansum(h * (rho_a_thermo - rho_b) / rho_b, axis=0)

    return dh, dh_thermo, dh_halo
Ejemplo n.º 2
def central_values(Pc, delta_m, mue):
    Constructs the boundary conditions at the edge of a small, constant density 
    core of mass delta_m with central pressure P_c
            central pressure (units = Pa)
            core mass (units = kg)
            nucleon/electron ratio
        z = array([ r, p ])
            central values of radius and pressure (units = m, Pa)
    z = np.zeros(2)

    r_delta_m = ((3 * delta_m) / (4 * sc.pi * density(Pc, mue)))**(
        1 / 3)  #Radius depends on delta_m and density
    p_delta_m = Pc  #Pressure is equal to Pc

    # compute initial values of z = [ r, p ]
    z = [r_delta_m, p_delta_m]

    return z
Ejemplo n.º 3
def stellar_derivatives(m, z, mue):
    RHS of Lagrangian differential equations for radius and pressure
            current value of the mass (units = kg)
        z (array)
            current values of (radius, pressure) (units = m, Pa)
        dzdm (array)
            Lagrangian derivatives dr/dm, dP/dm (units =m/kg,Pa/kg)
    rho = density(z[1], mue)
    drdm = 1 / (4 * np.pi * z[0]**2 * rho
                )  #Lagrangian Derivative of r w.r.t. m
    dpdm = (-sc.G * m) / (4 * z[0]**4 * np.pi
                          )  #Lagrangian Derivative of p w.r.t. m

    dzdm = np.zeros_like(z)
    dzdm[0] = drdm
    dzdm[1] = dpdm

    return dzdm
def create_table():
    Creates tables of values and saves them as a .txt file
    returns: nothing explicitly, function creates table
    outfile = 'table.txt'
    with open(outfile, 'w') as fout:
            ' | {0:7} | {1:7} | {2:7} | {3:7} | {4:7} | {5:7} | \n'.format(
                'M/M_sun ', 'R/R_sun', 'P_c (MKS)', 'P_c / GM^2R^-4',
                'rho_c (MKS)', 'rho / [3M /4 *pi R^3] '))
        # '--:' means right-align
            ' | {0:7} | {1:7} | {2:7} | {3:7} | {4:7} | {5:7} | \n'.format(
                '--:', '--:', '--:', '--:', '--:', '--:'))

        for i in range(len(actual_masses)):
            mass = actual_masses[i]

            Pc, ms, rs, ps = get_zeros(mass)

            #getting actual central density and radius
            central_r = rs[-1]
            central_dens = density(ps[0], mue)

                ' | {0:7.1f} | {1:7e} | {2:7e} | {3:7e} | {4:7e} | {5:7f} | \n'
                .format(mass / sc.Msun, central_r / sc.Rsun, Pc,
                        Pc * central_r**4 / (sc.G * mass**2), central_dens,
                        central_dens / (3 * mass /
                                        (4 * np.pi * central_r**3))))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def rotprofile(eos, energy_center, number=100, initr=0.001, energy_0=1e7):
    '''Calculate the enthalpy profile of a slowly rotating neutron star with
    equation of state eos and central energy density energy_center in g/cm^3.

    optional arguments:
        number: number of points

        initr: size of central seed

        energy_0: energy density at which to stop resolving crust. This doesn't
            need to be tiny (and may cause problems if it is). Integration still
            goes to surface.
    #TODO: consolodate the profile functions; this mostly just repeats
    #profile but with different initial conditions

    # central enthalpy and density
    enth_c = eos.enthalpy(energy_center)
    dens_c = eos.density(enth_c)

    # set up a core with small initial radius and mass
    initm = 4.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * (initr)**3 * energy_center * Gcc
    initma = 4.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * (initr)**3 * dens_c * Gcc

    init_rm = np.array([initr, initm, initma, 0.0, 1.0])

    # resolve core with linear spacing
    linenths = np.linspace(enth_c, enth_c / 10, number)[:-1]

    # resolve crust with log enth spacing
    enth_0 = eos.enthalpy(energy_0)  # end the crust spacing here and jump to 0
    logenths = np.logspace(np.log10(linenths[-1]), np.log10(enth_0),
                           number / 2 + 1)

    # set of enthalpies to calculate energy density, radius, and mass at
    enths = np.hstack(
        (np.array(linenths), np.array(logenths[1:]), np.array(0)))
    # enths = np.linspace(enth_c, 0, number) # boring way for debugging

    # integrate the TOV equations specified in deriv above
    rms = integrate.odeint(rotderiv, init_rm, enths, args=(eos, ))

    return np.vstack((enths, np.transpose(rms)))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def rotprofile(eos, energy_center , number=100, initr=0.001, energy_0=1e7):
    '''Calculate the enthalpy profile of a slowly rotating neutron star with
    equation of state eos and central energy density energy_center in g/cm^3.

    optional arguments:
        number: number of points

        initr: size of central seed

        energy_0: energy density at which to stop resolving crust. This doesn't
            need to be tiny (and may cause problems if it is). Integration still
            goes to surface.
    #TODO: consolodate the profile functions; this mostly just repeats
    #profile but with different initial conditions

    # central enthalpy and density
    enth_c = eos.enthalpy(energy_center)
    dens_c = eos.density(enth_c)

    # set up a core with small initial radius and mass
    initm = 4.0/3.0*np.pi*(initr)**3 * energy_center * Gcc
    initma = 4.0/3.0*np.pi*(initr)**3 * dens_c * Gcc

    init_rm = np.array([initr,initm, initma, 0.0, 1.0])

    # resolve core with linear spacing
    linenths = np.linspace(enth_c, enth_c/10, number)[:-1]

    # resolve crust with log enth spacing
    enth_0 = eos.enthalpy(energy_0) # end the crust spacing here and jump to 0
    logenths = np.logspace(np.log10(linenths[-1]),np.log10(enth_0),

    # set of enthalpies to calculate energy density, radius, and mass at
    enths = np.hstack((np.array(linenths),np.array(logenths[1:]),np.array(0)))
    # enths = np.linspace(enth_c, 0, number) # boring way for debugging

    # integrate the TOV equations specified in deriv above
    rms = integrate.odeint(rotderiv, init_rm, enths, args=(eos,))

    return np.vstack((enths,np.transpose(rms)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def rotderiv(rm_vector, enthalpy, eos):
    ''' The TOV equations augmented for a linearly perturbed, slowly
    rotating neutron star.  Also includes rest mass of star.'''
    (rad, mass, restmass, alpha, omega) = rm_vector

    pr = eos.pressure(enthalpy) * Gcc
    en = eos.energy(enthalpy) * Gcc
    rho = eos.density(enthalpy)**Gcc

    factor = rad - 2 * mass
    coef = 4.0 * np.pi

    drdenth = -rad * factor / (mass + coef * rad**3 * pr)
    dmdenth = coef * en * rad**2 * drdenth
    dmadenth = coef * rho * rad**2 * drdenth / (factor / rad)**0.5
    domega = alpha * drdenth
    dalpha = drdenth * (- 4.0 * alpha / rad \
      + coef * rad * (pr + en) * (4.0 * omega + rad * alpha ) / factor )

    return np.array([drdenth, dmdenth, dmadenth, dalpha, domega])
Ejemplo n.º 8
def rotderiv(rm_vector, enthalpy, eos):
    ''' The TOV equations augmented for a linearly perturbed, slowly
    rotating neutron star.  Also includes rest mass of star.'''
    (rad, mass, restmass, alpha, omega) = rm_vector
    pr = eos.pressure(enthalpy) * Gcc
    en = eos.energy(enthalpy) * Gcc
    rho = eos.density(enthalpy) ** Gcc
    factor = rad - 2 * mass
    coef = 4.0 * np.pi

    drdenth =  - rad * factor / (mass + coef * rad**3 * pr) 
    dmdenth = coef * en * rad**2 * drdenth
    dmadenth = coef * rho * rad**2 * drdenth / ( factor / rad )**0.5
    domega = alpha * drdenth
    dalpha = drdenth * (- 4.0 * alpha / rad \
      + coef * rad * (pr + en) * (4.0 * omega + rad * alpha ) / factor )

    return np.array([drdenth,dmdenth, dmadenth, dalpha, domega])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def steric(Tb, Sb, dT, dS, deta, eta):
    ogrid = ModelGrid(fname='../wrkdir/grid_spec.nc')
    p = np.ones(np.shape(Sb))
    h = np.ones(np.shape(Sb))
    for index in range(0, np.shape(p)[0]):
        p[index, :, :] = ogrid.zt[index]
        if (index == 0):
            h[index, :, :] = ogrid.zb[index]  #-eta
            h[index, :, :] = abs(ogrid.zb[index] - ogrid.zb[index - 1])
    rho_b = eos.density(Sb, Tb, p)
    rho_a = eos.density(Sb + dS, Tb + dT, p)
    rho_a_halo = eos.density(Sb + dS, Tb, p)
    rho_a_thermo = eos.density(Sb, Tb + dT, p)

    dsteric = -np.nansum(h * (rho_a - rho_b) / rho_b, axis=0)
    dhalosteric = -np.nansum(h * (rho_a_halo - rho_b) / rho_b, axis=0)
    dthermosteric = -np.nansum(h * (rho_a_thermo - rho_b) / rho_b, axis=0)

    return dsteric, dhalosteric, dthermosteric
    print np.shape(dsteric), np.shape(Sb)


    print 'deta-dsteric=',np.nansum(np.abs(deta-dsteric))    

    fig = plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(19,12), facecolor='w')
    #grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols = (2, 3), axes_pad = 0.5,
    #                cbar_location="bottom",
    #                cbar_mode="each",
    #                cbar_size="7%",
    #                cbar_pad="2%")



    ch=plt2d(ogrid.x, ogrid.y, dsteric, minval=vmin, maxval=vmax, colmap=cm.jet)
    plt.title('Steric height infered increment [m]')

    ch=plt2d(ogrid.x, ogrid.y, dhalosteric, minval=vmin, maxval=vmax, colmap=cm.jet)
    plt.title('Halo Steric height infered increment [m]')

    ch=plt2d(ogrid.x, ogrid.y, dthermosteric, minval=vmin, maxval=vmax, colmap=cm.jet)
    plt.title('Thermo Steric height infered increment [m]')

    ch=plt2d(ogrid.x, ogrid.y, deta, minval=vmin, maxval=vmax, colmap=cm.jet)
    plt.title('SSH increment [m]')

    ch=plt2d(ogrid.x, ogrid.y, err, minval=vmin, maxval=vmax, colmap=cm.bwr)
    plt.title('SSH - Steric [m]')

    ch=plt2d(ogrid.x, ogrid.y, err, minval=vmin, maxval=vmax, colmap=cm.bwr)
    plt.title('SSH - Thermosteric [m]')

    incr_t = np.flipud(dthermosteric)
    incr_t[incr_t == 0.0] = np.nan
    plt.imshow(incr_t, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)


    plt.imshow(np.flipud(deta), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    plt.title('SSH increment [m]')

    err = np.flipud(deta - dsteric)
    err[np.abs(err) < 0.02] = np.nan
    plt.imshow(err, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
    plt.title('SSH - Steric height [m]')