Ejemplo n.º 1
 def find_matching_file(dirpath, filename_re):
     filename = None
     for r,d,f in os.walk(dirpath):
         for file in f:
             if re.match(filename_re, file):
                 if filename is not None:
                     raise error.VerificationException('multiple files match verification file expression "%s"' % (filename_re))
                 filename = os.path.join(r,file)
     if filename is None:
         raise error.VerificationException('No files match verification file expression "%s"' % (filename_re))
     return filename
Ejemplo n.º 2
def verify_unordered_text_files(filename1, filename2, line_transform_map=[]):
    Compares the contents of the specified output filenames. The comparison is made by first stripping out the log entry
    timestamp, as well as certain string occurances, such as timestamps within the entry body, the actionID, and
    characters enclosed in double square brackets. Both the output file as well as the recorded output file are 
    processed in this manner, then both have their lines sorted, then a line by line comparison is made. If a mismatch
    is found, an error is thrown detailing the two output lines and their respective line numbers.
    :type filename1: str
    :type filename2: str
    :type live_output_filename: str
    lines1 = read_lines(filename1)
    lines2 = read_lines(filename2)

    def transform_lines(lines):
        Transforms the specified list of strings to a a list of strings in which each string is passed through the
        transform map.
        :param lines: list(str)
        :return: list(str)
        lines_out = []
        for line in lines:
            line_out = None
            for transform in line_transform_map:
                line_out = transform.transform(line)
                if line_out is not None:
            lines_out.append(line_out if line_out is not None else line)
        return lines_out

    def compare_line_tuple(line_tuple1, line_tuple2):
        index1, line1 = line_tuple1
        index2, line2 = line_tuple2
        return 1 if line1 > line2 else -1 if line1 < line2 else 0

    tlines1 = transform_lines(list(lines1))
    tlines1 = zip(range(0, len(tlines1)), tlines1)
    tlines2 = transform_lines(list(lines2))
    tlines2 = zip(range(0, len(tlines2)), tlines2)

    for line_tuple1, line_tuple2 in zip(tlines1, tlines2):
        if not compare_line_tuple(line_tuple1, line_tuple2)==0:
            index1, line1 = line_tuple1
            index2, line2 = line_tuple2
            raise error.VerificationException('Output line mismatch\n%s (LINE %d):\n%s\n%s (LINE %d):\n%s' % (filename1, index1, lines1[index1], filename2, index2, lines2[index2]))

    if not len(lines1) == len(lines2):
        raise error.VerificationException('Expected %d output lines, got %d lines.' % (len(lines2), len(lines1)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def verify_text_files(filename1, filename2):
    Verifies that the text lines of files indicated by the specified file names match exactly.
    :type filename1: str
    :type filename2: str
    lines1 = read_lines(filename1)
    lines2 = read_lines(filename2)

    line_index = 0
    for line1, line2 in zip(lines1, lines2):
        if not line1 == line2:
            raise error.VerificationException('Output line mismatch\n%s (LINE %d):\n%s\n%s (LINE %d):\n%s' % (filename1, line_index, line1, filename2, line_index, line2))
        line_index += 1

    if not len(lines1) == len(lines2):
        raise error.VerificationException('Expected %d output lines, got %d lines.' % (len(lines1), len(lines2)))