Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test__normal_difference__computation(self):
        """ Result of normal_difference() equals expected result. """
        # Define subset of data for first test
        sbp = self.metrics.loc['systolic_bp', :]
        # computation of normal difference
        result1 = statx.normal_difference(sbp.men.m, sbp.men.s, sbp.men.n, sbp.women.m, sbp.women.s, sbp.women.n)
        # Checking if lower percentile of result1 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[2.5], 0.44582598543756413)
        # Checking if upper percentile of result1 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[97.5], 2.9541740145624127)

        # Define subset of data for second test
        clst = self.metrics.loc['serum_cholesterol', :]
        # Computation of normal difference
        result2 = statx.normal_difference(clst.men.m, clst.men.s, clst.men.n,
                                          clst.women.m, clst.women.s, clst.women.n)
        # Checking if lower percentile of result2 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result2[2.5], -17.159814380797162)
        # Checking if upper percentile of result2 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result2[97.5], -12.240185619202816)

        # test subsample of systolic blood pressure. Example from:
        # http://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/MPH-Modules/BS/BS704_Confidence_Intervals/BS704_Confidence_Intervals5.html
        # Computation of normal difference
        result3 = statx.normal_difference(117.5, 9.7, 6, 126.8, 12., 4)
        # Checking if lower percentile of result3 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result3[2.5], -25.10960582643531)
        # Checking if upper percentile of result3 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result3[97.5], 6.5096058264353118)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test__normal_difference__computation(self):
        """ Result of normal_difference() equals expected result. """
        # Define subset of data for first test
        sbp = self.metrics.loc['systolic_bp', :]
        # computation of normal difference
        result1 = statx.normal_difference(sbp.men.m, sbp.men.s, sbp.men.n,
                                          sbp.women.m, sbp.women.s,
        # Checking if lower percentile of result1 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[2.5], 0.44582598543756413)
        # Checking if upper percentile of result1 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result1[97.5], 2.9541740145624127)

        # Define subset of data for second test
        clst = self.metrics.loc['serum_cholesterol', :]
        # Computation of normal difference
        result2 = statx.normal_difference(clst.men.m, clst.men.s, clst.men.n,
                                          clst.women.m, clst.women.s,
        # Checking if lower percentile of result2 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result2[2.5], -17.159814380797162)
        # Checking if upper percentile of result2 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result2[97.5], -12.240185619202816)

        # test subsample of systolic blood pressure. Example from:
        # http://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/MPH-Modules/BS/BS704_Confidence_Intervals/BS704_Confidence_Intervals5.html
        # Computation of normal difference
        result3 = statx.normal_difference(117.5, 9.7, 6, 126.8, 12., 4)
        # Checking if lower percentile of result3 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result3[2.5], -25.10960582643531)
        # Checking if upper percentile of result3 is correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result3[97.5], 6.5096058264353118)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def group_sequential(x,
    """ Group sequential method to determine whether to stop early.

    :param x: sample of a treatment group
    :type  x: pd.Series or array-like
    :param y: sample of a control group
    :type  y: pd.Series or array-like
    :param spending_function: name of the alpha spending function, currently supports only 'obrien_fleming'.
    :type  spending_function: str
    :param estimated_sample_size: sample size to be achieved towards the end of experiment
    :type  estimated_sample_size: int
    :param alpha: type-I error rate
    :type  alpha: float
    :param cap: upper bound of the adapted z-score
    :type  cap: int

    :return: results of type EarlyStoppingTestStatistics
    :rtype:  EarlyStoppingTestStatistics
    # Checking if data was provided and it has correct format
    if x is None or y is None:
        raise ValueError('Please provide two non-empty samples.')
    if not isinstance(x, pd.Series) and not isinstance(
            x, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(x, list):
        raise TypeError('Please provide samples of type Series or list.')
    if type(x) != type(y):
        raise TypeError('Please provide samples of the same type.')

        "Started running group sequential early stopping; spending function is {}, size of treatment is {} "
        "and size of control is {}".format(spending_function, len(x), len(y)))

    # Coercing missing values to right format
    _x = np.array(x, dtype=float)
    _y = np.array(y, dtype=float)

    n_x = statx.sample_size(_x)
    n_y = statx.sample_size(_y)

    if not estimated_sample_size:
        information_fraction = 1.0
        information_fraction = min(1.0, (n_x + n_y) / estimated_sample_size)

    # alpha spending function
    if spending_function in ('obrien_fleming'):
        func = eval(spending_function)
        raise NotImplementedError
    alpha_new = func(information_fraction, alpha=alpha)

    # calculate the z-score bound
    bound = norm.ppf(1 - alpha_new / 2)
    # replace potential inf with an upper bound
    if bound == np.inf:
        bound = cap

    mu_x = np.nanmean(_x)
    mu_y = np.nanmean(_y)
    sigma_x = np.nanstd(_x)
    sigma_y = np.nanstd(_y)
    z = (mu_x - mu_y) / np.sqrt(sigma_x**2 / n_x + sigma_y**2 / n_y)

    if z > bound or z < -bound:
        stop = True
        stop = False

    interval = statx.normal_difference(
        mu_x, sigma_x, n_x, mu_y, sigma_y, n_y,
        [alpha_new * 100 / 2, 100 - alpha_new * 100 / 2])

    treatment_statistics = SampleStatistics(int(n_x), float(np.nanmean(_x)),
    control_statistics = SampleStatistics(int(n_y), float(np.nanmean(_y)),
    variant_statistics = BaseTestStatistics(control_statistics,
    p_value = statx.compute_p_value_from_samples(_x, _y)
    statistical_power = statx.compute_statistical_power_from_samples(
        _x, _y, alpha)

        "Finished running group sequential early stopping; spending function is {}, size of treatment is {} "
        "and size of control is {}".format(spending_function, len(x), len(y)))
    return EarlyStoppingTestStatistics(variant_statistics.control_statistics,
                                       float(mu_x - mu_y), interval, p_value,
                                       statistical_power, stop)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def group_sequential(x, y, spending_function='obrien_fleming', estimated_sample_size=None, alpha=0.05, cap=8):
    """ Group sequential method to determine whether to stop early.

    :param x: sample of a treatment group
    :type  x: pd.Series or array-like
    :param y: sample of a control group
    :type  y: pd.Series or array-like
    :param spending_function: name of the alpha spending function, currently supports only 'obrien_fleming'.
    :type  spending_function: str
    :param estimated_sample_size: sample size to be achieved towards the end of experiment
    :type  estimated_sample_size: int
    :param alpha: type-I error rate
    :type  alpha: float
    :param cap: upper bound of the adapted z-score
    :type  cap: int

    :return: results of type EarlyStoppingTestStatistics
    :rtype:  EarlyStoppingTestStatistics
    # Checking if data was provided and it has correct format
    if x is None or y is None:
        raise ValueError('Please provide two non-empty samples.')
    if not isinstance(x, pd.Series) and not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(x, list):
        raise TypeError('Please provide samples of type Series or list.')
    if type(x) != type(y):
        raise TypeError('Please provide samples of the same type.')

    logger.info("Started running group sequential early stopping; spending function is {}, size of treatment is {} "
                "and size of control is {}".format(spending_function, len(x), len(y)))

    # Coercing missing values to right format
    _x = np.array(x, dtype=float)
    _y = np.array(y, dtype=float)

    n_x = statx.sample_size(_x)
    n_y = statx.sample_size(_y)

    if not estimated_sample_size:
        information_fraction = 1.0
        information_fraction = min(1.0, (n_x + n_y) / estimated_sample_size)

    # alpha spending function
    if spending_function in ('obrien_fleming'):
        func = eval(spending_function)
        raise NotImplementedError
    alpha_new = func(information_fraction, alpha=alpha)

    # calculate the z-score bound
    bound = norm.ppf(1 - alpha_new / 2)
    # replace potential inf with an upper bound
    if bound == np.inf:
        bound = cap

    mu_x = np.nanmean(_x)
    mu_y = np.nanmean(_y)
    sigma_x = np.nanstd(_x)
    sigma_y = np.nanstd(_y)
    z = (mu_x - mu_y) / np.sqrt(sigma_x ** 2 / n_x + sigma_y ** 2 / n_y)

    if z > bound or z < -bound:
        stop = True
        stop = False

    interval = statx.normal_difference(mu_x, sigma_x, n_x, mu_y, sigma_y, n_y,
                                       [alpha_new * 100 / 2, 100 - alpha_new * 100 / 2])

    treatment_statistics = SampleStatistics(int(n_x), float(np.nanmean(_x)), float(np.nanvar(_x)))
    control_statistics   = SampleStatistics(int(n_y), float(np.nanmean(_y)), float(np.nanvar(_y)))
    variant_statistics   = BaseTestStatistics(control_statistics, treatment_statistics)
    p_value              = statx.compute_p_value_from_samples(_x, _y)
    statistical_power    = statx.compute_statistical_power_from_samples(_x, _y, alpha)

    logger.info("Finished running group sequential early stopping; spending function is {}, size of treatment is {} "
                "and size of control is {}".format(spending_function, len(x), len(y)))
    return EarlyStoppingTestStatistics(variant_statistics.control_statistics,
                                       float(mu_x - mu_y), interval, p_value, statistical_power, stop)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def group_sequential(x,
    Group sequential method to determine whether to stop early or not.

        x (array_like): sample of a treatment group
        y (array_like): sample of a control group
        spending_function: name of the alpha spending function, currently
            supports: 'obrien_fleming'
        estimated_sample_size: sample size to be achieved towards
            the end of experiment
        alpha: type-I error rate
        cap: upper bound of the adapted z-score

        EarlyStoppingStatistics object
    # Checking if data was provided
    if x is None or y is None:
        raise ValueError('Please provide two non-None samples.')

    # Coercing missing values to right format
    _x = np.array(x, dtype=float)
    _y = np.array(y, dtype=float)

    n_x = statx.sample_size(_x)
    n_y = statx.sample_size(_y)

    if not estimated_sample_size:
        information_fraction = 1.0
        information_fraction = min(1.0, min(n_x, n_y) / estimated_sample_size)

    # alpha spending function
    if spending_function in ('obrien_fleming'):
        func = eval(spending_function)
        raise NotImplementedError
    alpha_new = func(information_fraction, alpha=alpha)

    # calculate the z-score bound
    bound = norm.ppf(1 - alpha_new / 2)
    # replace potential inf with an upper bound
    if bound == np.inf:
        bound = cap

    mu_x = np.nanmean(_x)
    mu_y = np.nanmean(_y)
    sigma_x = np.nanstd(_x)
    sigma_y = np.nanstd(_y)
    z = (mu_x - mu_y) / np.sqrt(sigma_x**2 / n_x + sigma_y**2 / n_y)

    if z > bound or z < -bound:
        stop = True
        stop = False

    interval = statx.normal_difference(
        mu_x, sigma_x, n_x, mu_y, sigma_y, n_y,
        [alpha_new * 100 / 2, 100 - alpha_new * 100 / 2])

    # return stop, mu_x - mu_y, interval, n_x, n_y, mu_x, mu_y
    interval = [{'percentile': p, 'value': v} for (p, v) in interval.items()]
    return {
        'stop': bool(stop),
        'delta': float(mu_x - mu_y),
        'confidence_interval': interval,
        'treatment_sample_size': int(n_x),
        'control_sample_size': int(n_y),
        'treatment_mean': float(mu_x),
        'control_mean': float(mu_y)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def group_sequential(x,
	Group sequential method to determine whether to stop early or not.

		x (array_like): sample of a treatment group
		y (array_like): sample of a control group
		spending_function: name of the alpha spending function, currently
			supports: 'obrien_fleming'
		information_fraction: share of the information amount at the point 
			of evaluation, e.g. the share of the maximum sample size
		alpha: type-I error rate
		cap: upper bound of the adapted z-score

			- stop label
			- effect size (delta)
			- confidence interval of delta
			- sample size of x
			- sample size of y
			- absolute mean of x
			- absolute mean of y
    # Checking if data was provided
    if x is None or y is None:
        raise ValueError('Please provide two non-None samples.')

    # Coercing missing values to right format
    _x = np.array(x, dtype=float)
    _y = np.array(y, dtype=float)

    # if scalar, assume equal spacing between the intervals
    #if not isinstance(information_fraction, list):
    #	fraction = np.linspace(0,1,information_fraction+1)[1:]
    #	fraction = information_fraction

    # alpha spending function
    if spending_function in ('obrien_fleming'):
        func = eval(spending_function)
        raise NotImplementedError
    alpha_new = func(information_fraction, alpha=alpha)

    # calculate the z-score bound
    bound = norm.ppf(1 - alpha_new / 2)
    # replace potential inf with an upper bound
    if bound == np.inf:
        bound = cap

    mu_x = np.nanmean(_x)
    mu_y = np.nanmean(_y)
    sigma_x = np.nanstd(_x)
    sigma_y = np.nanstd(_y)
    n_x = statx.sample_size(_x)
    n_y = statx.sample_size(_y)
    z = (mu_x - mu_y) / np.sqrt(sigma_x**2 / n_x + sigma_y**2 / n_y)

    if z > bound or z < -bound:
        stop = 1
        stop = 0

    interval = statx.normal_difference(
        mu_x, sigma_x, n_x, mu_y, sigma_y, n_y,
        [alpha_new * 100 / 2, 100 - alpha_new * 100 / 2])

    return stop, mu_x - mu_y, interval, n_x, n_y, mu_x, mu_y