Ejemplo n.º 1
def push_dump(db=False, es=False):
    """push the dump file to the other host(jenkins master for now).
    :param db: if push the database dump file.
    :type db: bool
    :param es: if push the es dump file.
    :type es: bool
    config = _get_config()

    mirrors = config['dump_mirrors']
    for mirror, mirrorinfo in mirrors.iteritems():
        env.user = mirrorinfo['dump_user']
        env.port = 22
        env.host_string = mirrorinfo['dump_domain']
        env.dump_path = mirrorinfo['dump_path']
            with cd(env.dump_path):
                if db:
                    env.run('rm -f %(new_dbdump_file)s' % config)
                    env.put('%(local_dbdump)s' % config, '%(new_dbdump_file)s' % config)
                    env.run('rm -f %(dbdump_file)s' % config)
                    env.run('mv %(new_dbdump_file)s %(dbdump_file)s' % config)
                if es:
                    env.run('rm -f %(new_esdump_file)s' % config)
                    env.put('%(local_esdump)s' % config, '%(new_esdump_file)s' % config)
                    env.run('rm -f %(esdump_file)s' % config)
                    env.run('mv %(new_esdump_file)s %(esdump_file)s' % config)
        except Exception, e:
            logging.error('Failed to push dump file to remote host %s. Reason: %s' % (mirror['dump_domain'], str(e)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _upload_postactivate(postactivate_file, venv_folder, bin_folder):
    """ Uploads postactivate shell script file to server. """
    # full filepath for the uploaded file.
    postactivate_path = '{bin}/postactivate'.format(bin=bin_folder,)
    # full filepath for python virtual environment activation shellscript on the server.
    activate_path = '{venv}/bin/activate'.format(venv=venv_folder,)
    # add bash command to activate shellscript to source (run) postactivate
    # script when the virtualenvironment is activated.
    env.append(activate_path, 'source {postactivate}'.format(postactivate=postactivate_path,))
    # upload file.
    env.put(postactivate_file, postactivate_path)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _deploy_configs(site_url, user_name=None, user_group=None, upload=True):
    Creates new configs for webserver and services and uploads them to webserver.
    If a custom version of config exists locally that is newer than the template config,
    a new config file will not be created from template.
    user_name = user_name or site_url.replace('.', '_')
    user_group = user_group or LINUXGROUP
    configs = _get_configs(site_url)
    for service in configs:  # services are webserver, wsgi service and so on.
        config = configs[service]
        template = config['template']  # template config file
        target = join(dirname(template), config['filename'])  # name for parsed config file
        # server filepath to place config file. Outside git repo.
        destination = join(config['target folder'], config['filename'])
        if not os.path.exists(target) or os.path.getctime(target) < os.path.getctime(template):
            # Generate config file from template if a newer custom file does not exist.
            # use sed to change variable names that will differ between deployments and sites.
                'cat "{template}" | '
                'sed "s/SITEURL/{url}/g" | '
                'sed "s/USERNAME/{user}/g" | '
                'sed "s/USERGROUP/{group}/g" > '
        if upload:
            # upload config file
            env.put(target, destination, use_sudo=True)
            with shell_env(FILENAME=destination):
                # env.run command to make service register new config and restart if needed.
Ejemplo n.º 4
    print("New User (%s): %s, admin: %s" % (username, comment,admin))

def git_push(commit="git commit"):
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        result1 = local("git add . && git commit -m %s" % commit)
        result2 = local("git push")
        if result1.failed or result2.failed and not confirm("Tests failed. Continue anyway?"):
            abort("Aborting at user request.")

Remote interactivity
fab -f fab1.py -H ec2-user@rhev-1 deploy1

env.put(localfile,remotefile)  sftp put

def deploy1():
    code_dir = '/home/ec2-user/py-study/'
    with settings(warn_only=True):
        if run("test -d %s" % code_dir).failed:
            run("git clone [email protected]:Dingou/Python-tools.git %s" % code_dir)
    with cd(code_dir):
        run("git pull")

def _checkout_branch(branchname=None):
    with lcd('/srv/devops/salt/salt-master/salt'):