Ejemplo n.º 1
def parse_docstring(api_doc, docindex):
    Process the given C{APIDoc}'s docstring.  In particular, populate
    the C{APIDoc}'s C{descr} and C{summary} attributes, and add any
    information provided by fields in the docstring.
    @param docindex: A DocIndex, used to find the containing
        module (to look up the docformat); and to find any
        user docfields defined by containing objects.
    if api_doc.metadata is not UNKNOWN:
        log.debug("%s's docstring processed twice" % api_doc.canonical_name)

    # If there's no docstring, then there's nothing more to do.
    if (api_doc.docstring in (None, UNKNOWN)):

    # Remove leading indentation from the docstring.
    api_doc.docstring = unindent_docstring(api_doc.docstring)

    # Extract a signature from the docstring, if it has one.  This
    # overrides any signature we got via introspection/parsing.
    if isinstance(api_doc, RoutineDoc):

    # Parse the docstring.  Any errors encountered are stored as
    # `ParseError` objects in the errors list.
    docformat = get_docformat(api_doc, docindex)
    parse_errors = []
    parsed_docstring = markup.parse(api_doc.docstring, docformat,
    # Divide the docstring into a description and a list of
    # fields.
    descr, fields = parsed_docstring.split_fields(parse_errors)
    api_doc.descr = descr

    # Process fields
    field_warnings = []
    for field in fields:
            process_field(api_doc, docindex, field.tag(),
                               field.arg(), field.body())
        except ValueError, e: field_warnings.append(str(e))

    # Extract a summary
    if api_doc.summary is None and api_doc.descr is not None:
        api_doc.summary = api_doc.descr.summary()

    # [XX] Make sure we don't have types/param descrs for unknown
    # vars/params?

    # Report any errors that occured
    report_errors(api_doc, docindex, parse_errors, field_warnings)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def ctypesIntrospecter(value, value_doc):
    """Add ctypes documentation to the given value's documentation"""
    value_doc.is_imported = False
    value_doc.is_public = True
    if hasattr( value, 'argNames' ):
        value_doc.posargs = value.argNames
        value_doc.posarg_defaults = [None] * len(value.argNames)
    if hasattr( value, '__doc__' ):
        value_doc.docstring = docintrospecter.get_docstring(value)
    value_doc.return_type = markup.parse( str(value.restype) )
    return value_doc 
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ctypesIntrospecter(value, value_doc):
    """Add ctypes documentation to the given value's documentation"""
    value_doc.is_imported = False
    value_doc.is_public = True
    if hasattr(value, 'argNames'):
        value_doc.posargs = value.argNames
        value_doc.posarg_defaults = [None] * len(value.argNames)
    if hasattr(value, '__doc__'):
        value_doc.docstring = docintrospecter.get_docstring(value)
    value_doc.return_type = markup.parse(str(value.restype))

    return value_doc
Ejemplo n.º 4
def parse_docstring(api_doc, docindex, suppress_warnings=[]):
    Process the given C{APIDoc}'s docstring.  In particular, populate
    the C{APIDoc}'s C{descr} and C{summary} attributes, and add any
    information provided by fields in the docstring.
    @param docindex: A DocIndex, used to find the containing
        module (to look up the docformat); and to find any
        user docfields defined by containing objects.
    @param suppress_warnings: A set of objects for which docstring
        warnings should be suppressed.
    if api_doc.metadata is not UNKNOWN:
        if not (isinstance(api_doc, RoutineDoc)
                and api_doc.canonical_name[-1] == '__init__'):
            log.debug("%s's docstring processed twice" %


    # If there's no docstring, then check for special variables (e.g.,
    # __version__), and then return -- there's nothing else to do.
    if (api_doc.docstring in (None, UNKNOWN)):
        if isinstance(api_doc, NamespaceDoc):
            for field in STANDARD_FIELDS + user_docfields(api_doc, docindex):
                add_metadata_from_var(api_doc, field)

    # Remove leading indentation from the docstring.
    api_doc.docstring = unindent_docstring(api_doc.docstring)

    # Decide which docformat is used by this module.
    docformat = get_docformat(api_doc, docindex)

    # A list of markup errors from parsing.
    parse_errors = []

    # Extract a signature from the docstring, if it has one.  This
    # overrides any signature we got via introspection/parsing.
    if isinstance(api_doc, RoutineDoc):
        parse_function_signature(api_doc, None, docformat, parse_errors)

    # Parse the docstring.  Any errors encountered are stored as
    # `ParseError` objects in the errors list.
    parsed_docstring = markup.parse(api_doc.docstring, docformat, parse_errors)

    # Divide the docstring into a description and a list of
    # fields.
    descr, fields = parsed_docstring.split_fields(parse_errors)
    api_doc.descr = descr

    field_warnings = []

    # Handle the constructor fields that have been defined in the class
    # docstring. This code assumes that a class docstring is parsed before
    # the same class __init__ docstring.
    if isinstance(api_doc, ClassDoc):

        # Parse ahead the __init__ docstring for this class
        initvar = api_doc.variables.get('__init__')
        if initvar and isinstance(initvar.value, RoutineDoc):
            init_api_doc = initvar.value
            parse_docstring(init_api_doc, docindex, suppress_warnings)

            parse_function_signature(init_api_doc, api_doc, docformat,
            init_fields = split_init_fields(fields, field_warnings)

            # Process fields
            for field in init_fields:
                    process_field(init_api_doc, docindex, field.tag(),
                                  field.arg(), field.body())
                except ValueError as e:

    # Process fields
    for field in fields:
            process_field(api_doc, docindex, field.tag(), field.arg(),
        except ValueError as e:

    # Check to make sure that all type parameters correspond to
    # some documented parameter.
    check_type_fields(api_doc, field_warnings)

    # Check for special variables (e.g., __version__)
    if isinstance(api_doc, NamespaceDoc):
        for field in STANDARD_FIELDS + user_docfields(api_doc, docindex):
            add_metadata_from_var(api_doc, field)

    # Extract a summary
    if api_doc.summary is None and api_doc.descr is not None:
        api_doc.summary, api_doc.other_docs = api_doc.descr.summary()

    # If the summary is empty, but the return field is not, then use
    # the return field to generate a summary description.
    if (isinstance(api_doc, RoutineDoc) and api_doc.summary is None
            and api_doc.return_descr is not None):
        s, o = api_doc.return_descr.summary()
        api_doc.summary = RETURN_PDS + s
        api_doc.other_docs = o

    # [XX] Make sure we don't have types/param descrs for unknown
    # vars/params?

    # Report any errors that occured
    if api_doc in suppress_warnings:
        if parse_errors or field_warnings:
            log.info("Suppressing docstring warnings for %s, since it "
                     "is not included in the documented set." %
        report_errors(api_doc, docindex, parse_errors, field_warnings)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def parse_function_signature(func_doc, doc_source, docformat, parse_errors):
    Construct the signature for a builtin function or method from
    its docstring.  If the docstring uses the standard convention
    of including a signature in the first line of the docstring
    (and formats that signature according to standard
    conventions), then it will be used to extract a signature.
    Otherwise, the signature will be set to a single varargs
    variable named C{"..."}.

    @param func_doc: The target object where to store parsed signature. Also
        container of the docstring to parse if doc_source is C{None}
    @type func_doc: L{RoutineDoc}
    @param doc_source: Contains the docstring to parse. If C{None}, parse
        L{func_doc} docstring instead
    @type doc_source: L{APIDoc}
    @rtype: C{None}
    if doc_source is None:
        doc_source = func_doc

    # If there's no docstring, then don't do anything.
    if not doc_source.docstring: return False

    m = _SIGNATURE_RE.match(doc_source.docstring)
    if m is None: return False

    # Do I want to be this strict?
    # Notice that __init__ must match the class name instead, if the signature
    # comes from the class docstring
    #     if not (m.group('func') == func_doc.canonical_name[-1] or
    #             '_'+m.group('func') == func_doc.canonical_name[-1]):
    #         log.warning("Not extracting function signature from %s's "
    #                     "docstring, since the name doesn't match." %
    #                     func_doc.canonical_name)
    #         return False

    params = m.group('params')
    rtype = m.group('return')
    selfparam = m.group('self')

    # Extract the parameters from the signature.
    func_doc.posargs = []
    func_doc.vararg = None
    func_doc.kwarg = None
    if func_doc.posarg_defaults is UNKNOWN:
        func_doc.posarg_defaults = []
    if params:
        # Figure out which parameters are optional.
        while '[' in params or ']' in params:
            m2 = re.match(r'(.*)\[([^\[\]]+)\](.*)', params)
            if not m2: return False
            (start, mid, end) = m2.groups()
            mid = re.sub(r'((,|^)\s*[\w\-\.]+)', r'\1=...', mid)
            params = start + mid + end

        params = re.sub(r'=...=', r'=', params)
        for name in params.split(','):
            if '=' in name:
                (name, default_repr) = name.split('=', 1)
                default = GenericValueDoc(parse_repr=default_repr)
                default = None
            name = name.strip()
            if name == '...':
                func_doc.vararg = '...'
            elif name.startswith('**'):
                func_doc.kwarg = name[2:]
            elif name.startswith('*'):
                func_doc.vararg = name[1:]
                if len(func_doc.posarg_defaults) < len(func_doc.posargs):
                elif default is not None:
                    argnum = len(func_doc.posargs) - 1
                    func_doc.posarg_defaults[argnum] = default

    # Extract the return type/value from the signature
    if rtype:
        func_doc.return_type = markup.parse(rtype,

    # Add the self parameter, if it was specified.
    if selfparam:
        func_doc.posargs.insert(0, selfparam)
        func_doc.posarg_defaults.insert(0, None)

    # Remove the signature from the docstring.
    doc_source.docstring = doc_source.docstring[m.end():]

    # We found a signature.
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
            elif len(linenums) == 1:
                log.docstring_warning("Line %s: %s" % (linenums[0], message))
                linenums = ', '.join(['%s' % l for l in linenums])
                log.docstring_warning("Lines %s: %s" % (linenums, message))

    # Display all field warnings.
    for warning in field_warnings:

    # End the message block.

RETURN_PDS = markup.parse('Returns:', markup='epytext')
"""A ParsedDocstring containing the text 'Returns'.  This is used to
construct summary descriptions for routines that have empty C{descr},
but non-empty C{return_descr}."""
RETURN_PDS._tree.children[0].attribs['inline'] = True

#{ Field Processing Error Messages

UNEXPECTED_ARG = '%r did not expect an argument'
EXPECTED_ARG = '%r expected an argument'
EXPECTED_SINGLE_ARG = '%r expected a single argument'
BAD_CONTEXT = 'Invalid context for %r'
REDEFINED = 'Redefinition of %s'
UNKNOWN_TAG = 'Unknown field tag %r'
Ejemplo n.º 7
def parse_docstring(api_doc, docindex, suppress_warnings=[]):
    Process the given C{APIDoc}'s docstring.  In particular, populate
    the C{APIDoc}'s C{descr} and C{summary} attributes, and add any
    information provided by fields in the docstring.
    @param docindex: A DocIndex, used to find the containing
        module (to look up the docformat); and to find any
        user docfields defined by containing objects.
    @param suppress_warnings: A set of objects for which docstring
        warnings should be suppressed.
    if api_doc.metadata is not UNKNOWN:
        if not (isinstance(api_doc, RoutineDoc)
                and api_doc.canonical_name[-1] == '__init__'):
            log.debug("%s's docstring processed twice" %

    # If there's no docstring, then check for special variables (e.g.,
    # __version__), and then return -- there's nothing else to do.
    if (api_doc.docstring in (None, UNKNOWN)):
        if isinstance(api_doc, NamespaceDoc):
            for field in STANDARD_FIELDS + user_docfields(api_doc, docindex):
                add_metadata_from_var(api_doc, field)

    # Remove leading indentation from the docstring.
    api_doc.docstring = unindent_docstring(api_doc.docstring)

    # Decide which docformat is used by this module.
    docformat = get_docformat(api_doc, docindex)

    # A list of markup errors from parsing.
    parse_errors = []
    # Extract a signature from the docstring, if it has one.  This
    # overrides any signature we got via introspection/parsing.
    if isinstance(api_doc, RoutineDoc):
        parse_function_signature(api_doc, None, docformat, parse_errors)

    # Parse the docstring.  Any errors encountered are stored as
    # `ParseError` objects in the errors list.
    parsed_docstring = markup.parse(api_doc.docstring, docformat,
    # Divide the docstring into a description and a list of
    # fields.
    descr, fields = parsed_docstring.split_fields(parse_errors)
    api_doc.descr = descr

    field_warnings = []

    # Handle the constructor fields that have been defined in the class
    # docstring. This code assumes that a class docstring is parsed before
    # the same class __init__ docstring.
    if isinstance(api_doc, ClassDoc):

        # Parse ahead the __init__ docstring for this class
        initvar = api_doc.variables.get('__init__')
        if initvar and isinstance(initvar.value, RoutineDoc):
            init_api_doc = initvar.value
            parse_docstring(init_api_doc, docindex, suppress_warnings)

            parse_function_signature(init_api_doc, api_doc,
                                     docformat, parse_errors)
            init_fields = split_init_fields(fields, field_warnings)

            # Process fields
            for field in init_fields:
                    process_field(init_api_doc, docindex, field.tag(),
                                    field.arg(), field.body())
                except ValueError, e: field_warnings.append(str(e))

    # Process fields
    for field in fields:
            process_field(api_doc, docindex, field.tag(),
                               field.arg(), field.body())
        except ValueError, e: field_warnings.append(str(e))

    # Check to make sure that all type parameters correspond to
    # some documented parameter.
    check_type_fields(api_doc, field_warnings)

    # Check for special variables (e.g., __version__)
    if isinstance(api_doc, NamespaceDoc):
        for field in STANDARD_FIELDS + user_docfields(api_doc, docindex):
            add_metadata_from_var(api_doc, field)

    # Extract a summary
    if api_doc.summary is None and api_doc.descr is not None:
        api_doc.summary, api_doc.other_docs = api_doc.descr.summary()

    # If the summary is empty, but the return field is not, then use
    # the return field to generate a summary description.
    if (isinstance(api_doc, RoutineDoc) and api_doc.summary is None and
        api_doc.return_descr is not None):
        s, o = api_doc.return_descr.summary()
        api_doc.summary = RETURN_PDS + s
        api_doc.other_docs = o

    # [XX] Make sure we don't have types/param descrs for unknown
    # vars/params?

    # Report any errors that occured
    if api_doc in suppress_warnings:
        if parse_errors or field_warnings:
            log.info("Suppressing docstring warnings for %s, since it "
                     "is not included in the documented set." %
        report_errors(api_doc, docindex, parse_errors, field_warnings)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def parse_function_signature(func_doc, doc_source, docformat, parse_errors):
    Construct the signature for a builtin function or method from
    its docstring.  If the docstring uses the standard convention
    of including a signature in the first line of the docstring
    (and formats that signature according to standard
    conventions), then it will be used to extract a signature.
    Otherwise, the signature will be set to a single varargs
    variable named C{"..."}.

    @param func_doc: The target object where to store parsed signature. Also
        container of the docstring to parse if doc_source is C{None}
    @type func_doc: L{RoutineDoc}
    @param doc_source: Contains the docstring to parse. If C{None}, parse
        L{func_doc} docstring instead
    @type doc_source: L{APIDoc}
    @rtype: C{None}
    if doc_source is None:
        doc_source = func_doc

    # If there's no docstring, then don't do anything.
    if not doc_source.docstring: return False

    m = _SIGNATURE_RE.match(doc_source.docstring)
    if m is None: return False

    # Do I want to be this strict?
    # Notice that __init__ must match the class name instead, if the signature
    # comes from the class docstring
#     if not (m.group('func') == func_doc.canonical_name[-1] or
#             '_'+m.group('func') == func_doc.canonical_name[-1]):
#         log.warning("Not extracting function signature from %s's "
#                     "docstring, since the name doesn't match." %
#                     func_doc.canonical_name)
#         return False
    params = m.group('params')
    rtype = m.group('return')
    selfparam = m.group('self')
    # Extract the parameters from the signature.
    func_doc.posargs = []
    func_doc.vararg = None
    func_doc.kwarg = None
    if func_doc.posarg_defaults is UNKNOWN:
        func_doc.posarg_defaults = []
    if params:
        # Figure out which parameters are optional.
        while '[' in params or ']' in params:
            m2 = re.match(r'(.*)\[([^\[\]]+)\](.*)', params)
            if not m2: return False
            (start, mid, end) = m2.groups()
            mid = re.sub(r'((,|^)\s*[\w\-\.]+)', r'\1=...', mid)
            params = start+mid+end

        params = re.sub(r'=...=' , r'=', params)
        for name in params.split(','):
            if '=' in name:
                (name, default_repr) = name.split('=',1)
                default = GenericValueDoc(parse_repr=default_repr)
                default = None
            name = name.strip()
            if name == '...':
                func_doc.vararg = '...'
            elif name.startswith('**'):
                func_doc.kwarg = name[2:]
            elif name.startswith('*'):
                func_doc.vararg = name[1:]
                if len(func_doc.posarg_defaults) < len(func_doc.posargs):
                elif default is not None:
                    argnum = len(func_doc.posargs)-1
                    func_doc.posarg_defaults[argnum] = default

    # Extract the return type/value from the signature
    if rtype:
        func_doc.return_type = markup.parse(rtype, docformat, parse_errors,

    # Add the self parameter, if it was specified.
    if selfparam:
        func_doc.posargs.insert(0, selfparam)
        func_doc.posarg_defaults.insert(0, None)

    # Remove the signature from the docstring.
    doc_source.docstring = doc_source.docstring[m.end():]
    # We found a signature.
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 9
            if len(linenums) == 0:
            elif len(linenums) == 1:
                log.docstring_warning("Line %s: %s" % (linenums[0], message))
                linenums = ', '.join(['%s' % l for l in linenums])
                log.docstring_warning("Lines %s: %s" % (linenums, message))

    # Display all field warnings.
    for warning in field_warnings:

    # End the message block.

RETURN_PDS = markup.parse('Returns:', markup='epytext')
"""A ParsedDocstring containing the text 'Returns'.  This is used to
construct summary descriptions for routines that have empty C{descr},
but non-empty C{return_descr}."""
RETURN_PDS._tree.children[0].attribs['inline'] = True

#{ Field Processing Error Messages

UNEXPECTED_ARG = '%r did not expect an argument'
EXPECTED_ARG = '%r expected an argument'
EXPECTED_SINGLE_ARG = '%r expected a single argument'
BAD_CONTEXT = 'Invalid context for %r'
REDEFINED = 'Redefinition of %s'
UNKNOWN_TAG = 'Unknown field tag %r'
Ejemplo n.º 10
def parse_docstring(api_doc, docindex):
    Process the given C{APIDoc}'s docstring.  In particular, populate
    the C{APIDoc}'s C{descr} and C{summary} attributes, and add any
    information provided by fields in the docstring.
    @param docindex: A DocIndex, used to find the containing
        module (to look up the docformat); and to find any
        user docfields defined by containing objects.
    if api_doc.metadata is not UNKNOWN:
        if not (isinstance(api_doc, RoutineDoc)
                and api_doc.canonical_name[-1] == '__init__'):
            log.debug("%s's docstring processed twice" %


    # If there's no docstring, then there's nothing more to do.
    if (api_doc.docstring in (None, UNKNOWN)):

    # Remove leading indentation from the docstring.
    api_doc.docstring = unindent_docstring(api_doc.docstring)

    # Extract a signature from the docstring, if it has one.  This
    # overrides any signature we got via introspection/parsing.
    if isinstance(api_doc, RoutineDoc):

    # Parse the docstring.  Any errors encountered are stored as
    # `ParseError` objects in the errors list.
    docformat = get_docformat(api_doc, docindex)
    parse_errors = []
    parsed_docstring = markup.parse(api_doc.docstring, docformat, parse_errors)

    # Divide the docstring into a description and a list of
    # fields.
    descr, fields = parsed_docstring.split_fields(parse_errors)
    api_doc.descr = descr

    field_warnings = []

    # Handle the constructor fields that have been defined in the class
    # docstring. This code assumes that a class docstring is parsed before
    # the same class __init__ docstring.
    if isinstance(api_doc, ClassDoc):

        # Parse ahead the __init__ docstring for this class
        initvar = api_doc.variables.get('__init__')
        if initvar and initvar.value not in (None, UNKNOWN):
            init_api_doc = initvar.value
            parse_docstring(init_api_doc, docindex)

            parse_function_signature(init_api_doc, api_doc)
            init_fields = split_init_fields(fields, field_warnings)

            # Process fields
            for field in init_fields:
                    process_field(init_api_doc, docindex, field.tag(),
                                  field.arg(), field.body())
                except ValueError, e: