Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, x, y, color, size, lifes, atack_time, sec_div10,
              temporary_list, enemy_list):
     self.size = size
     self.type = -1  # just to atack function work
     self.sec_div10 = sec_div10
     self.lifes = lifes
     self.msgs_list = []  # damage and kill text displays
     # statistics
     self.type_list = []  # types of dead enemies
     self.kills = 0
     self.bombs = 0
     # self.temporary_list = temporary_list
     # self.enemy_list = enemy_list
     # Movement(x, y, max_speed, acceleration, decelerate)
     Movement.__init__(self, x, y, 1.8, 0.105, 0.955)
     #Fade(color, time_fade, start_fadein)
     Fade.__init__(self, color, 0, True)
     #Atack(x, y, atack_time, range, color, fadeout_time, sec_div10, temporary_list, enemy_list)
     Atack.__init__(self, x, y, atack_time, size * 5, color, 40, sec_div10,
                    temporary_list, enemy_list)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, x, y, type, color, size, time_fade, sec_div10,
                 temporary_list, sub):
        self.type = type
        self.size = size
        self.sec_div10 = sec_div10
        self.sub = sub
        self.time_to_atack = -1

        # move
        max_speed, accel, decel, self.lifes = self.movem_attributes(type)
        # Movement(x, y, max_speed, acceleration, decelerate)
        Movement.__init__(self, x, y, max_speed, accel, decel)
        # fade
        #Fade(color, time_fade, start_fadein)
        Fade.__init__(self, color, time_fade, False)
        # atack
        atack_time, self.reaction, range, fadeout_time_atack = self.atack_attributes(
        #Atack(x, y, atack_time, range, color, fadeout_time, sec_div10, temporary_list, enemy_list)
        Atack.__init__(self, x, y, atack_time, range, color,
                       fadeout_time_atack, sec_div10, temporary_list, [sub])
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, x, y, color, size, time_fade, start_fadein):
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.size = size
     Fade.__init__(self, color, time_fade, start_fadein)