Ejemplo n.º 1
def open_shell(command=None):
    Invoke a fully interactive shell on the remote end.

    If ``command`` is given, it will be sent down the pipe before handing
    control over to the invoking user.

    This function is most useful for when you need to interact with a heavily
    shell-based command or series of commands, such as when debugging or when
    fully interactive recovery is required upon remote program failure.

    It should be considered an easy way to work an interactive shell session
    into the middle of a Fabric script and is *not* a drop-in replacement for
    `~fabric.operations.run`, which is also capable of interacting with the
    remote end (albeit only while its given command is executing) and has much
    stronger programmatic abilities such as error handling and stdout/stderr

    Specifically, `~fabric.operations.open_shell` provides a better interactive
    experience than `~fabric.operations.run`, but use of a full remote shell
    prevents Fabric from determining whether programs run within the shell have
    failed, and pollutes the stdout/stderr stream with shell output such as
    login banners, prompts and echoed stdin.

    Thus, this function does not have a return value and will not trigger
    Fabric's failure handling if any remote programs result in errors.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0
    _execute(channel=default_channel(), command=command, pty=True,
        combine_stderr=True, invoke_shell=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def open_shell(command=None):
    Invoke a fully interactive shell on the remote end.

    If ``command`` is given, it will be sent down the pipe before handing
    control over to the invoking user.

    This function is most useful for when you need to interact with a heavily
    shell-based command or series of commands, such as when debugging or when
    fully interactive recovery is required upon remote program failure.

    It should be considered an easy way to work an interactive shell session
    into the middle of a Fabric script and is *not* a drop-in replacement for
    `~fabric.operations.run`, which is also capable of interacting with the
    remote end (albeit only while its given command is executing) and has much
    stronger programmatic abilities such as error handling and stdout/stderr

    Specifically, `~fabric.operations.open_shell` provides a better interactive
    experience than `~fabric.operations.run`, but use of a full remote shell
    prevents Fabric from determining whether programs run within the shell have
    failed, and pollutes the stdout/stderr stream with shell output such as
    login banners, prompts and echoed stdin.

    Thus, this function does not have a return value and will not trigger
    Fabric's failure handling if any remote programs result in errors.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0
    _execute(channel=default_channel(), command=command, pty=True,
        combine_stderr=True, invoke_shell=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def _run_command(command, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True,
    sudo=False, user=None, quiet=False, stdout=None, stderr=None):
    Underpinnings of `run` and `sudo`. See their docstrings for more info.
    with quiet_manager() if quiet else _noop():
        # Set up new var so original argument can be displayed verbatim later.
        given_command = command
        # Handle context manager modifications, and shell wrapping
        wrapped_command = _shell_wrap(
            _prefix_commands(_prefix_env_vars(command), 'remote'),
            _sudo_prefix(user) if sudo else None
        # Execute info line
        which = 'sudo' if sudo else 'run'
        if output.debug:
            print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, wrapped_command))
        elif output.running or env.dry_run_remote:
            print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, given_command))

        if env.dry_run_remote:
            # Fake exeuction, assume command completed ok and returned 0
            stdout, stderr, status = ("", "", 0)
            # Actual execution, stdin/stdout/stderr handling, and termination
            result_stdout, result_stderr, status = _execute(default_channel(), wrapped_command,
                pty, combine_stderr, stdout, stderr)

        # Assemble output string
        out = _AttributeString(result_stdout)
        err = _AttributeString(result_stderr)

        # Error handling
        out.failed = False
        if status != 0:
            out.failed = True
            msg = "%s() received nonzero return code %s while executing" % (
                which, status
            if env.warn_only:
                msg += " '%s'!" % given_command
                msg += "!\n\nRequested: %s\nExecuted: %s" % (
                    given_command, wrapped_command
            error(message=msg, stdout=out, stderr=err)

        # Attach return code to output string so users who have set things to
        # warn only, can inspect the error code.
        out.return_code = status

        # Convenience mirror of .failed
        out.succeeded = not out.failed

        # Attach stderr for anyone interested in that.
        out.stderr = err

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _test_channel(self):
     chan = spawn(default_channel(), '/bin/sh') 
     fd = chan.channel.makefile()
     res = fd.readline() 
     while len(res):
         print ">>" + res
         print ">>" + str(len(res))
         res = fd.readline()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _run_host_command(command, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True):
    Run host wrapper command as root

    (Modified from fabric.operations._run_command to ignore prefixes,
    path(), cd(), and always use sudo.)
    # Set up new var so original argument can be displayed verbatim later.
    given_command = command
    # Handle context manager modifications, and shell wrapping
    wrapped_command = _shell_wrap(
    # Execute info line
    if output.debug:
        print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, 'sudo', wrapped_command))
    elif output.running:
        print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, 'sudo', given_command))

    # Actual execution, stdin/stdout/stderr handling, and termination
    stdout, stderr, status = _execute(default_channel(), wrapped_command, pty,

    # Assemble output string
    out = _AttributeString(stdout)
    err = _AttributeString(stderr)

    # Error handling
    out.failed = False
    if status != 0:
        out.failed = True
        msg = "%s() received nonzero return code %s while executing" % (
            'sudo', status
        if env.warn_only:
            msg += " '%s'!" % given_command
            msg += "!\n\nRequested: %s\nExecuted: %s" % (
                given_command, wrapped_command
        error(message=msg, stdout=out, stderr=err)

    # Attach return code to output string so users who have set things to
    # warn only, can inspect the error code.
    out.return_code = status

    # Convenience mirror of .failed
    out.succeeded = not out.failed

    # Attach stderr for anyone interested in that.
    out.stderr = err

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _run_host_command(command, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True):
    Run host wrapper command as root

    (Modified from fabric.operations._run_command to ignore prefixes,
    path(), cd(), and always use sudo.)
    # Set up new var so original argument can be displayed verbatim later.
    given_command = command
    # Handle context manager modifications, and shell wrapping
    wrapped_command = _shell_wrap(
    # Execute info line
    if output.debug:
        print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, 'sudo', wrapped_command))
    elif output.running:
        print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, 'sudo', given_command))

    # Actual execution, stdin/stdout/stderr handling, and termination
    stdout, stderr, status = _execute(default_channel(), wrapped_command, pty,

    # Assemble output string
    out = _AttributeString(stdout)
    err = _AttributeString(stderr)

    # Error handling
    out.failed = False
    if status != 0:
        out.failed = True
        msg = "%s() received nonzero return code %s while executing" % (
            'sudo', status
        if env.warn_only:
            msg += " '%s'!" % given_command
            msg += "!\n\nRequested: %s\nExecuted: %s" % (
                given_command, wrapped_command
        error(message=msg, stdout=out, stderr=err)

    # Attach return code to output string so users who have set things to
    # warn only, can inspect the error code.
    out.return_code = status

    # Convenience mirror of .failed
    out.succeeded = not out.failed

    # Attach stderr for anyone interested in that.
    out.stderr = err

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _run_command(command,
    Underpinnings of `run` and `sudo`. See their docstrings for more info.
    # Set up new var so original argument can be displayed verbatim later.
    given_command = command
    # Handle context manager modifications, and shell wrapping
    wrapped_command = _shell_wrap(
        _prefix_commands(_prefix_env_vars(command), 'remote'), shell,
        _sudo_prefix(user) if sudo else None)
    # Execute info line
    which = 'sudo' if sudo else 'run'
    if output.debug:
        print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, wrapped_command))
    elif output.running:
        print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, given_command))

    # Actual execution, stdin/stdout/stderr handling, and termination
    stdout, stderr, status = _execute(default_channel(), wrapped_command, pty,

    # Assemble output string
    out = _AttributeString(stdout)
    err = _AttributeString(stderr)

    # Error handling
    out.failed = False
    if status != 0:
        out.failed = True
        msg = "%s() received nonzero return code %s while executing" % (which,
        if env.warn_only:
            msg += " '%s'!" % given_command
            msg += "!\n\nRequested: %s\nExecuted: %s" % (given_command,
        error(message=msg, stdout=out, stderr=err)

    # Attach return code to output string so users who have set things to
    # warn only, can inspect the error code.
    out.return_code = status

    # Convenience mirror of .failed
    out.succeeded = not out.failed

    # Attach stderr for anyone interested in that.
    out.stderr = err

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 8
def execute_cmd(options):
    channel = default_channel()
    timeout = options.command_timeout

    with char_buffered(sys.stdin):
        # Combine stdout and stderr to get around oddball mixing issues

        # Assume pty use, and allow overriding of this either via kwarg or env
        # var.  (invoke_shell always wants a pty no matter what.)
        using_pty = True
        # Request pty with size params (default to 80x24, obtain real
        # parameters if on POSIX platform)
        channel.get_pty(width=80, height=24)

        while not channel.recv_ready():

        workers = (
            ThreadHandler('out', output_loop, channel, "recv",
                capture=None, stream=sys.stdout, timeout=timeout, cmd=options.command),
            ThreadHandler('err', output_loop, channel, "recv_stderr",
                capture=None, stream=sys.stderr, timeout=timeout),
            ThreadHandler('in', input_loop, channel, using_pty)

        while True:
            if channel.exit_status_ready():
                # Check for thread exceptions here so we can raise ASAP
                # (without chance of getting blocked by, or hidden by an
                # exception within, recv_exit_status())
                for worker in workers:
            except KeyboardInterrupt:

        # Obtain exit code of remote program now that we're done.
        status = channel.recv_exit_status()

        # Wait for threads to exit so we aren't left with stale threads
        for worker in workers:

        # Close channel

        return status
def remote_pipe(local_command, remote_command, buf_size=1024):
    '''executes a local command and a remove command (with fabric), and 
    sends the local's stdout to the remote's stdin'''
    local_p= subprocess.Popen(local_command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    channel= default_channel() #fabric function
    channel.exec_command( remote_command )
    read_bytes= local_p.stdout.read(buf_size)
    while read_bytes:
    local_ret= local_p.wait()
    remote_ret= recv_exit_status(self)
    if local_ret!=0 or remote_ret!=0:
        raise Exception("remote_pipe failed")
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, command, address):
        pushy.transport.BaseTransport.__init__(self, address)

        # Join arguments into a string
        args = command
        for i in range(len(args)):
            if " " in args[i]:
                args[i] = "'%s'" % args[i]
        command = " ".join(args)

        self.__channel = default_channel()
        self.stdin  = WrappedChannelFile(self.__channel.makefile("wb"), 1)
        self.stdout = WrappedChannelFile(self.__channel.makefile("rb"), 0)
        self.stderr = self.__channel.makefile_stderr("rb")
Ejemplo n.º 11
def _run_command(command, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True,
    sudo=False, user=None):
    Underpinnings of `run` and `sudo`. See their docstrings for more info.
    # Set up new var so original argument can be displayed verbatim later.
    given_command = command
    # Handle context manager modifications, and shell wrapping
    wrapped_command = _shell_wrap(
        _prefix_commands(_prefix_env_vars(command), 'remote'),
        _sudo_prefix(user) if sudo else None
    # Execute info line
    which = 'sudo' if sudo else 'run'
    if output.debug:
        print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, wrapped_command))
    elif output.running:
        print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, given_command))

    # Actual execution, stdin/stdout/stderr handling, and termination
    stdout, stderr, status = _execute(default_channel(), wrapped_command, pty,

    # Assemble output string
    out = _AttributeString(stdout)
    err = _AttributeString(stderr)

    # Error handling
    out.failed = False
    if status != 0:
        out.failed = True
        msg = "%s() encountered an error (return code %s) while executing '%s'" % (which, status, command)

    # Attach return code to output string so users who have set things to
    # warn only, can inspect the error code.
    out.return_code = status

    # Convenience mirror of .failed
    out.succeeded = not out.failed

    # Attach stderr for anyone interested in that.
    out.stderr = err

    return out
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_expect(self):
#        chan = spawn(self.socks)
        run("echo 'BEGIN'")
        chan = spawn(default_channel())
        chan.expect(5,  {
            EOF : lambda: chan.close(),
            TIMEOUT : lambda: self.assertEqual(False, "TIMEOUT"),
            'Last' : None

        chan.send('uname -a\n')
        chan.expect(1,  {
            EOF : lambda: chan.close(),
            TIMEOUT : lambda: self.assertEqual(False, "TIMEOUT1"),
            'Linux' : None,

#        chan.interact()
def remote_pipe(local_command, remote_command, buf_size=1024*1024):
    '''executes a local command and a remove command (with fabric), and
    sends the local's stdout to the remote's stdin'''
    local_p= subprocess.Popen(local_command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    channel= default_channel() #fabric function
    channel.exec_command( remote_command )
        read_bytes= local_p.stdout.read(buf_size)
        while read_bytes:
            read_bytes= local_p.stdout.read(buf_size)
    except socket.error:
        #fail to send data, let's see the return codes and received data...
    local_ret= local_p.wait()
    received= channel.recv(buf_size)
    remote_ret= channel.recv_exit_status()
    if local_ret!=0 or remote_ret!=0:
        raise Exception("remote_pipe failed. Local retcode: {0} Remote retcode: {1}  output: {2}".format(local_ret, remote_ret, received))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def _run_host_command(command,
    Run host wrapper command as root

    (Modified from fabric.operations._run_command to ignore prefixes,
    path(), cd(), and always use sudo.)
    manager = _noop
    if warn_only:
        manager = warn_only_manager
    # Quiet's behavior is a superset of warn_only's, so it wins.
    if quiet:
        manager = quiet_manager
    with manager():
        # Set up new var so original argument can be displayed verbatim later.
        given_command = command
        # Handle context manager modifications, and shell wrapping
        wrapped_command = _shell_wrap(
            command,  # !! removed _prefix_commands() & _prefix_env_vars()
            _sudo_prefix(None)  # !! always use sudo
        # Execute info line
        which = 'sudo'  # !! always use sudo
        if output.debug:
            print(("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, wrapped_command)))
        elif output.running:
            print(("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, given_command)))

        # Actual execution, stdin/stdout/stderr handling, and termination
        result_stdout, result_stderr, status = _execute(

        # Assemble output string
        out = _AttributeString(result_stdout)
        err = _AttributeString(result_stderr)

        # Error handling
        out.failed = False
        out.command = given_command
        out.real_command = wrapped_command
        if status not in env.ok_ret_codes:
            out.failed = True
            msg = "%s() received nonzero return code %s while executing" % (
                which, status)
            if env.warn_only:
                msg += " '%s'!" % given_command
                msg += "!\n\nRequested: %s\nExecuted: %s" % (given_command,
            error(message=msg, stdout=out, stderr=err)

        # Attach return code to output string so users who have set things to
        # warn only, can inspect the error code.
        out.return_code = status

        # Convenience mirror of .failed
        out.succeeded = not out.failed

        # Attach stderr for anyone interested in that.
        out.stderr = err

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _run_command(command, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True,
    sudo=False, user=None, quiet=False, warn_only=False, stdout=None,
    stderr=None, group=None, timeout=None, shell_escape=None):
    Underpinnings of `run` and `sudo`. See their docstrings for more info.
    manager = _noop
    if warn_only:
        manager = warn_only_manager
    # Quiet's behavior is a superset of warn_only's, so it wins.
    if quiet:
        manager = quiet_manager
    with manager():
        # Set up new var so original argument can be displayed verbatim later.
        given_command = command

        # Check if shell_escape has been overridden in env
        if shell_escape is None:
            shell_escape = env.get('shell_escape', True)

        # Handle context manager modifications, and shell wrapping
        wrapped_command = _shell_wrap(
            _prefix_commands(_prefix_env_vars(command), 'remote'),
            _sudo_prefix(user, group) if sudo else None
        # Execute info line
        which = 'sudo' if sudo else 'run'
        if output.debug:
            print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, wrapped_command))
        elif output.running:
            print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, given_command))

        # Actual execution, stdin/stdout/stderr handling, and termination
        result_stdout, result_stderr, status = _execute(
            channel=default_channel(), command=wrapped_command, pty=pty,
            combine_stderr=combine_stderr, invoke_shell=False, stdout=stdout,
            stderr=stderr, timeout=timeout)

        # Assemble output string
        out = _AttributeString(result_stdout)
        err = _AttributeString(result_stderr)

        # Error handling
        out.failed = False
        out.command = given_command
        out.real_command = wrapped_command
        if status not in env.ok_ret_codes:
            out.failed = True
            msg = "%s() received nonzero return code %s while executing" % (
                which, status
            if env.warn_only:
                msg += " '%s'!" % given_command
                msg += "!\n\nRequested: %s\nExecuted: %s" % (
                    given_command, wrapped_command
            error(message=msg, stdout=out, stderr=err)

        # Attach return code to output string so users who have set things to
        # warn only, can inspect the error code.
        out.return_code = status

        # Convenience mirror of .failed
        out.succeeded = not out.failed

        # Attach stderr for anyone interested in that.
        out.stderr = err

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 16
def _run_command(command, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True,
    sudo=False, user=None, quiet=False, warn_only=False, stdout=None,
    stderr=None, group=None, timeout=None, shell_escape=None):
    Underpinnings of `run` and `sudo`. See their docstrings for more info.
    manager = _noop
    if warn_only:
        manager = warn_only_manager
    # Quiet's behavior is a superset of warn_only's, so it wins.
    if quiet:
        manager = quiet_manager
    with manager():
        # Set up new var so original argument can be displayed verbatim later.
        given_command = command

        # Check if shell_escape has been overridden in env
        if shell_escape is None:
            shell_escape = env.get('shell_escape', True)

        # Handle context manager modifications, and shell wrapping
        wrapped_command = _shell_wrap(
            _prefix_commands(_prefix_env_vars(command), 'remote'),
            _sudo_prefix(user, group) if sudo else None
        # Execute info line
        which = 'sudo' if sudo else 'run'
        if output.debug:
            print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, wrapped_command))
        elif output.running:
            print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, given_command))

        # Actual execution, stdin/stdout/stderr handling, and termination
        result_stdout, result_stderr, status = _execute(
            channel=default_channel(), command=wrapped_command, pty=pty,
            combine_stderr=combine_stderr, invoke_shell=False, stdout=stdout,
            stderr=stderr, timeout=timeout)

        # Assemble output string
        out = _AttributeString(result_stdout)
        err = _AttributeString(result_stderr)

        # Error handling
        out.failed = False
        out.command = given_command
        out.real_command = wrapped_command
        if status not in env.ok_ret_codes:
            out.failed = True
            msg = "%s() received nonzero return code %s while executing" % (
                which, status
            if env.warn_only:
                msg += " '%s'!" % given_command
                msg += "!\n\nRequested: %s\nExecuted: %s" % (
                    given_command, wrapped_command
            error(message=msg, stdout=out, stderr=err)

        # Attach return code to output string so users who have set things to
        # warn only, can inspect the error code.
        out.return_code = status

        # Convenience mirror of .failed
        out.succeeded = not out.failed

        # Attach stderr for anyone interested in that.
        out.stderr = err

        return out
Ejemplo n.º 17
def _run_host_command(command, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=True,
    quiet=False, warn_only=False, stdout=None, stderr=None, timeout=None):
    Run host wrapper command as root

    (Modified from fabric.operations._run_command to ignore prefixes,
    path(), cd(), and always use sudo.)
    manager = _noop
    if warn_only:
        manager = warn_only_manager
    # Quiet's behavior is a superset of warn_only's, so it wins.
    if quiet:
        manager = quiet_manager
    with manager():
        # Set up new var so original argument can be displayed verbatim later.
        given_command = command
        # Handle context manager modifications, and shell wrapping
        wrapped_command = _shell_wrap(
            command,    # !! removed _prefix_commands() & _prefix_env_vars()
            _sudo_prefix(None)  # !! always use sudo
        # Execute info line
        which = 'sudo'          # !! always use sudo
        if output.debug:
            print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, wrapped_command))
        elif output.running:
            print("[%s] %s: %s" % (env.host_string, which, given_command))

        # Actual execution, stdin/stdout/stderr handling, and termination
        result_stdout, result_stderr, status = _execute(
            channel=default_channel(), command=wrapped_command, pty=pty,
            combine_stderr=combine_stderr, invoke_shell=False, stdout=stdout,
            stderr=stderr, timeout=timeout)

        # Assemble output string
        out = _AttributeString(result_stdout)
        err = _AttributeString(result_stderr)

        # Error handling
        out.failed = False
        out.command = given_command
        out.real_command = wrapped_command
        if status not in env.ok_ret_codes:
            out.failed = True
            msg = "%s() received nonzero return code %s while executing" % (
                which, status
            if env.warn_only:
                msg += " '%s'!" % given_command
                msg += "!\n\nRequested: %s\nExecuted: %s" % (
                    given_command, wrapped_command
            error(message=msg, stdout=out, stderr=err)

        # Attach return code to output string so users who have set things to
        # warn only, can inspect the error code.
        out.return_code = status

        # Convenience mirror of .failed
        out.succeeded = not out.failed

        # Attach stderr for anyone interested in that.
        out.stderr = err

        return out