Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_receiving_doesnt_block_if_there_is_already_decrypted_buffered_data(self):
        # Here's what could (and would) happen before the relevant bug was fixed (assuming method
        # M was trampolining unconditionally before actually reading):
        # 1. One side sends n bytes, leaves connection open (important)
        # 2. The other side uses method M to read m (where m < n) bytes, the underlying SSL
        #    implementation reads everything from the underlying socket, decrypts all n bytes,
        #    returns m of them and buffers n-m to be read later.
        # 3. The other side tries to read the remainder of the data (n-m bytes), this blocks
        #    because M trampolines uncoditionally and trampoline will hang because reading from
        #    the underlying socket would block. It would block because there's no data to be read
        #    and the connection is still open; leaving the connection open /mentioned in 1./ is
        #    important because otherwise trampoline would return immediately and the test would pass
        #    even with the bug still present in the code).
        # The solution is to first request data from the underlying SSL implementation and only
        # trampoline if we actually need to read some data from the underlying socket.
        # GreenSSLSocket.recv() wasn't broken but I've added code to test it as well for
        # completeness.
        content = b'xy'

        def recv(sock, expected):
            assert sock.recv(len(expected)) == expected

        def recv_into(sock, expected):
            buf = bytearray(len(expected))
            assert sock.recv_into(buf, len(expected)) == len(expected)
            assert buf == expected

        for read_function in [recv, recv_into]:
            print('Trying %s...' % (read_function,))
            listener = listen_ssl_socket()

            def accept(listener):
                sock, addr = listener.accept()
                return sock

            accepter = eventlet.spawn(accept, listener)

            client_to_server = None
                client_to_server = ssl.wrap_socket(eventlet.connect(listener.getsockname()))
                for character in six.iterbytes(content):
                    character = six.int2byte(character)
                    print('We have %d already decrypted bytes pending, expecting: %s' % (
                        client_to_server.pending(), character))
                    read_function(client_to_server, character)
                if client_to_server is not None:
                server_to_client = accepter.wait()

                # Very important: we only want to close the socket *after* the other side has
                # read the data it wanted already, otherwise this would defeat the purpose of the
                # test (see the comment at the top of this test).

Ejemplo n.º 2
 def sender(f, content):
     for ch in map(six.int2byte, six.iterbytes(content)):
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def sender(f, content):
     for ch in map(six.int2byte, six.iterbytes(content)):