Ejemplo n.º 1
def trac_admin(env, cmd, sudoer=None):
    Runs trac-admin command on specified environment with permiss
    :param env: Name or path to the environment
    :param cmd: Command to pass to trac-admin
    :param sudoer: Optional sudo user, defaults to Apache user


        fab dist.trac_admin:home,help
        fab dist.trac_admin:"home","mp deploy"
        fab dist.trac_admin:env="home",cmd="mp deploy",sudoer="root"
        fab dist.trac_admin:"/var/www/trac/projects/projectx","upgrade"
        fab dist.trac_admin:"/var/www/trac/projects/projectx","upgrade","www-data"

    trac_root_dir = config['trac_root']
    sudoer = sudoer or config['webserver_user']
    if sudoer == 'root':
        sudoer = None

    # Check if path is given, otherwise consider it project name
    if not exists(env):
        env = os.path.join(trac_root_dir, 'projects', env)
        if not exists(env):
            return abort('Given environment "%s" cannot be found on server' % env)

    with cd(env):
        tracadmin_cmd = 'trac-admin %s %s' % (env, cmd)
        sudo(tracadmin_cmd, user=sudoer)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reset_databases(dumpfile):
    Recreate mysql database based from given dump
    put(dumpfile, "dump.sql")

    mysql = Service('mysql')

    sudo('rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/')


    # Set new password for tracuser
    password = prompt('Set password for database user "tracuser": '******'mysqladmin -u root password "%s"' % password)

    echo "UPDATE mysql.user SET password=password(\'\') WHERE user=\'tracuser\';" >> dump.sql
    echo "UPDATE mysql.user SET password=password(\'{0}\') WHERE user=\'root\';" >> dump.sql
    echo "UPDATE trac_admin.user SET sha1_pw=sha1(\'{0}\'), mail=\'root@localhost\';" >> dump.sql
    echo "flush privileges;" >> dump.sql
    mysql -u root --password={0} < dump.sql

    sudo('rm dump.sql')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def reset_databases(dumpfile):
    Recreate mysql database based from given dump
    put(dumpfile, "dump.sql")

    mysql = Service('mysql')

    sudo('rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/')


    # Set new password for tracuser
    password = prompt('Set password for database user "tracuser": '******'mysqladmin -u root password "%s"' % password)

    echo "UPDATE mysql.user SET password=password(\'\') WHERE user=\'tracuser\';" >> dump.sql
    echo "UPDATE mysql.user SET password=password(\'{0}\') WHERE user=\'root\';" >> dump.sql
    echo "UPDATE trac_admin.user SET sha1_pw=sha1(\'{0}\'), mail=\'root@localhost\';" >> dump.sql
    echo "flush privileges;" >> dump.sql
    mysql -u root --password={0} < dump.sql

    sudo('rm dump.sql')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def trac_admin(env, cmd, sudoer=None):
    Runs trac-admin command on specified environment with permiss
    :param env: Name or path to the environment
    :param cmd: Command to pass to trac-admin
    :param sudoer: Optional sudo user, defaults to Apache user


        fab dist.trac_admin:home,help
        fab dist.trac_admin:"home","mp deploy"
        fab dist.trac_admin:env="home",cmd="mp deploy",sudoer="root"
        fab dist.trac_admin:"/var/www/trac/projects/projectx","upgrade"
        fab dist.trac_admin:"/var/www/trac/projects/projectx","upgrade","www-data"

    trac_root_dir = config['trac_root']
    sudoer = sudoer or config['webserver_user']
    if sudoer == 'root':
        sudoer = None

    # Check if path is given, otherwise consider it project name
    if not exists(env):
        env = os.path.join(trac_root_dir, 'projects', env)
        if not exists(env):
            return abort('Given environment "%s" cannot be found on server' %

    with cd(env):
        tracadmin_cmd = 'trac-admin %s %s' % (env, cmd)
        sudo(tracadmin_cmd, user=sudoer)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def deploy_targz(packagename, opts):
    Run the deploy activities for source/custom tar.gz package.
    The script can deploy following kind of tar.gz packages:

    - Python source package: if setup.py is found from root folder, it is run with python setup.py install
    - Custom source package (created with build task): runs scripts/deploy.sh found from the package

    :param str packagename: Name of the package to deploy. Example 'mypackage-1.1.0.tar.gz'
    :param str opts: Optional parameters to pass to deploying app (easy_install, rpm, dpkg, deploy.sh)

    root_dir = config['trac_root']
    webserver_user = config['webserver_user']
    webserver_group = config['webserver_group']
    releasename, releaseversion, releaseextension = split_package_name(

    # Get the subdirectory (where all the files are place) of the archive, if any
    out = run('tar ztf %s' % packagename)
    subdir = os.path.commonprefix(out.stdout.splitlines())

    run('tar zxf %s' % packagename)

    with cd('~/%s' % subdir):
        # Run the setup.py if is found
        if exists('setup.py'):
                'Installing python module from source, using: %s/setup.py' %
            sudo('python setup.py install %s' % opts)

        # Custom package, expect to find scripts/deploy.sh
                'Running deploy script ./scripts/deploy.sh at directory: %s' %
            with settings(show('stdout')):
                sudo('./scripts/deploy.sh %s' % opts)

            # Fix file permissions
            logger.info('Setting the permissions to deployment folder')
            sudo('chown -L -R %s:%s %s' % (webserver_user, webserver_group,
                                           join(root_dir, 'dist', 'current')))

    # Cleanup - needs to be done with sudo because of sudo is being used at running deploy.sh (at the moment)
    with cd('~'):
        logger.info('Cleaning up...')
        if subdir:
            sudo('rm -rf ./%s' % subdir)
        sudo('rm -rf ./%s' % releasename)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def deploy(package, opts=''):
    Uploads the given package to remote host and deploys it there.

    :param str package:
        Path to tar.gz package in local file system. In case of wildcard, all the matched package are deployed.
        Package can be in formats: tar.gz (custom package structure, deb, rpm
    :param str opts:
        Optional parameters to pass to deploying app (easy_install, rpm, dpkg, deploy.sh)


        fab dist.deploy:package=../../package.tar.gz
        fab dist.deploy:package=../../package.tar.gz,opts="--theme --activate"
        fab dist.deploy:package=../../*.deb
        fab dist.deploy:package=../../*.deb,opts='--force'

    # Use glob to find package from local filesystem (glob supports wildcards)
    pmatches = glob(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(package)))
    if not pmatches:
        return abort('No package can be found with name: %s' % package)

    # Iterate matched packages
    # Upload package(s) to remote host and determine the name of release folder
    for pmatch in pmatches:
        package = os.path.normpath(pmatch)

        # Get the release name from package: drop the extension and version
        packagename = os.path.basename(package)
        releasename, releaseversion, releaseextension = split_package_name(

        # Upload package to home directory, with same as the orig
        logger.info('Uploading the package: %s -> %s' % (package, packagename))
        put(package, packagename)

        logger.info('Release name: %s' % releasename)

        # Run the package specific deployment actions
        if releaseextension == 'tar.gz':
            deploy_targz(packagename, opts)
        elif releaseextension == 'egg':
            opts = opts or '-Z'
            sudo('easy_install %s %s' % (opts, packagename))
        elif releaseextension == 'deb':
            opts = opts or '--install'
            sudo('dpkg %s %s' % (opts, packagename))
        elif releaseextension == 'rpm':
            opts = opts or '-Uvh'
            sudo('rpm %s %s' % (opts, packagename))

        # Remove the package
        with cd('~'):
            sudo('rm -f ./%s' % packagename)

    # Restart apache
    logger.info('Restarting apache')
    apache = Apache()
Ejemplo n.º 7
def deploy(package, opts=''):
    Uploads the given package to remote host and deploys it there.

    :param str package:
        Path to tar.gz package in local file system. In case of wildcard, all the matched package are deployed.
        Package can be in formats: tar.gz (custom package structure, deb, rpm
    :param str opts:
        Optional parameters to pass to deploying app (easy_install, rpm, dpkg, deploy.sh)


        fab dist.deploy:package=../../package.tar.gz
        fab dist.deploy:package=../../package.tar.gz,opts="--theme --activate"
        fab dist.deploy:package=../../*.deb
        fab dist.deploy:package=../../*.deb,opts='--force'

    # Use glob to find package from local filesystem (glob supports wildcards)
    pmatches = glob(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(package)))
    if not pmatches:
        return abort('No package can be found with name: %s' % package)

    # Iterate matched packages
    # Upload package(s) to remote host and determine the name of release folder
    for pmatch in pmatches:
        package = os.path.normpath(pmatch)

        # Get the release name from package: drop the extension and version
        packagename = os.path.basename(package)
        releasename, releaseversion, releaseextension = split_package_name(packagename)

        # Upload package to home directory, with same as the orig
        logger.info('Uploading the package: %s -> %s' % (package, packagename))
        put(package, packagename)

        logger.info('Release name: %s' % releasename)

        # Run the package specific deployment actions
        if releaseextension == 'tar.gz':
            deploy_targz(packagename, opts)
        elif releaseextension == 'egg':
            opts = opts or '-Z'
            sudo('easy_install %s %s' % (opts, packagename))
        elif releaseextension == 'deb':
            opts = opts or '--install'
            sudo('dpkg %s %s' % (opts, packagename))
        elif releaseextension == 'rpm':
            opts = opts or '-Uvh'
            sudo('rpm %s %s' % (opts, packagename))

        # Remove the package
        with cd('~'):
            sudo('rm -f ./%s' % packagename)

    # Restart apache
    logger.info('Restarting apache')
    apache = Apache()
Ejemplo n.º 8
def whoami():
    Show whoami both with and without sudo
    Testing purpose.
    logger.info('Running whoami with sudo: %s' % sudo('whoami'))
    logger.info('Running whoami with user: %s' % run('whoami'))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def whoami():
    Show whoami both with and without sudo
    Testing purpose.
    logger.info('Running whoami with sudo: %s' % sudo('whoami'))
    logger.info('Running whoami with user: %s' % run('whoami'))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def deploy_targz(packagename, opts):
    Run the deploy activities for source/custom tar.gz package.
    The script can deploy following kind of tar.gz packages:

    - Python source package: if setup.py is found from root folder, it is run with python setup.py install
    - Custom source package (created with build task): runs scripts/deploy.sh found from the package

    :param str packagename: Name of the package to deploy. Example 'mypackage-1.1.0.tar.gz'
    :param str opts: Optional parameters to pass to deploying app (easy_install, rpm, dpkg, deploy.sh)

    root_dir = config['trac_root']
    webserver_user = config['webserver_user']
    webserver_group = config['webserver_group']
    releasename, releaseversion, releaseextension = split_package_name(packagename)

    # Get the subdirectory (where all the files are place) of the archive, if any
    out = run('tar ztf %s' % packagename)
    subdir = os.path.commonprefix(out.stdout.splitlines())

    run('tar zxf %s' % packagename)

    with cd('~/%s' % subdir):
        # Run the setup.py if is found
        if exists('setup.py'):
            logger.info('Installing python module from source, using: %s/setup.py' % releasename)
            sudo('python setup.py install %s' % opts)

        # Custom package, expect to find scripts/deploy.sh
            logger.info('Running deploy script ./scripts/deploy.sh at directory: %s' % subdir)
            with settings(show('stdout')):
                sudo('./scripts/deploy.sh %s' % opts)

            # Fix file permissions
            logger.info('Setting the permissions to deployment folder')
            sudo('chown -L -R %s:%s %s' % (webserver_user, webserver_group, join(root_dir, 'dist', 'current')))

    # Cleanup - needs to be done with sudo because of sudo is being used at running deploy.sh (at the moment)
    with cd('~'):
        logger.info('Cleaning up...')
        if subdir:
            sudo('rm -rf ./%s' % subdir)
        sudo('rm -rf ./%s' % releasename)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def install_requirements():
    Installs software and services required by the software

    .. NOTE:: Requires interactions for setting MySQL and LDAP password
        apt-get -y update
        apt-get -y install apache2
        apt-get -y install mysql-server
        apt-get -y install git
        apt-get -y install subversion
        apt-get -y install python-memcache
        apt-get -y install python-ldap
        apt-get -y install python-sqlalchemy
        apt-get -y install libapache2-mod-python
        apt-get -y install libapache2-svn
        apt-get -y install python-mysqldb
        apt-get -y install python-svn
        apt-get -y install python-subversion
        apt-get -y install mercurial
        apt-get -y install unzip
        apt-get -y install slapd
        apt-get -y install ldap-utils
        apt-get -y install migrationtools
        apt-get -y install yui-compressor
        apt-get -y install python-setuptools
        apt-get -y install subversion
        apt-get -y install python-nose

    # Install apache modules
        a2enmod dav
        a2enmod dav_fs
        a2enmod ssl"""
Ejemplo n.º 12
def install_requirements():
    Installs software and services required by the software

    .. NOTE:: Requires interactions for setting MySQL and LDAP password
        apt-get -y update
        apt-get -y install apache2
        apt-get -y install mysql-server
        apt-get -y install git
        apt-get -y install subversion
        apt-get -y install python-memcache
        apt-get -y install python-ldap
        apt-get -y install python-sqlalchemy
        apt-get -y install libapache2-mod-python
        apt-get -y install libapache2-svn
        apt-get -y install python-mysqldb
        apt-get -y install python-svn
        apt-get -y install python-subversion
        apt-get -y install mercurial
        apt-get -y install unzip
        apt-get -y install slapd
        apt-get -y install ldap-utils
        apt-get -y install migrationtools
        apt-get -y install yui-compressor
        apt-get -y install python-setuptools
        apt-get -y install subversion
        apt-get -y install python-nose

    # Install apache modules
        a2enmod dav
        a2enmod dav_fs
        a2enmod ssl""")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def create_repository(pname=None, rname=None, rtype=None):
    Creates version control repository

    :param str pname: Name of project where to create repository
    :param str rname: Name of repository you want to create
    :param str rtype: Type of the repository you want to create. Valid types are: git, ...

    Example usage::

        fab system.create_repository:myproject,reponame,git

    assert rtype, 'Please provide repository type. Example: git'
    assert pname, 'Please provide project name. Example: myproject'
    assert rname, 'Please provide repository name. Example: reponame'

    root_dir = config['trac_repositories_path']
    repo_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, '%s.%s' % (pname, rname))
    webserver_user = config['webserver_user']
    webserver_group = config['webserver_group']

    # Dictionary for easy-replace
    variables = {

    if rtype == 'git':
        q = 'Creating a %(rtype)s repo "%(rname)s" in %(rdir)s. Is this right (y/n)?' % variables
        if not str(prompt(q, default='n')).lower() == 'y':

        logger.info('Creating git repository')
        sudo('git --bare --git-dir=%(rdir)s init --shared=true' % variables)
        sudo('git --git-dir=%(rdir)s update-server-info' % variables)
        sudo('chown -R %s:%s %s' % (webserver_user, webserver_group, repo_dir))

        logger.warn('Manual step required. Add following in projects trac.ini')
        print '[repositories]'
        print '%(rname)s.dir = %(rdir)s' % variables
        print '%(rname)s.type = %(rtype)s' % variables
        print ''

        raise NotImplementedError('Repository type not implemented')
Ejemplo n.º 14
def create_repository(pname=None, rname=None, rtype=None):
    Creates version control repository

    :param str pname: Name of project where to create repository
    :param str rname: Name of repository you want to create
    :param str rtype: Type of the repository you want to create. Valid types are: git, ...

    Example usage::

        fab system.create_repository:myproject,reponame,git

    assert rtype, 'Please provide repository type. Example: git'
    assert pname, 'Please provide project name. Example: myproject'
    assert rname, 'Please provide repository name. Example: reponame'

    root_dir = config['trac_repositories_path']
    repo_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, '%s.%s' % (pname, rname))
    webserver_user = config['webserver_user']
    webserver_group = config['webserver_group']

    # Dictionary for easy-replace
    variables = {
        'rname': rname,
        'pname': pname,
        'rdir': repo_dir,
        'rtype': rtype,

    if rtype == 'git':
        q = 'Creating a %(rtype)s repo "%(rname)s" in %(rdir)s. Is this right (y/n)?' % variables
        if not str(prompt(q, default='n')).lower() == 'y':

        logger.info('Creating git repository')
        sudo('git --bare --git-dir=%(rdir)s init --shared=true' % variables)
        sudo('git --git-dir=%(rdir)s update-server-info' % variables)
        sudo('chown -R %s:%s %s' % (webserver_user, webserver_group, repo_dir))

        logger.warn('Manual step required. Add following in projects trac.ini')
        print '[repositories]'
        print '%(rname)s.dir = %(rdir)s' % variables
        print '%(rname)s.type = %(rtype)s' % variables
        print ''

        raise NotImplementedError('Repository type not implemented')
Ejemplo n.º 15
def create_users():
    Creates system users and groups, required by service
    sudo('addgroup devel')
Ejemplo n.º 16
def create_users():
    Creates system users and groups, required by service
    sudo('addgroup devel')